Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Nathaniel Whitaker, 1767 February 13
13 February 1767[1767-02-13]
Call Number767163
[note (type: abstract): Wheelock discusses developments regarding two of his Mohawk students, reports on the progress of various missions, and discusses a tract of land on the Ohio as a possible site for a school.][note (type: handwriting): Formal and clear handwriting is not Wheelock's. It is possibly that of David McClure[pers0368.ocp]. The signature and trailer are in Wheelock's hand.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing, wear.][note (type: ink): Black-brown ink varies in intensity.][note (type: signature): The signature appears to be Wheelock's; it is abbreviated and written in a different ink.][note (type: noteworthy): This document appears to be a copy. There is an inky fingerprint visible on the right side of one recto. An editor, likely 19th-century, has added the note "Ind. miſ. Indian Scholars V" to two verso. This note has not been included in the transcription.]
Persistent Identifier
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Chamberlain[pers0009.ocp] came home from his [Miſsion | Mission]MiſsionMission yesterday (accompanied by one of the [Cheifs | Chiefs]CheifsChiefs
of the Mohawks[org0062.ocp], his wife and two Children;
to [Viſit | visit]Viſitvisit their Son[pers0755.ocp] at my School[org0098.ocp]) his Account is not
undcomfortable. The Indians have attended his [Miniſtry | Ministry]MiniſtryMinistry
[conſiderably | considerably]conſiderablyconsiderably well, [ſince | since]ſincesince the Ruffle, which I mentioned in a former Letter was [compoſ'd | composed]compoſ'dcomposed.
This Indian informs me that Sir William
[Johnſon | Johnson]JohnſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp] has lately [recd | received]recdreceived Letters from Home, wherein he is [inform'd | informed]inform'dinformed, that eight [Miſsionaries | Missionaries]MiſsionariesMissionaries
[& | and]&and eight School [Maſters | Masters]MaſtersMasters are coming; 4. each to [ſupply | supply]ſupplysupply the Northern [& | and]&and 4. each the [Southren | Southern]SouthrenSouthern
[Diſtricts | Districts]DiſtrictsDistricts, this Spring. at which I much rejoice, provided they be good [& | and]&and
[faithfull | faithful]faithfullfaithful men.
The [incloſ'd | enclosed]incloſ'denclosed from [Meſsrs | Messrs.]MeſsrsMessrs.
[Brainard | Brainerd]BrainardBrainerd[pers0004.ocp]
[& | and]&and
Smith[pers0497.ocp] came lately to hand. which you [& | and]&and our worthy Friends will [conſider | consider]conſiderconsider, and Act upon as Prudence shall [illegible]dictate,
and Providence shall open a Door. If his
Majesty[pers0305.ocp] would [graciouſly | graciously]graciouſlygraciously grant that Tract on the Ohio[place0178.ocp],
and the [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): [Qutrents | Quitrent]QutrentsQuitrent
][Qutrents | Quitrent]QutrentsQuitrent
upon it to the School forever, [& | and]&and make the [ſame | same]ſamesame a Borough, [endow'd | endowed]endow'dendowed with
[ſuch | such]ſuchsuch Privileges [& | and]&and immunities, as you with the Advice of Friend may [aſk | ask]aſkask for, the whole may likely be soon peopled with the best Inhabitants. I
think of no great Objection in the [Caſe | Case]CaſeCase,
[unleſs | unless]unleſsunless it be with [reſpect | respect]reſpectrespect to a Communication with the [reſt | rest]reſtrest of the World. which you are under better Advantages than
I am to be [ſatiſfied | satisfied]ſatiſfiedsatisfied in. so many things [concuring | concurring]concuringconcurring in the
[courſe | course]courſecourse of Providence, almost [perſwade | persuade]perſwadepersuade me that God [deſigns | designs]deſignsdesigns it shall be carried there. Sir
William[pers0292.ocp] no doubt [deſigns | designs]deſignsdesigns the
Six Nations[org0090.ocp] shall be [ſupplied | supplied]ſuppliedsupplied with Episcopalians — His Influence is very great — the Dutch
People are generally unfriendly — very ignorant — the
Mohawks[org0062.ocp] more proud than any Tribe, [& | and]&and easily disgusted, [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially if
the King[pers0305.ocp]s Favourites should [uſe | use]uſeuse their Endeavours ^[above] to [diſafect | disaffect]diſafectdisaffect them^to [diſafect | disaffect]diſafectdisaffect them
for [Satiſfaction | satisfaction]Satiſfactionsatisfaction — near the Ohio[place0178.ocp] the Indians [han't | haven't]han'thaven't been so much
[poyſned | poisoned]poyſnedpoisoned by the white People — Their Numbers are much greater — and an
Appearance of real Concern about the things of Religion in [ſome | some]ſomesome. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Chamberlain[pers0009.ocp]
[& | and]&and
my Son[pers0578.ocp]
[ſeem | seem]ſeemseem both or either of them [welling | willing]wellingwilling to accompany [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Brainerd[pers0004.ocp] in^[above] to^to
[thoſe | those]thoſethose Parts next Summer provided their [ſlender | slender]ſlenderslender State of Health will [alow | allow]alowallow them. And I can [alſo | also]alſoalso
[ſend | send]ſendsend
Peter [Mohock | Mohawk]MohockMohawk[pers0378.ocp], or [ſome | some]ſomesome other Indian youth who may [ſerve | serve]ſerveserve as [School Maſter | schoolmaster]School Maſterschoolmaster provided there be no call for them Northward, as likely there will not
be if the aforesaid [Miſsrs | Messrs.]MiſsrsMessrs. come from home, for I dont yet [underſtand | understand]underſtandunderstand that the Breach made last Spring, is so healed that it is like to be
[guess (h-dawnd): [heald | healed]healdhealed][heald | healed]healdhealed
[ſafe | safe]ſafesafe for them to go among Tribes further back — [Feb.y | February]Feb.yFebruary 18[1767-02-18]. When My Boy[pers0755.ocp]
[ſaw | saw]ſawsaw his Father [& | and]&and Mother [& | and]&and little Brother [& | and]&and Sister, and heard them lament the [Loſs | loss]Loſsloss of his little Brother about 2 Months ago, he had a mind a Mind to go home
with his Parents his Mothers Bowels [mov'd | moved]mov'dmoved towards him, and wept at the Thought of leaving him so far from her, I did
upon their
[Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire, [conſent | consent]conſentconsent he [shou'd | should]shou'dshould
[goe | go]goego with them, but gave no leave
for him to return
^[above] come again^come again, least an Ill improvement should be made of [ſuch | such]ſuchsuch a Liberty by others. Accordingly the Day before yesterday they [ſet | set]ſetset off [togeather | together]togeathertogether accompanied by great [ Willm | William] WillmWilliam
[pers0594.ocp] whom I recommend to Sir William[pers0292.ocp]
as being too proud, [& | and]&and litigious to [conſiſt | consist]conſiſtconsist with the Health [& | and]&and well being of this School. he had got a good Degree of common Learning. I [alſo | also]alſoalso
[ſent | sent]ſentsent Home another [Mohock | Mohawk]MohockMohawk Youth[pers0743.ocp], who had been but a few Months with me, and was so
lifted up with his having been in the Wars, and [ſent | sent]ſentsent to Hell one or two of the poor Savages with his own hand, that my [Houſe | house]Houſehouse was [ſcarcely | scarcely]ſcarcelyscarcely good enough for him to live in, or any of the School honourable enough
to [ſpeak | speak]ſpeakspeak to him. — What the Effect of this Step will be I cant tell —
but I thought it [neceſsary | necessary]neceſsarynecessary they [shou'd | should]shou'dshould know effectually, that there is, [& | and]&and shall be [goverment | government]govermentgovernment in this School —
This Day [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Chamberlain[pers0009.ocp] sat out on his Return to
[Mohock | Mohawk]MohockMohawk Country[place0142.ocp] Via, South
Hadly[place0216.ocp]; and [deſigns | designs]deſignsdesigns to return in May or before. I shall write [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Brainerd[pers0004.ocp] what I have here hinted — I [beleive | believe]beleivebelieve
[Gen.l | General]Gen.lGeneral Lyman[pers0344.ocp] is as likely as any Man to give Intelligence what the
Navigation of the Ohio[place0178.ocp] and
[Meſsiſippi | Mississippi]MeſsiſippiMississippi[place0141.ocp] are [&c. | etc.]&c.etc. I conclude you will [ſee | see]ſeesee what I have wrote [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Whitefield[pers0038.ocp]. I hope you have before now rec.d
[ſome | some]ſomesome
[Abſtracts | abstracts]Abſtractsabstracts I [ſent | sent]ſentsent you of [Meſsrs | Messrs.]MeſsrsMessrs.
Kirtland[pers0315.ocp]'s [& | and]&and
Chamberlain[pers0009.ocp]'s [&c | etc.]&cetc.'s Letters. by a Letter from [ Mr | Mr.] MrMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp] last week there is more appearance of Religion among
his Indians than ever there has been — My dear Sir, farewell. I am,
Yours most Cordially
[Eleaz.r | Eleazar]Eleaz.rEleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]
P.S. your [Spous | spouse]Spousspouse
[& | and]&and
[Famely | family]Famelyfamily were well the last I heard;
your Son James[pers0580.ocp] is with ^[above] me^me and is as well as [uſual | usual]uſualusual — [ſeveral | several]ſeveralseveral have been Sick of late in the School with [Rumitick | Rheumatic]RumitickRheumatic Disorder May God direct, Support [& | and]&and
[ſtrengthen | strengthen]ſtrengthenstrengthen you [guess (h-dawnd): [& | and]&and][& | and]&and my dear [S.r | Sir]S.rSir
and [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp]—
Letter to [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr.
^[above] Whitaker^Whitaker[pers0038.ocp]
[Feby | February]FebyFebruary . 13. 1767.[1767-02-13]
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0037.ocp | Whitaker | recipient | Whitaker, Nathaniel |
pers0009.ocp | M r Mr. Chamberlain | mentioned | Chamberlain, Theophilus |
pers0755.ocp | Son | mentioned | Seth |
pers0292.ocp | Sir William Johnſon Johnson | mentioned | Johnson, William |
pers0004.ocp | Brainard Brainerd | mentioned | Brainerd, John |
pers0497.ocp | Smith | mentioned | Smith, John |
pers0305.ocp | his Majesty | mentioned | Frederick, George William |
pers0292.ocp | Sir William | mentioned | Johnson, William |
pers0305.ocp | the King | mentioned | Frederick, George William |
pers0578.ocp | my Son | mentioned | Wheelock, Rodulphus |
pers0004.ocp | M r Mr. Brainerd | mentioned | Brainerd, John |
pers0378.ocp | Peter Mohock Mohawk | mentioned | Peter |
pers0755.ocp | My Boy | mentioned | Seth |
pers0594.ocp | great Will m William | mentioned | Johnson, Tagawirunta William |
pers0292.ocp | Sir William | mentioned | Johnson, William |
pers0743.ocp | another Mohock Mohawk Youth | mentioned | Green, John |
pers0009.ocp | M. r Mr. Chamberlain | mentioned | Chamberlain, Theophilus |
pers0344.ocp | Gen. l General Lyman | mentioned | Lyman, Phineas |
pers0038.ocp | M r Mr. Whitefield | mentioned | Whitefield, George |
pers0315.ocp | Kirtland | mentioned | Kirkland, Samuel |
pers0009.ocp | Chamberlain | mentioned | Chamberlain, Theophilus |
pers0315.ocp | M r Mr. Kirtland | mentioned | Kirkland, Samuel |
pers0036.ocp | Eleaz. r Eleazar Wheelock | writer | Wheelock, Eleazar |
pers0580.ocp | your Son James | mentioned | Whitaker, James |
pers0030.ocp | M r Mr. Occom | mentioned | Occom, Samson |
pers0038.ocp | M. r Mr. Whitefield Whitaker | mentioned | Whitefield, George |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0122.ocp | Lebanon | Lebanon |
place0178.ocp | the Ohio | Ohio River |
place0142.ocp | Mohock Mohawk Country | Mohawk Country |
place0216.ocp | South Hadly | South Hadley |
place0141.ocp | Meſsiſippi Mississippi | Mississippi, the |
Organizations identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
org0062.ocp | Mohawks | Mohawk Nation |
org0098.ocp | my School | Moor’s Indian Charity School |
org0090.ocp | Six Nations | Six Nations |
Dates identified in this document:
Standard Form | Text |
1767-02-13 | FabyFebruary 13 1767 |
1767-02-18 | Feb.yFebruary 18 |
1767-02-13 | FebyFebruary . 13. 1767. |
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
modernization | Mr | Mr. |
modernization | Miſsion | Mission |
variation | Cheifs | Chiefs |
modernization | Viſit | visit |
modernization | Miniſtry | Ministry |
modernization | conſiderably | considerably |
modernization | ſince | since |
modernization | Johnſon | Johnson |
modernization | Miſsionaries | Missionaries |
modernization | Maſters | Masters |
modernization | ſupply | supply |
variation | Southren | Southern |
modernization | Diſtricts | Districts |
variation | faithfull | faithful |
modernization | Meſsrs | Messrs. |
variation | Brainard | Brainerd |
modernization | conſider | consider |
modernization | graciouſly | graciously |
variation | Qutrents | Quitrent |
modernization | ſame | same |
modernization | ſuch | such |
modernization | aſk | ask |
modernization | Caſe | Case |
modernization | unleſs | unless |
modernization | reſpect | respect |
modernization | reſt | rest |
modernization | ſatiſfied | satisfied |
variation | concuring | concurring |
modernization | courſe | course |
modernization | perſwade | persuade |
modernization | deſigns | designs |
modernization | ſupplied | supplied |
modernization | eſpecially | especially |
modernization | uſe | use |
modernization | diſafect | disaffect |
modernization | Satiſfaction | satisfaction |
variation | han't | haven't |
modernization | poyſned | poisoned |
modernization | ſome | some |
modernization | ſeem | seem |
variation | welling | willing |
modernization | thoſe | those |
modernization | ſlender | slender |
variation | alow | allow |
modernization | alſo | also |
modernization | ſend | send |
variation | Mohock | Mohawk |
modernization | ſerve | serve |
variation | School Maſter | schoolmaster |
modernization | Miſsrs | Messrs. |
modernization | underſtand | understand |
variation | heald | healed |
modernization | ſafe | safe |
modernization | ſaw | saw |
modernization | Loſs | loss |
modernization | Deſire | desire |
modernization | conſent | consent |
variation | goe | go |
modernization | ſet | set |
variation | togeather | together |
modernization | conſiſt | consist |
modernization | ſent | sent |
modernization | Houſe | house |
modernization | ſcarcely | scarcely |
modernization | ſpeak | speak |
modernization | neceſsary | necessary |
variation | goverment | government |
modernization | M.r | Mr. |
variation | beleive | believe |
modernization | Gen.l | General |
modernization | Meſsiſippi | Mississippi |
modernization | &c. | etc. |
modernization | ſee | see |
modernization | Abſtracts | abstracts |
modernization | &c | etc. |
modernization | Mr | Mr. |
variation | Spous | spouse |
variation | Famely | family |
modernization | uſual | usual |
modernization | ſeveral | several |
variation | Rumitick | Rheumatic |
modernization | ſtrengthen | strengthen |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
Faby | February |
compoſ'd | composed |
recd | received |
inform'd | informed |
& | and |
incloſ'd | enclosed |
endow'd | endowed |
Feb.y | February |
mov'd | moved |
shou'd | should |
Willm | William |
Eleaz.r | Eleazar |
S.r | Sir |
Feby | February |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 28) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 39) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 5) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 149) |