Sarah Simon, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1769 [month unknown] 16

Author Simon, Sarah


Call Number769900.1

abstractSimon writes to Wheelock that she fears she is irretrievably in the grip of the Devil.

handwritingHandwriting is small, yet largely clear and legible.

paperLarge sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.


Persistent Identifier

Re.:end and Hon:.rd Sir
I have been this Some time back
thinking upon things of Religon; and I think thay
donot look So plain to me as I have Seen them and I have grat ma
ny wicked thoughts and I donot know what I
Shall do if I donot aſk ſombodys adviſe about
[left]it for I feel very bad about it; I have thought a gr
te while that I would Come and talk ywith the Dr
but then I thought again that it will not do me
any good; for I have talkd with the Dr gra[illegible][guess: n]t many
times and If I do not mind them words that has
been alraday Said tome I Shall have the more to an
ſwer for; So I thought I would not dgo [illegible]nowhere to
here any thing or no aſk any qu:.ns about any

but I fear it is the works of Saton; and I have [illegible][guess: mind]
it till I am undone for Ever and I be[illegible]live that
Saton is [illegible][guess: beſſer] with me them any body els in
this world Even when I go to Read he taks all
my thoughts away upon Somthing Els
and my temptation he las before me I thought
I [illegible]never would not till any body of it but as
I was at home this after noon all alone I was
thinking upon thise things and wondering
what[illegible] I ſhould do and I thought of a book I [illegible][guess: hered]
Read onſe that when any one was at loſt
about any thing thay muſt go to lhare —
minſter and inquire of [illegible]them and there
will lead you into it, and then I think it is my duty
to Come and take your adviſe. and I what want to know

is this am I uncureable or fnot; the devil is [illegible][guess: jiſt]
Redy Sometimes to make me think that be caſe I have
made a perfertion and do not alwas keep upright.
and itſeems to me all the true Chriſtan never
meats with Such a ſtruggte with ſaton as
I do and ſo that maks me fear that I am
a Chriſtan becaſe the Devil is ſo be[illegible: [guess: ſ]]e with
me more than he is with any one Els. for wh
en I d go to try to pray he till me that it
will not do andy good nither will it merat
any thing ſo he trys Every thing to put
me back. and o what ſhall I do it seam
to me I could writ all this right to you
if it would do any good but i fear it will
[illegible] not. —

ſo I Deſire to ſubcrib my
ſilfe your moſt humble and Ever
Dutyfull Searvent
ſarah ſimon

From Sarah Simons
16th 1769.

for —
the Re:end M:r Elezer Wheelak [below]DD