[gap: worn_edge][guess: c]k [gap: faded]
[gap: worn_edge][guess: W]o unto him that gives [gap: worn_edge] Neighbour Drink! that [gap: worn_edge][guess: p] thy Bottle to him,
and makeſt him Drunken alſo, that thou
mayeſt look on their Nakedneſs!
Isai. V. 11. Wo unto them, that
riſe up early in the Morning, that they may follow Strong Drink, that
Continue untill Night, till Wine inflaim them. — verſe. 22
Wo unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of Strength to mingle
Strong Drink. — —
God, the Eternal Benefacent Father of all — Saw fit to Create this World, and he fill’d it with veriety of every thing, both Animate and Inanimate Creature^s^ The
moving Creatures upon the Face of the earth are innu[gap: worn_edge][guess: me]rable and various, both great
and Small, — And the feather’d are Without Number, and of all sort and the productions of the
earth amazing in their veriety, both [gap: faded]
[gap: worn_edge] the Juſt, [gap: worn_edge]
[gap: worn_edge]efferent vertues
[gap: worn_edge]
[gap: worn_edge] in the things to grow o[gap: worn_edge]
[gap: worn_edge] Earth — And veriety of Fruits upon the Face of the Earth, — And the Lord,
ma[illegible]de a Garden alſo, and we muſt Conclude [illegible] that it Containd the Very Choice and the moſt excellent things in the World. — And the Sea the
Lakes and all Streams were all full of every kind of Fiſh, great and Small. — and the Lumanaries
alſo were fixt in the Heavens, Like Lanthorns, The Sun the Moon and the Stars, were made to give Light to this
wWorld. — and when the Lord God, had Bountifully
and Richly furniſhd, this World, with every neceſsary of Life — Then last of all, he made man for whom he made this
World, — he was the Crown, the Glory, and the Excellency and
the Beauty of the whole Creation. For God made [illegible]him in his own Image and Likeneſs, Breathed in to him the Breath of Life and he became a living and Imortal Soul, — and the Lord formed
Wo[gap: hole][guess: ma]n alſo out of the [gap: worn_edge] Neig[illegible]
[gap: hole]d they two were th[gap: hole]
[gap: hole]ir that ever was, they w[gap: worn_edge][guess: er]e little lower the Angels — and the Lord ^gave the whole World —^, placed in the garden and freely
gave it to them, and every ꞈ in it except one Tree which was in the midſt of the garden, and they were not to eat of that, for in the
Day, that they Shou’d of it they Shoud die — and we muſt Conclude, that [illegible]whilſt they stood in their Inocency, they they uſd every Creature Comfort
agreable to gods mind, they Glorified god in all things — and they fully Engagd God, & that was their supream
Happineſs, — and had they Continued in that State of holyneſs, they might hence been happy to endleſs ages — But alas we find a maloncholy account, of them; when the Tempter Came to our Mother with a lie; She
put forth her Hand
Stold the forbiden Fruit and eat of it, and gave unto her
alſo, and he eat of it
[gap: worn_edge][guess: w]hich they loſt all, they l[gap: hole][guess: oſ]t
[gap: worn_edge][guess: B][gap: hole][guess: l]e[gap: hole][guess: ſ]ſed Enjoyment of god, [gap: hole][guess: t]hey
Loſt the Image of god, and all their Holineſs and Inocency, all Light and Comfort, — They plungd
themſelves and all their Poſterity into Sin and Darkneſs, and all manner ^of^
Miſery, To Death. Temporal Spiritual and Eternal — This is
the Miſeralble Situation of mankind, he is now prone to all manner of Sin, —
alas, where is man and what is man? The most Noble Creature is become the most
Ignoble Creature. from being almoſt an Angel, is become a Devil. — He is now practicing all
manner of Sins, — and amongſt the various Commited, Drunkeneſs is one of the worſt, yet it is growing amongſt all Nations. — — — I Shall now Say Something from
the Texts I have read; Some may think it Strange, that I Shoud take so many Texts to make one Diſcour^ſe^ upon; I aim to Speak to two sorts of People in particular
— I shall now take notice of the
firſt —
Wo unto him that giveth his Neigh[gap: hole][guess: bo]ur Drintk &c — There is [gap: hole]ful uſe of all Creature Comforts, they were made for our Support and Comfort
in Life — but when we uſe them beyound the bounds of Temperance we uſe them unlawfully, and Sin againſt God the Giver of all theſe Comforts — and there is Sin, both in Communicateing and receiving thoſe Comforts, as we See in our Text. — A dreadful is Denouncd, again^ſt^ him that gives Drink to his Neighbour, a bad intention
Blank page.Blank page.Blank page.Blank page.Blank page.Blank page.Blank page.
2.d Directions how to come [gap: worn_edge] as helpleſs Creatures.
Hoſea. 13. 9. Pſa. 89. 19. we muſt go to X as the only way. John. 14. 6. we muſt go to Chriſt as the only Saviour. Acts. 4. 12. we muſt go to Chriſt as the all Sufficia[illegible] Saviour. — Heb. 7. 25. we muſt go to Jeſus to ſave us from our Sins. Matt. 1. 21. — we muſt go to X to free us from the Curſe of the Law. gall 3. 10. — 13. we muſt go to X to obtain Pardon.
S.t. Luke. 24. 46. 47. Acts. 10. 40. 43. we muſt go to X to give us grace.
S.t. John. 1. 19. 17. 2 Cor. 12. 9. we muſt go to X to obtain Et.l Life John. 10. 10. John. 20. 31. John
[illegible][guess: M] 3. 19. laſtly we muſt go to X
caſting our Burdens on him, and
recieve him o[illegible] our P. P.
K. yea our all. —
3dly. the Priviledges. &c.. the Sons of god. John. 1. 12. [illegible] if sons then heirs. &c: gall. 4. [gap: worn_edge][guess: 7]
Rom. 8. 14. 17. to what they [gap: worn_edge] heirs to. 1. ^[below]2.^
Tim. 4. 8. 1 Pet[gap: worn_edge]
[gap: worn_edge]
verſes. fulfilled
[gap: worn_edge] 61. 1 — 3 Luke. 4. 16 - 2[gap: worn_edge]
the [gap: worn_edge][guess: T]ext. Matt. 11. 28. 1^fulfilled.^
Method of Diſcourſe. [illegible][guess: from] the Text.
1st. Place. I ſhall endeavour to deſcribe
Perſons, to whom this gracious call, or invitation is addreſsed. —
2d place. I ſhall give few directions how they muſt Come.
3dly. I ſhall put the com[illegible][guess: pl]iers of this invitation in mind of the great
Privildges they intitle
themſelves to.
myſelf to the dispiſers of this call or invitation of Jeſus
Chriſt the Eternal ſon of god.
5thly. conclude the whole with [illegible] few words
of Exhortation. —
1st. Place. the Call is to the sons of men. not devils. to thoſe that are now in the Land of the Living. not the Damne[illegible]d Spirits. — the call is to the wonders, that
are going poſt haſt to endleſs
miſery. —
[gap: worn_edge][guess: b]ut more particularly.
to thoſe
[illegible]that [illegible]
[gap: worn_edge]abous. and are heavy laden. [illegible][guess: Sent]]
[gap: worn_edge] invitation is to thoſe that pull themſelves
[gap: worn_edge]
Matt. 18. 11. the invitation is to
[gap: worn_edge]
Matt. 9. [illegible]. 13. yea the Chief of
[gap: worn_edge]
Tim. 1. 15. and the call is gen[illegible]
[gap: worn_edge]
[illegible][guess: Sert] of the Children
of men!
[gap: worn_edge][guess: 2]6. 27. 28. &c..