Samson Occom, journal, 1789 May 11 to 1790 January 10
11 May 1789 to 10 January 1790[](Error: 'when' attribute not in YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format)
ms number789311
[note (type: abstract): Occom details his travels through New York and New England, from May 11, 1789, to January 10, 1790.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is largely clear and legible. There are some crossed l's and uncrossed t's, which the transcriber has corrected.][note (type: paper): Several small sheets folded into a booklet and bound with small pins are in fair-to-poor condition, with significant wear that results in some loss of text. There are a few loose pages and the last page is torn in half.][note (type: ink): Brown ink varies in intensity throughout.][note (type: noteworthy): There are underlinings in black ink throughout and notes by later editors on the back of the last page (16 verso) in black ink and pencil; these edits have not been transcribed. On the scan of 11 recto, text from 12 recto shows through; the actual first line of 11 recto begins "gether. to Meeting…." Several other of the following scans show text from adjacent pages. On 15 recto, the name of the river that Occom mentions is uncertain; however it is possibly the Thames River[place0627.ocp]. Persons and places whose names are illegible have not been tagged. If Occom's intention regarding a word or abbreviation is uncertain, that word or abbreviation has been left unmodified in the modernized transcription.]
Persistent Identifier
Monday May 11: 1789[1789-05-11]
We [arrivd | arrived]arrivdarrived at Albany[place0001.ocp], [Juſt | just]Juſtjust before Night, and [I | I]II we went to See about [geting | getting]getinggetting a [wagan | wagon]waganwagon to
[Cary | carry]Carycarry us to [illegible][Schenactida | Schenectady]SchenactidaSchenectady[place0202.ocp], — but got none, [Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday
[Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday May 12:[1789-05-12]
got a [wagan | wagon]waganwagon early and we Loaded about 10: and we [Sot | set]Sotset off, and we got to [Schenactida | Schenectady]SchenactidaSchenectady[illegible][place0202.ocp]
[Juſt | just]Juſtjust before
[Sun Sit | sunset]Sun Sitsunset, and we were very wet for had Rain [moſt | most]moſtmost of the way and I was much beat out, and we put our things in [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. John
[Poſt | Post]PoſtPost[pers0922.ocp] Barn, and there we [lodg[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): d]d | lodged]lodg[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): d]dlodged We went to Begd Soon — —
[Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday May 13:[1789-05-13]
about 5: I attended upon a Lecture and there was not ma^[above] n^ny People, [becauſe | because]becauſebecause they had not Notice— I Spoke from, 1 [Corin | Corinthians]CorinCorinthians 7: 22: 30: and the People a[gap: worn_edge][guess (h-dawnd): t]t
[gap: worn_edge][guess (h-dawnd): t]tended becomingly, and
they made me a Collection, and it was [godd | good]goddgood for the Times — —
[Thirdsday | Thursday]ThirdsdayThursday May 14:[1789-05-14]
was at the Place all Day — —
[Fryday | Friday]FrydayFriday[1789-05-15]
was at all Day again — —
[Satturday | Saturday]SatturdaySaturday May 16:[1789-05-16]
[a bout | About]a boutAbout 10 we [pout | put]poutput
[a Boar | aboard]a Boaraboard of a [Batoe | bateau]Batoebateau our things, and we went over the
River[place0469.ocp], and [walkd | walked]walkdwalked up the River[place0469.ocp]
[a bout | about]a boutabout 2 miles and there we [Stopt | stopped]Stoptstopped Some at a Certain [Houſe | house]Houſehouse, and the man of the [Houſe | house]Houſehouse gave us a Dinner and about 1: the Boat [Cam | came]Camcame up, and [Sot | set]Sotset off [Some Time | sometime]Some Timesometime in the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon, and we got to Hi[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): c]cry Tavern, and the[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): re]re we [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged,—
[Sabb | Sabbath]SabbSabbath May 17:[1789-05-17]
Monday May 18:[1789-05-18]
[wen | Went]wenWent on again early, and [reachd | reached]reachdreached to [Kaconawa[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): u]u^[above] ka^ka | Caughnawaga]Kaconawa[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): u]u^[above] ka^kaCaughnawaga[place0467.ocp] and my wife[pers0029.ocp] I [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
[Vader | Vedder]VaderVedder[pers1235.ocp]s, — —
[Tueſeday | Tuesday]TueſedayTuesday May 19:[1789-05-19]
[Sot | Set]SotSet off again early, and we were over with Rain at Major Fonda[pers1208.ocp]'s and my
wife[pers0029.ocp] I went into the
[Houſe | house]Houſehouse, and we were kindly Treated had Dinner, and we [we | went]wewent a little [further | farther]furtherfarther and there [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Hardy[pers1257.ocp]s —
[Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday May 20:[1789-05-20]
got up early and got us [Breakfaſt | breakfast]Breakfaſtbreakfast and then we [puſ[illegible]hd | pushed]puſ[illegible]hdpushed on and we got up above fort
Plain[place0504.ocp] and we Made up a fire by the Sigde of the River[place0469.ocp] and there we Spent the Night —
[Thirdsday | Thursday]ThirdsdayThursday May 21[1789-05-21]
got up early and got [Breakfaſt | breakfast]Breakfaſtbreakfast
and as Soon as we had [ate | eaten]ateeaten we went on again, and in the we got to [Conajohare | Canajoharie]ConajohareCanajoharie[place0026.ocp] and we [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged a little above ^[above] old Mohaw^[above] k^k^old Mohaw^[above] k^k
[Caſtle | Castle]CaſtleCastle[place0026.ocp], and we made up a fire near the River[place0469.ocp], near by one
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. John [Vantreſer | Vantreser]VantreſerVantreser[pers1279.ocp], — —
[Fryday | Friday]FrydayFriday May 22:[1789-05-22]
Soon after eating we went on again and in the Evening we got a little
below Fort [Harkamer | Herkimer]HarkamerHerkimer[place0077.ocp] and we made up a Fire again by the River[place0469.ocp], and there we [Slep | slept]Slepslept — —
Saturday May 23[1789-05-23]
in the morning we went on again we made a Halt at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Fran^[above] ks^ks[pers0843.ocp] and after that we [paſt | passed]paſtpassed on here a white woman took
our Little Salley[pers1269.ocp], and [mad | made]madmade wa[illegible]lk about 8 miles She only
four and half year old She was much [worried | wearied]worriedwearied
in the Evening we got [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Tygurt[pers1276.ocp]s, and the we [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged
my wife[pers0029.ocp] and I in a Hovel the [Reſt | Rest]ReſtRest
[Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged in the Boat —
[Sabb | Sabbath]SabbSabbath May 24:[1789-05-24]
got up early and I went over the
River[place0469.ocp] and went to Fort [De[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): a]aton | Dayton]De[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): a]atonDayton[place0503.ocp] and there I [preachd | preached]preachdpreached, Twice to a large number of People, and I Spoke from Jonah III: 5
and 1 [Corin | Corinthians]CorinCorinthians XVI. 22 and the People attended with all gravity and
Solemnity,— took my Dinner at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Tolcuts[pers1273.ocp] — and as Soon as the meeting was done I
went with [Dr | Dr.]DrDr. Petre[pers1266.ocp] and there took Tea — and as Soon as we had
done I had an [Horſe | horse]Horſehorse got up for me and a young man with another [Horſe | horse]Horſehorse to accompany
wme towards Fort [Schiler | Schuyler]SchilerSchuyler[place0081.ocp] and we Soon [Sot | set]Sotset off, and we
got about 4 miles Short of
the Fort[place0081.ocp], and there I got down and the
Young man went back with [Horſes | horses]Horſeshorses, and I walked along about a mile, and found Tired, and I
went into a Certain
[Houſe | house]Houſehouse, and [aſked | asked]aſkedasked whether I
[Coud | could]Coudcould not Stay there, and they Said I might, and so I [Stayd | stayed]Staydstayed— and the man of the [Houſe | house]Houſehouse
[aſkd | asked]aſkdasked me [wether | whether]wetherwhether I [Cou'd | could]Cou'dcould not give them a [Diſcourſe | discourse]Diſcourſediscourse, I told them I [Coud | could]Coudcould, and So they Sent out word, [& | and]&and Neighbours Came in directly and there was a [Conſiderable | considerable]Conſiderableconsiderable Number of People Collected. and it is a New [Settement | settlement]Settementsettlement,— and I Spoke from the words he that believeth on the Son
of god, hath the [witneſs | witness]witneſswitness in
[himſelf | himself]himſelfhimself — and the People attended with Solemnity — Soon
after Meeting I went to bed, and
[reſted | rested]reſtedrested well. — —
Monday may 25:[1789-05-25]
got up early and [Sot | set]Sotset off, and I got to weavers Town[place0589.ocp]
Soon, and went in old [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Weaver[pers1282.ocp]'s [Houſe | House]HouſeHouse, and there took [Breakfaſt | breakfast]Breakfaſtbreakfast, and Soon after went on [a gain | again]a gainagain
[& | and]&and got to my Family. about 10 ^[above] at Fort [Schioler | Schuyler]SchiolerSchuyler[place0081.ocp]^at Fort [Schioler | Schuyler]SchiolerSchuyler[place0081.ocp] and found them all well, and there we [Stayd | stayed]Staydstayed all Day and the Boat that brought us went on to [Niegara | Niagara]NiegaraNiagara[place0167.ocp]. – —
[Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday May 26:[1789-05-26]
was aga^[above] in^in at the Place all Day — towards Night,
our Anthony Paul[pers1087.ocp]
Came and Brother David Fowler[pers1163.ocp]
Came to us, and [Stayd | stayed]Staydstayed all [Nig | night]Nignight with us — — —
[Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday May 27:[1789-05-27]
Soon after
[Breakfaſt | breakfast]Breakfaſtbreakfast, we [Sot | set]Sotset off for [B[illegible]rotherton | Brothertown]B[illegible]rothertonBrothertown[place0023.ocp],. and we had Rain to [travil | travel]traviltravel in, and to our Place a little before [Sun Sit | sunset]Sun Sitsunset, and were very much [w[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): a]arried | wearied]w[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): a]arriedwearied, and we went to Bed Soon. — —
[Sabb | Sabbath]SabbSabbath May 31:[1789-05-31]
[Preachd | preached]Preachdpreached at
[Brother Town | Brothertown]Brother TownBrothertown[place0023.ocp]
[illegible] to not a large Congregation, Spoke from,
[gap: omitted] and the People were attentive, and were glad to See me
once more. — —
Monday June 1[1789-06-01] [&c | etc.]&cetc.:
this week went to [warrins | Warrens]warrinsWarrens
[Buſh | Bush]BuſhBush[place0508.ocp], — —
[Sabb | Sabbath]SabbSabbath June 7:[1789-06-07]
[Preachd | Preached]PreachdPreached at
Elder Mudge[pers1175.ocp]s meeting [Houſe | House]HouſeHouse in [Yankey | Yankee]YankeyYankee hill[place0486.ocp], Spoke from
[gap: omitted] and there was a [vaſt | vast]vaſtvast Number of People, and attended with great attention,
Towards Night [Prea^[above] hd^hd | preached]Prea^[above] hd^hdpreached at M
[Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday June 9.[1789-06-09]
went to
Albany [Buſh | Bush]BuſhBush[place0626.ocp], and there I [preachd | preached]preachdpreached at a Certain
[Houſe | house]Houſehouse. and there was not many People, and they attended with [Seriousneſs | seriousness]Seriousneſsseriousness — —
[Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday June 10,[1789-06-10]
was at
[Phaladelphia | Philadelphia]PhaladelphiaPhiladelphia
[Buſh | Bush]BuſhBush[place0507.ocp], Came here
[laſt | last]laſtlast Night, and [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at one
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Sharman[pers1270.ocp]s,— and about 9 the People Collected together
at the Same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse, and I [preachd | preached]preachdpreached to them, Spoke from [gap: omitted] and the People attended
well as Soon as the meeting was over, I with one [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
[gap: omitted] and I Dined there, and as soon I had [ate | eaten]ateeaten, I went on to [John Town | Johns Town]John TownJohns Town[place0497.ocp], and So on — — —
[Fryday | Friday]FrydayFriday June 112.[1789-06-12]
got to Fort‑Plain[place0504.ocp]
before Noon, put up
at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Jonathan Dean[pers1253.ocp]s, one of my good old Friends, found them
all well; — — Towards Night the People Collected, and there was but
few, — and I Spoke from [gap: omitted]
[gap: omitted]
[Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at at the Same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse
Saturday June 13[1789-06-13]
[Some Time | Sometime]Some TimeSometime before Noon, [Sot | set]Sotset off again, and got to [Garman Flats | German Flatts]Garman FlatsGerman Flatts[place0084.ocp]
[Some Time | sometime]Some Timesometime before, ^[above] [N | night]Nnight^[N | night]Nnight and I put at [Esqr | Esq.]EsqrEsq. Frank[pers0843.ocp]s,—
[Sabb: | Sabbath]Sabb:Sabbath June 14[1789-06-14]
after [Breakfaſt | breakfast]Breakfaſtbreakfast went over to Fort Dayton[place0503.ocp] and
there [preachd | preached]preachdpreached in a Dutch meeting [Houſe | house]Houſehouse[org0143.ocp], and there was a large Number of People, and I Spoke from
[gap: omitted]
[Isa. | Isaiah]Isa.Isaiah V:
July 1 [Sab | Sabbath]SabSabbath[1789-07-05]
[Preachd | Preached]PreachdPreached at the [garman flats | German Flatts]garman flatsGerman Flatts[place0084.ocp] —
[Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust 1 [Sab | Sabbath]SabSabbath[1789-08-02] [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember 1. ^[above] [S | Sabbath]SSabbath^[S | Sabbath]SSabbath[1789-09-01] and [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember the [laſt | last]laſtlast [Sab | Sabbath]SabSabbath[1789-09-27].
the Texts I Spoke from [gap: omitted]
by one man Sin entered into the
World [&c | etc.]&cetc.
[Jeſus | Jesus]JeſusJesus
[Chriſt | Christ]ChriſtChrist the Same [&c. | etc.]&c.etc.
[Underſtandeſt | Understandest]UnderſtandeſtUnderstandest thou what thou [readeſt | readest]readeſtreadest — at [Esqr | Esq.]EsqrEsq. Frank[pers0843.ocp]s on week Day, thy hear^[above] t^t is
not right in the Sight of god So then every one of us Shall give an account of [himſelf | himself]himſelfhimself to god. —
[Sepr | September]SeprSeptember 1[1789-09-01]
was [Call | called]Callcalled by the Major Coldbreath[pers1251.ocp] to be with
them in their Training at Clinton[place0477.ocp]; about
2 in the [after noon | afternoon]after noonafternoon they were all Collected, and the major Came to
[Capt | Capt.]CaptCapt. Tuttle[pers1275.ocp]s where I was and he [acompanied | accompanied]acompaniedaccompanied me to the Company, and a fine [appearence | appearance]appearenceappearance they made for the [firſt | first]firſtfirst Time there was upwards of a Hundr^[above] ed^ed likely
young men, the Place has been Settling only one
^[above] 2^2 Year and an half,— I gave them a few words of
Exhortation, and then [Prayd | prayed]Praydprayed, and then they [exerciſd | exercised]exerciſdexercised a little while,— and then went to Dinner, they put me at the
head of the Table, and a fine Dinner we had,— in the evening I went
to [Capt | Capt.]CaptCapt.
[Bulling | Billing]BullingBilling[pers1377.ocp]s and there [Ld | lodged]Ldlodged and was kindly [entertaind | entertained]entertaindentertained.—
[Sepr | September]SeprSeptember 2:[1789-09-02]
I went home —
[Sepr | September]SeprSeptember 18: 1789 [Fryday | Friday]FrydayFriday[1789-09-18]
left home and [Sot | set]Sotset out for New England[place0158.ocp], my Son Andrew[pers1563.ocp]
[acompanied | accompanied]acompaniedaccompanied, we got to
Fort [Sckiler | Schuyler]SckilerSchuyler[place0081.ocp] before Night, and we
[Stayd | stayed]Staydstayed there all Night —
[Sepr | September]SeprSeptember 19[1789-09-19]
we got up very early and [Sot | set]Sotset off, and we got to Fort Dayton[place0503.ocp]
near 12, [Calld | called]Calldcalled on [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Talcutt[pers1273.ocp], and took Dinner, and Soon after eating,
my Boy[pers1563.ocp] went back,— And towards Night
I went [overt | over]overtover to [Esqr | Esq.]EsqrEsq. Frank[pers0843.ocp]s, and there [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged, — —
[Sabb | Sabbath]SabbSabbath [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember 20:[1789-09-20]
[Preachd | preached]Preachdpreached at
[Esqr | Esq.]EsqrEsq. Frank[pers0843.ocp]s Barn, and there was a [vaſt | vast]vaſtvast Number of People,
[Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at the [Esqrs | Esq.'s]EsqrsEsq.'s — —
Monday [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember 21:[1789-09-21]
[Some Time | Sometime]Some TimeSometime in the morning, I went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Kain[pers1259.ocp]s and was there a while, and then went back to
Fort [Harkumer | Herkimer]HarkumerHerkimer[place0077.ocp], took Dinner with [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
[gap: omitted]
^[above] [Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday 22^[Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday 22[1789-09-22]
Toward Night, [Esqr | Esq.]EsqrEsq. Phelps[pers1267.ocp]
[Battoo | bateau]Battoobateau Come [a long | along]a longalong, and I got a B[illegible]th in it, and I went [a Board | aboard]a Boardaboard, and we went down and got to the
little Falls[place0628.ocp] after [Sun Set | sunset]Sun Setsunset and there we [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged, — —
[Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember 23:[1789-09-23]
got up very early, and had things [Caried | carried]Cariedcarried below the Falls, and So we went on down
the River[place0469.ocp], and we go to [Cohneneauka | Caughnawaga]CohneneaukaCaughnawaga[place0467.ocp] and we [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at a Tavern, we found the River[place0469.ocp]
exceeding low and very difficult in Some Places to get along, the men were [obligd | obliged]obligdobliged to get out of the Boat very often —
[Thirdsday | Thursday]ThirdsdayThursday [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember 24 [Octr | October]OctrOctober 1[1789-10-01]
[Sot | Set]SotSet off very Early again, and got to [Schenatada | Schenectady]SchenatadaSchenectady[place0202.ocp] a little before Night. and I [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
[Poſt | Post]PoſtPost[pers0922.ocp]s -– — —
[Fryday | Friday]FrydayFriday [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember[Octr | October]OctrOctober 2[1789-10-02]
got up early, and went to a Certain [Houſe | house]Houſehouse where I expected to have a Chance in a Wagon, but was [diſapointe^[above] d^d | disappointed]diſapointe^[above] d^ddisappointed and So I went on [a foot | afoot]a footafoot, and Some
in the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon a Friend over took me, and he took ^[above] me^me in his
wagon and we got to Albany[place0001.ocp]
[Juſt | just]Juſtjust after
[Sun Sit | sunset]Sun Sitsunset, and I [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Orrs[pers1263.ocp] and I went to Bed Soon — — —
Saturday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 3.[1789-10-03]
[Some Time | Sometime]Some TimeSometime before Noon [Sot | set]Sotset off [a foot | afoot]a footafoot again went to [Coegman Pattern | Coeymans Patent]Coegman PatternCoeymans Patent[place0435.ocp], and I met [Dr | Dr.]DrDr. Utter[pers1277.ocp], and his Brother[pers1250.ocp]
and they Said they [woud | would]woudwould be back Soon, and [woud | would]woudwould take Me in their wagon, and [Juſt | just]Juſtjust before [Sun Set | sunset]Sun Setsunset they [over took | overtook]over tookovertook and I went with them, and we
[Calld | called]Calldcalled at [Dr | Dr.]DrDr. Utter[pers1277.ocp]s a little while and [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
[Jeſee | Jesee]JeſeeJesee Utter[pers1278.ocp]
[Caried | carried]Cariedcarried to his
[Houſe | house]Houſehouse, and it was near [mid N | midnight]mid Nmidnight before we got there, and there I Lodged, — — —
[Sabb | Sabbath]SabbSabbath 4:[1789-10-04]
as Soon as we got our
[Breakfaſt | breakfast]Breakfaſtbreakfast, we went into a
[wagan | wagon]waganwagon and to meeting at
[Dor | Dr.]DorDr. Utter[pers1277.ocp]s about 4 miles. [& | and]&and there I [Preachd | preached]Preachdpreached. Spoke from Acts VIII. 21. and the People attended well,— In the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon, we went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
[Conrod | Conrad]ConrodConrad Tenike[pers1274.ocp]s Barn, and ^[above] there^there we had a
meeting, and there was a large Number of People, and I Spoke from Jonah III: 5:
and the People attended with great Attention, and it was a [Rainey | rainy]Raineyrainy Day,— in the evening [Preachd | preached]Preachdpreached in [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
[Corod | Conrad]CorodConrad Tenike[pers1274.ocp]s [Houſe | House]HouſeHouse, and there was a [Conſiderable | considerable]Conſiderableconsiderable of People, and I Spoke from [Matt | Matthew]MattMatthew I: 21: and the People behaved well — [Lodgd | Lodged]LodgdLodged at the [Houſe | house]Houſehouse the^[below] y^y are [Ducth | Dutch]DucthDutch People, and they were very kind to me, and [reſt | rest]reſtrest well — —
Monday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 5:[1789-10-05]
[Some Time | Sometime]Some TimeSometime be‐fore Noon, I had an [Horſe | horse]Horſehorse broug^[above] ht^ht me and I went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
[Northop | Northrop]NorthopNorthrop[pers1018.ocp]s and found them very Religious about 2. we began the meeting
and there was a great Number of
People,— [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at the Same
[Houſe | house]Houſehouse. —
[Tuſed —Tuſeday | Tuesday]Tuſed —TuſedayTuesday [M | morning]Mmorning [Octr | October]OctrOctober 6[1789-10-06]
As Soon as I had done eating, we went[illegible] to
[Dr | Dr.]DrDr. Stanton[pers1271.ocp]s, — and we began the meeting about 11: and
there was a great Number of People and I Spoke [illegible]from [gap: omitted] in the [aftrNoon | afternoon]aftrNoonafternoon
[preachd | preached]preachdpreached again — and Spoke from [gap: omitted] in the Evening I
went to [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Stanton[pers1271.ocp]s and did not expect to have any People, but there
was a number, Came together [& | and]&and we a little meeting, — and I [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at the Same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse and [reſt | rest]reſtrest well — — —
[Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 7:[1789-10-07]
Soon [af^[above] r^r | after]af^[above] r^rafter
[Beakfast | Breakfast]BeakfastBreakfast we went to [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Tenik[pers1274.ocp] about 2 we began [the mee | the mee]the meethe mee
the meeting, and there was a great
Number of People and I Spoke from [Marck | Mark]MarckMark V: 4 and the People attended well —
[Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Tenikes[pers1274.ocp] — — — after meeting I [we | went]wewent to [mr | Mr.]mrMr.
John Colvin[pers1252.ocp]s' and there we had [a nothere | another]a nothereanother meeting, [unexp^[above] tedly^tedly | unexpectedly]unexp^[above] tedly^tedlyunexpectedly and there was a large number of People and I Spoke to them
[Matt | Matthew]MattMatthew Seek [ye | you]yeyou
[firſt | first]firſtfirst
[&c | etc.]&cetc.: and the People were much [movd | moved]movdmoved, it was a Comfortable meeting, I
[Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at the Same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse, — —
[Thirdsday | Thursday]ThirdsdayThursday [Octr | October ]OctrOctober 8:[1789-10-08]
oin the [morn | morning]mornmorning I went to See a woman that had been Sick Some Time. and Said few
word to her and
[Prayd | prayed]Praydprayed with her, — and then went back, and took [breakfaſt | breakfast]breakfaſtbreakfast, and Soon after [Mr | Mr. ]MrMr. Colvin[pers1252.ocp] went with me to the
River[place0172.ocp], [gap: worn_edge][guess (h-dawnd): and]and
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Wells[pers0565.ocp] at Albany[place0001.ocp]
1 [Corin | Corinthians]CorinCorinthians 6: 19 — we parted the
River[place0172.ocp], and I over to [S[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): c]codock | Schodack]S[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): c]codockSchodack[place0588.ocp], and from there went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Lott[pers1260.ocp]s about 7 miles and I [walkd | walked]walkdwalked
[a bout | about]a boutabout 2 ^[above] [m | miles]mmiles^[m | miles]mmiles and half and then [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Brown[pers0102.ocp] overtook me, and he [Caried | carried]Cariedcarried me to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Lott[pers1260.ocp]s, got there near [Sun Set | sunset]Sun Setsunset and we were very glad to See each other once more,— [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at the Same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse — — —
[Fryday | Friday]FrydayFriday ^[above] 9^9[1789-10-09]
[Some Time | Sometime]Some TimeSometime in the morning I went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Daniel Muckmullins[pers1261.ocp], and to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Ephra Baily[pers1248.ocp]s, towards Night went back to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Lott[pers1260.ocp]s, and there we had a meeting in the evening and
there a large Number of People I Spoke from [gap: tear]
[Gal. | Galatians]Gal.Galatians IV 11
gether to Meeting, and I Spoke from Job I: 9 and the People attended with great
affection I [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at the Same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse —
[Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 13:[1789-10-13]
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Whilly[pers1793.ocp] Came to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Lott[pers1260.ocp]s quite early to [acompany | accompany]acompanyaccompany me down to [Scodock | Schodack]ScodockSchodack Landing[place0588.ocp], got there Soon, and
[Capt | Capt.]CaptCapt. Allyn[pers1244.ocp] was not ready, [& | and]&and
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Whilly[pers1793.ocp] went back, —
[Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday, ^[above] [Octr | October]OctrOctober 14:^[Octr | October]OctrOctober 14:[1789-10-14]
was at the Schoonner all, Day —
[Thirdsday | Thursday]ThirdsdayThursday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 15:[1789-10-15]
[Some Time | Sometime]Some TimeSometime in the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon we [weighd | weighed]weighdweighed
[Ancker | anchor]Anckeranchor, and [Spred | spread]Spredspread Sail to the Wind, and went the
River[place0172.ocp] got but about 10: 11: and there we [Dropt | dropped]Droptdropped
[Anker | anchor]Ankeranchor
[Fryday | Friday]FrydayFriday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 16[1789-10-16]
found the wind [a Head | ahead]a Headahead of us and
So we lay Still [till | 'til]till'til
[a bout | about]a boutabout 2 in the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon and the wind Sprang about [weſt | west]weſtwest North[weſt | west]weſtwest and went down again —
Saturday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 17[1789-10-17]
[Some Time | Sometime]Some TimeSometime in the Day went on again but did not go but little ways —
[Sabb: | Sabbath]Sabb:Sabbath [Octr | October]OctrOctober 18:[1789-10-18]
went on again but did not go far — —
Monday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 19.[1789-10-19]
got but a little ways again —
[Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 20[1789-10-20]
went on again not far.
[Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 21.[1789-10-21]
went on Still got near New York[place0308.ocp] —
[Thirdsday | Thursday]ThirdsdayThursday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 22[1789-10-22]
a little after
[Sun riſe | sunrise]Sun riſesunrise we were [a Shore | ashore]a Shoreashore — went directly to find a [Paſage | passage]Paſagepassage to New London[place0164.ocp] and found one
Soon, in a Sloop [goin | going]goingoing to [N | New]NNew London[place0164.ocp] Towards Night I put [gap: worn_edge]
my things. and [Lodged | lodged]Lodgedlodged
[a Board | aboard]a Boardaboard
[Capt | Capt.]CaptCapt. Fellows[pers1255.ocp] is [Maſter | Master]MaſterMaster of her —
[Fryday | Friday]FrydayFriday, ^[above] 23^23[1789-10-23]
[Some Time | Sometime]Some TimeSometime before Noon we [Sot | set]Sotset Sail, and went on the Wind in our Favour and we [Saild | sailed]Saildsailed all Night,—
Saturday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 24.[1789-10-24]
we went the wind in our favour [Conſiderable | considerable]Conſiderableconsiderable. towards Night the wind began to Blow hard, and the Clouds [gatherd | gathered]gatherdgathered thick and So we Sought for a Harbor, and
[Some Time | sometime]Some Timesometime before [Sun Sit | sunset]Sun Sitsunset we made a [Harber | harbor]Harberharbor, [againſt | against]againſtagainst
Brandford[place0016.ocp], and there Lay all Night, and it
was a Stormy Night. —
[Sabb. | Sabbath]Sabb.Sabbath [Octr | October]OctrOctober 25[1789-10-25]
[Some Time | Sometime]Some TimeSometime in the Morning we [Sot | set]Sotset Sail, the wind was right [a Head | ahead]a Headahead as we were geting out of the Har
[gap: worn_edge]
but it was very fair when we got
out, and ^[above] the^the Sun was about an Hour and half high at
Night when we got [faſt | fast]faſtfast
^[above] at a^at a
[warf | wharf]warfwharf and I went to See Some Friends — [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Perry[pers1265.ocp]s a public [Houſe | House]HouſeHouse,— and I [Sot | sat]Sotsat up late with two women, [Converſing | conversing]Converſingconversing about Religious matters about 11. I went to Bed, and I was taken
Strangely in the Night with an uncommon Swe^[above] at^at but after
a while went to Sleep but did not Sleep well — —
Monday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 26:[1789-10-26]
Got up early and it was a Stormy Day it
[Raind | rained]Raindrained very hard, and wind blew hard [alſo | also]alſoalso — towards Night I wen^[above] t^t over to Groton[place0092.ocp], [Calld | called]Calldcalled on [Capt | Capt.]CaptCapt. Lathem[pers0903.ocp] a few minutes, and then went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Street[pers1272.ocp]s, and there I took food, and they let me have a
[Horſe | horse]Horſehorse and went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Woodmancys[pers1284.ocp] and there I [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged, and was very kindly [entertaind | entertained]entertaindentertained, went to Bed [Some what | somewhat]Some whatsomewhat late, and Soon after I got to Bed, I began to Swea^[above] t^t again very much and was un comfortable Slept but poorly —
[Tuſday | Tuesday]TuſdayTuesday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 27.[1789-10-27]
got up early and after [Breakfaſt | breakfast]Breakfaſtbreakfast, I had a
[Horſe | horse]Horſehorse, of [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Woodmancy[pers1284.ocp] and I went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Saunders[pers0913.ocp]s and I met
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Saunders[pers0913.ocp], and [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Woodworth[pers0940.ocp] and they glad to See me, and so I [paſt | passed]paſtpassed on, and when I got to the
[Houſe | house]Houſehouse, how glad they were, and there I [Stayd | stayed]Staydstayed all Day — I expected my Mare, that I Left with
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Culver[pers0973.ocp] but She was [rid | ridden]ridridden
[a way | away]a wayaway
[laſt | last]laſtlast
[Sabb: | Sabbath]Sabb:Sabbath and was not
[returnd | returned]returndreturned, and and So I [Stayd | stayed]Staydstayed all ^[above] Day^Day and all Night —
[Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday 28:[1789-10-28]
after [Breakfaſt | breakfast]Breakfaſtbreakfast took leave of the Family, and
went to old [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Culver[pers0973.ocp]s, and by the way I met [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Culver[pers0973.ocp]
[bringg | bringing]bringgbringing my Mare to me, and So got up and went on my way, and Soon got to
[Gails | Gales]GailsGales Ferry[place0370.ocp], and the wind was very hard, and [Coud | could]Coudcould not get over, and So [Stayd | stayed]Staydstayed all Day at evening the Wind was Still very Strong and fl[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): a]awee and So Conclu^[above] ded^ded to Stay all Night, and in the evening the
People of the Family [aſkd | asked]aſkdasked me, whether it [woud | would]woudwould be [agrea^[above] ble^ble | agreeable]agrea^[above] ble^bleagreeable to me to have a few Neighbours Come together, that I might Pray
with them, I told them it was quite [agreable | agreeable]agreableagreeable,—
[Thirdsday | Thursday]ThirdsdayThursday [Octr | October]OctrOctober 29[1789-10-29]
got up early, and took [Brea^[above] k^kfaſt | breakfast]Brea^[above] k^kfaſtbreakfast and then went over — and got to
Son Benoni[pers0028.ocp]s [Some Time | sometime]Some Timesometime before noon, and found him Sick [& | and]&and had been very Sick for about 6: weeks, and was now
a little Better,— and I went
on to my Old [Houſe | house]Houſehouse, and them that live in my [Houſe | house]Houſehouse were well, except the woman and there I [Stayd | stayed]Staydstayed — and I was poorly with the uncommon Cold that is [every where | everywhere]every whereeverywhere —
[Sabb | Sabbath]SabbSabbath [Novr | November]NovrNovember 1:[1789-11-01]
was very warm and I felt a little [eaſy | easy]eaſyeasy, and I went [S | Samuel]SSamuel
[aſhpo | Ashpo]aſhpoAshpo[pers0002.ocp]s expecting, to Seen meeting, but he had none and So went
back — —
[Sabb[Octr | October]OctrOctoberurday | Saturday]Sabb[Octr | October]OctrOctoberurdaySaturday ^[above] [Novr | November]NovrNovember 7^[Novr | November]NovrNovember 7[1789-11-07]
was much poorly yet I went to groton Indian [T | Town]TTown[place0092.ocp] got there after [Sun Set | sunset]Sun Setsunset, and was [receivd | received]receivdreceived with great Love in the evening we had a little meeting — —
[Sabb: | Sabbath]Sabb:Sabbath [Octr | October]OctrOctober ^[above] [Novr | November]NovrNovember 8^[Novr | November]NovrNovember 8[1789-11-08]
the People got together about 10, and a great number there was, and I [Spo^[above] k^k | spoke]Spo^[above] k^kspoke from [Mat | Matthew]MatMatthew I. 21: and Acts VIII. 21 and the People attended with great attention
and many was
[gap: worn_edge][guess (h-dawnd): greatly aff]greatly affected —
in the [eveng | evening]evengevening
went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Stanton[pers1271.ocp]s, and there ^[above] had^had another
meeting, and a great many People there was — I Spoke from [Gala | Galatians]GalaGalatians IV. 11 and the People were very Serious — I [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at the Same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse — —
[Sabb | Sabbath]SabbSabbath 15.[1789-11-15]
went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Whalley[pers1280.ocp] and
[preachd | preached]preachdpreached to a great Number, of People I Spoke from [Gal | Galatians]GalGalatians IV. 11 and the People gave very great attention,— as Soon as the [meetg | meeting]meetgmeeting was over I went to widow
Fitches[pers0891.ocp], and there was [Conſiderable | considerable]Conſiderableconsiderable Number of People, and they attended well, and as Soon as the meeting
was done, I went home to my old [Houſe | house]Houſehouse — —
[Sabb | Sabbath]SabbSabbath [Novr | November]NovrNovember 22[1789-11-22]
went to go over to [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): Paweuttuunuck]Paweuttuunuck, but it was very Stormy, and [Stopt | stopped]Stoptstopped — about 10 the Storm abated Some and I [Sot | set]Sotset off got there about 12 and we the Service about 3 and there was a [gap: worn_edge]
[gap: worn_edge][guess (h-dawnd): People]People
and I Spoke from [Jerem | Jeremiah]JeremJeremiah VIII. 6 and the People attended with great Solemnity — and the
People [deſired | desired]deſireddesired to have another [meet | meeting]meetmeeting in the evening; and So we had another, and there was more People in
the evening than in the [Day Time | daytime]Day Timedaytime, and Spoke from [I: Corin | 1 Corinthians]I: Corin1 Corinthians VII: 29. 30. and there was greater attention. than in the
[Day Time | daytime]Day Timedaytime — I [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at the [Houſe | house]Houſehouse the Mans Name was [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Herkules[pers1258.ocp] and was kindly Treated. — —
Monday [Novr | November]NovrNovember 23[1789-11-23]
after Brea[gap: worn_edge] I went to the River on [Horſe Bac^[above] k^k | horseback]Horſe Bac^[above] k^khorseback and the Wind blew very hard. but I had a fine Chance, in a Whale
Boat, to get over the River got home about 10: and directly went to the People,
that were Surveying our Land. — —
[Thirdsday | Thursday]ThirdsdayThursday [Novr | November]NovrNovember 26.[1789-11-26]
was to go over to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Babcock[pers1247.ocp]s at groton[place0092.ocp]
but it was a very bad Storm
Saturday [Novr | November]NovrNovember 298:[1789-11-28]
towards Night, I went to [M[illegible]r | Mr.]M[illegible]rMr.
[Poſt | Post]PoſtPost[pers0922.ocp]s at
Wecus Hill[place0509.ocp], in Norwich[place0174.ocp], got there after [Sun Set | sunset]Sun Setsunset, [Calld | Called]CalldCalled at
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. John [Poſt | Post]PoſtPost[pers0922.ocp]s [illegible]and took Supper there, and after that went to old [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
[Poſt | Post]PoſtPost[pers1268.ocp]s, and found, him very poorly, and there I [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged, and he had Several fits in the Night —
[Sabb: | Sabbath]Sabb:Sabbath [Novr | November]NovrNovember 29.[1789-11-29]
The People began to get to[illegible]gether [a bout | about]a boutabout 10: and there was a large [Concourſe | concourse]Concourſeconcourse of People we began the [Exerciſe | exercise]Exerciſeexercise about 11. and Spoke from [Isai | Isaiah]IsaiIsaiah I: 12: and the People attended with great Solemnity, and many were
affected, to Tears — Soon after [meet^[above] g^g | meeting]meet^[above] g^gmeeting after Dinner, I [returnd | returned]returndreturned home and had a meeting at my
own [Houſe | house]Houſehouse and there was a great many People, and I
[Sopke | spoke]Sopkespoke from [II Timo. | 2 Timothy]II Timo.2 Timothy 3: —
[Janr | January]JanrJanuary 10[1790-01-10]
I have been to no meetings four Sabbaths, we had one very bad Stormy [Sabb | Sabbath]SabbSabbath and my Mind has been [filld | filled]filldfilled with Trouble So that I have had no peace, but Sorrow, grief and
[Confuſion | confusion]Confuſionconfusion of Heart — and I am yet in great Trouble, — —
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0922.ocp | M r Mr. John Poſt Post | mentioned | Post, John |
pers0029.ocp | my wife | mentioned | Occom, Mary (née Fowler) |
pers1147.ocp | M r Mr. Bar tlet | mentioned | Bartlet |
pers1235.ocp | M r Mr. Vader Vedder | mentioned | Vedder, Albert Jr. |
pers1208.ocp | Major Fonda | mentioned | Fonda, Jellis Douw |
pers0029.ocp | my wife | mentioned | Occom, Mary (née Fowler) |
pers1257.ocp | M r Mr. Hardy | mentioned | Hardy |
pers1279.ocp | M r Mr. John Vantreſer Vantreser | mentioned | Vantresser, John |
pers0843.ocp | M r Mr. Fran ks | mentioned | Frank, Lawrence |
pers1269.ocp | our Little Salley | mentioned | Salley |
pers1276.ocp | M r Mr. Tygurt | mentioned | Tygert |
pers1273.ocp | M r Mr. Tolcuts | mentioned | Talcutt |
pers1266.ocp | D r Dr. Petre | mentioned | Petre |
pers1282.ocp | old M r Mr. Weaver | mentioned | Weaver |
pers1087.ocp | our Anthony Paul | mentioned | Paul, Anthony |
pers1163.ocp | Brother David Fowler | mentioned | Fowler, David Jr. |
pers1175.ocp | Elder Mudge | mentioned | Mudge |
pers1270.ocp | M r Mr. Sharman | mentioned | Sharman |
pers1253.ocp | M r Mr. Jonathan Dean | mentioned | Dean, Jonathan |
pers0843.ocp | Esq r Esq. Frank | mentioned | Frank, Lawrence |
pers1251.ocp | Major Coldbreath | mentioned | Coldbreath |
pers1275.ocp | Cap t Capt. Tuttle | mentioned | Tuttle |
pers1377.ocp | Cap t Capt. Bulling Billing | mentioned | Billings |
pers1563.ocp | my Son Andrew | mentioned | Occom, Andrew Gifford |
pers1273.ocp | M r Mr. Talcutt | mentioned | Talcutt |
pers1563.ocp | my Boy | mentioned | Occom, Andrew Gifford |
pers1259.ocp | M r Mr. Kain | mentioned | Kain |
pers1267.ocp | Esq r Esq. Phelps | mentioned | Phelps |
pers0922.ocp | M r Mr. Poſt Post | mentioned | Post, John |
pers1263.ocp | M r Mr. Orrs | mentioned | Orr |
pers1277.ocp | D r Dr. Utter | mentioned | Utter |
pers1250.ocp | his Brother | mentioned | Utter, brother |
pers1278.ocp | M r Mr. Jeſee Jesee Utter | mentioned | Utter, Jesee |
pers1277.ocp | Do r Dr. Utter | mentioned | Utter |
pers1274.ocp | M r Mr. Conrod Conrad Tenike | mentioned | Tenike, Conrad |
pers1274.ocp | M r Mr. Corod Conrad Tenike | mentioned | Tenike, Conrad |
pers1018.ocp | M r Mr. Northop Northrop | mentioned | Northrop |
pers1271.ocp | D r Dr. Stanton | mentioned | Stanton |
pers1271.ocp | M. r Mr. Stanton | mentioned | Stanton |
pers1274.ocp | M. r Mr. Tenik | mentioned | Tenike, Conrad |
pers1274.ocp | M r Mr. Tenikes | mentioned | Tenike, Conrad |
pers1252.ocp | John Colvin | mentioned | Colvin, John |
pers1252.ocp | M r Mr. Colvin | mentioned | Colvin, John |
pers0565.ocp | M r Mr. Wells | mentioned | Wells |
pers1260.ocp | M r Mr. Lott | mentioned | Lott |
pers0102.ocp | M r Mr. Brown | mentioned | Brown |
pers1261.ocp | M r Mr. Daniel Muckmullins | mentioned | Muckmullins, Daniel |
pers1248.ocp | M r Mr. Ephra Baily | mentioned | Bailey, Ephra |
pers1793.ocp | M r Mr. Whilly | mentioned | Whilley |
pers1244.ocp | Cap t Capt. Allyn | mentioned | Allyn |
pers1255.ocp | Cap t Capt. Fellows | mentioned | Follows |
pers1265.ocp | M r Mr. Perry | mentioned | Perry |
pers0903.ocp | Cap t Capt. Lathem | mentioned | Latham, Robert |
pers1272.ocp | M r Mr. Street | mentioned | Street |
pers1284.ocp | M r Mr. Woodman cys | mentioned | Woodmancy |
pers1284.ocp | M r Mr. Woodmancy | mentioned | Woodmancy |
pers0913.ocp | M r Mr. Saunders | mentioned | Saunders, Giddeon |
pers0940.ocp | M r Mr. Woodworth | mentioned | Woodworth |
pers0973.ocp | M r Mr. Culver | mentioned | Culver |
pers0973.ocp | old M r Mr. Culver | mentioned | Culver |
pers0973.ocp | m r Mr. Culver | mentioned | Culver |
pers0028.ocp | Son Benoni | mentioned | Occom, Benoni |
pers0002.ocp | S Samuel aſhpo Ashpo | mentioned | Ashpo, Samuel |
pers1271.ocp | M r Mr. Stanton | mentioned | Stanton |
pers1280.ocp | M r Mr. Whalley | mentioned | Whalley |
pers0891.ocp | widow Fitches | mentioned | Fitch |
pers1258.ocp | M r Mr. Herkules | mentioned | Herkules |
pers1247.ocp | M r Mr. Babcock | mentioned | Babcock |
pers0922.ocp | M r Mr. John Poſt Post | mentioned | Post, John |
pers1268.ocp | old M r Mr. Poſt Post | mentioned | Post |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0001.ocp | Albany | Albany |
place0202.ocp | Schenactida Schenectady | Schenectady |
place0469.ocp | the River | Mohawk River |
place0469.ocp | the River | Mohawk River |
place0508.ocp | Warrans Warrens Buſh Bush | Warrensburg |
place0467.ocp | Kaconawa u ka Caughnawaga | Caughnawaga |
place0504.ocp | fort Plain | Fort Plain |
place0026.ocp | Conajohare Canajoharie | Canajoharie |
place0026.ocp | old Mohaw k Caſtle Castle | Canajoharie |
place0077.ocp | Fort Harkamer Herkimer | Fort Herkimer |
place0469.ocp | the River | Mohawk River |
place0503.ocp | Fort De a ton Dayton | Fort Dayton |
place0081.ocp | Fort Schiler Schuyler | Fort Stanwix |
place0081.ocp | the Fort | Fort Stanwix |
place0589.ocp | weavers Town | Weavers Town |
place0081.ocp | Fort Sch i oler Schuyler | Fort Stanwix |
place0167.ocp | Niegara Niagara | Niagara |
place0023.ocp | B ro therton Bro thertown | Brothertown |
place0023.ocp | Brother Town Brothertown | Brothertown |
place0508.ocp | warrins Warrens Buſh Bush | Warrensburg |
place0486.ocp | Yankey Yankee hill | Yankee Hill |
place0626.ocp | Albany Buſh Bush | Albany Bush |
place0507.ocp | Phaladelphia Philadelphia Buſh Bush | Philadelphia Bush |
place0497.ocp | John Town Johns Town | Johns Town |
place0504.ocp | Fort‑ Plain | Fort Plain |
place0084.ocp | Garman Flats German Flatts | German Flatts |
place0503.ocp | Fort Dayton | Fort Dayton |
place0084.ocp | gar man flats Ger man Flatts | German Flatts |
place0477.ocp | Clinton | Clinton |
place0158.ocp | New England | New England |
place0081.ocp | Fort Sckiler Schuyler | Fort Stanwix |
place0077.ocp | Fort Harkumer Herkimer | Fort Herkimer |
place0628.ocp | little Falls | Little Falls |
place0467.ocp | Cohneneau ka Caughnawa ga | Caughnawaga |
place0202.ocp | Schena tada Schene ctady | Schenectady |
place0435.ocp | Coegman Pattern Coeymans Patent | Coeymans |
place0588.ocp | S c odock Schodack | Schodack Landing |
place0588.ocp | Scodock Schodack Landing | Schodack Landing |
place0308.ocp | New York | New York City |
place0164.ocp | New London | New London |
place0164.ocp | N New London | New London |
place0016.ocp | Brandford | Branford |
place0092.ocp | Groton | Groton |
place0370.ocp | Gails Gales Ferry | Gales Ferry |
place0092.ocp | groton Indian T Town | Groton |
place0092.ocp | groton | Groton |
place0509.ocp | Wecus Hill | Wecus Hill |
place0174.ocp | Norwich | Norwich |
Organizations identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
org0143.ocp | Dutch meeting Houſehouse | Dutch Reformed Church |
Dates identified in this document:
Standard Form | Text |
1789-05-11 | Monday May 11: 1789 |
1789-05-12 | TueſdayTuesday May 12: |
1789-05-13 | WedneſdayWednesday May 13: |
1789-05-14 | ThirdsdayThursday May 14: |
1789-05-15 | FrydayFriday |
1789-05-16 | SatturdaySaturday May 16: |
1789-05-17 | SabbSabbath May 17: |
1789-05-18 | Monday May 18: |
1789-05-19 | TueſedayTuesday May 19: |
1789-05-20 | WedneſdayWednesday May 20: |
1789-05-21 | ThirdsdayThursday May 21 |
1789-05-22 | FrydayFriday May 22: |
1789-05-23 | Saturday May 23 |
1789-05-24 | SabbSabbath May 24: |
1789-05-25 | Monday may 25: |
1789-05-26 | TueſdayTuesday May 26: |
1789-05-27 | WedneſdayWednesday May 27: |
1789-05-31 | SabbSabbath May 31: |
1789-06-01 | Monday June 1 |
1789-06-07 | SabbSabbath June 7: |
1789-06-08 | Monday |
1789-06-09 | TueſdayTuesday June 9. |
1789-06-10 | WedneſdayWednesday June 10, |
1789-06-12 | FrydayFriday June 112. |
1789-06-13 | Saturday June 13 |
1789-06-14 | Sabb:Sabbath June 14 |
1789-07-05 | July 1 SabSabbath |
1789-08-02 | AuguſtAugust 1 SabSabbath |
1789-09-01 | SeprSeptember 1. SSabbath |
1789-09-27 | SeprSeptember the laſtlast SabSabbath |
1789-09-01 | SeprSeptember 1 |
1789-09-02 | SeprSeptember 2: |
1789-09-18 | SeprSeptember 18: 1789 FrydayFriday |
1789-09-19 | SeprSeptember 19 |
1789-09-20 | SabbSabbath SeprSeptember 20: |
1789-09-21 | Monday SeprSeptember 21: |
1789-09-22 | TueſdayTuesday 22 |
1789-09-23 | WedneſdayWednesday SeprSeptember 23: |
1789-10-01 | ThirdsdayThursday SeprSeptember 24 OctrOctober 1 |
1789-10-02 | FrydayFriday SeprSeptemberOctrOctober 2 |
1789-10-03 | Saturday OctrOctober 3. |
1789-10-04 | SabbSabbath 4: |
1789-10-05 | Monday OctrOctober 5: |
1789-10-06 | Tuſed —TuſedayTuesday Mmorning OctrOctober 6 |
1789-10-07 | WedneſdayWednesday OctrOctober 7: |
1789-10-08 | ThirdsdayThursday OctrOctober 8: |
1789-10-09 | FrydayFriday 9 |
1789-10-13 | TueſdayTuesday OctrOctober 13: |
1789-10-14 | WedneſdayWednesday, OctrOctober 14: |
1789-10-15 | ThirdsdayThursday OctrOctober 15: |
1789-10-16 | FrydayFriday OctrOctober 16 |
1789-10-17 | Saturday OctrOctober 17 |
1789-10-18 | Sabb:Sabbath OctrOctober 18: |
1789-10-19 | Monday OctrOctober 19. |
1789-10-20 | TueſdayTuesday OctrOctober 20 |
1789-10-21 | WedneſdayWednesday OctrOctober 21. |
1789-10-22 | ThirdsdayThursday OctrOctober 22 |
1789-10-23 | FrydayFriday, 23 |
1789-10-24 | Saturday OctrOctober 24. |
1789-10-25 | Sabb.Sabbath OctrOctober 25 |
1789-10-26 | Monday OctrOctober 26: |
1789-10-27 | TuſdayTuesday OctrOctober 27. |
1789-10-28 | WedneſdayWednesday 28: |
1789-10-29 | ThirdsdayThursday OctrOctober 29 |
1789-11-01 | SabbSabbath NovrNovember 1: |
1789-11-07 | SabbOctrOctoberurdaySaturday NovrNovember 7 |
1789-11-08 | Sabb:Sabbath OctrOctober NovrNovember 8 |
1789-11-15 | SabbSabbath 15. |
1789-11-22 | SabbSabbath NovrNovember 22 |
1789-11-23 | Monday NovrNovember 23 |
1789-11-26 | ThirdsdayThursday NovrNovember 26. |
1789-11-28 | Saturday NovrNovember 298: |
1789-11-29 | Sabb:Sabbath NovrNovember 29. |
1790-01-10 | JanrJanuary 10 |
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
variation | arrivd | arrived |
modernization | Juſt | just |
variation | geting | getting |
variation | wagan | wagon |
variation | Cary | carry |
variation | Schenactida | Schenectady |
modernization | Tueſday | Tuesday |
variation | Sot | set |
variation | Sun Sit | sunset |
modernization | moſt | most |
modernization | Mr | Mr. |
modernization | Poſt | Post |
variation | lodg[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): d]d | lodged |
modernization | Wedneſday | Wednesday |
modernization | becauſe | because |
variation | godd | good |
variation | Thirdsday | Thursday |
variation | Fryday | Friday |
variation | Satturday | Saturday |
variation | a bout | About |
variation | pout | put |
variation | a Boar | aboard |
variation | Batoe | bateau |
variation | walkd | walked |
variation | a bout | about |
variation | Stopt | stopped |
modernization | Houſe | house |
variation | Cam | came |
variation | Some Time | sometime |
variation | after Noon | afternoon |
variation | Lodgd | lodged |
variation | Sot | Set |
variation | of | off |
variation | Warrans | Warrens |
modernization | Buſh | Bush |
variation | wen | Went |
variation | reachd | reached |
variation | Kaconawa[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): u]u^[above] ka^ka | Caughnawaga |
variation | Vader | Vedder |
variation | Tueſeday | Tuesday |
variation | further | farther |
modernization | Breakfaſt | breakfast |
variation | puſ[illegible]hd | pushed |
variation | ate | eaten |
variation | Conajohare | Canajoharie |
modernization | Caſtle | Castle |
modernization | Vantreſer | Vantreser |
variation | Harkamer | Herkimer |
variation | Slep | slept |
variation | paſt | passed |
variation | mad | made |
variation | worried | wearied |
modernization | Reſt | Rest |
variation | De[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): a]aton | Dayton |
variation | preachd | preached |
modernization | Dr | Dr. |
modernization | Horſe | horse |
variation | Schiler | Schuyler |
modernization | Horſes | horses |
modernization | aſked | asked |
variation | Coud | could |
variation | Stayd | stayed |
variation | aſkd | asked |
variation | wether | whether |
modernization | Diſcourſe | discourse |
modernization | Conſiderable | considerable |
modernization | witneſs | witness |
modernization | himſelf | himself |
modernization | reſted | rested |
modernization | Houſe | House |
variation | a gain | again |
variation | Schioler | Schuyler |
variation | Niegara | Niagara |
variation | B[illegible]rotherton | Brothertown |
variation | travil | travel |
variation | w[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): a]arried | wearied |
variation | Preachd | preached |
variation | Brother Town | Brothertown |
modernization | &c | etc. |
variation | warrins | Warrens |
variation | Preachd | Preached |
variation | Yankey | Yankee |
modernization | vaſt | vast |
variation | Prea^[above] hd^hd | preached |
modernization | Seriousneſs | seriousness |
variation | Phaladelphia | Philadelphia |
modernization | laſt | last |
variation | John Town | Johns Town |
variation | Some Time | Sometime |
variation | Garman Flats | German Flatts |
modernization | Esqr | Esq. |
variation | garman flats | German Flatts |
modernization | Auguſt | August |
modernization | Jeſus | Jesus |
modernization | Chriſt | Christ |
modernization | &c. | etc. |
modernization | Underſtandeſt | Understandest |
modernization | readeſt | readest |
variation | after noon | afternoon |
modernization | Capt | Capt. |
variation | acompanied | accompanied |
variation | appearence | appearance |
modernization | firſt | first |
variation | Prayd | prayed |
variation | exerciſd | exercised |
variation | Bulling | Billing |
variation | entertaind | entertained |
variation | Sckiler | Schuyler |
variation | Calld | called |
modernization | Esqrs | Esq.'s |
variation | Harkumer | Herkimer |
variation | Battoo | bateau |
variation | a long | along |
variation | a Board | aboard |
variation | Sun Set | sunset |
variation | Caried | carried |
variation | Cohneneauka | Caughnawaga |
variation | Schenatada | Schenectady |
variation | diſapointe^[above] d^d | disappointed |
variation | a foot | afoot |
variation | Coegman Pattern | Coeymans Patent |
variation | woud | would |
variation | over took | overtook |
modernization | Jeſee | Jesee |
modernization | Dor | Dr. |
variation | Conrod | Conrad |
variation | Rainey | rainy |
variation | Corod | Conrad |
variation | Lodgd | Lodged |
modernization | reſt | rest |
variation | Northop | Northrop |
variation | aftrNoon | afternoon |
modernization | M.r | Mr. |
variation | Marck | Mark |
modernization | mr | Mr. |
variation | a nothere | another |
variation | ye | you |
variation | movd | moved |
modernization | breakfaſt | breakfast |
modernization | Mr | Mr. |
variation | S[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): c]codock | Schodack |
variation | acompany | accompany |
variation | weighd | weighed |
variation | Ancker | anchor |
variation | Spred | spread |
variation | Dropt | dropped |
variation | Anker | anchor |
variation | a Head | ahead |
variation | till | 'til |
modernization | weſt | west |
variation | Sun riſe | sunrise |
variation | a Shore | ashore |
variation | Paſage | passage |
variation | goin | going |
variation | Lodged | lodged |
modernization | Maſter | Master |
variation | Saild | sailed |
variation | gatherd | gathered |
variation | Harber | harbor |
modernization | againſt | against |
modernization | faſt | fast |
variation | warf | wharf |
variation | Sot | sat |
modernization | Converſing | conversing |
variation | Raind | rained |
modernization | alſo | also |
variation | Some what | somewhat |
modernization | Tuſday | Tuesday |
variation | a way | away |
variation | returnd | returned |
variation | Gails | Gales |
variation | agrea^[above] ble^ble | agreeable |
variation | every where | everywhere |
modernization | eaſy | easy |
modernization | aſhpo | Ashpo |
variation | Sabb[Octr | October]OctrOctoberurday | Saturday |
variation | receivd | received |
modernization | deſired | desired |
variation | Day Time | daytime |
variation | Horſe Bac^[above] k^k | horseback |
variation | Calld | Called |
modernization | Concourſe | concourse |
modernization | Exerciſe | exercise |
variation | filld | filled |
modernization | Confuſion | confusion |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
Corin | Corinthians |
Sabb | Sabbath |
we | went |
Cou'd | could |
& | and |
Nig | night |
N | night |
Sabb: | Sabbath |
Isa. | Isaiah |
Sab | Sabbath |
Sepr | September |
S | Sabbath |
Call | called |
Ld | lodged |
obligd | obliged |
Octr | October |
mid N | midnight |
Matt | Matthew |
M | morning |
af^[above] r^r | after |
unexp^[above] tedly^tedly | unexpectedly |
Octr | October |
morn | morning |
m | miles |
Gal. | Galatians |
N | New |
Sabb. | Sabbath |
rid | ridden |
bringg | bringing |
Novr | November |
S | Samuel |
T | Town |
Spo^[above] k^k | spoke |
Mat | Matthew |
eveng | evening |
Gala | Galatians |
Gal | Galatians |
meetg | meeting |
Jerem | Jeremiah |
meet | meeting |
I: Corin | 1 Corinthians |
Isai | Isaiah |
II Timo. | 2 Timothy |
Janr | January |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 118) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 143) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 40) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 288) |