Press translations [Japan]. Social Series 0017, 1945-11-16.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date16 November, 1945

translation numbersocial-0056

call numberDS801 .S84

Persistent Identifier
No. 56 Date: 16 Nov 45


ITEM 1 Birth Control - Tokyo Shimbun - 11 45 Nov 45. Translator: T. Ogawa.

Full Translation:
Birth control has become a matter of absolute necessity for post-war JAPAN. We are all facing a critical food situation, unemployment problems, and a shortage of medical facilities. We have no desire to bear children to be heir to such conditions.
Since the necessity is obvious, the restoration of birth-control measures is imperative. Toward this end the following items should be considered:
First, the government should consider the problem from the national viewpoint, and adjust medical knowledge to the international level. Without doing so birth-control might either be merely an of academic importance, or, as in pre-war days, might be practiced by charlatans simply to make money. To make matters worse, the filthy and dangerous methods might be adopted elsewhere. In such cases, birth-control and abortions are one and the same, resulting in a high infant mortality rate.
Next, we must emphasize the necessity of proper application of the theory. As in other civilized, countries, research by physicians for preventative medicines should be encouraged.
Women should regard birth-control as a step in the direction of emancipation, motherhood should not mean being subjugation by nature. The solution can be found by making sensible adjustments for the forces of nature.
By Mrs. Shizue KATO, wife of Mr. Kanju KATO, Liberal Member of Parliament.

ITEM 2 Emperor to go to ISE - Mainichi Shimbun - 11 Nov 45. Translator: H. Nishihara.

Full Translation:
(UJI-YAMADA) His Majesty the Emperor, has revealed his esteemed intention to go to KOTAI JINGU for prayer and worship.
Repair of the house to be used as His Majesty's temporary residence in KOTAI JINGU, and putting the grounds in order was reverently performed by 300 students of UJI-YAMADA middle school. The roads and forests were tidied on the 10th.
At YAMADA station, destroyed by air raids, a shed was rebuilt. All preparations for the honored visit were completed on the 12th. His Majesty's visit in the past, usually occurred on the 20th or 21st of November 1945. In 1928, the Emperor visited the shrine after coronation ceremonies. He visited the shrine again on 10 June 1940, and 21 December 1942, His Majesty arrived to pray for victory.
SOCIAL SERIES: 17 (Continued)
ITEM 2 (Continued)
This visit is his fourth, but for the first time he will spend the night at the Emperor's temporary residence in KOTAI JINGU. The house to be used as the Emperor's temporary residence, had not been renovated in some time; hence, the whole house was repaired and cleaned, but no special accomodations were obtained for this occasion, in keeping with His Majesty's honored wish.
In His Majesty's room, where the floor mats were not renewed, the only pieces of furniture art a table, a chair and a brazier with no ornament in the TOKONO-MA.
Shinto priests of the shrine are filled with trepidation and awe at the extraordinary simplicity preparations.

ITEM 3 Abolition of Japanese Control of Theatrical Production - Mainichi Shimbun - 11 Nov 45. Translator: H. Nishihara.

Full Translation:
Colonel DYKE, Chief of the Civil Information Section, has announced that restrictions on Japanese theatrical enterprises are abolished.
The permission of the police need no longer be obtained by producer's and actors before a performance. Police are further prohibited, to interfere theatrical enterprises.
It is also no longer necessary to submit scripts for the government's approval.

ITEM 4 ASAHI employees union formed - Asahi Shimbun - 11 Nov 45. Translator: C. Gilbert.

ASAMI has already adopted war responsibility by the resignation of her president and all the staff members of department manager or higher. In order to ensure the future democratization of the paper a TOKYO employees union was formed at a general meeting on 10 November.
Chairman MOTOE, Katsuji of the printing department opened the meeting declaring that the responsibility for the paper had now fallen on the employees. KIKUNAMI, Katsumi of the editing department was then asked to preside at the meeting and SUDO, Takaji, member of the preparation committee of the union (Liaison Department) explained the plan and program of the union which was then unanimously accepted. KIKUNAMI then pronounced the union formed. TOKORO, Takeo (printing) thereupon declared that from this date a new ASAHI had begun. It was then decided that until the committee of the union was elected by a general election, the preparatory committee would act on behalf of the union. It was decided, to send a message of encouragement to the YOMIURI SHIMBUN employees committee for their fight.
The meeting was concluded after speeches by SAITO, Satsuro (printing). MURAKAMI, Kanji (editing) as representatives of ASAHI employees, by WATANABE, Buntaro representing YOMIURI employees. TSUTSUI, Senju representing MAINICHI employees, and the reading of a message of the Preparatory Committee of the all JAPAN Newspaper Employees Union
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SOCIAL SERIES: 17 (Continued)
ITEM 4 (Continued)

ITEM 5 Foodstuff Problems must be solved at once by turning all possible war-damaged land, air field or military land into wheat fields - Mainichi - 11 Nov 45. Translator: K. Minagi.

Dr. NASU, Hiroshi, an authority on agricultural economics, says that the importation of 3,000,000 tons of grain is hardly possible because of the precedence of the Allied Powers, shortage of bottoms, and the use of food as war compensation.
Even if it is possible the amount imported will supply only 40 per cent of the demand. If this importation of food is impossible the average per capita and per diem ration for Japanese next year would be, 1,300 calories, actually less than 1,000, as there is additional distribution among laborers and farmers. The caloric value necessary for a Japanese is 2,160. The projected rate would mean universal malnutrition.
The government plans for reclaiming 5,550,000 CHO must be carried out at once. There is no time to be lost discussing the rights to the land or the qualifications of farmers. Any available area and people should be put to use. Another thing necessary is the raising of the official price of rice because the present price is too low in comparison with other commodities.

ITEM 6 Change in Japanese Villages (last part) - Tokyo Shimbun - 11 Nov 45. Translator: C. Gilbert.

This is the third and last part of an article by OKADA, M. OKADA writes that the power of the large landowners is rapidly declining. The government sales allotment did not work to their advantage, because they lost the power to dispose of their rice freely. Tenant farmers are now demanding that they be permitted to pay the tithe to their landlords in money which would further empoverish the landowner because of the spreading infection. Land reforms in EUROPE and SVIET RUSSIA are also exercising influence on JAPAN. The demands for redistribution of land from landowners, making tenant farmers, landed farmers are growing. The government has recently shown itself not adverse to this demand and the study of the question of land reform has been taken up by the authorities themselves. So the demand for a democratic revolution of the Japanese villages is making rapid strides. But the landowners still have a large say in the village administration and have partly united, with the landed peasants who have profited during the war.
On 3 November 1945 the JAPAN peasants union (NIHON NOMIN KUMIAI) was formed. It will be their work to effect the democratization of the villages; the labor unions will do the same in the Japanese cities.

ITEM 7 YOMIURI internal struggle - Yomiuri Shimbun - 11 Nov 45. Translator: C. Gilbert.

The Free Speech meeting in the small music hall in HIBIYA on 10 November 1945 under the auspices of the all JAPAN Newspaper Company Employees
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SOCIAL SERIES: 17 (Continued)
ITEM 7 (Continued)
Central Preparatory Committee (ZENKOKU SHIMBUNSHA JUGYOIN KUMIAI CHUO JUMBIKAI) was attended by more than 2,000 people. The congestion was so great that not all of the hearers could enter the hall. Among the speakers were representatives of the Fishermen's Union, the Central Preparatory Committee for the Laborers Union, the new JAPAN Women's Union, the Peoples Cultural Union (JINMIN BUNKA DOMEI) of the Japanese Socialist Party and the Japanese Communist Party. They stressed the political and social significance of the Yomiuri employees struggle, and that their victory would be the first step to a real freedom of the press. Further points stressed, in the speeches were:
  • 1.That new JAPAN had to start with expelling those elements who were responsible for the war. President SHO[illegible]IKI who had close relations with the GUMBATSU, the KANAYO, and the ZAIBATSU and is himself a new SHIMBUNZAIBATSU (Press magnat) must be expelled.
  • 2.SHORIKIS crime as a SHIMBUN ZAIBATSU, is comparable to that of General TOJO.
  • 3.The destruction of reactionary papers is the first step to ensure democracy and liberty.
  • 4.If the YOMIURI struggle should end in the victory of SHORIKI, the speakers promised the YOMIURI employees unstinted support.
SUZUKI, chairman of the YOMIURI committe of employees thanked them on behalf of YOMIURI employees. After the meetings the 2,000 hearers demonstrated in front of the YOMIURI SHIMBUN and sent in their resolution through a committee. The JAPAN STUDENTS UNION, the Korean Peoples Paper (CHOSENMINSHU SHIMBUNSHA) and the democratic preparatory congress (MINSRUSMUGI JUNBIKAIGI) sent messages to the meeting declaring their absolute support of the YOMIURI employees case.
On the 10th a meeting of the YOMIURI branch managers was held, at which the YOMIURI branch managers unanimously decided to enter the struggle on the side of the employees of the YOMIURI head-office.

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