Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Nathaniel Whitaker, 1767 February 13

Author Wheelock, Eleazar

Date13 February, 1767

ms number767163

abstractWheelock discusses developments regarding two of his Mohawk students, reports on the progress of various missions, and discusses a tract of land on the Ohio as a possible site for a school.

handwritingFormal and clear handwriting is not Wheelock's. It is possibly that of David McClure. The signature and trailer are in Wheelock's hand.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing, wear.

inkBlack-brown ink varies in intensity.

signatureThe signature appears to be Wheelock's; it is abbreviated and written in a different ink.

noteworthyThis document appears to be a copy. There is an inky fingerprint visible on the right side of one recto. An editor, likely 19th-century, has added the note "Ind. miſ. Indian Scholars V" to two verso. This note has not been included in the transcription.

Persistent Identifier
My dear Brother Whitaker/
Mr Chamberlain came home from his Miſsion yesterday (accompanied by one of the Cheifs of the Mohawks, his wife and two Children; to Viſit their Son at my School) his Account is not undcomforta­­ble. The Indians have attended his Miniſtry conſiderably well, ſince the Ruffle, which I mentioned in a former Letter was compoſ'd.
This Indian informs me that Sir William Johnſon has lately recd Letters from Home, wherein he is in­form'd, that eight Miſsionaries & eight School Maſters are coming; 4. each to ſupply the Northern & 4. each the Southren Diſtricts, this Spring. at which I much rejoice, provided they be good & faithfull men.
The incloſ'd from Meſsrs Brainard & Smith came lately to hand. which you & our worthy Friends will conſider, and Act upon as Prudence shall [illegible]dictate, and Providence shall open a Door. If his Majesty would graciouſly grant that Tract on the Ohio, and the [illegible][guess: Qutrents ] upon it to the School forever, & make the ſame a Borough, endow'd with ſuch Privileges & immunities, as you with the Advice of Friend may aſk for, the whole may likely be soon peopled with the best Inhabitants. I think of no great Objection in the Caſe, unleſs it be with reſpect to a Communication with the reſt of the World. which you are under better Advantages than
I am to be ſatiſfied in. so many things concuring in the courſe of Providence, almost perſwade me that God deſigns it shall be carried there. Sir William no doubt deſigns the Six Nations shall be ſupplied with Episcopalians — His Influence is very great — the Dutch People are gene­rally unfriendly — very ignorant — the Mohawks more proud than any Tribe, & easily disgusted, eſpecially if the Kings Favourites should uſe their Endeavours ^to diſafect them^ for Satiſ­­faction — near the Ohio the Indians han't been so much poyſned by the white People — Their Numbers are much greater — and an Appearance of real Concern about the things of Religion in ſome. Mr Chamberlain & my Son ſeem both or either of them welling to accompany Mr Brainerd in^to^ thoſe Parts next Summer provided their ſlender State of Health will alow them. And I can alſo ſend Peter Mohock, or ſome other Indian youth who may ſerve as School Maſter provided there be no call for them Northward, as likely there will not be if the aforesaid Miſsrs come from home, for I dont yet underſtand that the Breach made last Spring, is so healed that it is like to be [guess: heald] ſafe for them to go among Tribes further back — Feb.y 18. When My Boy ſaw his Father & Mother & little Brother & Sister, and heard them lament the Loſs of his little Brother about 2 Months ago, he had a mind a Mind to go home with his Parents his Mothers Bowels mov'd towards him, and wept at the Thought of leaving him so far from her, I did upon their Deſire, conſent he shou'd goe with them, but gave no leave
for him to return ^come again^, least an Ill improvement should be made of ſuch a Liberty by others. Accordingly the Day before yesterday they ſet off togeather accompanied by great Willm whom I recommend to Sir William as being too proud, & litigious to conſiſt with the Health & well being of this School. he had got a good Degree of common Learning. I alſo ſent Home another Mohock Youth, who had been but a few Months with me, and was so lifted up with his having been in the Wars, and ſent to Hell one or two of the poor Savages with his own hand, that my Houſe was ſcarcely good enough for him to live in, or any of the School honourable enough to ſpeak to him. — What the Effect of this Step will be I cant tell — but I thought it neceſsary they shou'd know effec­­tually, that there is, & shall be goverment in this School —
This Day M.r Chamberlain sat out on his Return to Mohock Country Via, South Hadly; and deſigns to return in May or before. I shall write Mr Brainerd what I have here hinted — I beleive Gen.l Lyman is as likely as any Man to give Intelligence what the Navigation of the Ohio and Meſsiſippi are &c. I conclude you will ſee what I have wrote Mr Whitefield. I hope you have before now rec.d ſome Abſtracts I ſent you of Meſsrs Kirtland's & Chamberlain's &c's Letters. by a Letter from Mr Kirtland last week there is more appearance of Religion among his Indians than ever there has been — My dear Sir, farewell. I am,
Yours most Cordially Eleaz.r Wheelock
P.S. your Spous & Famely were well the last I heard; your Son James is with ^me^ and is as well as uſual — ſeveral have been Sick of late in the School with Rumitick Disorder May God direct, Support & ſtrengthen you [guess: &] my dear S.r and Mr Occom
Letter to M.r Whitefield ^Whitaker^ Feby . 13. 1767.