Ada Blackjack Diary

Author Blackjack, Ada

Date14 March, 1923

abstractThe diary of Ada Blackjack (Iñupiat, 1898-1983), sole survivor of the 1921-23 Wrangel Island Expedition.

RepositoryRauner Special Collections Library, Dartmouth College

Call Numbermss8-adablackjack-diary1-001

Persistent Identifier

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1923 March 1923
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Made in March 14th 1923. The frist fox I caught was in feb. 21st and then second March 3 and 4th 5th that makes 4 White foxess and then in March 13th I caught three white foxess that makes seven foxess altogather. 14th I got headach All day I'm Taking aspirin its seems didn't work. Oh yes in 13th I got new army pans. on 12th of Mar I site eight placeses of traps two in each place.


I was over to the traps no sign of fox fresh tracks. And I put new sole on my felt slipers and was the dishess and I feel much better than yesterday. Very clear al day.
March 16th. I have not feeling well for three day frist I was headach and then I had stumpick trouble And today I feel much better I was over to the traps with no fox or fresh tracks. and last night knight told me I Can keep the bible she siad he give them to me, very nice day so far.

Mar. 18.

I caught one male fox today fat one too, And I cut little part of my sirt and mail the piece of reindeer skin and then I wash my head. Oh yes I got snow glasses today. and I dug the tires out and put it in the storm shiel knight told me to take in.

March 19th.

I was over to the traps and found that fox has been in trap and she run a way with the trap that one that is by cold oil can and I haul two sled load and chop wood and I found slat it was [illegible: aboutt] last of those two boxess. And I open the case of distillate.


I caught one male fox today fat one too.


I caught one famale fox and I haul one sled load and chop wood. I I make new slup bokit. Yestirday I sete two more traps at cold oil can.


One female fox I caught today, its tisd like chicken, and
I stard to make black belt for myself and I made about six inch long.


I over to the traps and fox run away with three traps and then I put two traps in place of three and I haul two slad load of wood and Chop wood and this evening I work on bet about six inch long yesterday the fox that have trap in the foot has been around to the traps in front of camp.


I was over to the traps today no sign of fox. and I work on belt and I got more then half finish.


I didn't go out today its blowing hard and I work on belt and its about two thrid of belt work.
And I open can of Tea this evening.


I was over to the traps today and fox has been in cold oil Can traps and trap was sprung but didn't hold fox and this morning about 11 o'clock I sew a Polar bear on the ice, and I sew three foxess one with trap on her foot. and I haul one load of sled and saw four cuts of log and chop wood, and we like look at knights legs my! they are skiny and they has no more blue spots like they use to be. And I pretty near finish my black belt.


I was over to the traps and caught one and another fox that has trap in her
foot has been at the cold oil can. Oh my I feel very wake now I am feel it yesterday and today.


I Caught a fox today the fox has trap in his foot it has caught trap by trap that funyny. I saw one cut of wood and chop it. And I finish my black belt.


My eye swolen up and one side of my face ach, it stard yesterday and today it very much ach. I caught one male fox it pretty good meat, and I saw five^six^ cut of wood and I chop only three.


I didn't go out today and my eye is worse than yesterday. and swealen both side eye.

March 31th.

My eye is worse the yesterday and one side of my face is swelen and I took out slups pokit and get borc acht and cotton and bondage.

April 1th.

I didn't go out today because my isface is swelen and my eye is pretty near close from swelen and its very ach.


I take slup pokit out today one of my eye one that is swelen is going down a little, and one side of my throad out side of it, is hards a little. And knight wants me to go out to the traps but my eye is very Ach so I cannt go out when my eye is that way becuase in evening I could bearly stand the Ach of my eye and one side of head. If anything happen to me and my
death is known, there is black stirp for bennett school book bag, for my only son. I wish if you please take everything to Bennett that is belong to me. I don't know how much I would be glad to get home to folks.

Apr 3th.

My eye is getting better and sweling is going down.

Apr 4th.

My eye is just the same yesterday but my stumok was on bum, and I dont feel pain in my throad but my eyes was fogy today I haven't been out for three days.

April 5th.

I go out today and carry snow in for water and took slup pockit out.

Apr 6th.

I made saw bock today and chop wood and I feel better today. And I open case of biscuits. Bloing today.

Apr 7th.

Blowing al day I didn't go out today and yesterday on acount of wind blowing.

Apr 8th.

I got up early this morning and then chop wood and I went out to the traps and caught one frozen one fox nothing but skin and bone and I open can of cold oil. And I finish one side yarn glove for Galle and strad another side.

Apr 9th.

I was over to the traps nothing doing only one fox track. And I take a bath this evening. Very clear wind from every diricken. And I knite today.
Apr. 10. I caught one famale fox, very smale but its good meadt. Clear and sunshine.

Apr. 11th.

I ^was^ over to the traps no fox or traks. And I went to other side and saw wood and haul them home.

Apr. 12.

I was out to the traps but
^[top]And I'm sort of yarn for Galle's gloves^ there is nothing, and I went to other side and saw there cuts of wood and bring them home.

Apr 13th.

I was to some of traps but see nothing and I fix the slade today and knight one of his leg strad to swelen again.

Apr 14th.

I was out to the traps today and got nothing but I saw fresh track behind the camp, and I open case of biscuits and cut out skin for my boot soles and I made thread out of sinnew and I gather biscuit crums togather and take them out. Very clear and sunshine

Apr 15th.

I was out the traps they was nothing And storming looking weather today And I got my boots soles already and soak them and Knight said he was feel bad.

Apr 16th

I was out to the traps but see nothing and when I come home I starded chew my boot sole and then sew them on and I finish them by in evening. Wind from east.

Apr 17th

I was out to the traps today but nothing to see but nice day. I guess knight is wor feel worse he didn't have Tea this evening. He said he was headache

April 18th

I sew wood this morning frist and then I went out to the traps but there is nothing and then this After noon I Clean three foxess skins and I took four more in so I can clean them tomorrow. Cloudy and snowing today

Apr 19th

I clean one And put in strecher And skin other three skin foot of fox and this afternoon I haul one load of wood and Chop wood didn't go to the traps but I could see them with field glasess but see nothing. Very clear

Apr 20th

I didn't go out today on accont of wind blowing I just clean fox skin I clean three two And put them in the stretchers

Apr 21st.

I was today and haul sled load of wood And then Chop wood didn't go out to the traps. And when I come in and build the fire knight started to cruel with me, I cann't count how many times cruel with he started to cruel at me every time he say something against me. He says BlackwasJack was good
man and was right in everything and was right to treat me mean. And saying I wasn't good to him he never stop and think how much it's hard for women to take four mans place, to wood work and to hunt for some thing to eat for him and do waiting to his bed and take the shut for him out for him. And he menitions my children, and saying no wonder your children die you never take good care of them he just tear me in to pieces when he menition my Children that I lost. This is the worust life I ever live in this world. Thought it is hard enought for me to wood work and trying my best in everything and when I come home to rest here a man talk against me saying all kinds of words against me then what could I do. When I can't get meat that he say I wasn't trying to save he. And he say he was going to write to Nome
people to fix me up. then what could I do. Though I was hungry myself for meat and trying my best we both have no witness. If knight happen to die what will I do here in this Island all alone he is laying in his bed since feburay 9th and now April 21st he lo is looks very skiny. And its longtime yet till we might see ship come. Well God knows everything.
If I be known dead, I want my sister Rita to take Bennett my son, for her own son and look after every things for Bennett she is the only one that I wish she take my son don't let his fathar Black Jack take him, if Rita my sister live. then I be clear.

Apr. 22.

I didn't go out today because I was just chock with
cry, and then this evening I took out slup bocket. And stove ases can.

Apr 23rd

I saw four cuts of cotton wood over to the East of the camp and today I saw raven between from here and mountons. She was flying from west to east and I can not go to sleep last night untill 6 o clock this morning and sun rise four o clock this morning and sets fitheen minutes to nine.

Apr 24th

I didn't go out today I just wash my hiar and read the Bibil all day and think of folks are in church this morning and this evening and now I'm writing 11 o clock in evening after I had cup of tea.

Apr. 25.

I wash my clothes today and I out and carry snow in for water. And its very clear.

Apr. 26th.

I was out today and sawed wood and when I was hauling wood home I was almost fianting I guess I was so waeak I was almost fianting And this morning when I wake up from my deep sleeping I look at my watch. And it was 4. o clock and the ho inside of the house was dark so I said to myself did I sleep that long, becuase I went to bed early last night, and I was thinking that we haven't enoughh wood for today. And I siad to myself I'll sleep some more untill late this evening then I'll make cup of tea and go to bed again so about 10. o clock I wake up again it was in the morning I was glad when I know its morning.

Apr 27th

its wind blowing hard today. I didn't do anything today I wasn't feeling well.

Apr 28

Still blowing hard al day to day I stay in my sleeping bag and yesterday becuase I'm not feelling well I do nothing but reading Bible.

Apr 29th

still blowing I didnt go out. And knight siad he was pretty sick and I didn't say nothing becuase I have nothing to say and he got mad and he thrugh
a book at me that secont time he though book at me just becuase I have nothing to say to him. And I didn't say nothing to him and before I went in my sleeping bag I feill his water cup and went to bed.

April 30th.

And its still wind blowing hard this last day of April so knight is still living like anybody so if I happen to get back home I don't know how much I would be glad God is the only one would brought me home again. There is no one pity me in this world but God even there is no hand would help me but God, with his lovingkindness and mighty hand.

May 1st

still blowing a little but not much, I can see sun shining throught the little hoil. And I read the note I that I write some time ago this winter about Mr. Knight and its says if knight live untill May I would be glad so it happen that he still living he was just dieing in frist part of February and now he still living untill May 1st day And if the ship comes next summer I know
don't know how much I would be glad.

May 2nd

its pblowing to day I would go out and get wood but it was blowing so I cann't go out today.

May 3rd.

I was out to chop wood today and I saw snow O bird. Oh my how I was glad to see snow birds come and I was out to the traps and didn't see anything even a track and I open case of biscuits.

May 4th.

Wind blowing hard from west so I cann't go out today, well I went out to fix stove pipe. I dreamed last night that I was in land some where and knight and I was all alone and knight left for sibberia with one dog and I was left all alone. And I sew two man with dog team and I run down and ask them if they were going to Chinnik and they siad they were hun- ting.

May 5th.

I was out to the traps to day but see nothing and pack one sack full of wood. Cloudy snowing and blowing.

May 6th.

I was getting wood the wind blowing from north East. I didn't go out to the traps on account of wind blowing and I take out Polar bear oil two thrid full of Tea tin.

May 7th.

I was out getting wood, I didn't go out to the traps and wind blowing from west Clear and sunshine. On thrid of May knight eat Polar bear cup paw. And I dreamed last night that I was with lots of poeple. And Bennett and I was looking at some pictures and we see a picture the poeple swiming and Bennett says swiming pool And I Ask him who told you thes are swiming pool pictures and he siad to me Alboardert told me.

May 8th.

I was out just to look and see how was the weather it was cloudy braze from East. I wish I was home so I hear people singing in Church if the Lord only carry me home I will be there some day.

May 9th

I was out this morning and I saw flock of dicks South west of Camp and I was out to the traps and did not see a track of anything. And I made seal skin boats and finish the tops already to put sole.

May 10th

This morning when I got up knight was nose bleeding and he ask me his can to take a dumb but
he Clo could not put the pan and I think he take a shiad in his sleeping bag and then I put the pan for him I think he was pretty near die this morning. And I was out to the traps today but did not see nothing. And when I was over east of camp and I sew seven Idare decke flying over me going west. And I sew sea gull way east dundra flying west, and I saw white owel. And I cut skin sole for my new boats.

May 11th.

I was out to the traps there was nothing and I put sole on my new seal skin boats I can not sleep last night I don't know why. Oh yes I put seal oil on every traps and I cut little wood. Clear and fogly and clouding. wind from East.

May 12.

I was to the traps to day nothing at all. And I chop wood and haul wood and I took out some stuff from store shed. And I fry one biscutt for knight thats all he eat for 9 days he don't look like he is going to live very long. if I happen to live untill ship comes Oh thank a l living true God.

May 13th.

I was to the traps there is nothing all kinds of flock of ducks flying today and old squo flie over camp cloudy and fogy And I found shot gun ammunation and I take them in the house.

May 14th

I was out to the traps there is nothing and I sew two flock of ducks cloudy and fogy over the mounton. And I was the dishes.

May 15

I was to the traps there was nothing, knight wants to go out hunding duck tomorrow.

May 16th.

I didn't go out to the traps today and I was just getting wood and knight was nose bleeding today. And I saw snow bird and raven and I made blenked coat to day.

May 17th.

I didn't go out to the traps clear this morning and got very fogy this afternoon and I put another colar on my blanked coat and I made myself a clothe parky.

May 18th.

I was packing wood and then I wash my clothes. Nothing to see but cloudy and fogy over the mountans and sunshine in evening.

May 19th.

I was some more clothes of mine cloudy and snowing all day.

May 20th.

Yesterday and last night it has been snowing about three inches deep nothing to see but cloudy and sun shining this evening. And I put new soles on my felt slipers. To day.

May 21st.

I was over to the traps today nothing but raven track and I shoot a shot gun one time. I
took empty tea tin and shot it I shot right in it, thats pretty good for first time shooting. And I clean both shot gun's

May 22.

didn't see nothing I didn't do nothing today.

May 23.

I was over to little Islands to west end and some few roots I got for knight didn't see nothing but snow bird tracks. And I made pack for myself.

May 24th.

I saw four flock of brant and long neck Black ducks five of them first I saw four flying south from over Camp and one flying to west. All the flock of brant flying to west. And I fall in the water mouth of harper just to my Encle. And I saw one fox tracks front of camp over by big ice cake.

May 25th.

I carry loges at of about ten feet long and sawed up half of it and I saw dodlie bird flying to east and I snow bird and I shot five times with knights rifle, I did shot better then I thought I would do I only hede my target twice I thought
thats good enought for me for first time shooting with rifle.

May 26th

I took four shott with the rifle with three first shots I didn't hided my target with the last shot I hide my target I shoot with three sitting and last one I lie on my belly. And I took a shoot with shot gun standing up and I hide my target and I made shotgun case and knife case for myself and I saw flock of doidle birds flying east and flock of ducks flying way over old Camp and I took two picture of Camp and didn't work the camra right that was too bad. I was over to traps. Nothing.

May 27th.

I ^was^ over to little islands and I saw two see galls flying to west and I saw flock of geese and two doidle birds flying and I saw another flock of geese this morning and I saw fox tracks over little Island. And I made myself sun bonnet and I got some roots tea tin half full. Today I was going over to old camp but it was too windy and has been drifting last
night in to storm shade.

May 28th.

I over to the old camp and see if there is any birds a round but there is nothing it looks more winter then over here. And when I was on my way down I saw one fox way out on the ice going south west. And when I come home I chop wood and clean fox skins three of them and put them strechers.

May 29th.

I didn't do nothing today. Oh h but I was feel tired from that long walk I had to old camp. And I saw spider on sand today and I took cadarpillar from old camp. I didn't see nothing today.

May 30.

I was feel pretty sick this morning but this afternoon I feel better I saw five flocks of geese today and hear doedle bird some where but I didn't see it.

May 31st.

I didn't get few sticks of wood. And I site two places of traps for see gall and I hear geese but didn't see them and I open case of biscuitts.

June 1st.

I didn't do nothing today becuase I was not feelling well I saw doedle bird over land of sand spit.

June 2nd.

I set up the tent today and I out haunting birds over the Island and I saw flock of brand way over in land. And I saw two pin tail birds and I got one flie from the Island.

June 3th.

I didn't go no where today just cleaning two fox skins and I saw two flocks of geese and one raven I hear another flock of geese but I didn't see them.

June 4th.

I clean one good fox skin and two are full of hols that cat has been trying eat the fox skin that Galle got and I saw banch of smale seegalles and one mach smeler. And I saw duck flying over the ice and brand four of them flyin over camp very high and I clean shotgun and rifle and I made smele little picke for roots.

June 5.

I didn't do nothing today but read- -ing Bible I just finish old Testaments the next I will read new Testaments. And snowing al day.

June 6th.

I was over to the Island and
got some sweet roots I shot one doedle bird I saw only two and I saw five flock of ducks Idare and I saw a Polar bear it was way out on the ice first I saw him and from south of Camp he turn towart Camp and just got about on the beach he went out to south again and then ^to^ west and went to the beach and it went out south again last I saw it. And it got snowing and I cann't see him again. knight said he was fianting last night he is just dieing he could hardly talk. I shot three times today andg got only with one.

June 7th.

I going over to the Island get some sweet roots and when I got close to the end of the Island hear the seegull and I took a shot at him and I got him dead shot. Oh my! it good I eat my meat for long time and I saw two shadhawk and I made smale little picke and I made rifle resting board so its handy if I seal hunt when I'm ready to so I don't have to look a place to rest my rifle.

June 8th.

I was over the and got some roots and I saw three doedle birds I took a shot at one doedle bird didn't get him and when I come home there two Idar ducks flying and got shotgun in my hands got the hammer ready and there were too far and I forgot the hammer was ready and I pull the tricker boom it went didn't hurt me. And I made shotgun cartridge bag and I made shide pan for knight he try to put the pan under him. He just bearly make it, I had to cut it open space on his sleep -ing bag so he can put the pan. And I can see tracks on the beach with the field glasses I think they are Polar bear tracks two places of tracks one looks fresh and one looks old.

June 9th.

I was over to west end of the harbar I I was boom barting over there but didn't get see gall and I found one fresh seegall Egg and I when I was coming home there was geese fly over me and I took a shot I got one geese and she had three eggs in her one almost got shell on it and I took a shot at shid hwak but didn't kill her and I saw little summer bird.
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Wrangel, Island.>
June. 23d. 1923.
The daid of Mr. Knights death He died on June 23d I don^t^ know what time he die though Anyway I write the daid, Just to let Mr Stefanssom know what month he died and what daid of the month writen by Mrs Ada B, Jack.
Wrangel, Island.>
June. 23d. 1923.
The daid of Mr Knights death He died on June 23d I dont know what tme he die though Anyway I write the daid, Just to let Mr Stefanssom know what month he died And what daid of the month writen by Mrs Ada B, Jack.
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June 10 1923.

writen by Mrs. Ada B. Jack
Wrangel Island
Mr. Knight told me to use this, diary
June 10 This very important noted in case I happen to died or some body fine out and found that I was dead I want Mrs Rita McCafferty take care of my son Bennett. I don't want his father Black Jack to take him on a count of stepmother, not for my boy. My sister Rita is just as good his on Mother I know she love Bennett just as much as I do I dare not my son to have step -mother. If you please let this know to the Judge. If I got any money coming from boss of this company if from $1,200.00 give my my mother Mrs Ototook $200.00 if its only $600.00 give her $100.00 rest of it for my son. And let Rita have money enough to spport Bennett.
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June 10th.

I cannt go out hunding today my eyes is sore from snow blind and rain.

June 11th.

I didn't go no where today on acount of my eyes sore from snow blind I just getting wood and clean shotgun that one that I don't use.

June 12th.

I didn't go out nowhere today on account of my eyes on boam.

June 13th.

I went to the end of harbar and I found nine seegall eggs today and I got one see gall and [gap: damage]h the dishes I took two shots with the rifle trying to get seegall didn't hit them and I saw three brand fly by me too far to shot with shotgun and I saw flock of geese.

June 14th.

I didn't go no -where today just getting wood and I stard to knit gloves for myself. few Idars fly a round.

June 15th.

I just knitting gloves for myself and today I hear loan.


I finish my knit gloves and I got s[gap: damage]trap.
I just write noted in case Polar bear tear me down or case I fall in some [illegible: thin] ice becuase I am hunding pretty near every day knight is very sick he hardly talk and he is skiny my he nothing but skin and bone he lay in his sleeping bag for four month he pretty near die 10th of May and 12th. I'm hunding with shot gun every day pretty near I got one doedle bird and next got see gall and then one geese I shot geese when they fly over me and today I cann't go out hunding on a count my eyes sore from snow blind today is June [gap: damage] yesterday I got geese and I found one see gall egg and that one geese I got [gap: damage] one egg and two smale ones knight [gap: damage]

June 17.

I wash my clothes today and I shot once to a Idarr. And this evening I made a target and shot two times with the rifle. and I took my target in and show it to knight and he said its pretty good shooting and I saw a creek flowing to the harbar.

June 18.

I was out seal hunding this evening from five till eleven and I do some target shooting today I shot three times standing up I only hit the target once oh yes I shot at seal twice didn't hit it and I saw another seal right by it I thought it was same seal I fine it wasn't.

June 19.

I stay home today having rest and this evening I get one female Idar I Iwas after two brand but they flow before I got there.
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June 20.

I was out to the west to get some eggs but there is no way to gto to eggs water all around they are on smale sand Island see gall eggs that I found I made little sack for Idar downs.

June 21.

I was trying to get Idar duck but I cann't get close to them and I carry rifle so I can shot but I cann't get any chance and I boom with the rifle. I didn't meant to but it went out [gap: damage]t is getting very bad he looks like he is going to die.

June 22nd.

I move to the other tent today and I was my dishes and getting some wood.

June 23d.

I out the old camp today and got some sweet roots and shot two Black and white wing birds and I was going to the camp but I cann't crose the river I just gets some roots.
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June 24.

I was out ducking today and I got four Idars two famale and two male of Idar ducks, one I lost it when I shot her so she cann't fly she dieve and I didn't know where it went and I took pictures of this tent and myself I dont know how I work the camra.

June 25.

I was over other side of harbar mouth and I got seven eidars three male and four female. and when I came home I pluck them and cut them hunge the fbreast and the legs to dry.

June 26.

I was taking walk over to little Island and I found three see gall eggs in one nest. and I cook them for my lunch I take and tea and Sachcharine. I had a nice picknick all by myself.
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June 27th.

I was after a seal right out in the front of the camp she went down on me they were two of them in one place and I came back and took myself a picture try anyway and I went to the east and I saw a seal and I went after it and got it with one shot they were two but the other went down and I got the other. Thats a frist seal I ever got in my life.

June 28th.

I stay at home today and clean seal skin and late this afternoon I hear some funny noise so I look out thought the door and saw Polar bear and one cub. I was very afriad so I took a shot over them, see if they would go so they went away and they were looking back and I shot five times and they run away. I thank God that is true living God.

June 29th.

I am home all day becuase I got monthly. and I fix [gap: damage] bed and I went after and
a seal she was up between from end of the sand spit and I shot two times before she went down and when I came back after trying to get that seal I fixed the back sight and shot target and I hit where I amiam and I shot old milk can pretty near hit it I think the sight of rifle is better now.

June 30.

I made seal skin stretcher [gap: illegible] seal to dry. and mended my yarn gloves.

July 1st.

I stay home today and I fix the shovel handle that I brack this spring and I saw Polar bear out on the ice and this evening I went to the end of the sand spit shot a eidar duck I shot him right in the head thank God keep me a live till now.
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July 2nd.

I put up four Poles and put seats so I can go on top of them and look a round with the field glasses and this evening I wash my head.

July 3d.

I stay at home today and read. I read about simaritan woman she was talking to Jesus.

July 4th.

I was after a seal that was on the mouth of the harbar they were two and one on front of camp so they went down on me those two seals so I went after the one that was right front of camp and I got the rifle already and wait for him to put his head up and rifle was already hammer was ready so I look some thing and move around boom it went and the seal went down and I stand up and say fourth of July. I was surpprised rifle boomn so I had my fourth of July. it was not rian this morning and this after noon its rain

July 5.

I after three seals right on mouth of the harbor I shoot twice but I got only one and I come home and cut up the seal and hang the meat to dry and put the skin on the stretcher to day all done at one day and this evening I took a bath. I thank the lord Jesus.

July 6.

I was after seal over the harbar mouth and one on front of Camp and I shot it second time I after it and when I got I went back and get pulling line and when I was close to the seal I saw bear out on the ice running towrd east. and I ran back and they were dragging seal I took a shot over them becuase they were too far and they went west and
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then they went on the beach and came east and past the camp over other siad of harbar mouth and it got very fogy and this evening it got clear and I saw that they ate the seal I shot. And I saw them not very far on the ice and I took one shot and they went west. And I cut a pair of sole for my boots and this afternoon I open box of shotgun cartridges.

July 7th.

I was try to get a duck but didn't have any chance to shot and I sgrup the skin soles for my boot and this afternoon Polar bear and young one was to the seal again I think they are same bears that I saw yesterday and they were right little east of the camp and I try to shot them but I didn't hit them. and I fix the tent door put new piece on it.

July 8.

I was trying to get a duck with rifle I finely shot one but
I could not get on a count of raton ice on the harbar mouth female eidar duck. And this afternoon I chew up my boat soles and this evening I put the dried meat in the box and the box is full.

July 9.

I took a shot at old sqaw and I shot two but I could not get them they are on the water round in raiton ice in the harbor end. and I took two three shoots to the target I only hit once and I put new soles on my boots today and got one more pair ready for my short boots. and I put piece of canves on the tent fram.

July 10.

I stay thome all day very nice and shine sunshines. I'm glad to have a nice rest today.
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July 11.

I put new soles on my short boots very nice day today. I thank the heavenly father for today oh yes I open new can of tea.

July 12.

I knit the fingers of Maras gloves and this afternoon I do some fancy sewing of about one and half foot I made for a parky.

July 13.

I sewed a fancy skin for parky and I made about half a crose the parky boadem.

July 14.

I sew fancy skin today and only 11 more it will be all ready to put around the parky I should say 11 pieces very nice day.

July 15.

I finished the fancy skin for my parky trimming.

July 16.

I was out hunding this morning and I got two gray birds small ones and this afternoon I made a canves boat it works all right this afternoon I got three old sqaws and I use the boat I made.

July 17.

I had a good rest today. thank God.

July 18.

I got two old sqews this morning an[gap: damage] afternoon I shot one eidar duck fin[gap: damage] with the rifle and I fell the box with dried seal meat and I took out the seal skins from the stretcher and this morning I made one patle for my canves boat.

July 19.

I sqrieped one raindeer skin for my parky and I sew the hood and made woll trimming. this evening ar[gap: illegible]d the beach got open water and a[gap: illegible]ther open laid of about half a mil[gap: illegible]ut from the sore.

July 20.

I nearly finished my parky today just around the hood and lasig around sleeve and the fancy trimming oh yes I sqriep the skin frist and then I start to sew. and this morning when I got up I saw new pile of ice over west side of harbar mouth.
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July 21st.

I put fancy trimming on my new parky and trimming around the hood, it look like a parky alright! and my new parky is all finished today.

July 22st.

I made two patle today for my canves boat and I got two old sqews today.

July 23d.

I made my inside parky smaler on the side and fix the woll triming and put another piece of fancy skin on the boodem rain this morning and wind blowing hard from east. and I saw bear and two young ones there are east are near east end of the harbar on inland side. I thank God for living.

July 24.

I stay home today and read. and I hear walrus I've been hearing them for about two or three days.

July 25.

I load up brass shells this afternoon and then I went out hunt I got two old sqews today. very nice day.

July 26.

I made sort boots of raindeer skin and slepers. I sqrieped the legens last night. And I got one little gray bird and I took the moldy biscits t[gap: illegible] the other box and clean ones to the [gap: illegible] box oh yes I dreamed last night I was singing three cheer for the red white and blue.

July 27.

I made fancy tops for my deer legen sort boots and put piece of red skin around and on the slepers I got my sort boats alright already put soles.

July 28.

I sqrieped skin for my boots soles and soak it. and I open box of shotgun cartrigdges and then I got one old sqaw. and I clean seal flapers and put them away in case ship comes so I can take them home and eat them with I my sisters. if the lord let me have it thank.
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July 29.

I put soles on my fancy short boots and got the soles ready for slepers. this evening I found two of gray birds eggs about two or three hundred yards from my tent.

July 30.

I put soles on my new raindeer legens slepers and this afternoon I took a bath. And when I got thought bathing I took the water out and I took a walk to the beach and look with the glasses and I saw Polar bear and two young ones and when I came back to the tent I saw another one over east of the Camp bear and the young ones are over north west inland. and the ice is broken to piece quite many open leads.

July 31st.

I thank living God though Juses that keeped me a live till now. how much more I thank Jusses that forgives
the sinners and them to help them blessed is he of whom the savour of sinners.

Aug 1st.

I was bunch of my durdy clothes and this afternoon I sew bead on to Bennetts slepers if I should got home so he [gap: illegible] can put slepers on. and this late afternoon I w[gap: illegible] over to the end of the spit and I [gap: illegible]aw bear tracks fresh. very nice today thank living God thought Jeses that help me every day and night if God be with me till I should get home again I thank God very much that he had mercy on me and foregive my sins.
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Aug 2.

I was hunting this morning and I got one old sqaw and three small gray birds I start to salt birds now oh yes I found one small gray bird young one over other side and I forgot the canves boat to hold up and it has been drift away and I made another canves boat better one this time I didn't finish it I'll finish it the morrow if God permitt me.

Aug. 3.

I finished new canves boat and it is only thing this time and I went over other side of the harbar mouth and got some green and I boil them when I come home and I saw flock of brand over the little Island and latter I saw bear he went inland I guess the ice is going out its very much open around the beach oh yes I made oars for my new boat. I thank God.

Aug 4.

I finished Bennetts slepers today oh they are qured looking things it look like ice is out I cannt see very far its very fogy but [gap: illegible]th ways out from beach it look clear the ice cakes don't drifting in around much. and today I found bear track east side of the tent thank living God is love.

Aug 5.

I was just reading to about Frederick A. Cook. and I was out once with my canves boat try to get some old sqaw but no chance. surely the ice is going out it moving to the west quite many open sea and this evening I saw bear and young one just one way inland going torch inland. thank God.
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Aug 6.

I got one gray little bird that had two eggs east side of camp and I took the eggs when I got the bird and I saw flock of geese inland flying east fogy all day can not see very far. and I wash my hair today. thank the lord Jesus Christ the saviour.

Aug 7.

I was home today reading Frederick A. Cook this morning was clear and fogy this afternoon and early evening got clear and sun begin to set I open one tooth past dental cream the ice on the ocean is almost out of sight.

Aug 8.

Now I see the ocean is pretty clear so it looks like it I was going to see boat coming pretty fogy today but some times I can see a mile or two and I made waist sert of croaset. I thank saviour Jesus that keep me geting from loneliness.

Aug 9.

I made new fur inside of my moose mittens and I put loges over the tent and fixing around tent today and late in afternoon I got one old sqaw.

Aug 10.

I try to got old sqaw but no chance I hit one and eider duck but didn't kill them. I saw bunch of walrus little south east of camp and I saw ograt right back of the tent close to the sore and I saw it again mouth of harbor.

Aug 11.

I haul wood from other side I found young brid so I took to the camp and take pictures of her I took pictures of a whole film and I put another film and took one more just put her on top of box. and I knit seal net so I can use it soon. thank the lord Jesus.
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Aug 12.

I just knit seal net today this morning when I got up I found lard can was empty that was full seal blubber the Polar bear has been eating last night. I thank the lord Jesus keep me from danger. the wind is from west first thime for about whole monthe and I dreamed night before that the boss ask me if I would have things creited from the store I said it will be case or nothing fore being stay here for two years.

Aug 13.

I finished the seal net ready to put robe and I unravel the new sock and start to knit gloves for myself. I thank the savour Jesus.

Aug 14.

I took pictures of myself and the bird that I shot and I took pictures of mountains. I thank the savour Jesus.

Aug 15.

I was knitting today. and this evening I saw bunch of walrus out front Camp of about one mile off sore big bunch of them. I thank the savour Jesus Christ.

Aug 16.

I got two little birds today and I saw bunch of walrus front Camp about one mile I think they are the same bunch that I saw last night. I made a eider duck skin cap for Ma.

Aug 17.

I took a shot at walrus that flooding on top of the ice I hit him alright but on the body I thank God throught savour Jesus Christ and I thank Jesus loves my little boy Bennett.

Aug 18.

I finish right of my glove and I unravel the another sock and stard the other side. I thank God.
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Aug 19.

the wind blowing hard frome west and the ice is going out slowly few days ago I though it was going out but didn't go very far. I saw eider duck and four young ones back of the tent. I thank God through Jesus our savour.

Aug 20.

I finished my knited gloves today and I open last biscuit box. the ice is over little below horizon. I thank the lord Jesus and his father.
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Check marginalia in original item. LRB 1923 Feb 8 Why? Galle leave? July. 31. 1922. August. 4. 7. 1922. Oh my I got the fluy on October 10th but I don't know now August. 8. Galle and playing cards on 9th and I win the game. Ask for it nothing doing for one. 15th I'm knitting play fish net for bennett on 19th of October in evening. Dec. 15. fancy boots already to pach sole 1923 Jan 21 Last

1923 January 1923

feb 18 Knight and diguiss each other her siad the that I didnt try to help him

1923 February 1923

Stormy 12 Rain 13 Clear 12 Southwest wind 15 Feb 16 I saw a big Idar big tracking day

1923 March 1923

Easter Sunday 27

Jan 29

Galle and Muarer and Crawford left for Siberia Nine O'Clock in the morning Feb 6 I chop wood today. Feb 7 bringing wood in Feb 8 I went out to traps find only four traps end of the sand spits. Feb 10 very Clear all day sunshining.

1923 April 1923

1923 May 1923

1923 June 1923

1923 July 1923

1923 August 1923


1923 September 1923

1923 October 1923

1923 November 1923

1923 December 1923

Feb 6th and 7th night

I dreamed that I was with bennett and my little gril, and bennett was sleeping and when he wake up he told me to pray and then he pray and he told me if I don't pray when Jesuses come and get the people I'll be sorry.

Feb 5 Knight

and was talking about loaves 10¢ for 2 for 25¢ I told him that the loave a bread was one for 10¢ and 2 for 25¢ and he didn't belive me. Feb 8 Knight was almost fienting today. its awful for me because we are all a lone
Wrangel Island My! A happy new year Ilander las[gap: illegible] day of December, well glad to see a happy new Year a happy new year ought to be on 4th of July

Octolber 15 1922

Monthly day 15. got well 20 Nov 18 day. 14 in [gap: deleted] got well on 24 Dece 26. Dece 30 Got well. Jan 28. 1923 got well Feb 10 Mar. 1 Mar 6. Apr. 21st well 7 Apr 27th. May 3th May 30th well June 5 June 29. well July 4th July 25 got well 29 Aug 19. MacDonald
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