Moses Peck, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1766 March 25
25 March 1766[1766-03-25]
Call Number766225
[note (type: abstract): Peck writes that he has printed what was desired respecting Occom, and reports that Sir William Johnson is favorably inclined towards the design. A box of goods was shipped, and Mr. Blair was shipwrecked.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is loose yet clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Single sheet is in good condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, staining and wear.][note (type: ink): Dark brown ink is splotchy on one verso.][note (type: noteworthy): The date in the trailer reads 23 March 1766, even though letter is dated 25 March 1766.]
Persistent Identifier
I [Rec.d | received]Rec.dreceived yours of [Feb.ry | February]Feb.ryFebruary
[ | 20th]20.th20th[1766-02-20] and have [illegible][guess (maggiec): [publiſhed | published]publiſhedpublished][publiſhed | published]publiſhedpublished
got printed, what you [Sartified | certified]Sartifiedcertified [Reſpecting | respecting]Reſpectingrespecting [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] [&c | etc.]&cetc.
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Huper[pers0272.ocp] of [Marbelhead | Marblehead]MarbelheadMarblehead[place0286.ocp] Says that [Sr | Sir]SrSir [willm | William]willmWilliam
[Jonſon | Johnson]JonſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp] [hes | has]heshas [Rote | wrote]Rotewrote him very [favourabley | favourably]favourableyfavourably of the [Deſigne | design]Deſignedesign
in [Gennerall | general]Gennerallgeneral — [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Foſter | Foster]FoſterFoster[pers0199.ocp] tells Me Nothing hath
been [Don | done]Dondone [Reſpecting | respecting]Reſpectingrespecting [Sr | Sir]SrSir[Peters | Peter's]PetersPeter's[pers0559.ocp] Legacy [Sence | since]Sencesince you [Dropt | dropped]Droptdropped it
[Wonte | won't]Wontewon't it be best to try again. — [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Will.m | William]Will.mWilliam Storak[pers0523.ocp]
wants to See you, to give you the Sum that he [Subcribd | subscribed]Subcribdsubscribed
to the Annihilated fund —
Have [Shiped | shipped]Shipedshipped your Box of Goods this Day in [Cap.t | Capt.]Cap.tCapt.
Leffingwell[pers0323.ocp] — I [Donte | don't]Dontedon't Know if you [Rec.d | received]Rec.dreceived my [Leter | letter]Leterletter
by [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Henery[pers0255.ocp], in which was [inclosed | enclosed]inclosedenclosed to Elijah[pers0180.ocp]
an account of the Death of his youngest Sister
[Pleaſe | please]Pleaſeplease to Let him [Com | come]Comcome and See us next vacancy
got printed, what you [Sartified | certified]Sartifiedcertified [Reſpecting | respecting]Reſpectingrespecting [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] [&c | etc.]&cetc.
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Huper[pers0272.ocp] of [Marbelhead | Marblehead]MarbelheadMarblehead[place0286.ocp] Says that [Sr | Sir]SrSir [willm | William]willmWilliam
[Jonſon | Johnson]JonſonJohnson[pers0292.ocp] [hes | has]heshas [Rote | wrote]Rotewrote him very [favourabley | favourably]favourableyfavourably of the [Deſigne | design]Deſignedesign
in [Gennerall | general]Gennerallgeneral — [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Foſter | Foster]FoſterFoster[pers0199.ocp] tells Me Nothing hath
been [Don | done]Dondone [Reſpecting | respecting]Reſpectingrespecting [Sr | Sir]SrSir[Peters | Peter's]PetersPeter's[pers0559.ocp] Legacy [Sence | since]Sencesince you [Dropt | dropped]Droptdropped it
[Wonte | won't]Wontewon't it be best to try again. — [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Will.m | William]Will.mWilliam Storak[pers0523.ocp]
wants to See you, to give you the Sum that he [Subcribd | subscribed]Subcribdsubscribed
to the Annihilated fund —
Have [Shiped | shipped]Shipedshipped your Box of Goods this Day in [Cap.t | Capt.]Cap.tCapt.
Leffingwell[pers0323.ocp] — I [Donte | don't]Dontedon't Know if you [Rec.d | received]Rec.dreceived my [Leter | letter]Leterletter
by [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Henery[pers0255.ocp], in which was [inclosed | enclosed]inclosedenclosed to Elijah[pers0180.ocp]
an account of the Death of his youngest Sister
[Pleaſe | please]Pleaſeplease to Let him [Com | come]Comcome and See us next vacancy
Dear [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Blair[pers0086.ocp] in his [paſs | pass]paſspass
[illegible] from Philadelphia[place0186.ocp] was
[Shipracked | shipwrecked]Shiprackedshipwrecked upon the Rocks thirty miles from [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp] in a
Snow [Storme | storm]Stormestorm in theKnight — the Lord being [marcyfull | merciful]marcyfullmerciful
they got on a [above] smallsmall Naked Rock — [their | there]theirthere [expoſed | exposed]expoſedexposed in Greatest
[Distreſs | distress]Distreſsdistress and Danger for Seven [Ourers | hours]Ourershours, at Great Distance
from the Land, He [tuk | took]tuktook in So Much Salt water, that it
Gave Him the [Bludy | bloody]Bludybloody flux, But the Good God hath
so far [Reſtored | restored]Reſtoredrestored Him that he preached [Laste | last]Lastelast [Sabath | sabbath]Sabathsabbath
to Great [exceptence | acceptance]exceptenceacceptance — He [Loſte | lost]Loſtelost all his Notes and
everything else, But his [valuebel | valuable]valuebelvaluable Life —
[Shipracked | shipwrecked]Shiprackedshipwrecked upon the Rocks thirty miles from [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp] in a
Snow [Storme | storm]Stormestorm in the
they got on a [above] smallsmall Naked Rock — [their | there]theirthere [expoſed | exposed]expoſedexposed in Greatest
[Distreſs | distress]Distreſsdistress and Danger for Seven [Ourers | hours]Ourershours, at Great Distance
from the Land, He [tuk | took]tuktook in So Much Salt water, that it
Gave Him the [Bludy | bloody]Bludybloody flux, But the Good God hath
so far [Reſtored | restored]Reſtoredrestored Him that he preached [Laste | last]Lastelast [Sabath | sabbath]Sabathsabbath
to Great [exceptence | acceptance]exceptenceacceptance — He [Loſte | lost]Loſtelost all his Notes and
everything else, But his [valuebel | valuable]valuebelvaluable Life —
I hope and Long to See You — pray for us — and the
Old South[place0302.ocp] people —if we Should fail
to [illegible]
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Blair[pers0086.ocp]
[Mrs | Mrs.]MrsMrs. Peck[pers0413.ocp] Gives with me — [moſt | most]moſtmost [Reſpectfully | respectfully]Reſpectfullyrespectfully to your Self
[Mrs | Mrs.]MrsMrs. Wheelock[pers0577.ocp], [& | and]&and Love to your Son’s and Daughters —
Love to Elijah[pers0180.ocp] —
Old South[place0302.ocp] people —
[Mrs | Mrs.]MrsMrs. Peck[pers0413.ocp] Gives with me — [moſt | most]moſtmost [Reſpectfully | respectfully]Reſpectfullyrespectfully to your Self
[Mrs | Mrs.]MrsMrs. Wheelock[pers0577.ocp], [& | and]&and Love to your Son’s and Daughters —
Love to Elijah[pers0180.ocp] —
From [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Peck[pers0032.ocp]
23 March
From Mr Peck[pers0032.ocp]
From Mr Peck[pers0032.ocp]
Document Summary
People identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Role in header | Authorized Name |
pers0030.ocp | M r Mr. Occom | mentioned | Occom, Samson |
pers0272.ocp | M r Mr. Huper | mentioned | Huper |
pers0292.ocp | S r Sir will m William Jonſon Johnson | mentioned | Johnson, William |
pers0199.ocp | M r Mr. Foſter Foster | mentioned | Foster |
pers0559.ocp | S r Sir Peter s Peter's | mentioned | Warren, Peter |
pers0523.ocp | M r Mr. Will. m William Storak | mentioned | Storak, William |
pers0323.ocp | Cap. t Capt. Leffingwell | mentioned | Leffingwell |
pers0255.ocp | M r Mr. Henery | mentioned | Henery |
pers0180.ocp | Elijah | mentioned | Peck, Elijah |
pers0086.ocp | M r Mr. Blair | mentioned | Blair, Samuel |
pers0413.ocp | M rs Mrs. Peck | mentioned | Peck, Elizabeth (née Townsend) |
pers0577.ocp | M rs Mrs. Wheelock | mentioned | Wheelock, Mary (née Brinsmead) |
pers0032.ocp | Moſes Moses Peck | writer | Peck, Moses |
pers0036.ocp | M r Mr. Wheelock | recipient | Wheelock, Eleazar |
pers0032.ocp | M. r Mr. Peck | writer | Peck, Moses |
pers0032.ocp | M r Peck | writer | Peck, Moses |
Places identified in this document:
id | Text in document | Authorized Name |
place0013.ocp | Boſton Boston | Boston |
place0286.ocp | Marbelhead Marblehead | Marblehead |
place0186.ocp | Philadelphia | Philadelphia |
place0302.ocp | Old South | Old South Meeting House |
This document does not contain any tagged organizations.
Dates identified in this document:
Standard Form | Text |
1766-03-25 | 25th25th March 1766 |
1766-02-20 | Feb.ryFebruary 20.th20th |
1766-03-23 | 23 March 1766 |
Regularized text:
Type | Original | Regularized |
modernization | Boſton | Boston |
modernization | 25th | 25th |
modernization | Rev.d | Rev. |
modernization | | 20th |
modernization | publiſhed | published |
variation | Sartified | certified |
modernization | Reſpecting | respecting |
modernization | Mr | Mr. |
modernization | &c | etc. |
variation | Marbelhead | Marblehead |
variation | Jonſon | Johnson |
variation | hes | has |
variation | Rote | wrote |
variation | favourabley | favourably |
variation | Deſigne | design |
variation | Gennerall | general |
modernization | Foſter | Foster |
variation | Don | done |
modernization | Peters | Peter's |
variation | Sence | since |
variation | Dropt | dropped |
variation | Wonte | won't |
variation | Subcribd | subscribed |
variation | Shiped | shipped |
modernization | Cap.t | Capt. |
variation | Donte | don't |
variation | Leter | letter |
variation | inclosed | enclosed |
modernization | Pleaſe | please |
variation | Com | come |
modernization | paſs | pass |
variation | Shipracked | shipwrecked |
variation | Storme | storm |
variation | marcyfull | merciful |
modernization | expoſed | exposed |
modernization | Distreſs | distress |
variation | Ourers | hours |
variation | tuk | took |
variation | Bludy | bloody |
modernization | Reſtored | restored |
variation | Laste | last |
variation | Sabath | sabbath |
variation | Loſte | lost |
variation | valuebel | valuable |
modernization | Mrs | Mrs. |
modernization | moſt | most |
modernization | Reſpectfully | respectfully |
modernization | Moſes | Moses |
modernization | M.r | Mr. |
Expanded abbreviations:
Abbreviation | Expansion |
& | and |
Rec.d | received |
Feb.ry | February |
Sr | Sir |
willm | William |
Will.m | William |
This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.
Summary of errors found in this document:
Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: | 0 |
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) | 0 |
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: | 0 (out of 28) |
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: | 0 (out of 23) |
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: | 0 (out of 2) |
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): | 0 (out of 128) |