Telegram from Vilhjalmur Stefansson to Allan Crawford, [1921]

Author Stefansson, Vilhjalmur


ms numberStefansson Mss-98, Box 9, Folder 6


Persistent Identifier
Day Letter X
^ MISSOULA, MONT. ^ To Allan Crawford Steet and No. Frye Hotel Place Seattle Wash.
Replying Knight telegram through you in case he has gone home stop have asked Taylor send you [: five] hundred you may sign blank checks for maximum two thousand making total twenty five hundred available for goods, freight and passages to Nome stop where you have twelve hundred fifty additional credit Miners and Merchants bank through arrange by Lindeberg would prefer if you spend only less than total twenty five hundred only two thousand or less V Seattle as I can later raise more money in time to cable it your credit Nome where you can buy what you [: out] you lack. Reply You or Knight reply [: ???] today Missoula [gap: ] [: Deer] Lodge V. Steffansson.