New Stockbridge Indians, letter, to Samson Occom, 1787 August 29

AuthorSauquethquaut, Joseph[pers0959.ocp]

AuthorAupaumut, Hendrick[pers0257.ocp]

AuthorQuonnehaunt, Joseph[pers0957.ocp]

AuthorPauquunnuppeet, Peter[pers0431.ocp]

AuthorNeshoonnuhhuk, David[pers0954.ocp]

AuthorPohpmon, John[pers0956.ocp]

AuthorBaldwin, John[pers0946.ocp]

AuthorPauphaunhum, Samuel[pers0955.ocp]

AuthorNaunaunuhnuk, David[pers0953.ocp]

29 August 1787[1787-08-29]

ms number787479

[note (type: abstract): The New Stockbridge Indians testify to their faith in the Christian religion and request that Occom become their pastor.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is possibly that of Joseph Johnson[pers0288.ocp]; it is small yet mostly legible. Letter case, especially with regard to the letter "S" is difficult to discern.][note (type: paper): Heavily creased sheet of paper has been treated with silk overlay. This repair work is beginning to age, particularly on the verso. Separated creases lead to some loss of text.][note (type: ink): Brown ink is slightly obscured by the silk overlay.][note (type: noteworthy): Letter is a contemporary copy. On the bottom left of one verso, the word "Call" appears to be written in Occom's hand. On one verso, written in pencil underneath the trailer is the note: "Ind. Miſ. This is a copy of the call to Occom 1787 Original in C.H.S."][note (type: signature): There are nine signatories, yet the signatures are all in the same hand.]
Persistent Identifier
Brother in the Lord —
We the Muhheacunnuk Tribe[org0139.ocp], will now [manifiſt | manifest]manifiſtmanifest to you — our opinions [Deſires | desires]Deſiresdesires and [veiws | views]veiwsviews of the [Chriſtian | Christian]ChriſtianChristian Religion. we believe that there is but one, the only true and living God, And that he is the Maker and [preſerver | preserver]preſerverpreserver of our lives, and upholder of the Same — that he has Send his only begotten Son into this w[illegible]orld, to be the Saviour of mankind, and we believe that this God has brought u[illegible]s up [in to | into]in tointo this [wilderneſs | wilderness]wilderneſswilderness — where we might begin to Serve him in Sincerity and in truth — Further we believe that this God has [raiſed | raised]raiſedraised you u[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): p]p and have kept you alive [untill | until]untilluntil this time. and that he has Send you up as an [Ambaſsador | ambassador]Ambaſsadorambassador into this [wilderneſs | wilderness]wilderneſswilderness upon this [purpoſe | purpose]purpoſepurpose that you might be the [firſt | first]firſtfirst [inſtrument | instrument]inſtrumentinstrument or means to Stir up you own Nation — to try embrace His whole Religion. And the, ^[above] [resons | reasons]resonsreasons^[resons | reasons]resonsreasons why we have such thoughts [becauſe | because]becauſebecause we have felt a great weight of your errand — And in coming such a manner, and from such a quarter — as we did not expect — when we look back, and Consider, what poor [progreſs | progress]progreſsprogress the Re[illegible]ligion of [Jeſus | Jesus]JeſusJesus [Chriſt | Christ]ChriſtChrist, has made [amongſt | amongst]amongſtamongst the Natives of this Continent [not withſtanding | notwithstanding]not withſtandingnotwithstanding ^[above] of^of the great pains, that have taken with them in some Places the Indians appeared well and [promiſing | promising]promiſingpromising, but soon decay. — and now it looks very dark upon us, all helps from [a Broad | abroad]a Broadabroad are gone — and we are now brought to look about [gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): and]and [Conſider | consider]Conſiderconsider of our Situation and we bel[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): ieve]ieve that this will be the [laſt | last]laſtlast. that God will make a trial with us — if this w[gap: tear] not set us to contrive for our own souls — God will leaves us to our [illegible] own [Deſtruction | destruction]Deſtructiondestruction[Theſe | These]TheſeThese and other [conſiderations | considerations]conſiderationsconsiderations [induceth | induce]inducethinduce us — to believe that God d[illegible]oes require from our own hands — to contrive — and to try to [bigin | begin]biginbegin to support and maintain Religion among us — we therefore, a Number of us [chearfully | cheerfully]chearfullycheerfully agreed to begin to [purſue | pursue]purſuepursue what we [bilieve | believe]bilievebelieve to be our Duty since we have felt and ex[= | ‐]=[= | ‐]=perience the great [goodneſs | goodness]goodneſsgoodness of God — for [raiſing | raising]raiſingraising and [fiting | fitting]fitingfitting one of our own [Collour | colour]Collourcolour — to be [inſtrumental | instrumental]inſtrumentalinstrumental to build up the [Cauſe | cause]Cauſecause and the Kingdom of our Lord [Jeſus | Jesus]JeſusJesus [Chriſt | Christ]ChriſtChrist — we therefore feel in duty [gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): boun]bound to come to [requeſt | request]requeſtrequest you to come and settle with us — and to take the charge over us — and to die with us. in Conjunction with [Brotherton | Brothertown]BrothertonBrothertown[place0023.ocp] if it be [agreable | agreeable]agreableagreeable to them. so that we may enjoy all the [Previlidges | privileges]Previlidgesprivileges and ordinances of the [Goſpel | Gospel]GoſpelGospel which our Saviour has left us in his word — So we the [Subſcribers | subscribers]Subſcriberssubscribers wittingly to begin with twenty shillings — in [firſt | first]firſtfirst year and so in proportion that we shall [increaſe | increase]increaſeincrease in Number and [Subſtance | substance]Subſtancesubstance[till | 'til]till'til we shall be able to support you fully — so we done at present what we feel to be our duty and the [reſt | rest]reſtrest ^[above] we^we will [submitt | submit]submittsubmit to Gods will and [pleaſure | pleasure]pleaſurepleasure
[Joſeph | Joseph]JoſephJoseph Sauquethquaut[pers0959.ocp] Hendrick Aupaumut[pers0257.ocp] [Joſeph | Joseph]JoſephJoseph Quonnekanut[pers0957.ocp] Peter [Pohquannop[illegible]eet | Pauquunnuppeet]Pohquannop[illegible]eetPauquunnuppeet[pers0431.ocp] David [Neſhoonnuhhuk | Neshoonnuhhuk]NeſhoonnuhhukNeshoonnuhhuk[pers0954.ocp] John Pohpmon[pers0956.ocp] John Baldwin[pers0946.ocp] Samuel Pa[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): uphaun]uphaunhum[pers0955.ocp] David N[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): aun]aunannuknuck[pers0953.ocp]
[Rev.d Mr | Rev. Mr.]Rev.d MrRev. Mr. Samson Occom[pers0030.ocp] New Stockbridge[place0165.ocp] [Auguſt | August]AuguſtAugust [29th | 29th]29th29th 1787[1787-08-29]
[N. | New]N.New Stockbridge[place0165.ocp] [confeſsion | confession]confeſsionconfession of Faith 1787[1787]^[left] Call^Call
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0959.ocp Joſeph Joseph Sauquethquaut writer Sauquethquaut, Joseph
pers0257.ocp Hendrick Aupaumut writer Aupaumut, Hendrick
pers0957.ocp Joſeph Joseph Quonnekanut writer Quannekanut, Joseph
pers0431.ocp Peter Pohquannop eet Pauquunnuppeet writer Pauquunnuppeet, Peter
pers0954.ocp David Neſhoonnuhhuk Neshoonnuhhuk writer Neshoonuhhuk, David
pers0956.ocp John Pohpmon writer Pohpmon, John
pers0946.ocp John Baldwin writer Baldwin, John
pers0955.ocp Samuel Pa uphaun hum writer Pauphaunhum, Samuel
pers0953.ocp David N aun annuknuck writer Naunannuknuck, David
pers0030.ocp Samson Occom recipient Occom, Samson

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0023.ocp Brotherton Brothertown Brothertown
place0165.ocp New Stockbridge Stockbridge
place0165.ocp N. New Stockbridge Stockbridge

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0139.ocp Muhheacunnuk Tribe New Stockbridge Tribe

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1787-08-29 AuguſtAugust 29th29th 1787
1787 1787

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
variation manifiſt manifest
modernization Deſires desires
variation veiws views
modernization Chriſtian Christian
modernization preſerver preserver
variation in to into
modernization wilderneſs wilderness
modernization raiſed raised
variation untill until
modernization Ambaſsador ambassador
modernization purpoſe purpose
modernization firſt first
modernization inſtrument instrument
variation resons reasons
modernization becauſe because
modernization progreſs progress
modernization Jeſus Jesus
modernization Chriſt Christ
modernization amongſt amongst
variation not withſtanding notwithstanding
modernization promiſing promising
variation a Broad abroad
modernization Conſider consider
modernization laſt last
modernization Deſtruction destruction
modernization Theſe These
modernization conſiderations considerations
variation induceth induce
variation bigin begin
variation chearfully cheerfully
modernization purſue pursue
variation bilieve believe
modernization =
modernization goodneſs goodness
modernization raiſing raising
variation fiting fitting
variation Collour colour
modernization inſtrumental instrumental
modernization Cauſe cause
modernization requeſt request
variation Brotherton Brothertown
variation agreable agreeable
variation Previlidges privileges
modernization Goſpel Gospel
modernization Subſcribers subscribers
modernization increaſe increase
modernization Subſtance substance
variation till 'til
modernization reſt rest
variation submitt submit
modernization pleaſure pleasure
modernization Joſeph Joseph
variation Pohquannop[illegible]eet Pauquunnuppeet
modernization Neſhoonnuhhuk Neshoonnuhhuk
modernization Rev.d Mr Rev. Mr.
modernization Auguſt August
modernization 29th 29th
modernization confeſsion confession

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
N. New

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 4)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 14)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 4)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 155)