Press translations [Japan]. Political Series 0141, 1946-01-04.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date4 January, 1946

translation numberpolitical-0620

call numberDS801 .S85

Persistent Identifier
No. 620 Date: 4 Jan 46


ITEM 1 The YURI and FURUSHIMA Cases - Mainichi Shimbun - 3 Jan 46. Translator; MURAKAMI, Kiyosada.

Full Translation
In the YURI case in the afternoon of 2 January, Mr. OI, witness, was questioned by the defense on a few items. Then the judge asked him how many days it was before PAVLOKOS died. Arguments and explanations were put forward by Atorney, Lieutenant HEARD and Prosecutor Major DAVIDOW on the reasons for accusation. After a recess, Mr. ATSUMI, Tetsuzo, a resident of ODAWARA-Shi and head of the Section of Foreign Affairs of the JAPAN Red Cross was called in to testify for the defendant. He once visited the OMUDA Camp with delegates of the International Red Cross in July, 1944. He was questioned by the attorney, Major EM[illegible]ONS upon the sanitary equipment and other things in the [illegible]amp, at the time. Mr. ATSUMI, then replied to questions made by Prosecutor, Major DAVIDOW.
In the FURUSHIMA case, the Prosecutor, Major RICHARD again read affidavits. The number of affidavits read on that day was 23. Affidavits read up to the fourth day number 69. They will be read on the fifth day, too. The court was closed at l600 hours.

ITEM 2 Japanese History To Be Re-Compiled - Asahi Shimbun - 3 Jan 46. Translator: MURAKAMI, Kiyosada.

At present, we have a lot of arguments on the right and wrong of the Emperor System or maintenance of the national policy. In the meantime, from the point of view that present Japanese history is wrong in itself, a group of new historians decided on a plan, which will soon be put into practice; that is, to compile a History of Shinto which, beginning with myths and traditions of the early period, gives an historical outline up to the present. It will further comprise comprehensive authentic histories of politics, economics, education, religion, culture and various other topics. It will be published within two years.
Since the end of the war, the New History Society has been carrying out this plan assisted by five persons, NAITO, Tamiji, YAMAKAW, Hitoshi, MUKOSAKA, Itsuro, TSUCHIYA, Takao and OKAZAKI, Saburo. Consequently, the Society can commence the compilation of a new history by means of a group of young and progressive students. This will be an epoch making deed and will be a scientific criticism of Japanese history.
Authors and subjects already decided upon are as follows: Records of Japanese historiography, HAYASHI, Kentaro; The progress of liberalism, MUKOSAKA, Itsuro; the progress of capitalism, TSUCHIYA, Takao and OKIZ[illegible]I, Saburo; agriculture in modern times, MUKOS[illegible],.Itsuro; an educational history, OKUBO, Riken; the history of natural science, YAMADA, Sakahito; the history of fine and industrial arts, SUGIT[illegible], Masujiso; the history of finance, [illegible]TO, Toshihiko; the history of trade, OSHIMA, Kiyoshi; the history of engineering, NASHIIT[illegible], Kenzo; the history of war economics, [illegible]NDO, Yoshio, (Persons following are pending negotiations.) The history of the woman's movement, YAMAKAWA, Kikue;
POLITICAL SERIES: 141 (Continued)
ITEM 2 (Continued)
the history of the family system, TAMAKI, Fude; the history of literature, KONDO, Tadayoshi; the history of buddhism, KAWASAKI, Koreyukij; outline of ancient history, ISHIYASU, Yoshimasa; the outlined of medieval history, TOYODA, Takeshi; outline of modern history, ABE, Makoto; outline of modern history, Pending.
Authors of the histories of Shinto and the Emperor's are also pending negotiations.

ITEM 3 A witness Recognizes the Crime of YURI - Mainichi Shimbun - 3 Jan 46. Translator: MURAKAMI, Kiyosada.

The trial of YURI, Kei end FURUSHIMA, Chotaro, after a recess on 1 January, was immediately re-opened at 0900 hours, 2 January. At the YURI case, Mr OI, Sadakichi, former interpreter at the OMUTA Prison Camp, was called to testify.
He attested in English as follows, recognizing the guilt of YURI, in reply to questions of Chief Prosecutor, Major DAVIDOW. "The camp authorities were worried by [illegible]orporal PAVLOKOS, a prisoner, who often stole money and goods. He was made to work in the kitchen and was always placed under a Japanese Guard. But again stole food and sold it to another prisoner. When this was discovered, a senior officer among the prisoners proposed to send him to another camp or have him tried by court-martial. Lieutenant YURI, however, detained the prisoner in a guard-room, supplying him with no food. He finally died of starvation."
When the prosecutor, showing the death certificate of Corporal PAVLO-[illegible]OS, asked what it was and whether there was a similar case the witness replied, "There was the case of a prisoner named CECIL who was killed. He also was a marked man and was detained in the guard-room for several days on the charge of stealing goods, but breaking a window pane, he ran away. Lieutenant YURI, greatly angered, had a guard strike him with his clenched fist and then had him thrown into a cell. But CECIL again ran away. After 15 minutes he was recaptured by members of the camp who had formed a cordon. YURI said 'Kill him', and rejected my proposal to have him tried by court-martial. The reason for rejecting my proposal was that it might cause trouble under International Law if he were brought to the court-martial. Officers among the prisoners also petitioned that he should be pardoned. Despite their petition, too, YURI ordered him bayonetted. He was struck once or twice with a bayonet, in open ground for all to see, and was finally killed."
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