State of New York, resolution, 1791 February 24

Author New York State Assembly and Senate[org0134.ocp]

24 February 1791[1791-02-24]

ms number791174

[note (type: abstract): The NY State Assembly and Senate grant Occom 15 pounds to pay his expenses in attending the legislature on behalf of the Brothertown and New Stockbridge Indians. Also, Samson Occom’s receipt for the sum.][note (type: handwriting): Document appears to bear four different hands, all clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Single medium-sized sheet is in good condition, but there is heavy creasing and some discoloration along creases.][note (type: ink): Dark-brown.][note (type: noteworthy): Occom makes note of attending the Assembly in a letter to his son Benoni, manuscript 791117. As noted next to the signature of John McKesson, the document is a copy. The words “HAVERMEYER COLLECTION.” are typed on the bottom of one verso.][note (type: signature): There are three different signatures; given that this document is a copy, it's possible that some or all of the signatures are not in the hands of the signers.]
Persistent Identifier
Resolved if the Honorable the Senate[org0134.ocp] concur herein that the Treasurer of the State[pers0802.ocp] be requested ^[above] to advance^to advance to [Sampson | Samson]SampsonSamson [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp] the sum of fifteen Pounds to enable him to pay his [Expences | expenses]Expencesexpenses in attending the Legislature in behalf of the Brothertown[org0118.ocp] and New Stockbridge Indians[org0139.ocp], and that the Legislature will make Provision by Law for the payment of the same—
Ordered that [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Vandervoort[pers0825.ocp] and [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Clowes[pers0804.ocp] — deliver a Copy of the preceding Resolution to the Honorable the Senate[org0134.ocp] and request their Concurrence A Copy John [M..c Keſson | McKesson]M..c KeſsonMcKesson[pers0812.ocp] [Clk | Clerk]ClkClerk
In Senate [24,,th | 24th]24,,th24th February 1791[1791-02-24]
Resolved that the Senate[org0134.ocp] do concur with the [Hon. | Honorable]Hon.Honorable the [Aſsembly | Assembly]AſsemblyAssembly[org0134.ocp] in their preceding Resolution Order that [M,,r | Mr.]M,,rMr. Pye[pers0816.ocp] and [M,,r | Mr.]M,,rMr. Tillotson[pers0823.ocp] deliver a Copy of the preceding concurrent Resolution to the [Hon. | Honorable]Hon.Honorable the [Aſsembly | Assembly]AſsemblyAssembly[org0134.ocp] By Order [Ab,,m | Abraham]Ab,,mAbraham B. Bancker[pers0801.ocp] [Clk. | Clerk]Clk.Clerk
See the Supply Law of [ | 24th]24.th24th March 1791[1791-03-24].
Received [26,,th | 26th]26,,th26th 1791[1791-02-26] from Gerard Bancker[pers0802.ocp] Treasurer Fifteen Pounds, pursuant to the within Concurrent Resolution — £15 – –
[Samſon | Samson]SamſonSamson Occom[pers0030.ocp]
[illegible] [Expences | expenses]Expencesexpenses Samson Occom[pers0030.ocp] £15 – – [ | 26th]26.th26th [Febr,,y | February]Febr,,yFebruary 1791[1791-02-26]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0802.ocp Treasurer of the State mentioned Bancker, Gerard
pers0030.ocp Sampson Samson Occum Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0825.ocp M. r Mr. Vandervoort mentioned Vandervoort
pers0804.ocp M. r Mr. Clowes mentioned Clowes
pers0812.ocp John M.. c Keſson McKesson mentioned McKesson, John
pers0816.ocp M,, r Mr. Pye mentioned Pye
pers0823.ocp M,, r Mr. Tillotson mentioned Tillotson
pers0801.ocp Ab,, m Abraham B. Bancker mentioned Bancker, Abraham B.
pers0802.ocp Gerard Bancker mentioned Bancker, Gerard
pers0030.ocp Samſon Samson Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0030.ocp Samson Occom mentioned Occom, Samson

This document does not contain any tagged places.

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0134.ocp State of New York. In AſsemblyAssembly New York State Legislature
org0134.ocp Honorable the Senate New York State Legislature
org0118.ocp Brothertown Brothertown Tribe
org0139.ocp New Stockbridge Indians New Stockbridge Tribe
org0134.ocp the Honorable the Senate New York State Legislature
org0134.ocp the Senate New York State Legislature
org0134.ocp Hon.Honorable the AſsemblyAssembly New York State Legislature

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1791-02-24 February 24.th24th 1791
1791-02-24 24,,th24th February 1791
1791-03-24 24.th24th March 1791
1791-02-26 26,,th26th 1791
1791-02-26 26.th26th Febr,,yFebruary 1791

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Aſsembly Assembly
modernization 24th
variation Sampson Samson
variation Occum Occom
variation Expences expenses
modernization M.r Mr.
modernization M..c Keſson McKesson
modernization 24,,th 24th
modernization M,,r Mr.
modernization 26,,th 26th
modernization Samſon Samson
modernization 26th

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Clk Clerk
Hon. Honorable
Ab,,m Abraham
Clk. Clerk
Febr,,y February

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 20)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 19)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 1)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 118)