Accounts, Indian Charity School, 1767 May 6

6 May 1767[1767-05-06]

Call Number767306.1

[note (type: abstract): Accounts of the Indian Charity School from May 1766 to May 1767. Wheelock’s account with Moses Peck.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is formal, yet small and occasionally difficult to decipher.][note (type: paper): Large single sheet folded down the middle is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.][note (type: noteworthy): Due to ledger tanscription format, line breaks may not exactly match those of the document.]
Persistent Identifier

[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] of Lebanon[place0122.ocp] Account with [Moſes | Moses]MoſesMoses Peck[pers0032.ocp] of [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston
[note (type: editorial): Heading spans pages 1v and 2r on the original folded sheet.]

Scroll Table to show more columns

Dr Cr
June 2.d[1766-06-02] By [Ballance | balance]Ballancebalance of Last [acco.t | account]acco.taccount adjusted this Day ✓59..19..1 By Bill of Exchange Drawn, on [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Whitaker[pers0037.ocp],
for £100 Sterling is
By a Note of hand Signed by [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. John Smith[pers0497.ocp] ✓70..5..1 1/[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): 2]2 May 28th[1766-05-28] One Ditto [fro | for]frofor £52..13..9 is 70..5..1 1/[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): 2]2
June 13th[1766-06-13] by Cash for pare of Sta[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): ys]ys for his Daughter ✓1..2..1 1/[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): 2]2 [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember [1766-09] by Cash [Recd | received]Recdreceived of [Mrs | Mrs.]MrsMrs. Smith[pers0502.ocp] 4..12..0
by Cash [pd | paid]pdpaid Joshua Davis[pers1099.ocp] for gyour [wigg | wig]wiggwig ✓3..3..3 [Oct.r | October]Oct.rOctober 31st[1766-10-31] by Cash [Rec.d | received]Rec.dreceived of [Mrs | Mrs.]MrsMrs. Smith[pers0502.ocp] 7..4.0
by Cash [pd | paid]pdpaid John [Winſlow | Winslow]WinſlowWinslow[pers1138.ocp] for [Hatts | hats]Hattshats his [acc.t | account]acc.taccount of May 29th[1766-05-29] ✓8..2..8 [Nov.r | November]Nov.rNovember 14[1766-11-14] by Cash [Rec.d | received]Rec.dreceived of Secretary Oliver[pers0031.ocp] 10..0..0
by Cash [pd | paid]pdpaid E: De [Jurſey | Jursey]JurſeyJursey[pers1102.ocp] for [hatt | hat]hatthat [pr | per]prper Daughter ✓0..7..10 1767
by [pr | pair]prpair Gloves 1/10 by Cash 2/8 ✓0..4..6 May 6[1767-05-06]. By Sundries for my Son ⅌ your [Acco.t | account]Acco.taccount 19..9..5
by Cash [pd | paid]pdpaid [Willm | William]WillmWilliam Daws[pers1100.ocp] ✓4..3..1 244.17.2 1/2
one [p.r | pair]p.rpair [Sleve | sleeve]Slevesleeve [buttens | buttons]buttensbuttons [pr | per]prper Daughter ✓0..5..4 [Ballance | Balance]BallanceBalance due to [Moſes | Moses]MoſesMoses Peck[pers0032.ocp] 20..12..
[augt | August]augtAugust 20th[1766-08-20] By Cash [pd | paid]pdpaid [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] with my [one | own]oneown hands ✓56..4..0 referred to your Debt in new [Accot | account]Accotaccount
by Cash [pd | paid]pdpaid the [taylors | tailors]taylorstailors for [makg | making]makgmaking his Daughters [Cloath.g | clothing]Cloath.gclothing ✓0..12..10
by Sundry Articles of [marchentdize | merchandise]marchentdizemerchandise [&c | etc.]&cetc. ✓4..10..9 [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): 1/2]1/2
to five Weeks boarding [pr | per]prper Daughter a[illegible] 6/8 ✓1..13..4
[Sepr | September]SeprSeptember 26[1766-09-26] by [illegible] [w.t | white]w.twhite Sole Leather at 8/ old [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): J]Jenr ✓4..19..2
[Octr | October]OctrOctober 22[1766-10-22] by 4 Calf Skins [& | and]&and one hide of [Neets Leather | neat-leather]Neets Leatherneat-leather ✓2..9..4
by [frait | freight]fraitfreight of Cask from London ✓0..10..6
[Nor | November]NorNovember by one Corn fan ✓0..10..0
[Feby | February]FebyFebruary 3d[1767-02-03] by Cash [pd | paid]pdpaid [S.r | Sir]S.rSir Wheelock[pers0578.ocp], your Son ✓36..13..4
[apr | April]aprApril 15th[1767-04-15] by Cash [pd | paid]pdpaid [Capt | Capt.]CaptCapt. Hall[pers0240.ocp] for [frait | freight]fraitfreight of 2 [boxs | boxes]boxsboxes of goods ✓0..8.0
by [truck.g | trucking]truck.gtrucking [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): Ditto]Ditto ✓0..1..6
by Cash [pd | paid]pdpaid J: Main[pers1112.ocp] for Books 9..3..5
£ 265..9..2 1/2 £26[illegible]5..9..2 1/2
Boston[place0013.ocp] May 6. 1767[1767-05-06]
Errors Excepted
[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): fr]fr [Moſes | Moses]MoſesMoses Peck[pers0032.ocp]
[M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Peck's[pers0032.ocp] [Acco.t | account]Acco.taccount settled
May [ | 6th]6..th6th 1767[1767-05-06]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0036.ocp M r Mr. Eleazar Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0032.ocp Moſes Moses Peck mentioned Peck, Moses
pers0037.ocp M r Mr. Whitaker mentioned Whitaker, Nathaniel
pers0497.ocp M r Mr. John Smith mentioned Smith, John
pers0502.ocp M rs Mrs. Smith mentioned Smith, Mercy (née Bridgham)
pers1099.ocp Joshua Davis mentioned Davis, Joshua
pers1138.ocp John Winſlow Winslow mentioned Winslow, John
pers0031.ocp Secretary Oliver mentioned Oliver, Andrew
pers1102.ocp E: De Jurſey Jursey mentioned De Jursey, E
pers1100.ocp Will m William Daws mentioned Daws, William
pers0036.ocp M. r Mr. Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0578.ocp S. r Sir Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Rodulphus
pers0240.ocp Cap t Capt. Hall mentioned Hall
pers1112.ocp J: Main mentioned Main, J.
pers0032.ocp M. r Mr. Peck's mentioned Peck, Moses

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon
place0013.ocp Boston Boston

This document does not contain any tagged organizations.

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1766-06-02 June 2.d
1766-05-28 May 28th
1766-06-13 June 13th
1766-09 SeprSeptember
1766-10-31 Oct.rOctober 31st
1766-05-29 May 29th
1766-11-14 Nov.rNovember 14
1767-05-06 May 6
1766-08-20 augtAugust 20th
1766-09-26 SeprSeptember 26
1766-10-22 OctrOctober 22
1767-02-03 FebyFebruary 3d
1767-04-15 aprApril 15th
1767-05-06 May 6. 1767
1767-05-06 May 6..th6th 1767

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Mr Mr.
modernization Moſes Moses
modernization Boſton Boston
variation Ballance balance
modernization Mrs Mrs.
variation wigg wig
modernization Winſlow Winslow
variation Hatts hats
modernization Jurſey Jursey
variation hatt hat
variation Sleve sleeve
variation buttens buttons
variation Ballance Balance
modernization M.r Mr.
variation taylors tailors
variation marchentdize merchandise
modernization &c etc.
variation Neets Leather neat-leather
variation frait freight
modernization Capt Capt.
modernization 6th

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
acco.t account
Sepr September
Recd received
pd paid
Oct.r October
Rec.d received
acc.t account
Nov.r November
pr per
pr pair
Acco.t account
Willm William
p.r pair
augt August
Accot account
makg making
Cloath.g clothing
w.t white
Octr October
& and
Nor November
Feby February
S.r Sir
apr April
boxs boxes
truck.g trucking

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 63)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 20)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 0)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 115)