Letter from Vilhjalmur Stefansson to Errol Lorne Knight, 11 August 1921

Author Stefansson, Vilhjalmur

Date11 August, 1921

ms numberStefansson Mss-98, Box 9, Folder 6


Persistent Identifier
August Eleventh, Nineteen Twenty-One.
Dear Mr. Knight:-
I received your telegram about the amount of money necessary to be spent in Seattle, and replied to Crawford, thinking you might be out of town.
I am very short of money now, but expect to have more by the time you reach Nome. I would, therefore, like it very much if you could keep the entire expenditure in Seattle preferably down to $2000.00, (Two Thousand Dollars), and at the most to $2500.00, (Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars), this to include passage for yourselves to Nome as well as prepayment of freight, if prepayment is necessary. You can save a little by paying for the freight on delivery in Nome, as we will have more money there.
We already have a credit of $1250.00, (Twelve Hundred Fifty Dollars), arranged by Mr. Lindeberg at the Miners & Merchants Bank, of Nome. I shall be able to add to this, if necessary.
I have instructed the Vice President of our Company, Mr. Taylor, to send $500.00, (Five Hundred Dollars), to Crawford at the Frye Hotel. This should arrive on the 12th or 13th.
Yours very truly, V. Stefansson
Mr. E.L. Knight, Frye Hotel, Seattle, Washington.