Letter from Allan R. Crawford to John Anderson, 15 September 1921

Author Crawford, Allan R.

Date15 September, 1921

ms numberStefansson Mss-98, Box 9, Folder 7


Persistent Identifier
Sept. l5th, 1921.
John Anderson, 614 Credit Foncier Bldg., Vancouver, B. C.
Dear Mr. Anderson,
We are about 5 miles off the Island and should be ashore if landing suitable in two hours. Am finishing my correspondence now as we do not wish to delay the boat after landing.
Am enclosing bills, etc., also expense account at Nome. This expense account is not complete but will give you some idea of the dispersal of $2575. received there.
Interviewed a Russian governor a few days ago and was ashore for a few minutes to buy sinew at Whaling in Siberia.
Save these bills so Mr. Stefansson will know what we took.
Take good care of our mail.