Mary Secutor, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 November 16

Author Secutor, Mary[pers0468.ocp]

16 November 1768[1768-11-16]

ms number768616

[note (type: abstract): Secutor writes to Wheelock for direction about her promise to marry Hezekiah Calvin, which she is reconsidering.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is uneven, yet formal and mostly legible. On one verso, Wheelock's hand is informal and difficult to decipher. The trailer is in a third, unknown hand.][note (type: paper): Single small sheet is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.][note (type: ink): Brown inks vary in intensity.][note (type: noteworthy): On one verso, an addition in Wheelock's hand is possibly notes for a sermon. Within these notes, it is uncertain as to what is Wheelock's intention regarding the word "Souce," and so it has been left unmodified in the modernized transcription.]
Persistent Identifier
[Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [& | and]&and [Hon-ned | Honoured]Hon-nedHonoured [Sir | Sir]SirSir
I am in a Stand what to do about my [Promes | promise]Promespromise I have made to [H. | Hezekiah]H.Hezekiah Calvin[pers0008.ocp] I, ^[above] think^think it best not to M[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): ary]ary Marry him I think he has [illegible]no regards for me more then he has any [giral | girl]giralgirl. So I [en[illegible]tend | intend]en[illegible]tendintend to live Single. I have had more Regards for Calvin[pers0008.ocp] then ever I had for [anny | any]annyany In[illegible]dian in my [guess (): [fife | life]fifelife][fife | life]fifelife I have minded him for enough I think, ([tho | though]thothough I have the Same love as ever I had,) not to [Cuple | couple]Cuplecouple before he has. [Sir | Sir]SirSir [far | for]farfor [Mar–ge | marriage]Mar–gemarriage we agreed nothing to part us but death, now I know not what to do if we Should have one another [illegible]he will always think that I Like [hem | him]hemhim not, So I will Say nothing to him [untell | until]untelluntil I hear from you [Sir | Sir]SirSir I hope [yo | you]yoyou will ^[left] [illegible]^[illegible] if it is my tell me what is my duty to do [& | and]&and I will do it. my [illegible] Parents are a mind I shou^[above] ld^ld have Calvin[pers0008.ocp] I love him well enough but what to
do I know not but I hope I Shall be [Derected | directed]Derecteddirected to do what is [rite | right]riteright, So I will Commit
So Remain your Obedient [Servnt | Servant]ServntServant Mary [Secuter | Secutor]SecuterSecutor[pers0468.ocp]
[left] Mary [Secuter | Secutor]SecuterSecutor[pers0468.ocp] [Nov,r | November]Nov,rNovember 16. 1768.[1768-11-16]
Mary [Secuter | Secutor]SecuterSecutor[pers0468.ocp] [Nov,r | November]Nov,rNovember 16. 1768.[1768-11-16]
[T | to]Tto the [Revent | Reverend]ReventReverend [Docetor | Doctor]DocetorDoctor Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] [att | at]attat Lebanon[place0122.ocp]
[below] D.1. how ever great [y.e | the]y.ethe [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): [[Senſ | sense]Senſsense][[Senſ | sense]Senſsense Souce of want ^[above] his [Neceſsities | necessities]Neceſsitiesnecessities^his [Neceſsities | necessities]Neceſsitiesnecessities may be, and however [abund.t | abundant]abund.tabundant and [Earneſt | earnest]Earneſtearnest his [Endrs | endeavours]Endrsendeavours for [leif | life]leiflife may be he [dos | does]dosdoes [nothg | nothing]nothgnothing out of [Obed.c | obedience]Obed.cobedience to God, [& | and]&and Nil [y.t | that]y.tthat [G. | God]G.God commands him to do before Faith. D.2. [y.e | the]y.ethe [Promiſes | promises]Promiſespromises of [G. | God]G.God are as much to [ye | the]yethe [Serv,t | servant]Serv,tservant as [^[above] ya^ya | they]^[above] ya^yathey can be. and as Sure as he [harkens | hearkens]harkenshearkens to and obeys [ye | the]yethe [comds | commands]comdscommands of [G. | God]G.God So Surely he will [ha' | have]ha'have [ye | the]yethe [releif | relief]releifrelief [promiſed | promised]promiſedpromised =
D.1. how ever great [y.e | the]y.ethe [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): [[Senſ | sense]Senſsense][[Senſ | sense]Senſsense Souce of want ^[above] his [Neceſsities | necessities]Neceſsitiesnecessities^his [Neceſsities | necessities]Neceſsitiesnecessities may be, and however [abund.t | abundant]abund.tabundant and [Earneſt | earnest]Earneſtearnest his [Endrs | endeavours]Endrsendeavours for [leif | life]leiflife may be he [dos | does]dosdoes [nothg | nothing]nothgnothing out of [Obed.c | obedience]Obed.cobedience to God, [& | and]&and Nil [y.t | that]y.tthat [G. | God]G.God commands him to do before Faith. D.2. [y.e | the]y.ethe [Promiſes | promises]Promiſespromises of [G. | God]G.God are as much to [ye | the]yethe [Serv,t | servant]Serv,tservant as [^[above] ya^ya | they]^[above] ya^yathey can be. and as Sure as he [harkens | hearkens]harkenshearkens to and obeys [ye | the]yethe [comds | commands]comdscommands of [G. | God]G.God So Surely he will [ha' | have]ha'have [ye | the]yethe [releif | relief]releifrelief [promiſed | promised]promiſedpromised =
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0008.ocp H. Hezekiah Calvin mentioned Calvin, Hezekiah
pers0008.ocp Calvin mentioned Calvin, Hezekiah
pers0468.ocp Mary Secuter Secutor writer Secutor, Mary
pers0036.ocp Docetor Doctor Wheelock recipient Wheelock, Eleazar

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0031.ocp Charleston Charlestown Charlestown
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon

This document does not contain any tagged organizations.

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1768-11-16 November. 16th16th 1768
1768-11-16 Nov,rNovember 16. 1768.

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
variation Charleston Charlestown
modernization 16th 16th
modernization Rev.d Rev.
modernization Sir Sir
variation Promes promise
variation giral girl
variation en[illegible]tend intend
variation anny any
variation tho though
variation Cuple couple
variation far for
variation hem him
variation untell until
variation Derected directed
variation rite right
variation Secuter Secutor
variation Docetor Doctor
variation att at
modernization y.e the
modernization Senſ sense
modernization Neceſsities necessities
modernization Earneſt earnest
variation leif life
variation dos does
modernization y.t that
modernization Promiſes promises
modernization ye the
modernization ^[above] ya^ya they
variation harkens hearkens
variation releif relief
modernization promiſed promised

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
& and
Hon-ned Honoured
H. Hezekiah
Mar–ge marriage
yo you
Servnt Servant
Nov,r November
Revent Reverend
abund.t abundant
Endrs endeavours
nothg nothing
Obed.c obedience
G. God
Serv,t servant
comds commands
ha' have

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 24)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 8)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 7)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 94)