Samson Occom, journal, 1790 February 21

Author Occom, Samson[pers0030.ocp]

21 February 1790[1790-02-21]

Call Number790171

[note (type: abstract): Occom details his travels around New York State from February to March of 1790.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is largely clear and legible. There are some crossed l’s and uncrossed t’s that have been corrected by the transcriber.][note (type: paper): Small pages folded vertically and sewn into a booklet are in fair condition, with light-to-heavy staining and wear. The edges on one recto and verso appear to have been trimmed, and the page is separated from the rest of the booklet. There is some preservation work on particularly worn edges.][note (type: ink): Brown.][note (type: noteworthy): Part of this journal appears to have been lost. There are several blank pages, including four (five verso through seven recto) that are uncut at the top and, consequently, were not scanned. On seven verso, an editor, likely 19th-century, has added notes that have not been transcribed. There are red pencil marks sprinkled throughout. Individuals and places with names that are not legible have not been tagged.]
Persistent Identifier
and there was A large [Nr | number]Nrnumber of People, and I Spoke from [gap: omitted] and the People attend ed well — after meeting I went to Deacon's Swan[pers1179.ocp]s, and Lodged there —

Monday [Febr | February]FebrFebruary 22[1790-02-22]

after [B | breakfast]Bbreakfast went on my way to Albany[place0001.ocp] [Stopt | stopped]Stoptstopped but a [litle | little]litlelittle while, [Dind | dined]Dinddined with [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. John Andrews[pers1246.ocp], in the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon, went on a gain, towards [Bought | Debought]BoughtDebought[place0493.ocp][illegible] got to one [Eqr | Esq.]EqrEsq. Ot[illegible]ts and there [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged, and was very kindly [entertaind | entertained]entertaindentertained, — —

[Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday [Febr | February]FebrFebruary 23[1790-02-03]:

after [B | breakfast]Bbreakfast went on again, [Calld | called]Calldcalled on two or three Friends, and So [paſt | passed]paſtpassed on to half Moon Point[place0494.ocp] [Calld | called]Calldcalled on old [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Bogardus[pers1249.ocp] and there took DTea in the evening went to the
Point, [Calld | called]Calldcalled on my good Friend [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. J: Vanderwariker[pers1182.ocp], and had a meeting at a widow Womans [Houſe | house]Houſehouse — and there was much People, and I Spoke from [Eph | Ephesians]EphEphesians 2: [gap: omitted] and the People behaved well — Lodgd at Mr Vanderwariker[pers1182.ocp]s — —

[Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday [Febr | February]FebrFebruary 24[1790-02-04]:

Soon after eating I went back to [Bough^[above] t^t | Debought]Bough^[above] t^tDebought[place0493.ocp] and in the Evening had a [met | meeting]metmeeting at old [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Fero[pers1254.ocp]'s, and there was a large [N:r | number]N:rnumber of People, and I Spoke from [gap: omitted] and the People attended well [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at the Same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse

[Thirdsday | Thursday]ThirdsdayThursday [Febr | February]FebrFebruary 25[1790-02-25]:

Soon after [Breakfaſt | breakfast]Breakfaſtbreakfast, took [lea | leave]lealeave of the Family and went on towards [Balls Town | Ballston]Balls TownBallston[place0363.ocp]
got to [Neſcayouna | Niskayuna]NeſcayounaNiskayuna[place0481.ocp] towards Night, I put up at one [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Fiſher | Fisher]FiſherFisher[pers0193.ocp]s,— and in the evening we had a meeting, and there was [alarge | a large]alargea large number of People and I Spoke from [gap: omitted] [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at [theſame | the same]theſamethe same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse

[Fryday | Friday]FrydayFriday, ^[above] 26^26[1790-02-26]

after [Breakfaſt | breakfast]Breakfaſtbreakfast I went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Gernſy | Gernsy]GernſyGernsy[pers1543.ocp]s, and there all Night — —

Saturday [Febr | February]FebrFebruary 27[1790-02-27]

Some Time in the Morning, I went back to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Thomas Smith[pers1262.ocp]s, and there in the evening we had a meeting, Chiefly for Singing Andres[pers1245.ocp], John Quinny[pers0819.ocp] [Solon | Solomon]SolonSolomon[pers0997.ocp] and his wife[pers1663.ocp] were at the meeting — [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at the Same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse and [reſted | rested]reſtedrested well—

[Sabb | Sabbath]SabbSabbath [Febr | February]FebrFebruary 28[1790-02-28]:

[aſ | as]aſaso Soon as eating was over, [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Smith[pers1262.ocp] took me in his [Slay | sleigh]Slaysleigh, and we went to meeting at one [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [gap: omitted] and there was a great Number of People and I Spoke from [Jeſus | Jesus]JeſusJesus [Chriſ^[above] t^t | Christ]Chriſ^[above] t^tChrist the Same [&c | etc.]&cetc. — and the People attended well, Soon after [m | meeting]mmeeting I went with [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Gernſy | Gernsy]GernſyGernsy[pers1543.ocp]. in his [Slay | sleigh]Slaysleigh,— and toward Night we had a meeting in his [Houſe | house]Houſehouse, and the People [Coud | could]Coudcould not all get in, I Spoke from the words Sin is the [Tranſgreſsion | transgression]Tranſgreſsiontransgression of the Law, — [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged at the Same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse

Monday March 1[1790-03-01]

[Stayd | Stayed]StaydStayed all Day at the Same [Houſe | house]Houſehouse I had forgot my Bag —

[Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday March 2[1790-03-02],

Soon after eating I went off, went to See my Daughter [Chriſtiana | Christiana]ChriſtianaChristiana[pers1095.ocp] in [Balls Town | Ballston]Balls TownBallston[place0363.ocp], got there Some in the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon, and was there a while, and then wen^[above] t^t on to [Freehole | Freehold]FreeholeFreehold[place0506.ocp],— got to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Northrop[pers1018.ocp]s in the Evening and there [Lodgd | lodged]Lodgdlodged — — —

[Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday March 3[1790-03-03]:

^[above] went^went to See my Daughter Olive[pers0397.ocp], and found them well, but Cinhia [Wawcus | Waucus]WawcusWaucus[pers1281.ocp], She was poorly,— Soon went back and at about 11: we had a meeting, and there was a [Conſiderable | considerable]Conſiderableconsiderable number of People, and I Spoke from [Gala | Galatians]GalaGalatians — I am afraid of you and the People attended well
Soon after meeting took Dinner, and then went off got to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Grote[pers1256.ocp]s and Lodged there and was well Treated —

[Thirdsday | Thursday]ThirdsdayThursday March the 4[1790-03-04]:

got up early, and took [B: | breafast]B:breafast with them; Soon after went on my way, got to [Capt | Capt.]CaptCapt. Rooff[pers0924.ocp]s and Lodged there and was kindly [receivd | received]receivdreceived. —

[Fryday | Friday]FrydayFriday March 5[1790-03-05]:

after [Breakfaſt | breakfast]Breakfaſtbreakfast, went on again [Stopt | stopped]Stoptstopped a while at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Dean[pers0163.ocp]s in Fort Plain[place0504.ocp], I heard Bro ther David[pers0155.ocp] and his wife[pers0742.ocp] were about a Mile off, went on again, and got to [Esqr | Esq.]EsqrEsq. Frank[pers0843.ocp]s in the Evening he and his wife[pers1664.ocp] were not at Home, and Lodged there

Saturday March 6[1790-03-06]:

Some Time in the morning I over to Fort Dayton[place0503.ocp] [Calld | called]Calldcalled on [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Talcut[pers1273.ocp], but he [& | and]&and his wife[pers1665.ocp] were not at home and was there a while, and returned back with a Certain man to [Esqr | Esq.]EsqrEsq. Frank[pers0843.ocp]s again
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers1179.ocp Deacon's Swan mentioned Swan
pers1246.ocp M r Mr. John Andrews mentioned Andrews, John
pers1249.ocp M r Mr. Bogardus mentioned Bogardus
pers1182.ocp M r Mr. J: Vanderwariker mentioned Vasnderwarker, John
pers1182.ocp M r Vanderwariker mentioned Vasnderwarker, John
pers1254.ocp old M r Mr. Fero mentioned Fero
pers0193.ocp M r Mr. Fiſher Fisher mentioned Fisher, Daniel
pers1543.ocp M r Mr. Gernſy Gernsy mentioned Gernsy
pers1262.ocp M r Mr. Thomas Smith mentioned Smith, Thomas
pers1245.ocp Andres mentioned Andres
pers0819.ocp John Quinny mentioned Quinney, John
pers0997.ocp Solo n Solomon mentioned Solomon
pers1663.ocp his wife mentioned Solomon's wife
pers1262.ocp M r Mr. Smith mentioned Smith, Thomas
pers1095.ocp Chriſtiana Christiana mentioned Paul, Christiana (née Occom)
pers1018.ocp M r Mr. Northrop mentioned Northrop
pers0397.ocp Olive mentioned Adams, Olive (née Occom)
pers1281.ocp Cinhia Wawcus Waucus mentioned Walkus, Cinhia
pers1256.ocp M r Mr. Grote mentioned Grote
pers0924.ocp Cap t Capt. Rooff mentioned Roof
pers0163.ocp M r Mr. Dean mentioned Dean, James
pers0155.ocp Bro ther David mentioned Fowler, David
pers0843.ocp Esq r Esq. Frank mentioned Frank, Lawrence
pers1273.ocp M r Mr. Talcut mentioned Talcutt

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0001.ocp Albany Albany
place0493.ocp Bought Debought Boght
place0494.ocp half Moon Point Halfmoon
place0363.ocp Balls Town Ballston Ballston
place0481.ocp Neſcayouna Niskayuna Niskayuna
place0506.ocp Freehole Freehold Freehold
place0504.ocp Fort Plain Fort Plain
place0503.ocp Fort Dayton Fort Dayton

This document does not contain any tagged organizations.

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1790-02-22 Monday FebrFebruary 22
1790-02-03 TueſdayTuesday FebrFebruary 23
1790-02-04 WedneſdayWednesday FebrFebruary 24
1790-02-25 ThirdsdayThursday FebrFebruary 25
1790-02-26 FrydayFriday, 26
1790-02-27 Saturday FebrFebruary 27
1790-02-28 SabbSabbath FebrFebruary 28
1790-03-01 Monday March 1
1790-03-02 TueſdayTuesday March 2
1790-03-03 WedneſdayWednesday March 3
1790-03-04 ThirdsdayThursday March the 4
1790-03-05 FrydayFriday March 5
1790-03-06 Saturday March 6

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
variation Stopt stopped
variation litle little
variation Dind dined
modernization Mr Mr.
variation after Noon afternoon
variation Bought Debought
modernization Eqr Esq.
variation Lodgd lodged
variation entertaind entertained
modernization Tueſday Tuesday
variation Calld called
variation paſt passed
modernization Houſe house
modernization Wedneſday Wednesday
variation Thirdsday Thursday
modernization Breakfaſt breakfast
variation Balls Town Ballston
variation Neſcayouna Niskayuna
modernization Fiſher Fisher
variation Fryday Friday
modernization Gernſy Gernsy
modernization reſted rested
modernization aſ as
variation Slay sleigh
modernization Jeſus Jesus
modernization Chriſ^[above] t^t Christ
modernization &c etc.
variation Coud could
modernization Tranſgreſsion transgression
variation Stayd Stayed
modernization Chriſtiana Christiana
variation Freehole Freehold
variation Wawcus Waucus
modernization Conſiderable considerable
modernization Capt Capt.
variation receivd received
modernization Esqr Esq.

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Nr number
Febr February
B breakfast
Eph Ephesians
met meeting
N:r number
lea leave
Solon Solomon
Sabb Sabbath
m meeting
Gala Galatians
B: breafast
& and

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 28)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 39)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 5)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 163)