John Shattock, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1770 March 26
26 March 1770[1770-03-26]
Call Number770226.2
[note (type: abstract): Shattock tells Wheelock that his tribe, the Narragansetts, do not wish to move to New Hampshire on account of the colder climate.][note (type: handwriting): Formal handwriting is clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Large single sheet is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.][note (type: ink): Dark-brown.]
Persistent Identifier
[Charles Town | Charlestown]Charles TownCharlestown
March [26th | 26th]26th26th D 1770[1770-03-26]
[Honourd | Honoured]HonourdHonoured Sir
[Honourd | Honoured]HonourdHonoured Sir
Though the [goodneſs | goodness]goodneſsgoodness of God I have been
[suffer'd | suffered]suffer'dsuffered to Visit my Brethren and according to your Directions
I have [acquaint'd | acquainted]acquaint'dacquainted Samuel Niles[pers0391.ocp] and his People of your kind
offer to them and that you would [aſſist | assist]aſſistassist them all in your Power
in [Settleing | settling]Settleingsettling a new [countray | country]countraycountry as they have seen some fruits of
the [Docters | Doctor's]DoctersDoctor's [kindneſs | kindness]kindneſskindness in [above] hishis writing to the Governor[pers0567.ocp] in their
favour they Desired me to send him an answer in [above] thisthis form that
they are [Heartyly | heartily]Heartylyheartily thankful to the [Docter | Doctor]DocterDoctor and [wou'd | would]wou'dwould [willinly | willingly]willinlywillingly
Pursue the [Sheme | scheme]Shemescheme of [Settleing | settling]Settleingsettling that Land if [above] itit were further to
the Southward they say they have been toward that [Countray | country]Countraycountry
a Hunting and found the Weather [hearder | harder]hearderharder and colder then
it was here by which they think the Summer [Seaſons | seasons]Seaſonsseasons must
be a Vast deal shorter [then | than]thenthan they are here as our affairs are
unsettled and see no [likely-hoods | likelihoods]likely-hoodslikelihoods of [any thing | anything]any thinganything been done about
them [till | 'til]till'til may we think it best not to [pusue | pursue]pusuepursue that settlement
notwithstanding we [above] areare entirely thankful to [Doct | Dr.]DoctDr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]
and also to the Governor[pers0567.ocp] we would let you know this that
you may not be [disappoint'd | disappointed]disappoint'ddisappointed
[suffer'd | suffered]suffer'dsuffered to Visit my Brethren and according to your Directions
I have [acquaint'd | acquainted]acquaint'dacquainted Samuel Niles[pers0391.ocp] and his People of your kind
offer to them and that you would [aſſist | assist]aſſistassist them all in your Power
in [Settleing | settling]Settleingsettling a new [countray | country]countraycountry as they have seen some fruits of
the [Docters | Doctor's]DoctersDoctor's [kindneſs | kindness]kindneſskindness in [above] hishis writing to the Governor[pers0567.ocp] in their
favour they Desired me to send him an answer in [above] thisthis form that
they are [Heartyly | heartily]Heartylyheartily thankful to the [Docter | Doctor]DocterDoctor and [wou'd | would]wou'dwould [willinly | willingly]willinlywillingly
Pursue the [Sheme | scheme]Shemescheme of [Settleing | settling]Settleingsettling that Land if [above] itit were further to
the Southward they say they have been toward that [Countray | country]Countraycountry
a Hunting and found the Weather [hearder | harder]hearderharder and colder then
it was here by which they think the Summer [Seaſons | seasons]Seaſonsseasons must
be a Vast deal shorter [then | than]thenthan they are here as our affairs are
unsettled and see no [likely-hoods | likelihoods]likely-hoodslikelihoods of [any thing | anything]any thinganything been done about
them [till | 'til]till'til may we think it best not to [pusue | pursue]pusuepursue that settlement
notwithstanding we [above] areare entirely thankful to [Doct | Dr.]DoctDr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]
and also to the Governor[pers0567.ocp] we would let you know this that
you may not be [disappoint'd | disappointed]disappoint'ddisappointed
Sir I received four Dollars upon your order of [mr | Mr.]mrMr.
[Brimer | Brimmer]BrimerBrimmer [pers0096.ocp] [Marchant | merchant]Marchantmerchant in Norwich [Landin | landing]Landinlanding [place0176.ocp] which I [promis'd | promised]promis'dpromised
to return [with in | within]with inwithin a month to the [Doct | Doctor]DoctDoctor if it should be a week
or two Longer I hope it will no offence
[Brimer | Brimmer]BrimerBrimmer [pers0096.ocp] [Marchant | merchant]Marchantmerchant in Norwich [Landin | landing]Landinlanding [place0176.ocp] which I [promis'd | promised]promis'dpromised
to return [with in | within]with inwithin a month to the [Doct | Doctor]DoctDoctor if it should be a week
or two Longer I hope it will no offence
now to Subscribe myself your
most [Obedi | Obedient]ObediObedient [Hum | Humble]HumHumble [servt | servant]servtservant
John Shattock[pers0661.ocp]
most [Obedi | Obedient]ObediObedient [Hum | Humble]HumHumble [servt | servant]servtservant
John Shattock[pers0661.ocp]
From John Shattock[pers0661.ocp]
March 26. 1770.[1770-03-26]
March 26. 1770.[1770-03-26]
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0391.ocp | Samuel Niles | mentioned | Niles, Samuel |
pers0567.ocp | the Governor | mentioned | Wentworth, John |
pers0036.ocp | Doct Dr. Wheelock | recipient | Wheelock, Eleazar |
pers0567.ocp | Governor | mentioned | Wentworth, John |
pers0096.ocp | m r Mr. Brimer Brimmer | mentioned | Brimmer, John Baker |
pers0661.ocp | John Shattock | writer | Shattock, John Jr. |
pers0661.ocp | John Shattock | writer | Shattock, John Jr. |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0031.ocp | Charles Town Charlestown | Charlestown |
place0176.ocp | Norwich Landin landing | Norwich Landing |
This document does not contain any tagged organizations.
Dates identified in this document:
Standard Form | Text |
1770-03-26 | March 26th26th D 1770 |
1770-03-26 | March 26. 1770. |
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
variation | Charles Town | Charlestown |
modernization | 26th | 26th |
modernization | goodneſs | goodness |
modernization | aſſist | assist |
variation | Settleing | settling |
variation | countray | country |
variation | Docters | Doctor's |
modernization | kindneſs | kindness |
variation | Heartyly | heartily |
variation | Docter | Doctor |
variation | willinly | willingly |
variation | Sheme | scheme |
variation | Countray | country |
variation | hearder | harder |
modernization | Seaſons | seasons |
variation | then | than |
variation | likely-hoods | likelihoods |
variation | any thing | anything |
variation | till | 'til |
variation | pusue | pursue |
modernization | Doct | Dr. |
modernization | mr | Mr. |
variation | Brimer | Brimmer |
variation | Marchant | merchant |
variation | Landin | landing |
variation | with in | within |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
Honourd | Honoured |
suffer'd | suffered |
acquaint'd | acquainted |
wou'd | would |
disappoint'd | disappointed |
promis'd | promised |
Doct | Doctor |
Obedi | Obedient |
Hum | Humble |
servt | servant |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 6) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 9) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 4) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 98) |