Samson Occom, letter, to Susanna Wheatley, 1771 March 5
5 March 1771[1771-03-05]
Call Number771205.1
[note (type: abstract): Occom writes of the dire straits his family is under from lack of provisions, and of his trust in God. His eldest son has recently died. He requests a singing book for his children.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is small and crowded, yet mostly clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages has been heavily reinforced, which makes it difficult to gauge the condition of the paper. It appears to be in fair-to-poor condition, with moderate-to-heavy staining, creasing and wear. The reinforcement, which appears to be aging, is also beginning to tear at the central crease.][note (type: ink): Brown ink is dimmed by the reinforcement.][note (type: noteworthy): There is an uncharacteristically emotional trailer written by Wheelock at the top of two verso. Several modern notations have been made by unknown editors, including red-wax pencil marks and the notation, likely 19th-century, “S. Occom 1771.” These edits have not been included in the transcription. An addition above the address appears to be contemporary to the letter, and is possibly a postage mark. A photocopy exists in Rauner Special Collections that appears to have been made before the paper was reinforced.][note (type: signature): The letter is signed three times, once in full after body of letter, then abbreviated after each postscript.]
Persistent Identifier
March 5: 1771[1771-03-05]
Most kind Madam,
Your most acceptable and very animating Favour of [Decr | December]DecrDecember
[3d | 3rd]3d3rd –70[1770-12-03] Came Safely to Hand a few Days a go, for
which I return you ten [thouſand | thousand]thouſandthousand Thanks —
I am in great Hopes, Your Letter to [Esq.r | Esq.]Esq.rEsq. Thornton[pers0541.ocp] will attract Bowels of [Compaſsion | compassion]Compaſsioncompassion towards me and mine. And I pray the Lord to reward You [& | and]&and yours Bountifully in Both worlds, — I am in Greater [Straights | straits]Straightsstraits and [Neceſsities | necessities]Neceſsitiesnecessities than ever, we had but little Corn last year and [Conſequently | consequently]Conſequentlyconsequently little meat. it was Dry [Seaſon | season]Seaſonseason with us; I have no [proviſsions | provisions]proviſsionsprovisions now at all only what I buy, and I have no Money to buy with, I am [oblig'd | obliged]oblig'dobliged to Sell [any thing | anything]any thinganything I have to get meat and Corn with, [& | and]&and my Family [Conſiſts | consists]Conſiſtsconsists ten Souls [Conſtantly | constantly]Conſtantlyconstantly, and a great Number of [Viſiters | visitors]Viſitersvisitors Continually from all quarters there has not been one Week, nor 3 Days as I
[gap: worn_edge][guess (h-dawnd): re‐]re‐ member in the Year [paſt | past]paſtpast, but that we have had Some Stranger or other — My being acquainted
with the World in Some [Meaſure | measure]Meaſuremeasure, has made my [Houſe | house]Houſehouse a Sort ^[above] of^of an Asy‐ lum for
Strangers both English and Indians, far and near, — I Labour under Bodily [Indiſpoſiſion | indisposition]Indiſpoſiſionindisposition
[Conſtantly | constantly]Conſtantlyconstantly near a Year, I have not been able to do much in hard Labour, which
puts me back very much; under [theſe | these]theſethese Dif‐ ficulties, my unbelieving Heart brings me upon the
Borders of [Diſcouragement | discouragement]Diſcouragementdiscouragement
^[above] at times^at times, but my [Reaſon | reason]Reaſonreason and better [underſtand‐ ing | understand‐ing]underſtand‐ ingunderstand‐ing tells me, this is the Time to [Truſt | trust]Truſttrust and Hope in god, and I believe God never made any Creature with a
Mouth, but that he will provide for it, in his ^[above] own^own way and
Time — and when I Come to recollect what I have Seen in my Travels, and what I
have Read [alſo | also]alſoalso, I am Struck with amazement and Stand [Speechleſs | speechless]Speechleſsspeechless; I am Sure if god
[Shou'd | should]Shou'dshould Deal with me according to my [Deſerts | deserts]Deſertsdeserts I [Shoud | should]Shoudshould
^[above] have^have no‐ thing that is Comfortable in this
World nor in that which is to Come — How many poor Creatures have I Seen
in the World as good by Nature as I am, go [almoſt | almost]almoſtalmost Na ked in the [Severeſt | severest]Severeſtseverest weather, and have [no where | nowhere]no wherenowhere to Lay their Heads, and not one Mouthful of the [mean eſt | meanest]mean eſtmeanest Bread, that they Can Command, but are [oblig'd | obliged]oblig'dobliged to go from [Houſe | house]Houſehouse to [Houſe | house]Houſehouse, and from Door to Door, with Tears Streaming Down their Dirty Cheeks [beging | begging]begingbegging a
a [Crum | crumb]Crumcrumb of Bread, and when they have one mouthful giv en them, they know
not who will ^[above] give^give them the next, — when I Come to [Conſider | consider]Conſiderconsider how much better God has Dealt with me, I am [Astoniſh'd | astonished]Astoniſh'dastonished at [my ſelf | myself]my ſelfmyself, that I have no more
[Senſe | sense]Senſesense of the [Diſtinguiſhing | distinguishing]Diſtinguiſhingdistinguishing
[Goodneſs | goodness]Goodneſsgoodness of God to me, and to mine — I have [greateſt | greatest]greateſtgreatest
[Reaſon | reason]Reaſonreason to Call upon my Soul and all that is within ^[above] me^me to [Bleſs | bless]Bleſsbless and [Praiſe | praise]Praiſepraise God Night and Day; and when I come to [Conſider | consider]Conſiderconsider further, how many Holy Souls, I mean the Children ^[above] of
god, have [Sufferd | suffered]Sufferdsuffered, in Times ^[above] of^of
[Perſecution | persecution]Perſecutionpersecution, all manner of Torments, and
[Depriv'd | deprived]Depriv'ddeprived of every Comfort in this World, Yet how
[ful | full]fulfull of [Praiſes | praises]Praiſespraises and [thankſgivings | thanksgivings]thankſgivingsthanksgivings were they — Yea when I Come to trace the Son of the [moſt | most]moſtmost High, from the Manger to his [Croſs | Cross]CroſsCross, I am Struck Dumb, I am Con‐ founded, I am [Aſhamed | ashamed]Aſhamedashamed, I have no Room to open my Mouth in a way of Complaint, I pray god to
learn me by [theſe | these]theſethese Small [Tryals | trials]Tryalstrials I meet with in the World to Hope and [Truſt | trust]Truſttrust in god alone, and not in the Crea‐ ture — I ^[above] Pray^Pray god to kill me to the world, and that he [woud | would]woudwould kill the World to me — that I may be Dead to the World and the
World to me — God has Seen fit to take away
my [eldeſt | eldest]eldeſteldest Son[pers0026.ocp] by Death a few weeks ago, the Lord Sanctify this [afflective | afflictive]afflectiveafflictive
[Diſpenſation | dispensation]Diſpenſationdispensation to me and to mine — my wife[pers0029.ocp]
is not well, andbut the [reſt | rest]reſtrest of my Family are well [thro' | through]thro'through the [goodneſs | goodness]goodneſsgoodness of god at [pre‐ ſent | pre‐sent]pre‐ ſentpre‐sent — I Pray God [theſe | these]theſethese may find you and yours in Health of Body and Soul [Proſperity | prosperity]Proſperityprosperity, — my ^[above] wife^wife[pers0029.ocp] Joins me in [Chriſtian | Christian]ChriſtianChristian
[Reſpects | Respects]ReſpectsRespects to you and Yours — I am, [moſt | most]moſtmost kind madam
your [moſt | most]moſtmost unworthy and [moſt | most]moſtmost obliged Humble Servant
Samson Occom[pers0030.ocp]
[Pleaſe | Please]PleaſePlease to remember ^[above] me^me to Phillis[pers0428.ocp] and the [reſt | rest]reſtrest of your Servants Pray madam, what harm [woud | would]woudwould it be to Send Phillis[pers0428.ocp] to her
Native Country as a Female Preacher to her kindred, you know Quaker women are [alow'd | allowed]alow'dallowed to preach, and why not others in an Extraordinary [Caſe | case]Caſecase —
S: O[pers0030.ocp]
2 PS
Madam I have ^[above] a^a favour to beg of you
that is, to get me a Singing Book, I think it was Printed at Salem[place0199.ocp] lately price, I was told
S8 my Children are much [Inclin'd | inclined]Inclin'dinclined to Singing and I [woud | would]woudwould
[illegible]Encourage them in Time, — and I will
endeavour to Send you Money [Some Time | sometime]Some Timesometime or other Send by any Careful Hand to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
[JB | John Baker]JBJohn Baker Brimmer[pers0096.ocp] at Norwich
Landing[place0176.ocp] yours [&c | etc.]&cetc.
S: Occom[pers0030.ocp]
[Recd | Received]RecdReceived
[Septr | September]SeptrSeptember 1772
why could he never write in this [ſtrain | strain]ſtrainstrain to me when he knew me [ſinking | sinking]ſinkingsinking under [Labr | labour]Labrlabour
[& | and]&and trial for his Nation.
[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): NL]NL 2..16 To
[Mrs | Mrs.]MrsMrs.
Susanna Wheatley[pers0574.ocp] In [Kings Street | State Street]Kings StreetState Street[place0311.ocp]
[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): Lebanon]Lebanon
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0541.ocp | Esq. r Esq. Thornton | mentioned | Thornton, John |
pers0026.ocp | my eldeſt eldest Son | mentioned | Occom, Aaron |
pers0029.ocp | my wife | mentioned | Occom, Mary (née Fowler) |
pers0030.ocp | Samson Occom | writer | Occom, Samson |
pers0428.ocp | Phillis | mentioned | Wheatley, Phillis |
pers0030.ocp | S: O | writer | Occom, Samson |
pers0096.ocp | JB John Baker Brimmer | mentioned | Brimmer, John Baker |
pers0030.ocp | S: Occom | writer | Occom, Samson |
pers0574.ocp | Susanna Wheatley | recipient | Wheatley, Susanna |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0143.ocp | Mohegan | Mohegan |
place0199.ocp | Salem | Salem |
place0176.ocp | Norwich Landing | Norwich Landing |
place0311.ocp | Kings Street State Street | State Street |
place0013.ocp | Boston | Boston |
This document does not contain any tagged organizations.
Dates identified in this document:
Standard Form | Text |
1771-03-05 | March 5: 1771 |
1770-12-03 | DecrDecember 3d3rd –70 |
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
modernization | 3d | 3rd |
modernization | thouſand | thousand |
modernization | Esq.r | Esq. |
modernization | Compaſsion | compassion |
variation | Straights | straits |
modernization | Neceſsities | necessities |
modernization | Conſequently | consequently |
modernization | Seaſon | season |
variation | proviſsions | provisions |
variation | any thing | anything |
modernization | Conſiſts | consists |
modernization | Conſtantly | constantly |
variation | Viſiters | visitors |
modernization | paſt | past |
modernization | Meaſure | measure |
modernization | Houſe | house |
variation | Indiſpoſiſion | indisposition |
modernization | theſe | these |
modernization | Diſcouragement | discouragement |
modernization | Reaſon | reason |
modernization | underſtand‐ ing | understand‐ing |
modernization | Truſt | trust |
modernization | alſo | also |
modernization | Speechleſs | speechless |
modernization | Deſerts | deserts |
variation | Shoud | should |
modernization | almoſt | almost |
modernization | Severeſt | severest |
variation | no where | nowhere |
modernization | mean eſt | meanest |
variation | beging | begging |
variation | Crum | crumb |
modernization | Conſider | consider |
variation | my ſelf | myself |
modernization | Senſe | sense |
modernization | Diſtinguiſhing | distinguishing |
modernization | Goodneſs | goodness |
modernization | greateſt | greatest |
modernization | Bleſs | bless |
modernization | Praiſe | praise |
variation | Sufferd | suffered |
modernization | Perſecution | persecution |
variation | ful | full |
modernization | Praiſes | praises |
modernization | thankſgivings | thanksgivings |
modernization | moſt | most |
modernization | Croſs | Cross |
modernization | Aſhamed | ashamed |
variation | Tryals | trials |
variation | woud | would |
modernization | eldeſt | eldest |
variation | afflective | afflictive |
modernization | Diſpenſation | dispensation |
modernization | reſt | rest |
modernization | goodneſs | goodness |
modernization | pre‐ ſent | pre‐sent |
modernization | Proſperity | prosperity |
modernization | Chriſtian | Christian |
modernization | Reſpects | Respects |
modernization | Pleaſe | Please |
modernization | Caſe | case |
variation | Some Time | sometime |
modernization | Mr | Mr. |
modernization | &c | etc. |
modernization | ſtrain | strain |
modernization | ſinking | sinking |
modernization | Mrs | Mrs. |
variation | Kings Street | State Street |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
Decr | December |
& | and |
oblig'd | obliged |
Shou'd | should |
Astoniſh'd | astonished |
Depriv'd | deprived |
thro' | through |
alow'd | allowed |
Inclin'd | inclined |
JB | John Baker |
Recd | Received |
Septr | September |
Labr | labour |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 16) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 16) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 12) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 107) |