Telegram from Vilhjalmur Stefansson to Charles Stewart, 08 August 1922

Author Stefansson, Vilhjalmur

Date8 August, 1922

ms numberStefansson Mss-98, Box 9, Folder 9


Persistent Identifier
Ottawa Aug 8 22
Hon. Charles Stewart
Dominion Minister of Interior, Edmonton, Alta.
Saw Cory today premier absent I must go back to my work in states urge you wire Cory or Premier take action Wrangel Wrangel matter your absence as lives of Canadians now Wrangel Island in danger and may be too late to reach them this season if action postponed till you come back Ottawa these men risking lives in unselfish service to Canada I have spent all my money for Canada and can borrow no more
V. Stefansson