Samson Occom, letter, to John Thornton, 1777 January 1

Author Occom, Samson[pers0030.ocp]

1 January 1777[1777-01-01]

ms number777101

[note (type: abstract): Occom writes to thank Thornton for his generosity. He also bemoans the hardships brought on by the war, discusses the importance of keeping the Indians neutral, and asks for Thornton's assistance in getting money from the Society in Scotland for Progating Christian Knowledge.][note (type: handwriting): Occom's hand is small and somewhat crowded, yet formal, clear and legible. There are some crossed l's and uncrossed t's that have been corrected by the transcriber.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages is in fair condition, with moderate-to-heavy staining, creasing and wear.][note (type: ink): Brown ink is somewhat faded.][note (type: noteworthy): On two verso, an editor, likely 19th-century, has added notes that read: “(By Occom Jan. 1. 1777.),” and “S. Occom to Thornton Jan. 1. 1777.”]
Persistent Identifier
Most Kind Sir /
Your most unexpected and most acceptable, [Refreſhing | refreshing]Refreſhingrefreshing Animating, and most Encouraging Favour of 8 may last[1776-05-08], Came Safely to Hand a few Days ago, Surely the great Lord of Heaven and Earth, has deeply Engraven in Your Tender and Benevolent Heart, [Pety | pity]Petypity and [Compaſsiona^[above] te^te | compassionate]Compaſsiona^[above] te^tecompassionate to poor me, and to my [Neceſsitous | necessitous]Neceſsitousnecessitous Family; How [diſtret | distressed]diſtretdistressed have I been lately, not knowing how to get out of my Involvements, and to Supply the Pinching [Neceſsities | necessities]Neceſsitiesnecessities of my large Family, [beſides | besides]beſidesbesides my numerous [Visiters | visitors]Visitersvisitors; But [Bleſsed | blessed]Bleſsedblessed be god, I find now, he has heard my [grownings | groanings]growningsgroanings and Saw my [Diſtreſs | distress]Diſtreſsdistress, and he has moved your Kind Heart once more, to Stretch out your Bmost Bountiful Hand over the great Atlantic in Time of great [Diſtreſs | distress]Diſtreſsdistress to help me out of Troubles. — The Lord be [Praiſed | praised]Praiſedpraised, and I return you unutterable and most [Humbe | humble]Humbehumble Thanks. The Lord Your god Reward^[above] [& | and]&and^[& | and]&and yours Bountifully —
I have Drawn a Bill of Exchange upon you for the whole of your most kind and generous Donation. [Neceſsity | Necessity]NeceſsityNecessity urges me, and I am very Confident, it will not be [diſagreable | disagreeable]diſagreabledisagreeable to your Mind; I have [alſo | also]alſoalso [Drown | drawn]Drowndrawn on you as a [Truſtee | Trustee]TruſteeTrustee two Bills, for two half years [paſt | past]paſtpast, according to your kind Direction and [permiſsion | permission]permiſsionpermission heretofore for I have heard nothing Contrary from You [till | 'til]till'til now, and [Docr | Dr.]DocrDr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] has never told me, that the money was [Exhuſted | exhausted]Exhuſtedexhausted, [tho’ | though]tho’though I did hear Such a thing [Some how | somehow]Some howsomehow; but I Saw a gentleman about a Year ago, who came directly from London[place0128.ocp], and he told me, he had [Intervew | interview]Intervewinterview with Some of the [Honl | Honourable]HonlHonourable [Truſt | Trust]TruſtTrust[org0103.ocp] and he [underſtood | understood]underſtoodunderstood them, the money was not Expended, but they [wou’d | would]wou’dwould not let [Docr | Dr.]DocrDr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] have anymore, You may ^[above] have^have Seen the [gentn | gentleman]gentngentleman that [inform’d | informed]inform’dinformed me, it was [illegible]The [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [Docr | Dr.]DocrDr. Ewing[pers0774.ocp] of Philadelphia[place0186.ocp] he had been traveling [thro | through]throthrough great Britain[place0090.ocp] Soliciting the Charities of the People for a certain College. — The Times are [Extreamly | extremely]Extreamlyextremely [Diſtreſing | distressing]Diſtreſingdistressing in this part of the World, [theſe | these]theſethese unnatural Wars have effected and [Diſtreſt | distressed]Diſtreſtdistressed [every one | everyone]every oneeveryone, [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially the Poor, I never have had Such a Burden; I have had much [Sickneſs | sickness]Sickneſssickness in my [Famil | family]Familfamily lately, and [every thing | everything]every thingeverything [extreamly | extremely]extreamlyextremely Dear, [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially [Cloathing | clothing]Cloathingclothing, O that I had [illegible] old [Cloaths | clothes]Cloathsclothes from London[place0128.ocp], if London[place0128.ocp] was not more than half So far as it is, I [woud | would]woudwould Come over to beg old [Cloaths | clothes]Cloathsclothes — Three pounds will not [purchace | purchase]purchacepurchase So much of the [Neceſsaries | necessaries]Neceſsariesnecessaries of Life now, as [tweenty | twenty]tweentytwenty Shillings [wou’d | would]wou’dwould before [theſe | these]theſethese ungodly Wars took place. — And the [worſt | worst]worſtworst of all is, [theſe | these]theſethese Wars have Eat out the vitals of Religion, [eſpecially | especially]eſpeciallyespecially among the white People, Some white People Say [themſelves | themselves]themſelvesthemselves, that the poor Indians have more Religion than they have, the poor Indians indeed that make a [Profeſsion | profession]Profeſsionprofession of Religion, maintain thei^[above] r^r [Religin | religion]Religinreligion in
Some [meaſure | measure]meaſuremeasure, I preach [amongſt | amongst]amongſtamongst them as often I as I [uſed | used]uſedused to do and they are much [engagd | engaged]engagdengaged in attending upon the word of god, — And there is one Good [Circumſtance | circumstance]Circumſtancecircumstance among the Indians in [genral | general]genralgeneral [every where | everywhere]every whereeverywhere, they dont [Chuſe | choose]Chuſechoose to Join in either Side in this Contention, but [Chuſe | choose]Chuſechoose Strict N^[above] e^eutra[illegible]lity, and the white Americans dont want to have them Join in either, The [Congreſs | Congress]CongreſsCongress[org0126.ocp] have Sent out [Commiſsioners | Commissioners]CommiſsionersCommissioners among the Indians, Several Times and different ways to [adviſe | advise]adviſeadvise them to be [Eaſy | easy]Eaſyeasy and Quiet, not to [entermeddle | intermeddle]entermeddleintermeddle in the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish Family [Quarril | quarrel]Quarrilquarrel[illegible]/ My Wife’s Brother[pers0018.ocp] went about 600 miles [weſtward | westward]weſtwardwestward from this Place last [Septr | September]SeptrSeptember with a number upon this [Buſineſs | business]Buſineſsbusiness and is [juſt | just]juſtjust [returnd | returned]returndreturned, he tells me, he Saw Six Sachems altogether of differen^[above] t^t Tribes, and that was the advice to them from the [Commiſsioners | Commissioners]CommiſsionersCommissioners and the Sachems [promiſed | promised]promiſedpromised Strictly to [obſerve | observe]obſerveobserve the advice, and Indians [them­ſelves | themselves]them­ſelvesthemselves are agreeing among [themſelves | themselves]themſelvesthemselves in [there | their]theretheir different Tribes not ^[above] to^to[illegible] [entermeddle | intermeddle]entermeddleintermeddle with the [Engliſh | English]EngliſhEnglish Contentions, — When the white People began to [Inliſt | enlist]Inliſtenlist Soldiers about here, Some of our Lazy Indians were very ready to [Inliſt | enlist]Inliſtenlist, but the white People [woud | would]woudwould not accept of them(; Be it Spoken to the [praiſe | praise]praiſepraise of the white People,) but Some few [woud | would]woudwould and did [liſt | list]liſtlist after all their rejection, — [Laſt | last]Laſtlast Summer there were Some white people wanted to hire others to go in their Room, and two Indians [offerd | offered]offerdoffered [themſelves | themselves]themſelvesthemselves; but when the [Colol | Col.]CololCol., who had care of [‘em | them]‘emthem, Saw them, he [turn’d | turned]turn’dturned them back again. — But the Kings [offircers | officers]offircersofficers, Some of them, I hear, have been [uſing | using]uſingusing their Influence to engage the poor Indians on their Side; — I [wiſh | wish]wiſhwish the King[pers0305.ocp] of great Britain[place0090.ocp], [woud | would]woudwould Command all his officers in North A­merica[place0170.ocp] to let the poor [miſerable | miserable]miſerablemiserable Indians alone; What have we to do with your Contentions? — As for [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Kirkland[pers0315.ocp]; I heard he was among the Indians Some part of last Summer, but where he is now, I can not Say. — [Theſe | These]TheſeThese Sad Contentions have brock up all [Miſ­ſionaries | missionaries]Miſ­ſionariesmissionaries and [School masters | schoolmasters]School mastersschoolmasters among the poor Indians, — I heard there was Money [illegible]Enough in the Hands of the [Honl | Honourable]HonlHonourable Scotch Society[org0096.ocp] and they did ^[above] not^not know how to lay it out, I [wiſh | wish]wiſhwish they [woud | would]woudwould [Conſider | consider]Conſiderconsider my [Caſe | case]Caſecase; Pray most [Compaſsionate | Compassionate]CompaſsionateCompassionate Sir, [Interceed | intercede]Interceedintercede with them for me — I wrote them last winter, but I have had no [Anſwere | answer]Anſwereanswer, if I [Shoud | should]Shoudshould write again perhaps my Letters will never reach them in [theſe | these]theſethese Times.
I beg the [Continuence | continuance]Continuencecontinuance of your fervent Prayers for me and mine and for all the poor Indians; — This, with most grateful [Reſpects | respects]Reſpectsrespects, to you and to your Dear Family is from
your most unworthy [& | and]&and most obli[illegible]ged and very [huml | humble]humlhumble [Servt | servant]Servtservant [Samſon | Samson]SamſonSamson Occom[pers0030.ocp]
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
To John Thornton [Esqr | Esq.]EsqrEsq.[pers0541.ocp] at Clapham[place0041.ocp] near London[place0128.ocp]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0036.ocp Doc r Dr. Wheelock mentioned Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0774.ocp Rev d Rev. Doc r Dr. Ewing mentioned Ewing, John
pers0018.ocp My Wife’s Brother mentioned Fowler, Jacob
pers0305.ocp King mentioned Frederick, George William
pers0315.ocp m r Mr. Kirkland mentioned Kirkland, Samuel
pers0030.ocp Samſon Samson Occom writer Occom, Samson
pers0541.ocp John Thornton Esq r Esq. recipient Thornton, John

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0143.ocp Mohegan Mohegan
place0128.ocp London London
place0186.ocp Philadelphia Philadelphia
place0090.ocp great Britain Great Britain
place0170.ocp North A­ merica North America
place0041.ocp Clapham Clapham

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0103.ocp HonlHonourable TruſtTrust Trust in England
org0126.ocp The CongreſsCongress Second Continental Congress
org0096.ocp the HonlHonourable Scotch Society Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1777-01-01 JanrJanuary 1 1777
1776-05-08 8 may last

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Refreſhing refreshing
variation Pety pity
variation Compaſsiona^[above] te^te compassionate
modernization Neceſsitous necessitous
variation diſtret distressed
modernization Neceſsities necessities
modernization beſides besides
variation Visiters visitors
modernization Bleſsed blessed
variation grownings groanings
modernization Diſtreſs distress
modernization Praiſed praised
variation Humbe humble
modernization Neceſsity Necessity
variation diſagreable disagreeable
modernization alſo also
variation Drown drawn
modernization Truſtee Trustee
modernization paſt past
modernization permiſsion permission
variation till 'til
modernization Docr Dr.
variation Exhuſted exhausted
variation Some how somehow
variation Intervew interview
modernization Truſt Trust
modernization underſtood understood
modernization Revd Rev.
variation thro through
variation Extreamly extremely
variation Diſtreſing distressing
modernization theſe these
variation Diſtreſt distressed
variation every one everyone
modernization eſpecially especially
modernization Sickneſs sickness
variation every thing everything
variation Cloathing clothing
variation Cloaths clothes
variation woud would
variation purchace purchase
modernization Neceſsaries necessaries
variation tweenty twenty
modernization worſt worst
modernization themſelves themselves
modernization Profeſsion profession
variation Religin religion
modernization meaſure measure
modernization amongſt amongst
modernization uſed used
variation engagd engaged
modernization Circumſtance circumstance
variation genral general
variation every where everywhere
variation Chuſe choose
modernization Congreſs Congress
modernization Commiſsioners Commissioners
modernization adviſe advise
modernization Eaſy easy
variation entermeddle intermeddle
modernization Engliſh English
variation Quarril quarrel
modernization weſtward westward
modernization Buſineſs business
modernization juſt just
variation returnd returned
modernization promiſed promised
modernization obſerve observe
modernization them­ſelves themselves
variation there their
variation Inliſt enlist
modernization praiſe praise
modernization liſt list
modernization Laſt last
variation offerd offered
modernization Colol Col.
variation offircers officers
modernization uſing using
modernization wiſh wish
modernization miſerable miserable
modernization mr Mr.
modernization Theſe These
modernization Miſ­ſionaries missionaries
variation School masters schoolmasters
modernization Conſider consider
modernization Caſe case
modernization Compaſsionate Compassionate
variation Interceed intercede
variation Anſwere answer
variation Shoud should
variation Continuence continuance
modernization Reſpects respects
modernization Samſon Samson
modernization Esqr Esq.

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Janr January
& and
tho’ though
Honl Honourable
wou’d would
gentn gentleman
inform’d informed
Septr September
‘em them
turn’d turned
huml humble
Servt servant

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 18)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 21)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 8)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 122)