Elisha Gunn, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1767 September 2
Date2 September, 1767
Call Number767502.3
abstractGunn writes to introduce an Oneida chief.
handwritingFormal handwriting is largely clear and legible.
paperSingle medium-sized sheet is in fair condition; it is thin and fragile with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear. The remnants of the wax seal appear to have preserved a fingerprint.
noteworthyIt is uncertain to whom Gunn refers when he mentions "Rev. Smith," although it is possibly Titus Smith.
Persistent Identifier
The Barer
hearof Tho.[illegible][guess: c, e] King a Chief of the
the Onoyeda Tribe living at Onoh—ge arived
at my Houſe laſt Wenſday on his Jorneey to Boſton,
and Expected that I Should have Borne him Company,
But I Cant by Reaſon of my Indiſpoſsion of Body
I adviſed him to go By the way of Lebanon Thinking You Would not Take
it amis, Wee ware in hopes of finding M.r Chamberlain
hear to acompany him to your Houſe But he is
Not at home, I Should Be Glad to Come Down
My Self if I was Able, he is a man of Value
and I hope may find favour [guess: wheair] Ever he goes,
he Deſires that You.ll pleaſe to sendinan Indan Boy
with him to Boſton if you have any of the Mohawk
Tribe that can Speak Engliſh
as to Other pirtickculars See The Rev.d
M.r Smiths letter
the Onoyeda Tribe living at Onoh—ge arived
at my Houſe laſt Wenſday on his Jorneey to Boſton,
and Expected that I Should have Borne him Company,
But I Cant by Reaſon of my Indiſpoſsion of Body
I adviſed him to go By the way of Lebanon Thinking You Would not Take
it amis, Wee ware in hopes of finding M.r Chamberlain
hear to acompany him to your Houſe But he is
Not at home, I Should Be Glad to Come Down
My Self if I was Able, he is a man of Value
and I hope may find favour [guess: wheair] Ever he goes,
he Deſires that You.ll pleaſe to send
with him to Boſton if you have any of the Mohawk
Tribe that can Speak Engliſh
as to Other pirtickculars See The Rev.d
M.r Smiths letter
theſe from Your Humble Ser.t
Eliſha Gunn
To The Rev.d
Eleazer Wheelock
S.r You Seemed toTthink in Your leter that I
had bin Shy of Your Houſe, if I am So, it is
without any Juſt Grownds for it, I Neaver was
within twenty miles of Your Houſe But twice
in my life the firſt time I Called to see You
the second Time I and was kindly Treated the
Second Timse I
intended to have keep.t Sabbath
at Your Houſe But Stop.t at Lebanon By a
Storm and paſt Your Houſe a Sabbath Evening
with Some Company that would not Stop
and was loath to Brake Company E Gunn
Eleazer Wheelock
S.r You Seemed to
had bin Shy of Your Houſe, if I am So, it is
without any Juſt Grownds for it, I Neaver was
within twenty miles of Your Houſe But twice
in my life the firſt time I Called to see You
Second Tim
at Your Houſe But Stop.t at Lebanon By a
Storm and paſt Your Houſe a Sabbath Evening
with Some Company that would not Stop
and was loath to Brake Company E Gunn