John Wheelock, discharge, 1790 March 4

Author Wheelock, John[pers0576.ocp]

4 March 1790[1790-03-04]

ms number790204.2

[note (type: abstract): A draft of John Wheelock’s discharge of claims on the funds collected for the Charity School.][note (type: handwriting): Informal handwriting is occasionally difficult to decipher.][note (type: paper): One sheet folded in half to form four pages is in good condition, with light creasing, staining and wear.][note (type: ink): Dark-brown.][note (type: noteworthy): As is noted on two verso, the document is a draft. The contents of this document are very similar to those of manuscript 790204.1.][note (type: signature): The document is initialed.]
Persistent Identifier
Know all Men by these Presents That I John Wheelock[pers0576.ocp] of Hanover[place0095.ocp] in the County of Grafton[place0299.ocp] and State of New Hampshire[place0160.ocp] L.L.D. President of Moor's Indian Charity School[org0098.ocp] in said Hanover[place0095.ocp] (which School was originally founded by my honored father the late Reverend Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] D.D. at Lebanon[place0122.ocp] in Connecticut[place0048.ocp]) to be [Succeſsor | successor]Succeſsorsuccessor to my said honored father[pers0036.ocp] in [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): the]the Presidency of said School[org0098.ocp], and one of the [Exectuors | executors]Exectuorsexecutors of his last Will and Testament and with the Consent of the other Executors named in the said Will hereto with me Subscribing, for and in consideration of the Sum of Six hundred and fifty eight Pounds Eleven Shillings and Eleven pence [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): one]one farthing Sterling Money of Great Britain[place0090.ocp] Covenanted by the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge[org0096.ocp] to be paid by duly honoring my two Sets of Exchange drawn on them in favor of Thomas [Ruſsel | Russel]RuſselRussel[pers0820.ocp] Esquire on order dated Boston[place0013.ocp] June [15.[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): th]th | 15th]15.[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): th]th15th Anno domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine[1789-06-15] one of which sets being for three hundred Pounds Sterling, and the other Set for three hundred and fifty eight Pounds Eleven Shillings and Eleven pence one farthing Sterling
Sterling have given up and relinquished and in compliance with and in terms of the Resolutions of the said Society[org0096.ocp] of date the Seventeenth day of November one thousand seven hundred and eighty [illegible]five[1785-11-17] and [signifed | signified]signifedsignified to me by their Secretary[pers0532.ocp] in a Letter of date the eighteenth day of that Month[1785-11-18] and of the Twenty eighth day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine[1789-08-28] sign[illegible]ified to me by their Clerks in absence of their Secretary in a Letter of date the twelfth day of September[1789-09-12] thereafter Do by these presents give up Release and Relinquish all Claims and Demands [illegible] [whatsover | whatsoever]whatsoverwhatsoever upon the said Society[org0096.ocp] with respect to the School aforesaid[org0098.ocp] from its first Institution to the fifteenth day of June one thousand [sevenhundred | seven hundred]sevenhundredseven hundred and eighty nine[1789-06-15][illegible] Provided [Nevertheleſs | nevertheless]Nevertheleſsnevertheless that this shall not operate as a Discharge therefrom until payment shall have been made of the two Sets of Exchange [abovementioned | above mentioned]abovementionedabove mentioned  In [Witneſs | witness]Witneſswitness whereof I the said John Wheelock[pers0576.ocp] as principal and [illegible] Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] and James Wheelock[pers1190.ocp] the other [Exectuors | executors]Exectuorsexecutors in testimony of our [Covenent | covenant]Covenentcovenant have
have hereunto set [illegible]my ^[above] our^our hands and Seal[illegible] this day of — [J.w | J. W.]J.wJ. W.[pers0576.ocp]
[Draught | Draft]DraughtDraft of Discharge
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0576.ocp John Wheelock writer Wheelock, John
pers0036.ocp Eleazar Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0036.ocp said honored father mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0820.ocp Thomas Ruſsel Russel mentioned Russell, Thomas
pers0532.ocp their Secretary mentioned Thacher, Peter
pers0036.ocp Eleazar Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers1190.ocp James Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, James
pers0576.ocp J. w J. W. writer Wheelock, John

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0095.ocp Hanover Hanover
place0299.ocp County of Grafton Grafton County
place0160.ocp State of New Hampshire New Hampshire
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon
place0048.ocp Connecticut Connecticut
place0090.ocp Great Britain Great Britain
place0013.ocp Boston Boston

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0098.ocp Moor's Indian Charity School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0098.ocp said School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0096.ocp Society in Scotland for propagating Christian Knowledge Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0096.ocp said Society Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0098.ocp School aforesaid Moor’s Indian Charity School

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1789-06-15 June 15.th15th Anno domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine
1785-11-17 Seventeenth day of November one thousand seven hundred and eighty five
1785-11-18 eighteenth day of that Month
1789-08-28 Twenty eighth day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine
1789-09-12 twelfth day of September
1789-06-15 fifteenth day of June one thousand sevenhundredseven hundred and eighty nine

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Succeſsor successor
variation Exectuors executors
modernization Ruſsel Russel
modernization 15.[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): th]th 15th
variation signifed signified
variation whatsover whatsoever
variation sevenhundred seven hundred
modernization Nevertheleſs nevertheless
variation abovementioned above mentioned
modernization Witneſs witness
variation Covenent covenant
modernization J.w J. W.
variation Draught Draft

This document does not contain any expanded abbreviations.

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 4)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 23)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 1)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 110)