Solomon Williams, letter, to Andrew Oliver, 1751 October 7

Author Williams, Solomon

Date7 October, 1751

Call Number751557

abstractWilliams gives his opinion of the recent decision by the Boston Commissioners to send Samson Occom on a mission to Susquehanna and to pay him 20 pounds sterling per annum. He notes that, though Occom intends to marry, he has assured Williams this would not interfere with his missionary work.

handwritingLoose, informal handwriting is frequently difficult to decipher. There are several deletions and additions

paperMedium-sized sheet is in good condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, staining and wear.


noteworthyAs noted in the trailer, this document is Williams's copy of his own letter.

EventsOccom’s Marriage

Modernized Version Deletions removed; additions added in; modern spelling and capitalization added; unfamiliar abbreviations expanded.

Persistent Identifier
Honoured Sir
On the 7 of September I received from you the vote of the Honourable Commissi­oners respecting Samson Occom signifying that the said Samson (upon the desire of the Rev. Mr. Pemberton of New York) their [guess: Judination] that He should go on a mission to Susquehanna and officiate as a catechist, and that They have voted him after the Rate of Twenty pounds Sterling per Annum and are pleased to desire My opinion respecting Their votes. I take leave to Inform you That Samson when he was last here intimated his desire to Marry a woman at Montauk. I advised him to be Cautious in choosing a wife lest he should Put himself in such circumstances as Might Render him less able to answer the design of his Education it being uncertain where the Commissioners would employ him. he said his Marrying there would not prevent his readiness to go where the Commisioners should please to send him Either on the Island or the Main. I am not so acquainted with the prospect of his doing service at Susquehanna as to be able to Judge whether his going there be advisable I know not [illegible][guess: but]. The salary may at present be Sufficient to Support Him. In these Things I beg to be excused from offering my advice. I desired only to know what the pleasure of the Commissioners was that I might be able to direct him so long as They thought fit to give him their orders through My hands.—
I am Sir with all due respect your humble servant Solomon Williams
Copy of My letter to Mr. Oliver October 7 1751