John Shattock, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1770 March 26

Author Shattock, John

Date26 March, 1770

Call Number770226.2

abstractShattock tells Wheelock that his tribe, the Narragansetts, do not wish to move to New Hampshire on account of the colder climate.

handwritingFormal handwriting is clear and legible.

paperLarge single sheet is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.


Persistent Identifier
Honourd Sir
Though the goodneſs of God I have been
suffer'd to Visit my Brethren and according to your Directions
I have acquaint'd Samuel Niles and his People of your kind
offer to them and that you would aſſist them all in your Power
in Settleing a new countray as they have seen some fruits of
the Docters kindneſs in his writing to the Governor in their
favour they Desired me to send him an answer in this form that
they are Heartyly thankful to the Docter and wou'd willinly
Pursue the Sheme of Settleing that Land if it were further to
the Southward they say they have been toward that Countray
a Hunting and found the Weather hearder and colder then
it was here by which they think the Summer Seaſons must
be a Vast deal shorter then they are here as our affairs are
unsettled and see no likely-hoods of any thing been done about
them till may we think it best not to pusue that settlement
notwithstanding we are entirely thankful to Doct Wheelock
and also to the Governor we would let you know this that
you may not be disappoint'd
Sir I received four Dollars upon your order of mr
Marchant in Norwich Landin which I promis'd
to return with in a month to the Doct if it should be a week
or two Longer I hope it will no offence

now to Subscribe myself your
most Obedi Hum servt
John Shattock
From John Shattock
March 26. 1770.
