Your most acceptable and very animating
Favour of
3d –70 Came Safely to Hand a few Days a
go, for
which I return you ten thouſand Thanks —
I am in great Hopes, Your Letter to
Esq.r Thornton will attract Bowels of Compaſsion towards me and
mine. And I pray the Lord to reward You & yours
Bountifully in Both worlds, — I am in Greater Straights
and Neceſsities than ever, we had but little Corn last
year and Conſequently little meat. it was Dry Seaſon
with us; I have no proviſsions now at all only what
I buy, and I have no Money to buy with, I am oblig'd
to Sell any thing I have to get meat and Corn with, &
my Family Conſiſts ten Souls Conſtantly, and a great
Number of Viſiters Continually from all quarters
there has not been one Week, nor 3 Days as I
[gap: worn_edge][guess: re‐] member in the Year paſt, but that we have had
Some Stranger or other — My being acquainted
with the
World in Some Meaſure, has made my Houſe a Sort
^of^ an Asy‐
lum for
Strangers both English and Indians, far and
near, — I Labour under Bodily Indiſpoſiſion
near a Year, I have not been able to do much in hard
Labour, which
puts me back very much; under theſe Dif‐
ficulties, my unbelieving Heart brings me upon the
of Diſcouragement
^at times^, but my Reaſon and better underſtand‐
ing tells me, this is the Time to Truſt and Hope in god,
and I believe God never made any Creature with a
Mouth, but that he will provide for it, in his
^own^ way and
Time — and when I Come to recollect what I have Seen
in my Travels, and what I
have Read alſo, I am Struck
with amazement and Stand Speechleſs; I am Sure if god
Shou'd Deal with me according to my Deſerts I Shoud
^have^ no‐
thing that is Comfortable in this
World nor in that which
is to Come — How many poor Creatures have I Seen
the World as good by Nature as I am, go almoſt Na
ked in the Severeſt weather, and have no where to
Lay their Heads, and not one Mouthful of the mean
eſt Bread, that they Can Command, but are oblig'd
to go from Houſe to Houſe, and from Door to Door, with
Tears Streaming Down their Dirty Cheeks beging a
a Crum of Bread, and when they have one mouthful giv
en them, they know
not who will
^give^ them the next, — when
I Come to Conſider how much better God has Dealt with
me, I am Astoniſh'd at my ſelf, that I have no more
Senſe of the Diſtinguiſhing
Goodneſs of God to me, and to mine —
I have greateſt
Reaſon to Call upon my Soul and
all that is within
^me^ to Bleſs and Praiſe God Night and
Day; and when I come to Conſider further, how many
Holy Souls, I mean the Children
god^, have Sufferd, in
Perſecution, all manner of Torments, and
Depriv'd of every Comfort in this World, Yet how
ful of Praiſes and thankſgivings were they — Yea
when I Come to trace the Son of the moſt High, from
the Manger to his Croſs, I am Struck Dumb, I am Con‐
founded, I am Aſhamed, I have no Room to open my
Mouth in a way of Complaint, I pray god to
me by theſe Small Tryals I meet with in the World
to Hope and Truſt in god alone, and not in the Crea‐
ture — I
^Pray^ god to kill me to the world, and that he woud
kill the World to me — that I may be Dead to the World
and the
World to me — God has Seen fit to take away
my eldeſt Son by Death a few weeks ago, the Lord
Sanctify this afflective
Diſpenſation to me and to
mine —
my wife
is not well,
andbut the reſt of my
Family are well thro' the goodneſs of god at pre‐
ſent — I Pray God theſe may find you and yours
in Health of Body and Soul Proſperity, —
my ^wife^ Joins
me in Chriſtian
Reſpects to you and Yours —
I am, moſt kind madam
Pleaſe to remember
^me^ to
Phillis and the reſt of your Servants
Pray madam, what harm woud it be to Send
Phillis to her
Native Country as a Female Preacher to her kindred,
you know Quaker women are alow'd to preach, and why
not others in an Extraordinary Caſe —
S: O
2 PS
Madam I have
^a^ favour to beg of you
that is, to get me a Singing Book, I think it
was Printed at
Salem lately price, I was told
S8 my Children are much Inclin'd to Singing
and I woud
[illegible]Encourage them in Time, — and
I will
endeavour to Send you Money Some Time
or other Send by any Careful Hand to M
JB Brimmer at
Landing yours &c
S: Occom