Samson Occom, letter, to a Minister of Albany, 1791 December 26

Author Occom, Samson[pers0030.ocp]

26 December 1791[1791-12-26]

ms number791676

[note (type: abstract): Occom writes that he cannot attend an ordination due to ill health, that he has moved to Munhegunnack (or New Stockbridge), and that many Indians are coming to New Stockbridge to hear preaching.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is small, but mostly clear and legible. The letter “a” is frequently unclosed at the top, which causes it to look like the letter “u.”][note (type: paper): Single large sheet is in poor condition, with heavy creasing, staining and wear that results in some loss of text. Repairs have been made on particularly heavy creases.][note (type: ink): Brown ink is faded.][note (type: noteworthy): The identity of the minister to whom Occom writes is unknown.]
Persistent Identifier
[Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. and much [eſteemed | esteemed]eſteemedesteemed Sir,
I dont think I Can be at the ordination, in [Balls­Town | Ballston]Balls­TownBallston[place0363.ocp], it is a long way, and I am old, and Lame, and I [muſt | must]muſtmust be at the [Preſbytery | Presbytery]PreſbyteryPresbytery[org0083.ocp] next March[1792-03] at Albany[place0001.ocp] if live, and Shall be well; I want to be at the ord[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): e]ernation; and one or two of our men with me but it Cant be so now — I am now moving my Family to Munhegunnack or New-Stockbridge[place0165.ocp], I told you it was [Calld | called]Calldcalled [Tuſ | Tus]TuſTus­c[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): a]arora, but that is not the Proper name of it, — [Capt | Capt.]Capt Capt. [Hindrick | Hendrick]HindrickHendrick[pers0257.ocp] who will deliver this to You, is one of our Church; he is [juſt | just]juſtjust Come from the [weſtward | westward]weſtwardwestward, [amongſt | amongst]amongſtamongst the Indians, and he has a large Tract of [gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): land]land [offerd | offered]offerdoffered him if he and his people would move there — I think it [woud | would]woudwould be [gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): a fine open]a fine opening for the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel, — Our Church have willingly and Cheerfully adopted the [Confeſsion | confession]Confeſsionconfession of Faith of the [Preſbyterian | Presbyterian]PreſbyterianPresbyterian Church[org0133.ocp] of the United States in America[place0362.ocp]. They Joy­fully put [themſelves | themselves]themſelvesthemselves under the Care and [inſpection | inspection]inſpectioninspection of Albany [Preſbytery | Presbytery]PreſbyteryPresbytery[org0083.ocp] — And thankfully receive the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel [Fellowſhip | fellowship]Fellowſhipfellowship [open'd | opened]open'dopened for them — And from This Time, we Shall look upon our­Selves one of the [leaſt | least]leaſtleast Branches of the Religious Family of the [Preſbyterians | Presbyterians]PreſbyteriansPresbyterians[org0133.ocp] in America[place0362.ocp] — — We are try^[above] ing^ing to [inſtruct | instruct]inſtructinstruct our Children in Letters, but we are very weak, we want a little help — one [Jo– | Joseph]Jo–Joseph Quinney[pers1757.ocp] keeps the School, without any [Proſpect | prospect]Proſpectprospect of Reward, and he [gap: hole][guess (h-dawnd): is]is our Singing [Maſter | master]Maſtermaster too, and he is [Inſtructing | instructing]Inſtructinginstructing the People in Sin[gap: hole][guess (h-dawnd): ging]ging [Conſta | consta]Conſtaconsta[gap: hole][guess (h-dawnd): ntl]ntly, two or three Evenings every week and he demands no pay — and he and his Family, are very [deſtitute | destitute]deſtitutedestitute of [Cloathing | clothing]Cloathingclothing, — Our [Profiſsers | professors]Profiſsersprofessors keep on S^[above] t^teady in Religion, and our Church and Society rather [increaſes | increases]increaſesincreases, — our Singers are in want of Psalm Books — what harm [woud | would]woudwould it be, if You [wou'd | would]wou'dwould try to beg a few, [amongſt | amongst]amongſtamongst Your Friends and Neighbours in Albany[place0001.ocp], we [uſe | use]uſeuse [Dr | Dr.]DrDr. Watts[pers0683.ocp]'s Psalms altogether — I have no more to Say at this Time, — Pray for us — This with much Esteem is from your most unworthy fellow Labourer in the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel of [Jeſus | Jesus]JeſusJesus Samson Occom[pers0030.ocp]
PS.  [Capt | Capt.]Capt Capt. [Hindrick | Hendrick]HindrickHendrick[pers0257.ocp] is our Elder, and [Joſeph | Joseph]JoſephJoseph [Qunney | Quinney]QunneyQuinney[pers1757.ocp] is our Deacon; We have but very little [Buſineſs | business]Buſineſsbusiness [gap: worn_edge]Elder and Deacon, and think, one of each is enough for the [gap: worn_edge]
[Janr | January]JanrJanuary 8[1792-01-08] Sir  The [fore going | foregoing]fore goingforegoing was Sent by [Capt | Capt.]CaptCapt. [Hindreck | Hendrick]HindreckHendrick[pers0257.ocp], but was [oblidged | obliged]oblidgedobliged, to return back, and forgot to give it, to Samuel Littleman[pers0810.ocp], who, I Conclude [Call'd | called]Call'dcalled upon You, in his way to New-[Jerſey | Jersey]JerſeyJersey[place0163.ocp] — There Seems to be a Strange inclination among the Indians, to hear the word of God [preach'd | preached]preach'dpreached, [the | they]thethey Come to our meets from [Tuſcarora | Tuscarora]TuſcaroraTuscarora[place0288.ocp], most all of them, which they nev[gap: worn_edge][guess (h-dawnd): er]er did before, and [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Kirkland[pers0315.ocp]s People come very thick too and they [deſire | desire]deſiredesire, that I might Spend Some Sabbaths, — great many Come to our meet^[above] ing^ing [to Day | today]to Daytoday, [tho | though]thothough [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Kirkland[pers0315.ocp] went there this morning, and they know of his Coming, — [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Kirkland[pers0315.ocp] is going away again, and I Shall go to his People next Sabbath — Several of them, have [gap: hole][guess (h-dawnd): a]a great [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire to Join us in full — and ^[above] Some of^Some of [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Sargeant | Sergeant]SargeantSergeant[pers0470.ocp]'s people are Coming to us [alſo | also]alſoalso, and they will Join us in full, — I have an Evening School for the young People, and a Number comes, I am [Inſtructing | instructing]Inſtructinginstructing to read [& | and]&and to Speak [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish proper, and Come on well —
I am [&c | etc.]&cetc. [Samſon | Samson]SamſonSamson Occom[pers0030.ocp]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0257.ocp Cap t Capt. Hindrick Hendrick mentioned Aupaumut, Hendrick
pers1757.ocp Jo– Joseph Quinney mentioned Quinney, Joseph
pers0683.ocp D r Dr. Watts mentioned Watts, John
pers0030.ocp Samson Occom writer Occom, Samson
pers0257.ocp Cap t Capt. Hindrick Hendrick mentioned Aupaumut, Hendrick
pers1757.ocp Joſeph Joseph Qunney Quinney mentioned Quinney, Joseph
pers0257.ocp Cap t Capt. Hindreck Hendrick mentioned Aupaumut, Hendrick
pers0810.ocp Samuel Littleman mentioned Littleman, Samuel
pers0315.ocp M r Mr. Kirkland mentioned Kirkland, Samuel
pers0470.ocp M r Mr. Sargeant Sergeant mentioned Sergeant, Jr., John
pers0030.ocp Samſon Samson Occom writer Occom, Samson

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0165.ocp New Stockbridge Stockbridge
place0363.ocp Balls­ Town Balls ton Ballston
place0001.ocp Albany Albany
place0165.ocp New-Stockbridge Stockbridge
place0362.ocp United States in America United States of America
place0362.ocp America United States of America
place0163.ocp New- Jerſey Jersey New Jersey
place0288.ocp Tuſcarora Tuscarora Tuscarora

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0083.ocp PreſbyteryPresbytery Presbytery of Albany
org0133.ocp PreſbyterianPresbyterian Church Presbyterian Church
org0083.ocp Albany PreſbyteryPresbytery Presbytery of Albany
org0133.ocp PreſbyteriansPresbyterians Presbyterian Church

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1791-12-26 DecrDecember 26: 1791
1792-03 next March
1792-01-08 JanrJanuary 8

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Revd Rev.
modernization eſteemed esteemed
variation Balls­Town Ballston
modernization muſt must
modernization Preſbytery Presbytery
variation Calld called
modernization Tuſ Tus
modernization Capt Capt.
variation Hindrick Hendrick
modernization juſt just
modernization weſtward westward
modernization amongſt amongst
variation offerd offered
variation woud would
modernization Goſpel Gospel
modernization Confeſsion confession
modernization Preſbyterian Presbyterian
modernization themſelves themselves
modernization inſpection inspection
modernization Fellowſhip fellowship
modernization leaſt least
modernization Preſbyterians Presbyterians
modernization inſtruct instruct
modernization Proſpect prospect
modernization Maſter master
modernization Inſtructing instructing
modernization Conſta consta
modernization deſtitute destitute
variation Cloathing clothing
variation Profiſsers professors
modernization increaſes increases
modernization uſe use
modernization Dr Dr.
modernization Jeſus Jesus
modernization Capt Capt.
modernization Joſeph Joseph
variation Qunney Quinney
modernization Buſineſs business
variation fore going foregoing
modernization Capt Capt.
variation Hindreck Hendrick
variation oblidged obliged
modernization Jerſey Jersey
modernization Tuſcarora Tuscarora
modernization Mr Mr.
modernization deſire desire
variation to Day today
variation tho though
modernization Deſire desire
variation Sargeant Sergeant
modernization alſo also
modernization Engliſh English
modernization &c etc.
modernization Samſon Samson

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Decr December
open'd opened
Jo– Joseph
wou'd would
Janr January
Call'd called
preach'd preached
& and

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 14)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 26)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 4)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 112)