Letters between Vilhjalmur Stefansson and Alfred J. T. Taylor, 1921

Author Stefansson, Vilhjalmur

Author Taylor, Alfred James Towle


ms numberStefansson Mss-98, Box 9, Folder 7


Persistent Identifier
^ Stefansson Arctic Ex ^
October 14, 1921
Dear Taylor:
I have been compelled to neglect until now your letter of September 26th.
The only point that requires answering is your paragraph about the proposed trip to England. It is not possible to make this trip before Christmas and I doubt I can make it then for I have only about twenty days for free time. Probably I shall have to wait until March.
The cables had it yesterday that Lloyd George might be coming over. It is possible I can get a chance to see him but not likely for I shall then be off on a lecture tour in the middle-west.
Mr. A. J. Taylor, Stefansson Arctic Exploration and Development Co., 514 Credit Foncier Building, Vancouver, B. C., Canada.
Sept. 26th, 1921.
V. Stefansson, Esq.,
c/o Amer. Geographical Society, Broadway at 156th St., New York, U.S.A.
My dear Stefansson,
I have just returned this morning from a week's hunting, and with much pleasure find your three letters of September 14th, one dated September 15th, and two dated the 19th.
I am particularly pleased with your letter, in which you tell me how the difference of opinion could exist between you and Amundsen in regard to animal life in the Polar Regions. I think the illustration you use of the oil field in England is a very happy one.
Now, as regards Lomen's guarantee, we are still pretty much in the dark, having received no letter yet from Crawford. We did, however, receive a wire this morning from the Miners & Merchants Bank, to which I replied, all in accordance with my nightletter to you of this date. Apparently from this you communicated with Lomen Bros. by a wire of September 21st, so that I presume the next few days will straighten this matter out. I am afraid it is quite impossible for the company to get any money locally in time to be of service. I do not hope to be able to interest local parties in the company until after the turn of the year, at which time I am sanguine of being able to do something.
I am sure you would be glad to receive Crawford's wire telling of his safe arrival at Wrangell. I am only sorry that this wire was not relaid to you immediately it reached us, but it has been held in the office here until my return.
Mr. Brown of the "Province" asked if we desired any publicity as to Crawford's arrival at Wrangell Island, so I am accordingly referring this to you in my wire of this evening.
V. Stefansson, Esq. -2- Sept. 26/21
Thanks for your suggestion in regard to the letterhead; I am accordingly having a new sketch prepared, which I will submit to you at once, and I am using for the company, my own cable address "TECO", which has been registered for the past six or seven years, and is rather safer to use than a new address would be. I will send you the revised sketch by the next mail.
The thing which interests me most is your forthcoming trip to England. It would have been nice if you had been able to talk with Mr. Lloyd George or Winston Churchill, without having to cross the Ocean, but personally I feel that, if you can possibly make the trip to England, it will strengthen our position immeasurably, and there is so much at stake that I personally hope you may be able to make the trip. Nothing would suit me better than to be free to accompany you, and if I could only get the Dolly Varden matters in shape, I would prepare for the journey at once. From your letter I gather that there is not much hope of your being able to get away at least until after Christmas. This, I think, will give me an opportunity of seeing you in the East, as I hope to be in New York some time between now and the end of November.
Please write me just as fully and as soon as you find time. Meanwhile, with my very best, I remain,
Yours sincerely, ^ A. J. Taylor ^
AJTT : W Enc.