Yours of
January 22: I received but
a few Days ago, wherein You Speak of much
Sorrow on my account, I am obliged to you
So far as it is agreeable to god, You Seem to think
that it is a sort of Reproof from God, that I
Left to Stray, for my Staying at Home so much,
But I don’t think with
You, — God would Certain
ly gave me strength Sufficient to go Such Long
journeys, but I haven't been able to Ride far
Now two whole Years, and I have been con‐
fined to my house good Deal this Spring, I am
greatly exercised with my old Pains — As to my pre‐
sent Standing with the Indians, I need not Say
more than this, I am as well, if
not better received
by them than ever, if I would only Comply with
their desire, the Indians at
Stonington, and even
Charlestown in general would put themselves un‐
der my instructions — as to my being
under a mistake about my and
Davids going
into the wilderness I am not, I would have gone
up and
David too, the
Spring after I got Home
England, but
you Said, you had no
money to assist me with, and You yourself
David from going, — Indeed I have
always declined to remove my Family into
the wilderness, but
would have gone up
to Settle there — had he a proper Encourage‐
ment he would go now — but he will not go
for what you offer — he has Some
thoughts of
offering his Service to the
Commissioners of Boston to go
into the wilderness, if they would give him
£30 lawful
per annum he would go into the wilderness with his Family
to Settle — I am very Jealous that instead of Your semi‐
nary Becoming alma Mater, She will be too alba
mater to Suckle the Tawnies, for She is already a
dorned up too much like the popish Virgin Mary
She’ll be Naturally ashamed to Suckle the Tawnies
for She is already equal in Power Honor and Autho
rity to
any College in
Europe, I think
College has too much worldly
grandeur for the Poor
Indians they’ll never have much benefit of it, — In
So Saying I Speak the general Sentiment of Indians
and English too in these parts; a.
also many of your missi
onaries and schoolmasters and Indian Scholars
Leaving You and Your Service Confirms me in this
opinion, — b Your having So many white Scholars
and So
few or no Indian Scholars, gives me great
discouragement — I verily thought once that your
institution was Intended Purely for the poor Indians
with this thought I cheerfully
ventured my Body and
Soul, left my Country my poor Young Family
all my Friends and
Relations, to Sail over the
boisterous Seas to
England, to help forward
School, Hoping, that it may be a lasting
fit to my poor tawny Brethren, with this View
I went a Volunteer — I was quite willing
become a Gazing stock, Yea Even a Laughing
Stock, in Strange Countries to
Promote your
cause — we Loudly proclaimed before Multitudes
of People from Place to Place, that there was a
most glorious prospect of Spreading the Gospel
of the Lord Jesus to the furtherest Savage Nations
in the wilderness, through your institution, we told
them that there were So many missionaries
So many schoolmasters already Sent out, and
a greater Number would Soon follow
a: N.B. none have left me since I got a Charter. b. I have no white Charity Scholars but such as are
fitting for a mission
But when we got Home behold all the glory had decayed
and now I am afraid, we Shall be
deemed as Liars and
Deceivers in
Europe, unless you gather Indians
quickly to your College, in great Numbers and
to have So many Whites in the Charity, — I under
stand you have no Indians at present except two or
three mulattoes — — this I think is quite Contrary to
the Minds of the Donors,
we told them, that we were
begging for poor miserable Indians, — as for my part
I went, purely for the poor Indians, and I
Should be as
ready as ever to promote your School according to my
poor Abilities
if I could be convinced by ocular demon‐
stration, that your pure Intention is to help, the poor
helpless Indians, but as long as you have no Indians,
I am full of Doubts,
— Your writing to
Esq. Thornton to my disadvantage and not one word in my favour,
gave me to think,
that your Indian Scholars had
reason to withdraw from You, and Your missio
naries and schoolmasters too, the opinion of many
white People about here is that You have been
altogether, and that it was a policy to
Send me over to
England, for
(Say they) now
they don’t Care anything about you, You have answered
their Ends, now you may Sink or Swim it is all
one to them, this makes
me think of what that
great man of god Said to me,
Mr. Whitefield, just
before I left
England in the
hearing of Some gentlemen —
ah, Says he,
You have been a fine Tool to get
for them, but when you get home, they
won’t Regard you they will S
[illegible][guess: e]t you adrift, —
I am ready to believe it Now — I am going to Say
thing further, which is very disagreeable
would forbid me, but I am constrained
So to write, — Many Gentlemen in
and in this Country too, Say, if you had not this
Bait, you would not Collected a quarter
of the Money you did, one gentleman in Parti
cular in
England Said to me, if
he hadn’t Seen
my face he wouldn’t have given
[illegible][guess: the]
but now I have
£50 freely — This
one consideration
gives me great quietness, I think I went to
gland with honest Heart, I think I have done
that which I think was my Duty to Do — I might
write more but I have no time, — I wish I
could give you one visit, to have a full talk
but you got so far up, I Shall never be able
if I am under any mistake, please to enlight
en me, — I am better in Health than I’ve
and my Family is well through Divine Favour
Please to give my compliments to all under your Care
and Accept Duty from
PS I have not wrote this Sort to any one
England, I choose to let you know my
mind first