Telegram from Vilhjalmur Stefansson to Alfred J. T. Taylor, 12 September 1922

Author Stefansson, Vilhjalmur

Date12 September, 1922

ms numberStefansson Mss-98, Box 9, Folder 9


Persistent Identifier
^ Stef. Arctic Ex. ^
New York, Sept. 12 22
A. J. Taylor Credit Foncier Bldg. Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Suggest to Brown that suspense created by delay of Teddy Bear's return and by Amundsen's reports of bad ice conditions to North gives news value to situation and justifies Brown in wiring Nome and asking what ice conditions are and whether opinion there justifies worry about Teddy Bear personally I have no worries yet but consider thisthe easy and justifiable way [: up ] posted please relpy
V. Stefansson