Samson Occom, journal, 1789 May 11 to 1790 January 10

Author Occom, Samson

Date11 May 1789 to 10 January 1790

ms number789311

abstractOccom details his travels through New York and New England, from May 11, 1789, to January 10, 1790.

handwritingHandwriting is largely clear and legible. There are some crossed l's and uncrossed t's, which the transcriber has corrected.

paperSeveral small sheets folded into a booklet and bound with small pins are in fair-to-poor condition, with significant wear that results in some loss of text. There are a few loose pages and the last page is torn in half.

inkBrown ink varies in intensity throughout.

noteworthyThere are underlinings in black ink throughout and notes by later editors on the back of the last page (16 verso) in black ink and pencil; these edits have not been transcribed. On the scan of 11 recto, text from 12 recto shows through; the actual first line of 11 recto begins "gether. to Meeting…." Several other of the following scans show text from adjacent pages. On 15 recto, the name of the river that Occom mentions is uncertain; however it is possibly the Thames River. Persons and places whose names are illegible have not been tagged. If Occom's intention regarding a word or abbreviation is uncertain, that word or abbreviation has been left unmodified in the modernized transcription.

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier

Monday May 11: 1789

We arrived at Albany, just before Night, and we went to See about getting a wagon to carry us to Schenectady, — but got none,

Tuesday May 12:

got a wagon early and we Loaded about 10: and we set off, and we got to Schenectady just before sunset, and we were very wet for had Rain most of the way and I was much beat out, and we put our things in Mr. John Post Barn, and there we lodged We went to Bed Soon — —

Wednesday May 13:

about 5: I attended upon a Lecture and there was not many People, because they had not Notice— I Spoke from, 1 Corinthians 7: 22: 30: and the People a[gap: worn_edge][guess: t]
[gap: worn_edge][guess: t]ended becomingly, and they made me a Collection, and it was good for the Times — —

Thursday May 14:

was at the Place all Day — —


was at all Day again — —

Saturday May 16:

About 10 we put aboard of a bateau our things, and we went over the River, and walked up the River about 2 miles and there we stopped Some at a Certain house, and the man of the house gave us a Dinner and about 1: the Boat came up, and set off sometime in the afternoon, and we got to Hi[illegible][guess: c]ry Tavern, and the[gap: tear][guess: re] we lodged,—

Sabbath May 17:

Set off early and we got to Warrens
Bush , at Night and my wife and I lodged at Mr. Bartlets, my good old Friends —

Monday May 18:

Went on again early, and reached to Caughnawaga and my wife I lodged at Mr. Vedders, — —

Tuesday May 19:

Set off again early, and we were over with Rain at Major Fonda's and my wife I went into the house, and we were kindly Treated had Dinner, and we went a little farther and there lodged at Mr. Hardys —

Wednesday May 20:

got up early and got us breakfast and then we pushed on and we got up above fort Plain and we Made up a fire by the Side of the River and there we Spent the Night —

Thursday May 21

got up early and got breakfast
and as Soon as we had eaten we went on again, and in the we got to Canajoharie and we lodged a little above old Mohawk Castle, and we made up a fire near the River, near by one Mr. John Vantreser, — —

Friday May 22:

Soon after eating we went on again and in the Evening we got a little below Fort Herkimer and we made up a Fire again by the River, and there we slept — —

Saturday May 23

in the morning we went on again we made a Halt at Mr. Franks and after that we passed on here a white woman took our Little Salley, and made walk about 8 miles She only four and half year old She was much wearied
in the Evening we got Mr. Tygurts, and the we lodged my wife and I in a Hovel the Rest lodged in the Boat —

Sabbath May 24:

got up early and I went over the River and went to Fort Dayton and there I preached, Twice to a large number of People, and I Spoke from Jonah III: 5 and 1 Corinthians XVI. 22 and the People attended with all gravity and Solemnity,— took my Dinner at Mr. Tolcuts — and as Soon as the meeting was done I went with Dr. Petre and there took Tea — and as Soon as we had done I had an horse got up for me and a young man with another horse to accompany me towards Fort Schuyler and we Soon set off, and we
got about 4 miles Short of the Fort, and there I got down and the Young man went back with horses, and I walked along about a mile, and found Tired, and I went into a Certain house, and asked whether I could not Stay there, and they Said I might, and so I stayed— and the man of the house asked me whether I could not give them a discourse, I told them I could, and So they Sent out word, and Neighbours Came in directly and there was a considerable Number of People Collected. and it is a New settlement,— and I Spoke from the words he that believeth on the Son of god, hath the witness in himself — and the People attended with Solemnity — Soon after Meeting I went to bed, and rested well. — —

Monday may 25:

got up early and set off, and I got to weavers Town Soon, and went in old Mr. Weaver's House, and there took breakfast, and Soon after went on again and got to my Family. about 10 at Fort Schuyler and found them all well, and there we stayed all Day and the Boat that brought us went on to Niagara. – —

Tuesday May 26:

was again at the Place all Day — towards Night, our Anthony Paul and Brother David Fowler Came to us, and stayed all night with us — — —

Wednesday May 27:

Soon after breakfast, we set off for Brothertown,. and we had Rain to travel in, and to our Place a little before sunset, and were very much wearied, and we went to Bed Soon. — —

Sabbath May 31:

preached at Brothertown [illegible] to not a large Congregation, Spoke from, [gap: omitted] and the People were attentive, and were glad to See me once more. — —

Monday June 1 etc.:

this week went to Warrens Bush, — —

Sabbath June 7:

Preached at Elder Mudges meeting House in Yankee hill, Spoke from [gap: omitted] and there was a vast Number of People, and attended with great attention, —


Towards Night preached at M

Tuesday June 9.

went to Albany Bush, and there I preached at a Certain house. and there was not many People, and they attended with seriousness — —

Wednesday June 10,

was at Philadelphia Bush, Came here last Night, and lodged at one Mr. Sharmans,— and about 9 the People Collected together at the Same house, and I preached to them, Spoke from [gap: omitted] and the People attended well as Soon as the meeting was over, I with one Mr. [gap: omitted] and I Dined there, and as soon I had eaten, I went on to Johns Town, and So on — — —

Friday June 12.

got to Fort‑Plain before Noon, put up
at Mr. Jonathan Deans, one of my good old Friends, found them all well; — — Towards Night the People Collected, and there was but few, — and I Spoke from [gap: omitted] [gap: omitted] lodged at at the Same house

Saturday June 13

Sometime before Noon, set off again, and got to German Flatts sometime before, night and I put at Esq. Franks,—

Sabbath June 14

after breakfast went over to Fort Dayton and there preached in a Dutch meeting house, and there was a large Number of People, and I Spoke from [gap: omitted] Isaiah V:

July 1 Sabbath

Preached at the German Flatts

August 1 Sabbath September 1. Sabbath and September the last Sabbath.

the Texts I Spoke from [gap: omitted]
by one man Sin entered into the World etc. Jesus Christ the Same etc. Understandest thou what thou readest — at Esq. Franks on week Day, thy heart is not right in the Sight of god So then every one of us Shall give an account of himself to god. —
Blank page.

September 1

was called by the Major Coldbreath to be with them in their Training at Clinton; about 2 in the afternoon they were all Collected, and the major Came to Capt. Tuttles where I was and he accompanied me to the Company, and a fine appearance they made for the first Time there was upwards of a Hundred likely young men, the Place has been Settling only 2 Year and an half,— I gave them a few words of Exhortation, and then prayed, and then they exercised a little while,— and then went to Dinner, they put me at the head of the Table, and a fine Dinner we had,— in the evening I went to Capt. Billings and there lodged and was kindly entertained.—

September 2:

I went home —

September 18: 1789 Friday

left home and set out for New England, my Son Andrew accompanied, we got to Fort Schuyler before Night, and we stayed there all Night —

September 19

we got up very early and set off, and we got to Fort Dayton near 12, called on Mr. Talcutt, and took Dinner, and Soon after eating, my Boy went back,— And towards Night I went over to Esq. Franks, and there lodged, — —

Sabbath September 20:

preached at Esq. Franks Barn, and there was a vast Number of People, lodged at the Esq.'s — —

Monday September 21:

Sometime in the morning, I went to Mr. Kains and was there a while, and then went back to Fort Herkimer, took Dinner with Mr. [gap: omitted]

Tuesday 22

Toward Night, Esq. Phelps bateau Come along, and I got a B[illegible]th in it, and I went aboard, and we went down and got to the little Falls after sunset and there we lodged, — —

Wednesday September 23:

got up very early, and had things carried below the Falls, and So we went on down the River, and we go to Caughnawaga and we lodged at a Tavern, we found the River exceeding low and very difficult in Some Places to get along, the men were obliged to get out of the Boat very often —

Thursday October 1

Set off very Early again, and got to Schenectady a little before Night. and I lodged at Mr. Posts -– — —

Friday October 2

got up early, and went to a Certain house where I expected to have a Chance in a Wagon, but was disappointed and So I went on afoot, and Some
in the afternoon a Friend over took me, and he took me in his wagon and we got to Albany just after sunset, and I lodged at Mr. Orrs and I went to Bed Soon — — —

Saturday October 3.

Sometime before Noon set off afoot again went to Coeymans Patent, and I met Dr. Utter, and his Brother and they Said they would be back Soon, and would take Me in their wagon, and just before sunset they overtook and I went with them, and we called at Dr. Utters a little while and Mr. Jesee Utter carried to his house, and it was near midnight before we got there, and there I Lodged, — — —

Sabbath 4:

as Soon as we got our breakfast, we went into a wagon and to meeting at
Dr. Utters about 4 miles. and there I preached. Spoke from Acts VIII. 21. and the People attended well,— In the afternoon, we went to Mr. Conrad Tenikes Barn, and there we had a meeting, and there was a large Number of People, and I Spoke from Jonah III: 5: and the People attended with great Attention, and it was a rainy Day,— in the evening preached in Mr. Conrad Tenikes House, and there was a considerable of People, and I Spoke from Matthew I: 21: and the People behaved well — Lodged at the house they are Dutch People, and they were very kind to me, and rest well — —

Monday October 5:

Sometime be‐fore Noon, I had an horse brought me and I went to Mr. Northrops and found them very Religious about 2. we began the meeting
and there was a great Number of People,— lodged at the Same house. —

Tuesday morning October 6

As Soon as I had done eating, we went to Dr. Stantons, — and we began the meeting about 11: and there was a great Number of People and I Spoke from [gap: omitted] in the afternoon preached again — and Spoke from [gap: omitted] in the Evening I went to Mr. Stantons and did not expect to have any People, but there was a number, Came together and we a little meeting, — and I lodged at the Same house and rest well — — —

Wednesday October 7:

Soon after Breakfast we went to Mr. Tenik about 2 we began
the meeting, and there was a great Number of People and I Spoke from Mark V: 4 and the People attended well — — — — after meeting I went to Mr. John Colvins' and there we had another meeting, unexpectedly and there was a large number of People and I Spoke to them Matthew Seek you first etc.: and the People were much moved, it was a Comfortable meeting, I lodged at the Same house, — —

Thursday October 8:

in the morning I went to See a woman that had been Sick Some Time. and Said few word to her and prayed with her, — and then went back, and took breakfast, and Soon after Mr. Colvin went with me to the River, [gap: worn_edge][guess: and]
1 Corinthians 6: 19 — we parted the River, and I over to Schodack, and from there went to Mr. Lotts about 7 miles and I walked about 2 miles and half and then Mr. Brown overtook me, and he carried me to Mr. Lotts, got there near sunset and we were very glad to See each other once more,— lodged at the Same house — — —

Friday 9

Sometime in the morning I went to Mr. Daniel Muckmullins, and to Mr. Ephra Bailys, towards Night went back to Mr. Lotts, and there we had a meeting in the evening and there a large Number of People I Spoke from [gap: tear] Galatians IV 11
gether to Meeting, and I Spoke from Job I: 9 and the People attended with great affection I lodged at the Same house —

Tuesday October 13:

Mr. Whilly Came to Mr. Lotts quite early to accompany me down to Schodack Landing, got there Soon, and Capt. Allyn was not ready, and Mr. Whilly went back, —

Wednesday, October 14:

was at the Schoonner all, Day —

Thursday October 15:

Sometime in the afternoon we weighed anchor, and spread Sail to the Wind, and went the River got but about 10: 11: and there we dropped anchor

Friday October 16

found the wind ahead of us and
So we lay Still 'til about 2 in the afternoon and the wind Sprang about west Northwest and went down again —

Saturday October 17

Sometime in the Day went on again but did not go but little ways —

Sabbath October 18:

went on again but did not go far — —

Monday October 19.

got but a little ways again —

Tuesday October 20

went on again not far.

Wednesday October 21.

went on Still got near New York — —

Thursday October 22

a little after sunrise we were ashore — went directly to find a passage to New London and found one Soon, in a Sloop going to New London Towards Night I put [gap: worn_edge]
my things. and lodged aboard Capt. Fellows is Master of her —

Friday, 23

Sometime before Noon we set Sail, and went on the Wind in our Favour and we sailed all Night,—

Saturday October 24.

we went the wind in our favour considerable. towards Night the wind began to Blow hard, and the Clouds gathered thick and So we Sought for a Harbor, and sometime before sunset we made a harbor, against Brandford, and there Lay all Night, and it was a Stormy Night. —

Sabbath October 25

Sometime in the Morning we set Sail, the wind was right ahead as we were geting out of the Har [gap: worn_edge]
but it was very fair when we got out, and the Sun was about an Hour and half high at Night when we got fast at a wharf and I went to See Some Friends — lodged at Mr. Perrys a public House,— and I sat up late with two women, conversing about Religious matters about 11. I went to Bed, and I was taken Strangely in the Night with an uncommon Sweat but after a while went to Sleep but did not Sleep well — —

Monday October 26:

Got up early and it was a Stormy Day it rained very hard, and wind blew hard also — towards Night I went over to Groton, called on Capt. Lathem a few minutes, and then went to Mr. Streets, and there I took food, and they let me have a horse and went to Mr. Woodman
cys and there I lodged, and was very kindly entertained, went to Bed somewhat late, and Soon after I got to Bed, I began to Sweat again very much and was un comfortable Slept but poorly —

Tuesday October 27.

got up early and after breakfast, I had a horse, of Mr. Woodmancy and I went to Mr. Saunderss and I met Mr. Saunders, and Mr. Woodworth and they glad to See me, and so I passed on, and when I got to the house, how glad they were, and there I stayed all Day — I expected my Mare, that I Left with Mr. Culver but She was ridden away last Sabbath and was not returned, and and So I stayed all Day and all Night —

Wednesday 28:

after breakfast took leave of the Family, and
went to old Mr. Culvers, and by the way I met Mr. Culver bringing my Mare to me, and So got up and went on my way, and Soon got to Gales Ferry, and the wind was very hard, and could not get over, and So stayed all Day at evening the Wind was Still very Strong and fl[illegible][guess: a]wee and So Concluded to Stay all Night, and in the evening the People of the Family asked me, whether it would be agreeable to me to have a few Neighbours Come together, that I might Pray with them, I told them it was quite agreeable,—

Thursday October 29

got up early, and took breakfast and then went over — and got to Son Benonis sometime before noon, and found him Sick and had been very Sick for about 6: weeks, and was now
a little Better,— and I went on to my Old house, and them that live in my house were well, except the woman and there I stayed — and I was poorly with the uncommon Cold that is everywhere —

Sabbath November 1:

was very warm and I felt a little easy, and I went Samuel Ashpos expecting, to Seen meeting, but he had none and So went back — —

Saturday November 7

was much poorly yet I went to groton Indian Town got there after sunset, and was received with great Love in the evening we had a little meeting — — —

Sabbath November 8

the People got together about 10, and a great number there was, and I spoke from Matthew I. 21: and Acts VIII. 21 and the People attended with great attention and many was [gap: worn_edge][guess: greatly aff]ected — in the evening
went to Mr. Stantons, and there had another meeting, and a great many People there was — I Spoke from Galatians IV. 11 and the People were very Serious — I lodged at the Same house — —

Sabbath 15.

went to Mr. Whalley and preached to a great Number, of People I Spoke from Galatians IV. 11 and the People gave very great attention,— as Soon as the meeting was over I went to widow Fitches, and there was considerable Number of People, and they attended well, and as Soon as the meeting was done, I went home to my old house — —

Sabbath November 22

went to go over to [illegible][guess: Paweuttuunuck], but it was very Stormy, and stopped — about 10 the Storm abated Some and I set off got there about 12 and we the Service about 3 and there was a [gap: worn_edge] [gap: worn_edge][guess: People]
and I Spoke from Jeremiah VIII. 6 and the People attended with great Solemnity — and the People desired to have another meeting in the evening; and So we had another, and there was more People in the evening than in the daytime, and Spoke from 1 Corinthians VII: 29. 30. and there was greater attention. than in the daytime — I lodged at the house the Mans Name was Mr. Herkules and was kindly Treated. — —

Monday November 23

after Brea[gap: worn_edge] I went to the River on horseback and the Wind blew very hard. but I had a fine Chance, in a Whale Boat, to get over the River got home about 10: and directly went to the People, that were Surveying our Land. — —

Thursday November 26.

was to go over to Mr. Babcocks at groton but it was a very bad Storm

Saturday November 28:

towards Night, I went to Mr. Posts at Wecus Hill, in Norwich, got there after sunset, Called at Mr. John Posts and took Supper there, and after that went to old Mr. Posts, and found, him very poorly, and there I lodged, and he had Several fits in the Night —

Sabbath November 29.

The People began to get together about 10: and there was a large concourse of People we began the exercise about 11. and Spoke from Isaiah I: 12: and the People attended with great Solemnity, and many were affected, to Tears — Soon after meeting after Dinner, I returned home and had a meeting at my
own house and there was a great many People, and I spoke from 2 Timothy 3: —

January 10

I have been to no meetings four Sabbaths, we had one very bad Stormy Sabbath and my Mind has been filled with Trouble So that I have had no peace, but Sorrow, grief and confusion of Heart — and I am yet in great Trouble, — —
Non-contemporary text has not been transcribed.