Allyn Mather, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1767 October 22
22 October 1767[1767-10-22]
Call Number767572.3
[note (type: abstract): Mather reports on his journey to Yale.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is formal, clear and legible. The trailer is in an unknown hand.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear. The seal is largely intact.][note (type: ink): Brown-black ink is lightly faded.]
Persistent Identifier
New-Haven[place0162.ocp]. [Oct.o | October]Oct.oOctober
[ | 22nd.]22.th22nd. 1767[1767-10-22]
[Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [& | and]&and Honoured Sir
[Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [& | and]&and Honoured Sir
Both duty [& | and]&and affection
excite me to write you.— knowing
that you are [deſireous | desirous]deſireousdesirous to hear how I do
and what [succes | success]successuccesswe I had on the way —
which I would [informe | inform]informeinform you, [throug | through]througthrough a kind
[& | and]&and [above] aa tender Providence I am safe [arive'd | arrived]arive'darrived
to [above] thethe place of my [deſire | desire]deſiredesire, and [thoſe | those]thoſethose that
accompanied me, under comfortable—
[circumſtances | circumstances]circumſtancescircumstances, [& | and]&and all our Bones [preſerve'd | preserved]preſerve'dpreserved
from being [Brooken | broken]Brookenbroken , and may God wtho has
kept us, [& | and]&and [preſerved | preserved]preſervedpreserved us [above] bebe Glorified [therefor | therefore]therefortherefore
I have had no [op[above] pportunity | opportunity]op[above] pportunityopportunity to [git | get]gitget [acqainted | acquainted]acqaintedacquainted with
[Colege | college]Colegecollege affairs, therefore I am unable to give
you any account of the same.
excite me to write you.— knowing
that you are [deſireous | desirous]deſireousdesirous to hear how I do
and what [succes | success]successuccess
which I would [informe | inform]informeinform you, [throug | through]througthrough a kind
[& | and]&and [above] aa tender Providence I am safe [arive'd | arrived]arive'darrived
to [above] thethe place of my [deſire | desire]deſiredesire, and [thoſe | those]thoſethose that
accompanied me, under comfortable—
[circumſtances | circumstances]circumſtancescircumstances, [& | and]&and all our Bones [preſerve'd | preserved]preſerve'dpreserved
from being [Brooken | broken]Brookenbroken , and may God w
kept us, [& | and]&and [preſerved | preserved]preſervedpreserved us [above] bebe Glorified [therefor | therefore]therefortherefore
I have had no [op[above] pportunity | opportunity]op[above] pportunityopportunity to [git | get]gitget [acqainted | acquainted]acqaintedacquainted with
[Colege | college]Colegecollege affairs, therefore I am unable to give
you any account of the same.
I went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Bears[pers0076.ocp], [& | and]&and
[delived | delivered]deliveddelivered him
the Money, which was [agreable | agreeably]agreableagreeably received
[& | and]&and further I [aſk | asked]aſkasked him for an entertainment
but we could not have any— for he was
full— we put up at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Augens[pers0061.ocp], where
we [was | were]waswere [agreable | agreeably]agreableagreeably [entertain'd | entertained]entertain'dentertained
I [exspect | expect]exspectexpect this Morning if I can [git | get]gitget [Hoars | horses]Hoarshorses
to set out for Milford[place0137.ocp]— I [ſhall | shall]ſhallshall conclude
this Letter, with [ownly | only]ownlyonly this,— [aſking | asking]aſkingasking
the continuation of your [pryers | prayers]pryersprayers for me
[& | and]&and for us all. that we may be kept very
humble, [& | and]&and be adorned with a meek [& | and]&and quiet
[spiret | spirit]spiretspirit , which is in the [site | sight]sitesight of God a great
[price | prize]priceprize , [& | and]&and so behave [& | and]&and conduct [our selves | ourselves]our selvesourselves , that
we may [above] bebe an honour to Religion, [& | and]&and ornament
to the School[org0098.ocp], [& | and]&and [above] thethe [deſign | design]deſigndesign advanced [there by | thereby]there bythereby
I am in great [haſt | haste]haſthaste, [pleas | please]pleasplease to except much
duty, to [your self | yourself]your selfyourself , [& | and]&and give kind regards
to Sir Wheelock[pers0578.ocp], I would [wrote | write]wrotewrite him, if
time would [parmited | permitted]parmitedpermitted,S I [subſcribe | subscribe]subſcribesubscribe my
the Money, which was [agreable | agreeably]agreableagreeably received
[& | and]&and further I [aſk | asked]aſkasked him for an entertainment
but we could not have any— for he was
full— we put up at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Augens[pers0061.ocp], where
we [was | were]waswere [agreable | agreeably]agreableagreeably [entertain'd | entertained]entertain'dentertained
I [exspect | expect]exspectexpect this Morning if I can [git | get]gitget [Hoars | horses]Hoarshorses
to set out for Milford[place0137.ocp]— I [ſhall | shall]ſhallshall conclude
this Letter, with [ownly | only]ownlyonly this,— [aſking | asking]aſkingasking
the continuation of your [pryers | prayers]pryersprayers for me
[& | and]&and for us all. that we may be kept very
humble, [& | and]&and be adorned with a meek [& | and]&and quiet
[spiret | spirit]spiretspirit , which is in the [site | sight]sitesight of God a great
[price | prize]priceprize , [& | and]&and so behave [& | and]&and conduct [our selves | ourselves]our selvesourselves , that
we may [above] bebe an honour to Religion, [& | and]&and ornament
to the School[org0098.ocp], [& | and]&and [above] thethe [deſign | design]deſigndesign advanced [there by | thereby]there bythereby
I am in great [haſt | haste]haſthaste, [pleas | please]pleasplease to except much
duty, to [your self | yourself]your selfyourself , [& | and]&and give kind regards
to Sir Wheelock[pers0578.ocp], I would [wrote | write]wrotewrite him, if
time would [parmited | permitted]parmitedpermitted,
Your [dutifull | dutiful]dutifulldutiful Pupil
[& | and]&and humble [Servent | servant]Serventservant
Allyn Mather[pers0361.ocp]
[& | and]&and humble [Servent | servant]Serventservant
Allyn Mather[pers0361.ocp]
the [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev.
[E. | Eleazar]E.Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]. DD.
From Allyn [Marther | Mather]MartherMather[pers0361.ocp]
from College[org0107.ocp]. [Oct.r | October]Oct.rOctober [22.d | 22nd]22.d22nd 1767[1767-10-22]—
from College[org0107.ocp]. [Oct.r | October]Oct.rOctober [22.d | 22nd]22.d22nd 1767[1767-10-22]—
To The [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev.
Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] D.D.
[left] Pr favour} Pr favour}
[left] Ripley[pers0444.ocp]}Ripley[pers0444.ocp]}
Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] D.D.
[left] Pr favour} Pr favour}
[left] Ripley[pers0444.ocp]}Ripley[pers0444.ocp]}
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0076.ocp | M r Mr. Bears | mentioned | Bears |
pers0061.ocp | M r Mr. Augens | mentioned | Augens |
pers0578.ocp | Sir Wheelock | Wheelock, Rodulphus | |
pers0361.ocp | Allyn Mather | writer | Mather, Allyn |
pers0036.ocp | E. Eleazar Wheelock | recipient | Wheelock, Eleazar |
pers0361.ocp | Allyn Marther Mather | writer | Mather, Allyn |
pers0036.ocp | Eleazar Wheelock | recipient | Wheelock, Eleazar |
pers0444.ocp | Ripley | mentioned | Ripley, Sylvanus |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0162.ocp | New-Haven | New Haven |
place0137.ocp | Milford | Milford |
place0048.ocp | Connecticut | Connecticut |
Organizations identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
org0098.ocp | School | Moor’s Indian Charity School |
org0107.ocp | College | Yale University |
Dates identified in this document:
Standard Form | Text |
1767-10-22 | Oct.oOctober 22.th22nd. 1767 |
1767-10-22 | Oct.rOctober 22.d22nd 1767 |
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
variation | | 22nd. |
modernization | deſireous | desirous |
variation | succes | success |
variation | informe | inform |
variation | throug | through |
modernization | deſire | desire |
modernization | thoſe | those |
modernization | circumſtances | circumstances |
modernization | preſerve'd | preserved |
variation | Brooken | broken |
modernization | preſerved | preserved |
variation | therefor | therefore |
variation | git | get |
variation | acqainted | acquainted |
variation | Colege | college |
modernization | Mr | Mr. |
variation | delived | delivered |
variation | agreable | agreeably |
modernization | aſk | asked |
variation | was | were |
variation | entertain'd | entertained |
variation | exspect | expect |
variation | Hoars | horses |
modernization | ſhall | shall |
variation | ownly | only |
modernization | aſking | asking |
variation | pryers | prayers |
variation | spiret | spirit |
variation | site | sight |
variation | price | prize |
variation | our selves | ourselves |
modernization | deſign | design |
variation | there by | thereby |
modernization | haſt | haste |
variation | pleas | please |
variation | your self | yourself |
variation | wrote | write |
variation | parmited | permitted |
modernization | subſcribe | subscribe |
variation | dutifull | dutiful |
variation | Servent | servant |
variation | Marther | Mather |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
Oct.o | October |
Rev.d | Rev. |
& | and |
arive'd | arrived |
op[above] pportunity | opportunity |
E. | Eleazar |
Oct.r | October |
22.d | 22nd |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 12) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 13) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 8) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 108) |