Abigail English, testimony, 1749 December 19

Author English, Abigail

Date19 December, 1749

ms number 749669

abstract Testimony of Abigail English regarding Samuel and Captain Smalley and a pregnant enslaved girl named Phillis. 1749 Dec 19. Norwich.

Decr 19. 1749.
The Teſtimony of Abigail Engliſh. I have after Severaltimes heard Capn Daniel Smalley Diſcourse about ye Case of Samuel Smalley & his Negro girl, but what I have heard him Sayd can’t remem- -ber so as to give my Diſtict & perticular account of it, but only this in the general his Diſcourse imported yt he thot Samuel ſmalley to be guilty according to the report of him. I heard him say after he came up from Norwich at a certain time, that Phillis had ^had^ y.e women with her, or had made a false alaram, or to that Effect, and that she was Ex amined in the time of her Diſtreſs and I think he said that she Charg’d it upon Sam Smalley, he told of a string yt was found about her. — he gave my Huſband a Letter, which he Read from Mr Dean & his wife, what was in the Letter I cant give a perticular account ^of^ but according to the best of my Remembrance it was about Fillis’s having the women with her and the grame’s Examining her, & that she Laid it to Sam Smalley.
John Engliſh Testifieth and sayeth that some of time afte[gap: page_torn] the ctt meeting Reſpecting the Dificulty Between Capt Smaly and Samel Smaley Capt Smaley was at my Houſe and there be shewed me a paper signd and i sopose written by Jobez Dean of norwich Reſpecting his Negro Girl, being with child and as i Remember it was to this affect that he ^has^ had had the weoman with his negro Girl and that ſhe Declared ſhe was withe child and yt ſhe Laid ^it^ to Samll Smaly and yt they ^sendth^ [illegible] ſhall Soposed ſhe was with child and that his wife was so wel Satisfyed about it that ſhe had prepared things to wrap the child in and had Likewiſe Given the child away when it should be born i asked Cap’t Smaley upon my Reading that paper ^or ſoon after or he told me of his oath acceptd which i ant Certain^ whether or no he Beleaved ſhe was with child he told me that he Did not think ſhe was with Child altho Mr Dean and his wife thought ſhe was yet He himſelf could not think ſo and as i Remember the Reaſon why Capt Smaley ſhowed me yt paper was in appoſition to a Report yt there was about that the negro Girl Laied the child to her former master (viz) Capt. Smaley ^[bottom]The Letter yt Capt Smalley bro from Dean and^ [gap: page_torn]