John Smith, letter to Eleazar Wheelock, 1765 August 25

AuthorSmith, John

Date25 August, 1765

Call Number765475.1

abstractSmith urges Wheelock to send Occom to England as soon as possible, and details contributions already raised.

handwritingHandwriting is formal, yet small and occasionally difficult to decipher.

paperMedium-sized single sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.

inkBrown ink is heavily faded.

noteworthyThe contents of this letter are similar to those of manuscript 765511.1

EventsOccom’s inoculation

Persistent Identifier
Revd & Dear Sir
Its a short & hurried Line, & for evrything it referrs, saving only what relates to You.
M.r Occum should have come with me, & so should Mr Whitaker; If I had hold at yt time of one of M.r Occums hands your Buſsneſs would be quite done & speedily.—D.r Conder tells Mr DeBe[illegible]Mr Savage &c.a That ye Episcopal Miſsion with You have sent an Indian over & have ordained him in Bristol & tho' he can't speak English, he is designed to ape & undermine Mr Occum who is expected & much talkd of here. But this wont hurt Mr Occom — If he is not come away ^pray^ dont let him stay a moment longer than ye time Inoculation takes. Pray let him come to London by Coach privately & unseen, & Let him first see Mr Whitefield.
D.r Guifford has £117. now in his hands: On saying to him ye last great Miſsions were without [illegible][guess: Fund] & that your own Estate  lay
layd at risq? He replyd with Emotion The dear Man shant pay a penny. On my saying M.r Occum will get a Buſshel of mony he replyed Ay that he will.
Mr Whitefield tells me Mr Erskins has got in his hands £600. for the Indians.
But I have said more than I Thought should have had time for. I ask your Prayers & am respectfully
Your most hum.le Servt John Smith.
D.r Guifford says You directed him to keep ye mony in his hands till you Ordered it or else it had been with You — Youl please to give ye need Full Orders.
Blank page.
To The Revr.d M.r Wheelock at — Lebanon Comecticutt.
[bottom]Mr John Smith's Letter from London Augt 25th 1765