Samson Occom, journal, 1743 December 6 to 1748 November 29

Author Occom, Samson[pers0030.ocp]

6 December 1743 to 29 November 1748[](Error: 'when' attribute not in YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD format)

Call Number743656

[note (type: abstract): Occom records his travels from 6 December 1743, to 29 November 1748.][note (type: handwriting): Occom's hand is clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Several small sheets folded into a booklet and bound with thread or twine are in good-to-fair condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear.][note (type: ink): Dark-brown ink is faded in spots.][note (type: noteworthy): On one recto and 24 verso, there are doodles and scribbles, as well as what appear to be handwriting exercises. On one recto, an editor, likely 19th-century, adds the note: "Samson Occom's Journal from Dec.6.1743 to Nov. 29. 1748—." This note has not been included in the transcription. On four recto, the identity of Mr. B is uncertain, and so he has been left untagged. On four verso, the identity of Da– O– is uncertain, and so he has been left untagged. The latin sentence on five recto likely translates to: "My mother and her two children [or two of her children] came to remain at Mr. Wheelock’s for a time." On six recto, the identity of the "Queen" is uncertain, and so she has been left untagged. On six verso, it is uncertain as to whom "Deacon Wheelock" refers and so he has been left untagged. It is uncertain for what "D:Inst." is an abbreviation, and so it has been left unexpanded in the modernized transcription. Persons whose names are not legible have not been tagged.]
Persistent Identifier

[Samſon | Samson]SamſonSamson Occom[pers0030.ocp] of
Mohegan[place0143.ocp] [illegible] [illegible]
[Eliſabeth | Elisabeth]EliſabethElisabeth
[Eliſabeth | Elisabeth]EliſabethElisabeth E [Eliſz | Elisz]EliſzElisz

[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[Samſon | Samson]SamſonSamson[pers0030.ocp]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]

December the [6th | 6th]6th6th 1743[1743-12-06]

I went to the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]s
of Lebanon Crank[place0123.ocp] to Learn [Som[above] ee
ting | some
Som[above] ee
of the Latin tongue, and
was there about a week, and was
obliged to [illegible]Come away from
there again to Mohegan[place0143.ocp], and
[Stayd | stayed]Staydstayed [a bout | about]a boutabout Fortnight at [mohgs | Mohegan]mohgsMohegan[place0143.ocp]
and then I [return'd | returned]return'dreturned up to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Whees | Wheelock's]WheesWheelock's[pers0036.ocp]
again. and [Some time | sometime]Some timesometime towards
Spring again I went home to
Mohegan[place0143.ocp], and Stayed Near
three weeks before I [return'd | returned]return'dreturned
to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]s again. and
[Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust the [7th | 7th]7th7th A:D 1744[1744-08-07] I wen[above] tt
[a way | away]a wayaway from Lebanon[place0122.ocp] to [Mohegs | Mohegan]MohegsMohegan[place0143.ocp]
and I got So far as [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Bs | B's]BsB's at
[Norwitch | Norwich]NorwitchNorwich[place0174.ocp] that Night, [& | and]&and
In the Morning I [Sot | set]Sotset out from
thence, and I got home to
Mohegan[place0143.ocp] [Juſt | just]Juſtjust before Noon

[Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust the [13th | 13th]13th13th[1744-08-13]

I went from
Mohegan[place0143.ocp] to [Nahantuck | Niantic]NahantuckNiantic[place0168.ocp], and
[viſited | visited]viſitedvisited all the Indians, and I
[Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned Home again to [Mohegs | Mohegan]MohegsMohegan[place0143.ocp]
in the [16th | 16th]16th16th of D [Inſtant | Instant]InſtantInstant[1744-08-16], and So
[imedeatly | immediately]imedeatlyimmediately up to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]s
And September the [7th | 7th]7th7th[1744-09-07] we [So[illegible]t | set]So[illegible]tset
out from Lebanon[place0122.ocp] for New-
, and we got there in
the [10th | 10th]10th10th of September[1744-09-10], and there
we had the [above] planplan of [Seing | seeing]Seingseeing the [Scholar[above] ss | scholar's]Scholar[above] ssscholar's
[Commi[above] nnſt | commencement]Commi[above] nnſtcommencement, and we [Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned home
ward again in the [12th | 12th]12th12th of [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember[1744-09-12].
and we Got home again in
the [20th | 20th]20th20th of D:[Inſtant | Instant]InſtantInstant[1744-09-20]

[Novr | November]NovrNovember the [7th | 7th]7th7th AD: 174[illegible]4[1744-11-07]

Da– O–
was taken Si[illegible]ck and I went
Down to See him in the 12
of D:[Inſtant | Instant]InſtantInstant[1744-11-12]
, and I [Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned
again in the [17th | 17th]17th17th of D:[Inſtan[above] tt | instant]Inſtan[above] ttinstant[1744-11-17]
to the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [weelock | Wheelock]weelockWheelock[pers0036.ocp]'s —

Ja[illegible]nuary the [11th | 11th]11th11th AD: [1744 | 1745]17441745[1745-01-11]

[Sot | set]Sotset out from Lebanon[place0122.ocp]
for Mohegan[place0143.ocp] and I got there
about [Sun-Set | sunset]Sun-Setsunset and the
next Day to Mothers[pers0395.ocp] at boz
— and in the [14th | 14th]14th14th of D[illegible] [Inſt | Instant]InſtInstant[1745-01-14]
I [return'd | returned]return'dreturned again [above] toto the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.

[Febry | February]FebryFebruary the [23d | 23rd]23d23rd [1744[below] /5/5 | 1745]1744[below] /5/51745[1745-02-23]

mater mea et Duo Libri Ejus
venierunt ad Dominum Wheeloc[above] kk[pers0036.ocp]
manere ibi Tempori,

March [ye | the]yethe
[20th | 20th]20th20th 1745[1745-03-20]

I went from [Leba | Lebanon]LebaLebanon[place0122.ocp]
to Mohegan[place0143.ocp] and I there [yt | that]ytthat
Ni[illegible]ght, and in the [4th | 4th]4th4th of
April AD: 1745[1745-04-04]
[Joſeph | Joseph]JoſephJoseph [John‐
ſon | John‐
and I went over to Groton[place0092.ocp]
and there we Saw [Joſept | Joseph]JoſeptJoseph wa[above] [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): u]u[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): u]u
the [firſt | first]firſtfirst time that ever I Saw
him, and we [Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned home
[a gain | again]a gainagain in the [6th | 6th]6th6th of D:[Inſtan[above] tt | Instant]Inſtan[above] ttInstant[1745-04-06]
and in the [11th | 11th]11th11th of April[1745-04-11] I [red | returned]redreturned
home [a gain | again]a gainagain up to Lebanon[place0122.ocp]
and June [24th | 24th]24th24th AD 1745[1745-06-24] I went
Down to Mohegan[place0143.ocp] and got
there [illegible]that Day [above] and was sick thereand was sick there, and I [retd | returned]retdreturned
again in the [14th | 14th]14th14th of July[1745-07-14] to [Leb | Lebanon]LebLebanon[place0122.ocp]

[Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust the [20th | 20th]20th20th 1745[1745-08-20]

went away from [Leb– | Lebanon]Leb–Lebanon[place0122.ocp]
to Mohegan[place0143.ocp], and I [return'd | returned]return'dreturned
to [Lebn | Lebanon]LebnLebanon[place0122.ocp] again in 23 of D
[Inſtant | instant]Inſtantinstant[1745-08-23]

[Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust the [26th | 26th]26th26th
AD: 1745[1745-08-26]

I [Sot | set]Sotset out from
[Lebn | Lebanon]LebnLebanon[place0122.ocp] for Norwich[place0174.ocp] and
from thence to Plainfield[place0394.ocp]
and So next from there to
Canterbury[place0365.ocp] and [Wedſdy | Wednesday]WedſdyWednesday I
got to Windham[place0243.ocp], and [third
ſday | Thur
I got home to [Lebn | Lebanon]LebnLebanon[place0122.ocp]

[Sepr | September]SeprSeptember the [7th | 7th]7th7th AD: 1745[1745-09-07]

I [Sot | set]Sotset
out from [Lebn | Lebanon]LebnLebanon[place0122.ocp] for
Mohegan[place0143.ocp] [illegible] and [above] gotgot there
Some time before Night
And in the [10th | 10th]10th10th of [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember[1745-09-10] we
we [Sot | set]Sotset out from Mohegan[place0143.ocp]
for [Nahantuck | Niantic]NahantuckNiantic[place0168.ocp], and in
the [12th | 12th]12th12th of D:[Inſtant | Instant]InſtantInstant[1745-09-10] we ['turd | returned]'turdreturned
again to mohegan[place0143.ocp], and
in the [13th | 13th]13th13th of [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember[1745-09-13]
Many of us [Sot | set]Sotset out from
Mohegan[place0143.ocp] for [Long-Isla | Long Island]Long-IslaLong Island[place0129.ocp]
and we got So far as New
that Night, [& | and]&and
in the Morning we [Sot | set]Sotset
Sail from there, and we
got t[illegible]o the Place of our
[Deſire | Desire]DeſireDesire in the Evening, and
Some of us [Lodg'd | lodged]Lodg'dlodged at [Quee[above] nsns | queen's]Quee[above] nsnsqueen's
[Wigwaum | wigwam]Wigwaumwigwam that Night,
and there we were very
kindly [Entertain'd | entertained]Entertain'dentertained by all
of ['em | them]'emthem, we had Several
Meetings [togather | together]togathertogether, and
there was Some Stir amon[above] gg
['em | them ]'emthem ,— And in the [18th | 18th]18th18th [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember[1745-09-18]
We all [Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned home
[a gain | again]a gainagain to Mohegan[place0143.ocp], and
to Several Places where
we [belong'd | belonged]belong'dbelonged, and we didnt
get home [till | 'til]till'til [above] thethe [19th | 19th]19th19th of S
[Sepr | September]SeprSeptember[1745-09-19]
[Some tim | sometime]Some timsometime in the
Evening, And I [illegible]went
to [Lebn | Lebanon]LebnLebanon[place0122.ocp] [23d | 23rd]23d23rd of [Sepr | September]SeprSeptember[1745-09-23]

[Decer | December]DecerDecember [ye | the]yethe [16th | 16th]16th16th 1745[1745-12-16]

we [Sot | set]Sotset
out from Lebanon Crank[place0123.ocp]
for windham[place0243.ocp], and we got
there at night, and I [Lodg'd | lodged]Lodg'dlodged
at Deacon Wheelock's [yt | that]ytthat
Night, and the Next day
at windham[place0243.ocp], and in [ye | the]yethe
[18th | 18th]18th18th of [Decer | December]DecerDecember[1745-12-18] between 2 [& | and]&and 3 o'
Clock in the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon,
the Poor Girl[pers1803.ocp] was Executed,
and I went right home to
Lebanon[place0122.ocp] that Day —

May the [2d | 2nd]2d2nd AD 1746[1746-05-02]

I [Sot | set]Sotset
out from Crank[place0123.ocp] for Mohegan[place0143.ocp]
, and I [arived | arrived]arivedarrived there about
3 o' Clock in the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon
and I [Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned in [16th | 16th]16th16th of may[1746-05-16]

[Auguſht | August]AuguſhtAugust the [illegible][d | d]dd AD: 1746[1746-08]

[Sot | set]Sotset out from Lebanon[place0122.ocp] for [Mohe– | Mohegan]Mohe–Mohegan[place0143.ocp]
and got there before Night —
and [Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned again in the [8th | 8th]8th8th of
[Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust[1746-08-08]

[illegible] [Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust the [26th | 26th]26th26th AD: 1746[1746-08-26]

I went from Lebanon[place0122.ocp] to [mohe– | Mohegan]mohe–Mohegan[place0143.ocp]
and got there the Same day —
And I [Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned to [L– | Lebanon]L–Lebanon[place0122.ocp] again
the [27th | 27th]27th27th of D [Inſt — | instant]Inſt —instant[1746-08-27] April [ye | the]yethe
[ye | the]yethe [6th | 6th]6th6th 1747[1747-04-06]
went from [illegible][Leba– | Lebanon]Leba–Lebanon[place0122.ocp]
to Mohegan[place0143.ocp] and got at Night —

April the [25th | 25th]25th25th AD: 1747[1747-04-25]

I [retur | returned]returreturned
to Lebanon[place0122.ocp]

June [ye | the]yethe [7th | 7th]7th7th AD: 1747[1747-06-07]

[Sot | set]Sotset out from Lebanon[place0122.ocp] for
[Mohegs | Mohegan]MohegsMohegan[place0143.ocp] and got about 1 ['o C | o'clock]'o Co'clock
in the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon

June [ye | the]yethe [25th | 25th]25th25th[1747-06-25]

we [Sot | set]Sotset out from
[Mohegs | Mohegan]MohegsMohegan[place0143.ocp] for [Nahantuck | Niantic]NahantuckNiantic[place0168.ocp],
and [return'd | returned]return'dreturned from thence [agan | again]aganagain
to [Mohegs | Mohegan]MohegsMohegan[place0143.ocp] the [28th | 28th]28th28th of D:[inſt | instant]inſtinstant[1747-06-28]
and I [Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned to Lebanon[place0122.ocp] [ye | the]yethe
[30th | 30th]30th30th of June[1747-06-30]

July [ye | the]yethe [7th | 7th]7th7th[1747-07-07]

went to [Infield | Enfield]InfieldEnfield[place0106.ocp], and the next
Morning to [L: Meadow | Longmeadow]L: MeadowLongmeadow[place0295.ocp] and
from thence Right Back [below] toto
to [Infield | Enfield]InfieldEnfield[place0106.ocp] and so Right [thro[above] [illegible][illegible] | through]thro[above] [illegible][illegible]through
to [Windſor | Windsor]WindſorWindsor[place0245.ocp], and then to Hart‐
, and then from thence to —
[L: | Lebanon]L:Lebanon Crank[place0123.ocp] again —

July [ye | the]yethe [illegible]
[16th | 16th]16th16th[1747-07-16]

I went from [L: | Lebanon]L:Lebanon[place0122.ocp] to [mohe | Mohegan]moheMohegan[place0143.ocp].
and got there the Same Day —

[Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday N[Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust [ye | the]yethe [26th | 26th]26th26th[1747-08-26]

I [Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned to Lebanon[place0122.ocp]
From [Laſt | Last]LaſtLast Spring to this
Time I have [Loſt | Lost]LoſtLost 11 weeks

[Novr | November]NovrNovember [ye | the]yethe [2d | 2nd]2d2nd[1747-11-02]

went from [L: | Lebanon]L:Lebanon[place0122.ocp] to
Mohegan[place0143.ocp] — and [Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned to
[L: | Lebanon]L:Lebanon[place0122.ocp] again, the [9th | 9th]9th9th of [Sd | said]Sdsaid [Inſt | instant]Inſtinstant[1747-11-09]

[Novr | November]NovrNovember [ye | the]yethe [10th | 10th]10th10th[1747-11-10]

I Left [Leba–C: | Lebanon Crank]Leba–C:Lebanon Crank[place0123.ocp]
and went Down to Some
parts of New-London[place0164.ocp], and
[kep | kept]kepkept School there at [ye | the]yethe wind
ter —

March the 12 AD 1748[1748-03-12]

I went up to Lebanon [C: | Crank]C:Crank[place0123.ocp], [& | and]&and
and got there about 3 ['o C | o'clock]'o Co'clock
in the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon
and March the [14th | 14th]14th14th[1748-03-14] Sir
and I [Sot | set]Sotset very Early
in the Morning from [L:C: | Lebanon Crank]L:C:Lebanon Crank[place0123.ocp]
for Hebron[place0099.ocp], and got there a
bout 8 ['o C: | o'clock]'o C:o'clock — And March
the [16th | 16th]16th16th[1748-03-16]
I [Sot | set]Sotset out from Hebron[place0099.ocp]
for [Mohegs | Mohegan]MohegsMohegan[place0143.ocp] and got there be -[above] atat
fore Night — and Came up
again to Hebron[place0099.ocp] the [18th | 18th]18th18th of [Sd | said]Sdsaid [I– | instant]I–instant[1748-03-18]

May the [22d | 22nd]22d22nd[1748-05-22]

I went from [H:n | Hebron]H:nHebron[place0099.ocp]
Down to Mohegan[place0143.ocp] — and [ret: | returned]ret:returned
[tto | to]ttoto Hebron[place0099.ocp] again [above] inin the [illegible] [2d | 2nd]2d2nd of

June [17th | 17th]17th17th[1748-06-17]

went from
Hebron[place0099.ocp] to Mohegan[place0143.ocp] — and
[Return'd | returned]Return'dreturned again in the [22d | 22nd]22d22nd of
[Sd | said]Sdsaid [Inſt | instant]Inſtinstant[1748-06-22]

[Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust the [6th | 6th]6th6th[1748-08-06]

Samuel Lee[pers0951.ocp] and I went from
Hebron[place0099.ocp] to Lyme[place0130.ocp]

[Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust
the [10th | 10th]10th10th[1748-08-10]

I [Sot | set]Sotset out from [Naha[above] nn | Niantic]Naha[above] nnNiantic[place0168.ocp]
for Mohegan[place0143.ocp], and got there
 before Night
10 (10)
and in the [11th | 11th]11th11th of [Sd | said]Sdsaid [Int | instant]Intinstant[1748-08-11] I [return'd | returned]return'dreturned
Back to Hebron[place0099.ocp], and in the 13
[Sd | said]Sdsaid [inſt | instant]inſtinstant[1748-08-13]
I was at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. wheelock[pers0036.ocp]s —

September [ye | the]yethe 9 AD: 1748[1748-09-09]

I went
Down to mohegan[place0143.ocp] and got there
before Night —

[Sept. | September]Sept.September [ye | the]yethe [15th | 15th]15th15th[1748-09-15]

we [Sot | set]Sotset out from mohegan[place0143.ocp] for
[illegible][Nahantuck | Niantic]NahantuckNiantic[place0168.ocp] and we got there
[Some time | sometime]Some timesometime before Night —

[Sept | September]SeptSeptember the [21d | 21st]21d21st[1748-09-21]

I [returnd | returned]returndreturned Back
to Mohegan[place0143.ocp]

[Octr | October]OctrOctober the [3d | 3rd]3d3rd AD: 1748[1748-10-03]

I [return'd | returned]return'dreturned to Hebron[place0099.ocp], o[Octr | October]OctrOctober
the [6th | 6th]6th6th[1748-10-06]
I went Down to Norwich[place0174.ocp]
and [returnd | returned]returndreturned back to Hebron[place0099.ocp] the
Same Dady

Monday [Novr | November]NovrNovember [ye | the]yethe [14th | 14th]14th14th[1748-11-14]

I went to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]s — and
went to Hebron[place0099.ocp] Same Day —

[Novr | November]NovrNovember the [17th | 17th]17th17th 1748[1748-11-17]

I [Sot | set]Sotset out from
[Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Pomroy | Pomeroy]PomroyPomeroy[pers0432.ocp]'s to Lebanon[place0122.ocp], Intending
to Set out from thence to [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp];
But I was [Diſappointed | Disappointed]DiſappointedDisappointed, and So [turn'd | turned]turn'dturned
my [Courſe | course]Courſecourse to [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]'s;
and [Fryday | Friday]FrydayFriday [Novemr | November]NovemrNovember [ye | the]yethe 18[1748-11-18] I [Sot | set]Sotset out
from [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]'s for [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp], and
got So far [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Bingham[pers0686.ocp]'s [illegible]in
Windham[place0243.ocp], and [Lodg'd | lodged]Lodg'dlodged there and was
Very kindly [Entertain'd | entertained]Entertain'dentertained, and [Saturd– | Saturday]Saturd–Saturday
[Novemr | November]NovemrNovember the [19th | 19th]19th19th[1748-11-19]
[Sot | set]Sotset out from thence
on my Journey, and [Stop't | stopped]Stop'tstopped at [Mr | Mr.]MrMr.
's in ScotLand[place0528.ocp], about one
hour, and then went on and [above] gotgot So far
as [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. William[pers0597.ocp]'s in Pomfret[place0395.ocp], and
there [taried | tarried]tariedtarried over the Sabbath, and
was Exceedingly Well Treated all
the while I [Stay'd | stayed]Stay'dstayed there —

[Nover | November]NoverNovember the 21[1748-11-21] Monday Morning

I [Sot | set]Sotset out from Pomfret[place0395.ocp] on my
Journey Still and got So far as
Hill's which is 30 Miles this
Side [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp]

[Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday [Nover | November]NoverNovember
the [22d | 22nd]22d22nd[1748-11-22]

as Soon as it was Day
we [Sot | set]Sotset out from thence onward,
and I Left my Company by [ye | the]yethe
way, and I got to [Rockſbury | Roxbury]RockſburyRoxbury[place0197.ocp] [be- | between]be-between
2 [& | and]&and 3 [O' C. | o'clock]O' C.o'clock in the [after Noon | afternoon]after Noonafternoon So
[Strait | straight]Straitstraight to [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp]; and [Return[above] dd | returned]Return[above] ddreturned
to Roxbury[place0197.ocp] in the Evening and
[Lodg'd | lodged]Lodg'dlodged at [Capt | Capt.]CaptCapt. Williams[pers0597.ocp]s [& | and]&and was
[Entertain'd | entertained]Entertain'dentertained with all [kindneſs | kindness]kindneſskindness [&c | etc.]&cetc.

Saturday [Novr | November]NovrNovember the [26th | 26th]26th26th[1748-11-26],

I Left
Roxbury[place0197.ocp], and [Returnd | returned]Returndreturned Home‐
ward, and So far as Natick[place0153.ocp]
at Night, and [Lodg'd | lodged]Lodg'dlodged at
[Decn | Deacon]DecnDeacon Ephraim[pers0948.ocp]s, and was kin[above]
dly [Receivd | received]Receivdreceived and [Entertaind | entertained]Entertaindentertained, [& | and]&and
Next Day I went to their
[Publicl | public]Publiclpublic [worſhip | worship]worſhipworship, and found
too much Levity as I thought
and Monday I to [viſiting | visiting]viſitingvisiting a[illegible]
[amongſt | amongst]amongſtamongst them and [illegible] found
all very kind to a Stranger,

[Tueſday | Tuesday]TueſdayTuesday [Novr | November]NovrNovember the [29th | 29th]29th29th[1748-11-29]

I [Sot | set]Sotset
out from Natick[place0153.ocp], and [Jac[above] oob | Jacob]Jac[above] oobJacob
and Isaac Ephraim[pers0949.ocp]
[acompani'd | accompanied]acompani'daccompanied me 3 or 4 miles —
and So we parted —
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0030.ocp Samſon Samson Occom writer Occom, Samson
pers0030.ocp Samſon Samson writer Occom, Samson
pers0036.ocp Rev d Rev. M r Mr. Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0036.ocp M r Mr. Whee s Wheelock's mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0036.ocp M r Mr. Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0036.ocp Rev d Rev. M r Mr. weelock Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0395.ocp Mothers mentioned Occom, Sarah
pers0036.ocp Wheeloc k mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0965.ocp Joſeph Joseph John‐ ſon John‐ son mentioned Johnson, Joseph
pers1803.ocp the Poor Girl mentioned Shaw, Elizabeth
pers0352.ocp Sir Maltby mentioned Maltby
pers0951.ocp Samuel Lee mentioned Lee, Samuel
pers0036.ocp M r Mr. wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0432.ocp M r Mr. Pomroy Pomeroy mentioned Pomeroy, Benjamin
pers0686.ocp M r Mr. Bingham mentioned Bingham
pers1804.ocp M r Mr. Moſley mentioned Mosley
pers0597.ocp M r Mr. William mentioned Williams
pers0597.ocp Cap t Capt. Williams mentioned Williams
pers0948.ocp Dec n Deacon Ephraim mentioned Ephraim
pers0947.ocp Jac o b Jacob Chalkcom mentioned Chalkcom, Jacob
pers0949.ocp Isaac Ephraim mentioned Ephraim, Isaac

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0143.ocp Mohegan Mohegan
place0123.ocp Lebanon Crank Lebanon Crank
place0143.ocp mohg s Mohegan Mohegan
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon
place0143.ocp Moheg s Mohegan Mohegan
place0174.ocp Norwitch Norwich Norwich
place0168.ocp Nahantuck Niantic Niantic
place0162.ocp New- Haven New Haven
place0389.ocp boz rah Bozrah
place0122.ocp Leba Lebanon Lebanon
place0092.ocp Groton Groton
place0122.ocp Leb Lebanon Lebanon
place0122.ocp Leb– Lebanon Lebanon
place0122.ocp Leb n Lebanon Lebanon
place0174.ocp Norwich Norwich
place0394.ocp Plainfield Plainfield
place0365.ocp Canterbury Canterbury
place0243.ocp Windham Windham
place0143.ocp mohegan Mohegan
place0129.ocp Long-Isla Long Island Long Island
place0164.ocp New London New London
place0123.ocp Lebanon Crank Lebanon Crank
place0243.ocp windham Windham
place0123.ocp Crank Lebanon Crank
place0143.ocp Mohe– Mohegan Mohegan
place0143.ocp mohe– Mohegan Mohegan
place0122.ocp L– Lebanon Lebanon
place0122.ocp Leba– Lebanon Lebanon
place0106.ocp Infield Enfield Enfield
place0295.ocp L: Meadow Longmeadow Longmeadow
place0245.ocp Windſor Windsor Windsor
place0097.ocp Hart‐ ford Hartford
place0123.ocp L: Lebanon Crank Lebanon Crank
place0122.ocp L: Lebanon Lebanon
place0143.ocp mohe Mohegan Mohegan
place0123.ocp Leba–C: Lebanon Crank Lebanon Crank
place0164.ocp New-London New London
place0123.ocp Lebanon C: Crank Lebanon Crank
place0123.ocp L:C: Lebanon Crank Lebanon Crank
place0099.ocp Hebron Hebron
place0099.ocp H: n Hebron Hebron
place0130.ocp Lyme Lyme
place0168.ocp Naha n Niantic Niantic
place0013.ocp Boſton Boston Boston
place0528.ocp ScotLand Scotland
place0395.ocp Pomfret Pomfret
place0197.ocp Rockſbury Roxbury Roxbury
place0197.ocp Roxbury Roxbury
place0153.ocp Natick Natick

This document does not contain any tagged organizations.

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1743-12-06 1December the 6th6th 1743
1744-08-07 AuguſtAugust the 7th7th A:D 1744
1744-08-13 2AuguſtAugust the 13th13th
1744-08-16 16th16th of D InſtantInstant
1744-09-07 September the 7th7th
1744-09-10 10th10th of September
1744-09-12 12th12th of SeprSeptember
1744-09-20 20th20th of D:InſtantInstant
1744-11-07 NovrNovember the 7th7th AD: 1744
1744-11-12 12 of D:InſtantInstant
1744-11-17 17th17th of D:Inſtantinstant
1745-01-11 January the 11th11th AD: 17441745
1745-01-14 14th14th of D InſtInstant
1745-02-23 FebryFebruary the 23d23rd 1744/51745
1745-03-20 March yethe 20th20th 1745
1745-04-04 4th4th of April AD: 1745
1745-04-06 6th6th of D:InſtantInstant
1745-04-11 11th11th of April
1745-06-24 June 24th24th AD 1745
1745-07-14 14th14th of July
1745-08-20 4AuguſtAugust the 20th20th 1745
1745-08-23 23 of D Inſtantinstant
1745-08-26 AuguſtAugust the 26th26th AD: 1745
1745-09-07 SeprSeptember the 7th7th AD: 1745
1745-09-10 10th10th of SeprSeptember
1745-09-10 12th12th of D:InſtantInstant
1745-09-13 13th13th of SeprSeptember
1745-09-18 18th18th SeprSeptember
1745-09-19 19th19th of S SeprSeptember
1745-09-23 23d23rd of SeprSeptember
1745-12-16 DecerDecember yethe 16th16th 1745
1745-12-18 18th18th of DecerDecember
1746-05-02 May the 2d2nd AD 1746
1746-05-16 16th16th of may
1746-08 AuguſhtAugust the dd AD: 1746
1746-08-08 8th8th of AuguſtAugust
1746-08-26 AuguſtAugust the 26th26th AD: 1746
1746-08-27 27th27th of D Inſt —instant
1747-04-06 April yethe yethe 6th6th 1747
1747-04-25 April the 25th25th AD: 1747
1747-06-07 June yethe 7th7th AD: 1747
1747-06-25 June yethe 25th25th
1747-06-28 28th28th of D:inſtinstant
1747-06-30 30th30th of June
1747-07-07 July yethe 7th7th
1747-07-16 July yethe 16th16th
1747-08-26 TueſdayTuesday NAuguſtAugust yethe 26th26th
1747-11-02 NovrNovember yethe 2d2nd
1747-11-09 9th9th of Sdsaid Inſtinstant
1747-11-10 NovrNovember yethe 10th10th
1748-03-12 March the 12 AD 1748
1748-03-14 March the 14th14th
1748-03-16 March the 16th16th
1748-03-18 18th18th of Sdsaid I–instant
1748-05-22 May the 22d22nd
1748-06-02 2d2nd of June
1748-06-17 June 17th17th
1748-06-22 22d22nd of Sdsaid Inſtinstant
1748-08-06 AuguſtAugust the 6th6th
1748-08-10 AuguſtAugust the 10th10th
1748-08-11 11th11th of Sdsaid Intinstant
1748-08-13 13 Sdsaid inſtinstant
1748-09-09 September yethe 9 AD: 1748
1748-09-15 Sept.September yethe 15th15th
1748-09-21 SeptSeptember the 21d21st
1748-10-03 OctrOctober the 3d3rd AD: 1748
1748-10-06 oOctrOctober the 6th6th
1748-11-14 Monday NovrNovember yethe 14th14th
1748-11-17 NovrNovember the 17th17th 1748
1748-11-18 FrydayFriday NovemrNovember yethe 18
1748-11-19 Saturd–Saturday NovemrNovember the 19th19th
1748-11-21 NoverNovember the 21
1748-11-22 TueſdayTuesday NoverNovember the 22d22nd
1748-11-26 Saturday NovrNovember the 26th26th
1748-11-29 TueſdayTuesday NovrNovember the 29th29th

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Samſon Samson
modernization Eliſabeth Elisabeth
modernization Eliſz Elisz
modernization 6th 6th
modernization Revd Rev.
modernization Mr Mr.
variation Som[above] ee
variation Stayd stayed
variation a bout about
variation Some time sometime
modernization Auguſt August
modernization 7th 7th
variation a way away
modernization Bs B's
variation Norwitch Norwich
variation Sot set
modernization Juſt just
modernization 13th 13th
variation Nahantuck Niantic
modernization viſited visited
modernization 16th 16th
modernization Inſtant Instant
variation imedeatly immediately
modernization 10th 10th
variation Seing seeing
modernization Scholar[above] ss scholar's
modernization 12th 12th
modernization 20th 20th
modernization 17th 17th
variation weelock Wheelock
modernization 11th 11th
variation Sun-Set sunset
modernization 14th 14th
modernization 23d 23rd
modernization ye the
modernization yt that
modernization 4th 4th
modernization Joſeph Joseph
modernization John‐
modernization Joſept Joseph
modernization firſt first
variation a gain again
modernization 24th 24th
modernization Inſtant instant
modernization 26th 26th
modernization third
modernization Deſire Desire
variation Wigwaum wigwam
variation togather together
modernization 18th 18th
variation till 'til
modernization 19th 19th
variation Some tim sometime
variation after Noon afternoon
modernization 2d 2nd
variation arived arrived
modernization Auguſht August
modernization d d
modernization 8th 8th
modernization 27th 27th
modernization 25th 25th
variation Mohegs Mohegan
modernization 'o C o'clock
variation agan again
modernization 28th 28th
modernization 30th 30th
variation Infield Enfield
modernization Windſor Windsor
modernization Tueſday Tuesday
modernization Laſt Last
modernization Loſt Lost
modernization 9th 9th
variation kep kept
modernization 'o C: o'clock
modernization 22d 22nd
modernization tto to
variation Naha[above] nn Niantic
modernization 15th 15th
modernization 21d 21st
variation returnd returned
modernization 3d 3rd
variation Pomroy Pomeroy
modernization Boſton Boston
modernization Diſappointed Disappointed
modernization Courſe course
variation Fryday Friday
variation taried tarried
modernization Rockſbury Roxbury
modernization O' C. o'clock
variation Strait straight
modernization Capt Capt.
modernization kindneſs kindness
modernization &c etc.
variation Returnd returned
variation Receivd received
variation Entertaind entertained
modernization worſhip worship
modernization viſiting visiting
modernization amongſt amongst
modernization 29th 29th

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
mohgs Mohegan
return'd returned
Whees Wheelock's
Mohegs Mohegan
& and
Return'd returned
Commi[above] nnſt commencement
Sepr September
Novr November
Inſtan[above] tt instant
Inſt Instant
Febry February
Leba Lebanon
red returned
retd returned
Leb Lebanon
Leb– Lebanon
Lebn Lebanon
Wedſdy Wednesday
'turd returned
Long-Isla Long Island
Lodg'd lodged
Quee[above] nsns queen's
Entertain'd entertained
'em them
'em them
belong'd belonged
Decer December
Mohe– Mohegan
mohe– Mohegan
L– Lebanon
Inſt — instant
Leba– Lebanon
retur returned
inſt instant
L: Meadow Longmeadow
thro[above] [illegible][illegible] through
L: Lebanon
mohe Mohegan
Sd said
Inſt instant
Leba–C: Lebanon Crank
C: Crank
L:C: Lebanon Crank
I– instant
H:n Hebron
ret: returned
Int instant
Sept. September
Sept September
Octr October
turn'd turned
Novemr November
Saturd– Saturday
Stop't stopped
Stay'd stayed
Nover November
be- between
Return[above] dd returned
Decn Deacon
Jac[above] oob Jacob
acompani'd accompanied

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 155)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 140)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 25)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 150)