I am very ſorry I can't write you a Let‐
ter, which can be ſeen abroad. because
Mr Kirtland is ſo much
hurrid to get down: but he can give you a proper Idea of my
School and
^my^ own Affairs. — I bele
^i^ve I may venter to write my
ſecrets to you as
^I^ wont to do. ſince I have ſo often ſeen and felt
your tender Cares and Affections. I have wrote a large Let.
ter to
Hannah Pyamphcouh which
iet will iether
ſpur her
up or knock her in Head.— I therefore aſk
^a Favour^ as a Child from
kind Father or Benefactor, that
this Letter may be ſent to
the Supperſcrib'd Place as ſoon as you get it into your Hands.
For I ſhall be down about the 13 or 14 of June and in very great
Haſt. I muſt tarry at your House a Week or ten Days the long‐
eſt to ſhed my Skin. For I am almoſt
bnacked now. I want
all my Cloaths to be blue and that which is godd: The Rea‐
ſon why I want this Letter to get down ſo
ſoon is, that ſhe
may have ſome time to think and dreſs
herſelf up. &
another which is the greateſt that I may clear myſelf
from those ſtrong
e Bonds wherewith I bound myſelf to
her and which could not let me reſt Night and Day
from the time I left her till I returnd to
^her^ again. what
I mean about clearing myſelf is if ſhe denies. If ſhe
wo'n't let her Bones be
^joind^ with mine. I ſhall
get pick
out my Rib from your Houſe.—
Sir. Dont be angry with me for write ſo
and write
ing bold and fooliſh. I hope you will not expoſe me — Give my Kingd Regards Mr Wheelock and Sir Wheelock and to all the Family. accept
myuch Love and from Duty, ^from^