Allyn Mather, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1767 October 22

Author Mather, Allyn

Date22 October, 1767

Call Number767572.3

abstractMather reports on his journey to Yale.

handwritingHandwriting is formal, clear and legible. The trailer is in an unknown hand.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear. The seal is largely intact.

inkBrown-black ink is lightly faded.

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier
Rev. and Honoured Sir
Both duty and affection excite me to write you.— knowing that you are desirous to hear how I do and what success I had on the way — which I would inform you, through a kind and a tender Providence I am safe arrived to the place of my desire, and those that accompanied me, under comfortable— circumstances, and all our Bones preserved from being broken , and may God who has kept us, and preserved us be Glorified therefore I have had no opportunity to get acquainted with college affairs, therefore I am unable to give you any account of the same.
I went to Mr. Bears, and delivered him the Money, which was agreeably received and further I asked him for an entertainment but we could not have any— for he was full— we put up at Mr. Augens, where we were agreeably entertained
I expect this Morning if I can get horses to set out for Milford— I shall conclude this Letter, with only this,— asking the continuation of your prayers for me and for us all. that we may be kept very humble, and be adorned with a meek and quiet spirit , which is in the sight of God a great prize , and so behave and conduct ourselves , that we may be an honour to Religion, and ornament to the School, and the design advanced thereby I am in great haste, please to except much duty, to yourself , and give kind regards to Sir Wheelock, I would write him, if time would permitted, I subscribe my self
Your dutiful Pupil and humble servant Allyn Mather
the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock. DD.
Blank page.
From Allyn Mather from College. October 22nd 1767
To The Rev. Eleazar Wheelock D.D. in Connecticut Pr favour} Ripley}