Press translations [Japan]. Political Series 0358, 1946-01-20.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date20 January, 1946

translation numberpolitical-1434

call numberDS801 .S85

Persistent Identifier
No. 1434 Date: 20 Jan 46


ITEM 1 The Communist Party Issued the Draft of the Party's Fundamental Rules and Policies - Akahata - 13 Feb 46. Translator: R. Ochiai.

Now that our fifth general meeting is close at hand, please notice that we are going to decide the party's fundamental rules and platforms there. Here is the draft made by the party's central committee and we ask everyone of you to attend the meeting and discuss the following draft:
  • 1.The JAPAN Communist Party's immediate object is to accomplish a bourgeois democratic revolution by democratic and peaceful methods. And in order to attain this aim: (a) We must purge all the war criminals and infringers upon people's rights from all important Japanese organizations. (b) We stress the abolition of the Emperor System. (c) Some revisions must be made in the system of landownership. (d) We will fundamentally reform the lives of the workers and make the medium and minor industry and commerce free from monopolistic capitalists. (c) In order to secure the people's livelihood, we will settle all the urgent problems of everyday life.
  • 2.When we accomplish the democratic revolution, we expect to turn capitalism into a form of socialism which is acceptable to our country. This socialistic system, where nobody exploits, is the natural step for the country to take and we must attain our object by democratic and peaceful methods and not by force.
  • 3.We have never advocated "the denial of private property". It is a stratagem of the Emperor System of Government to make our party seem to hold this as our primary aim. Our ultimate object, however, is to abolish the system of exploitation by transferring the funds and lands of the capitalists and landowners into the hands of society.

ITEM 2 SAKAMOTO and AONO Trial on 18 February - Asahi Shimbun - 19 Feb 46. Translator: N. Tachibana.

Full Translation:
On 18 February, the fifth day of the SAKAMOTO Trial, former Surgeon-Lieutenant KANDA, Shoichi, who served with the first detachment of the FUKUSHIMA Internment Camp, was called and examined by the defence counsel. He testified as to the medical facilities. When the defence concluded, Captain MORRISON, the prosecutor, cross-examined him. The court reconvened at 1330 and the examination of former Surgeon-Lieutenant KANDA was continued.
The defence counsel summoned Colonel ODASHIMA, Kaoru, high administrative official of the War Prisoner Information Bureau (FURYO JOHO KYOKU). Japanese Counsel KUROSAWA examined him on the proceedings and conditions of the transfer of prisoners of war from the PHILLIPIHES in reference
POLITICAL SERIES: 358 (Continued)
ITEM 2 (Continued)
to the high rate of deaths among prisoners at the second detachment. In reply Colonel ODASHIMA testified that thirty prisoners of war had died while the ship was at anchor for a day at MOJI preparatory to their landing. The court adjourned at 1600. On 18 February, the sixth day of the trial of AONO, prosecutor Lieutenant FUOGORU *(FOGLE (?)) asked, "Didn't you kill the patient by deliberately delaying medical prescriptions?" AONO answered, "I never deliberately delayed medical treatment, but I was unable to give adequate treatment to some prisoners of war." In the afternoon Lieutenant FUOGORU continued to examine the accused, but for the most part his replies were "I don't remember." Prosecutor FUOGORU tried to upset AONO's testimony by calling Lieutenant WASH as a witness. However, the defence counsel objected to this on the grounds that a testimony without clear evidence in writing was worthless.
Witness NOTO, Seijiro who served at the HAKODATE Docks Medical Office was then summoned. The court adjourned at 1600.

ITEM 3 Women Candidates will Have a Speech Meeting under the Auspices of the MAINICHI Press Company - Mainichi Shimbun - 19 Feb 46. Translator: R. Ochiai.

Full Translation:
It is too well known to be repeated here that an honorable vote by women plays a great role in constructing a new JAPAN. There are about 21,000,000 women who have recently obtained the franchise. Providing for the coming general election, each party is considering its policy with a female department head.
What principles and platforms are they going to present to the public? Here, the women representatives from every prominent party will have a speech meeting under the auspices of our Paper. We also intend to give the people an opportunity to criticize freely.
22 February (Friday) 1300.
The HIBIYA Public Hall.
Speakers: YOSHIMOTO, Kurako (Communist); KATO, Shizue (Social Democrat); OKU, Muneo (Co-operative Party); SEKI, Eiko (the New JAPAN Women's Party); KUBUSHIRO, Ochimi (Liberal), KOBA, Tomiko (Progressive).
Four or five volunteers will be invited to speak for about five minutes. Those who wish to do so must apply to the official in charge before the meeting.

ITEM 4 People's Control over Banking Organs - Communist Party's Attitude towards Government's Policy - Mainichi Shimbun - 19 Feb 46. Translator: M. Kojima.

Full Translation:
The Communist Party decided on the following attitude in opposition to the measures for checking inflation announced by the Government on 16 February at the meeting of the Central Executive Committee held on 17 February.
  • I.A prerequisite for the stabilization of the people's living is the full production of commodities.
  • a."Concealed goods" should be completely exposed and placed under the people's control. - 2 -
  •   POLITICAL SERIES: 358 (Continued) ITEM 4 (Continued)
  • b.Any measure for checking inflation will "be of no value without increased production. The production sabotage by both the Government and capitalists should be frustrated and laborers should actively participate in the management of production.
  • c.Farmers' delivery of staple foods to the Government should be put under the people's control.
  • II.The distribution of commodities and the machinery of farmers' societies should be democratically controlled by the farmers' own organizations. The staple food distribution organs should be under the citizens' democratic organizations.
  • III.Commodities should be produced and distributed by a people's council formed by labor unions, farmers' committees and citizen food control committees.
  • IV.Freezing of floating funds.
  • a.The black market funds of capitalists and landowners should be frozen.
  • b.Funds necessary for production activities should be freely supplied. Production plants should be completely utilized. However, funds should be used through the management councils participated in by employees.
  • c.Freezing of funds related to the raising of wages and reduction of living expenses should be forbidden.
  • d.The people's control over banking organs.
  • V.The immediate and full employment of the unemployed. The immediate relief and employment of war sufferers, repatriated fellow-countrymen and demobilized soldiers.
  • VI.The unconditional supply of necessities to farmers, foresters and fishermen.
  • 13.
The presenting of specially built residences to war-sufferers, and the release of large mansions to the working masses.
It is impossible for the present Cabinet to fulfil such policies. Therefore we communists demand the immediate resignation en masse of the SHIDEHARA Cabinet and at the same time, insist on the immediate formation of a democratic united front.

ITEM 5 Party Purges - Mainichi Shimbun - 19 Feb 46. Translator: Paasche.

SCAP has made it known through a spokesman that in case party leaders are affected by the directive of 4 January their party must be dissolved. It had been previously known that designated politicians were unable to pursue activities connected with important party affairs or to make speeches in the name of the party. However, the present SCAP comment indicates that the parties are in for a more farreaching purge.
The entire leadership of the progressive party, full of affected politicians, retired on the 18th, led by director MACHIDA. A new start was made with SAITO, Takao and his friends trying to continue
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ITEM 5 (Continued)
party activities.
As a matter of fact, several parties have now to reckon with self-liquidation owing to the past careers of their founders, because when the parties were hastily patched together after the war, they were more or less exclusively based on the reputation of individuals. Let us take the case of the Liberal Party, which appeared to be in danger because of rumors concerning Party Chief HATOYAMA. HATOYAMA maintained that the directive did not concern him and therefore not the Liberal Party. As in other cases, the Government took the stand that it was up to the Party itself to dispose of this problem so that probably an inside purge has taken place.
As regards the Progressive Party it has drawn much popular speculation on account of its many affected members. The meetings of the 18th and 19th saw the resignation of key party men on a large scale. Since suitable men have become quite scarce, the chances are said to be good for SAITO, Takao to be the leading figure in the party. With the elections in sight, the party will possibly avail itself of this opportunity to become a democratic conservative party, since the replacement of the personnel has become unavoidable anyway.
Of the Co-operative Party's 28 Diet members only three were not "recommended candidates" (KITA HOKKAIDO); ANDO (AICHI); SUZUKI (AICHI)). The remaining 25 are disqualified and will not take part in the elections. This looks like a final catastrophe for the party committee. There was no directorship in this group, which was led by an Executive Committee (FUNADA, KUROZAWA, IKAWA, etc.). Since, with the sole exception of IKAWA, all were either prosecuted for war guilt or recommended candidates, IKAWA continued activities assisted by 14 men who were merely in the"recommended candidates" category. However, the TOKYO meeting of the 28th will see a new executive committee. The party leadership and other important party posts will be filled from among the new Diet members after the election.
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