Press translations [Japan]. Economic Series 0187, 1946-01-20.

Author Supreme Commander for The Allied Powers. Allied Translator and Interpreter Section.

Date20 January, 1946

translation numbereconomic-0861

call numberDS801 .S81

Persistent Identifier
No. 86l Date: 20 Jan 46


ITEM 1 Authorities Will Collect Latex Rubber Released from Military Stores - Sangyo Keizai - 19 Jan 46. Translator: H. Sato.

Full Translation:
In accordance with the SCAP directive, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and Rubber Control Association are now collecting latex rubber which was released from military stocks at the termination of the war. The results up to the present are not satisfactory due to the lack of co-operation by those who possess it. The authorities have decided to take forcible steps in the collection with the aid of SCAP if these possessors do not change their attitude and if they continue to hesitate.
The amount of latex rubber released was approximately 23,000 tons and the major part of it went into the hands of people outside the members of the Association. Furthermore, certain parts of it have already been made into goods of inferior quality to be placed on sale in the black market or kept in stock for speculative purposes.
The amount collected up to the present is approximately 8,000 tons. It is obvious that a considerable amount is being kept in stock exclusive of what has gone to the black market, and it is said that the location and amount of these stock possessors are clearly known by the Rubber Control Association. Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Rubber Control Association are desirous of having those stock keepers co-operate in the collection before the authorities resort to more forceful measures.

ITEM 2 Results of Public Opinion Survey by the Agricultural Association in HYOGO-Ken - Provincial Paper Kobe Shimbun (Kobe). Translator: T. Ukai.

The public opinion survey carried out by the Agricultural Association of HYOGO-Ken concerning the Farm Land Reform Law (NOCHI KAIKAKU HO) revealed many interesting items. The answers were sent in by 82 farmers (29 landlords, 28 peasant-proprietors, and 25 tenant-farmers) and 57 agrarian leaders (14 chiefs of Agricultural Associations, 31 agrarian experts and 12 others), totaling 139. The following results were revealed:
  • 1.With respect to the Bill itself:- In Favor: 130 (94 per cent). Opposed: 8 (6 per cent). Neutral: 1. Those in favor:- Expropriation of arable lands is essential to permanent increased production of crops, as well as to the foundation of renovated farm-villages. It will result among other things in nourishing sincere love of arable lands, mutual confidence of farm-villagers, and will place farmland in the hands of the farmers and not in the hands of absentee-landlords who know nothing of tillage.
  •   ECONOMIC SERIES: 187 (Continued) ITEM 2 (Continued) Those in opposition: A. Comments of a landlord:- "This is the most important problem of the time, and we cannot entrust its solution to the present Government which leaves much to be desired in executive ability as well as in the feeling of responsibility. It is dangerous!"
  • B.Comments of an Agrarian Association Chief:- "The history of the agrarian world in JAPAN has existed for 3,000 years of Imperial Rule. The solution must be based on the actual state of each agrarian district. The development of the farm-village cannot be thought of without the existence of and co-operative activities of both the tenant-farmer and landlords." Neutral:- "The great change we are undergoing makes it impossible for us to get at the true meanings of the bill. We are not sure whether it can render service to the construction of a new JAPAN."
  • 2.Time allowed for the Reform by the Bill:- Those who consider the time allowed for by the bill to be too long: 86 (62 per cent). These who consider the time allowed for by the bill to be adequate (the bill will complete the plan in five years): 32 (25 per cent). Those who consider the time allowed to be too long and want it shortened as much as possible: 9 (6 per cent).
  • 3.In regard to the acreages:- Those who Consider the average acreage of less than five chobu allowed to the landlord to be too large and want it reduced by two chobu: 41 (30 per cent). Those who consider the original average assignment of five chobu as shown in the bill to be adequate: 23 (12 per cent). Those who want the average acreage to be about two chobu: 22 (l6 per cent). Those who want the average acreage to be about two to one chobu: 13 (9 per cent). Those who think that the acreage to be assigned should be locally decided and not according to the fixed rule: 4 (10 per cent).
  • 4.Price of Arable Land, Amount of Compensation to Landlords (HOSHO KIN): Those who request increases: 78 (56 per cent). Those who consider the provisions to be adequate: 13 (9 per cent). Those who consider the compensation unnecessary: 3. Those who consider that amount of compensation should be reduced: 4.
  • 5.Farmland Committee (NOCHI IINKAI): The Farmland Committee, which will obtain greater functions when furnished with authoritative powers, must act most judiciously, and be composed of members of character and social reputation. The Agriculture Association should be enlarged, improved and reorganized, while the Agriculture Association will in effect play the role of leader in the agrarian reform in the farm-villages.
  • 6.Other Voices:- A. "There should be a provision in the bill prohibiting the confiscation of land from the present cultivaters." B. "There should be a provision to prevent the possibility of the peasant proprietor again reverting to the position of tenant farmer." C. "The two-fold system of the price of rice should be abolished." D. "Commodity prices should be decided on the basis of the food-stuffs." E. "Another Soviet Union is detestable."

ITEM 3 The Estimated Production of Chemical Fertilizer - Nippon Sangyo Keizai - 19 Jan 46. Translator: K. Sato.

The Chemical Industry Control Company (KAGAKU KOGYO TOSEIKAI) published the following estimated production of fertilizers from 1945 on based on figures collected by the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry:
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ECONOMIC SERIES: 187 (Continued)
ITEM 3 (Continued)
The Amount of Required Fertilizers (Unit: 1000 Metric Tons).

Scroll Table to show more columns

Year Nitrogenous Fertilizer Phosphate Fertilizer Potash Fertilizer
1945 1965 1461 140
1946 2057 1529 148
1947 2146 1596 156
1948 2231 1658 163
1949 2321 1722 170
The Estimated Production of Nitrogenous Fertilizer (Unit: 1000 Metric Tons)

Scroll Table to show more columns

Year Ammonium Sulphate Lime Nitrates Organic Manure
1945 386 182 25
1946 909 254 25
1947 1,441 326 25
1948 1,727 326 25
1949 - - -
  • 1.The estimated production of ammonium sulphate will be realized by the repair of the present equipment, and by securing the necessary materials, capital, and labor. Other equipment available will be utilized. Also, imports from KOREA and MANCHURIA will be encouraged.
  • 2.The present equipment will be utilized to fullest capacity and other plants will be transferred for this purpose.
  • 3.In the production of organic manure, oil cakes will be used. They will be imported from MANCHURIA and CHINA if ships are available.
  • 4.Superphosphate of lime and Thomas sulphate are expected to be imported from abroad, mainly from the southern asiatic countries if possible.
  • 5.Potash manure will be manufactured partly within the country and for future use it will be imported from GERMANY as soon as possible.
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