Copy of a letter from Helen Crawford to Harold Noice, 26 January 1926

Author Crawford, Helen

Date26 January, 1926

ms numberStefansson Mss-91: Harold Noice Papers, Box 1, Folder 2

abstractCorrespondence, newspaper articles, and other material related to the ill-fated 1921 expedition to Wrangel Island.

Jan. 26, 1926.
Dear Mr. Noice: -
I have been a long time acknowledging your letter of Nov. 10th, but I, like yourself, found I had to put away thoughts of the Wrangel Island tragedy for a while owing to the nervous strain.
I am writing now to let you know that we had a letter from Dr. Isaiah Bowman saying that the Explorer's Club would be gratified to receive one of the photos of our son taken on Wrangel Island. This photo while interesting as showing how the boy appeared as an arctic explorer is not really a good likeness of him, so we thought we had better send also a reproduction of the photo he had taken at Seattle in 1921 just before sailing for Nome and Wrangel Island. We sent these photos on Sat. last Jan. 23 to the Explorer's Club. We hope you will be so kind as to see that they are hung all right and please let us know. We had an artist do the lettering on the photo, at considerable expense and we selected the most suitable frames we could find.
I sent a copy of the Canadian Historical Review for September containing an unfavorable review of the adventure of Wrangel Island to Dr. Bowman for the Explorer's Club. Did you and your friends in the Club see it? If not let me know at once and I will send another copy. The Review exposes some of the author's falsehoods.
Before I became too nervous to go on with the work I had photostats made of almost all the original documents you left in my care, (it is not customary to take photostats of copies of documents). The originals I placed in the archives for the present for safe-keeping as the risk involved in keeping them at home was too great. When I feel able to get the photostating completed I shall send the photostats to you. It would be most unwise to send photostats to the American Geographical Society where V. S. would see them or to the Galles (who are friendly to him) before your book appears as it would give the enemy time to prepare his alibies and would also interfere with the sales of the book.
It was the fact that your book would contain original hitherto unpublished documents that especially interested Mr. Harrison Smith of Harcourt, Brace + Co. By the way did you ever submit your manuscript to him?
There is a possibility of our going abroad in the spring so if you are going on with your book and wish any information from us let us know soon. If you cannot find time to work on a book yourself perhaps you may know some good writer who would undertake it. Your n. a. n. a. stories
were so excellent, they at least should be in a book. The other points in your letter I shall deal with again. I am rushed at present. Thanking you and Mrs. Noice for your Xmas remembrance of us
[: Brewer ] + [: Crawford] people [: contributed] money for a purely relief expedition but the money was put on funding a party to do trapping for the Stefansson Arctic Exploration + Development Co.

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[: Hiring] Donaldson [: ?] 2000 approx.
Wages 1120
Gasoline 1000
provisions 5,000
in [: ?]- 1000
10,604 -appro
Provisions would have been returned at 10% discount if it had been a purely relief expedition