Letters between Vilhjalmur Stefansson and Alfred J. T. Taylor, 1921

Author Stefansson, Vilhjalmur

Author Taylor, Alfred James Towle


ms numberStefansson Mss-98, Box 9, Folder 7


Persistent Identifier
^ Stefansson Ex. ^
October 8, 1921
Dear Taylor:
I like your new letter-head better than the old one. I was hoping, however, you would put your name on it as well as mine. I notice you do not have a street number - the name of the building on your own latter-head. Would it not be better to have one on this letter-head? This last question really applies more than anything to the efficiency of the Vancouver Post Office. Would letters get to us without delay if addressed nmerely "Vancouver"?
Have the letter-head printed without consulting me further, merely adopt or reject the above suggestions as appears best to you.
Mr. A. J. Taylor, 614 Credit Foncier Building, Vancouver, B. C., Canada.
^ Oct. 8 ^
Alfred J. T. Taylor A.S.M.E. A.I.E.E. Consulting Engineer
Vancouver, B. C.
Sept. 29th, 1921.
V. Stefansson, Esq., c/o American Geographical Society, Broadway at 156th Street, New York, U.S.A.
My dear Stefansson,
Attached please find sketch for company’s letterhead. If this meets with your approval, please O.K. same, send it back to me and I will have the die put in hand at once, using the same grade of paper as this letterhead of mine, and the same colour of ink.
Yours sincerely, ^ AJTaylor ^
AJTT : W Enc.