Gain Miller, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 September 21

Author Miller, Gain[pers0374.ocp]

21 September 1768[1768-09-21]

ms number768521.1

[note (type: abstract): Miller writes to Wheelock asking him to write to Thomas Clark, who has heard that the funds collected by Whitaker and Occom for the Indian School may be diverted.][note (type: handwriting): Formal handwriting is curvy and occasionally difficult to decipher. Letter case is frequently difficult to discern, especially with regard to the letter S.][note (type: paper): Single small sheet has been preserved by silking, which makes it difficult to discern the paper's condition; there appears to be moderate-to-heavy staining, creasing and wear.][note (type: ink): Black-brown]

EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain

Persistent Identifier
Right [Revrd | Rev.]RevrdRev. and Dear Sir
after Humble Regards to you [Wiſhing | wishing]Wiſhingwishing [yt | that]ytthat god who Put it Into your [hart | heart]hartheart to Set up [yt | that]ytthat Noble [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign afoot (viz) [ye | the]yethe [Inden | Indian]IndenIndian [ſCool | school]ſCoolschool[org0098.ocp] [yt | that]ytthat he would make [it,s | its]it,sits Name and fame to Extend to [ye | the]yethe [outmoſt | outmost]outmoſtoutmost [Lemits | limits]Lemitslimits of [ye | the]yethe Pagan tribes for [ye | the]yethe advancements of [ye | the]yethe Great Redeemers Kingdom, having had an [oppurtunity | opportunity]oppurtunityopportunity of [ſeeing | seeing]ſeeingseeing [ye | the]yethe [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Thomas Clark[pers0130.ocp] of White Creek[place0241.ocp] County albany[place0488.ocp] Province of [Newyork | New York]NewyorkNew York[place0166.ocp], he was Very anxious to hear about [ye | the]yethe [scool | school]scoolschool[org0098.ocp] and [ye | the]yethe more so [becauſe | because]becauſebecause he was [Informd | informed]Informdinformed [yt | that]ytthat [ye | the]yethe Donations and [mony | money]monymoney [yt | that]ytthat [ye | the]yethe [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [miſsurs | Messrs.]miſsursMessrs. [Whitticer | Whitaker]WhitticerWhitaker[pers0037.ocp] and [occum | Occom]occumOccom[pers0030.ocp] ^[above] had made^had made was Like to be — [ſubverted | subverted]ſubvertedsubverted from [yt | that]ytthat [uſe | use]uſeuse he is Now [gon | gone]gongone Down to [ye | the]yethe [Pby | Presbytery]PbyPresbytery of In [P^[above] h^hleladelphia | Philadelphia]P^[above] h^hleladelphiaPhiladelphia[org0084.ocp] and I [Expeit | expect]Expeitexpect to see him In his Return and Would [illegible] take it as a Great favour if you Would [oblidg | oblige]oblidgoblige him [wt | with]wtwith a Line from you [Rev,d | Rev.]Rev,dRev. Sir [Excuſe | excuse]Excuſeexcuse great [heaſt | haste]heaſthaste [ye | the]yethe Bearer being [Weating | waiting]Weatingwaiting. Humbly [aſking | asking]aſkingasking a remembrance [illegible] In your Prayers for me and [famely | family]famelyfamily. Hoping God will still [Bleſs | bless]Bleſsbless you In all your [attemps | attempts]attempsattempts to advance [ye | the]yethe [ye | the]yethe [Intreſt | interest]Intreſtinterest of [Chriſt | Christ]ChriſtChrist is [ye | the]yethe [Deſare | desire]Deſaredesire of sir
yours to serve — — Gain Miller[pers0374.ocp] Sharon[place0207.ocp] [Septbr | September]SeptbrSeptember 21. 1768[1768-09-21]
P S if you [Pleas | please]Pleasplease to Write to me. Direct to [ye | the]yethe Care of [ye | the]yethe [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [mr | Mr.]mrMr. Smith[pers0499.ocp] or Col John Willims[pers0600.ocp]
[M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Gain Miller[pers0374.ocp]'s. [Sep.r | September]Sep.rSeptember 21st 1768[1768-09-21]
To [ye | the]yethe [Revrd | Rev.]RevrdRev. [Docter | Doctor]DocterDoctor [Eliezard | Eleazar]EliezardEleazar [Whelock | Wheelock]WhelockWheelock[pers0036.ocp] of Lebanon[place0122.ocp], to [ye | the]yethe Care of [Cap | Capt.]CapCapt. [Houſe | House]HouſeHouse[pers0264.ocp] of [andevour | Andover]andevourAndover[place0004.ocp]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0130.ocp Thomas Clark mentioned Clark, Thomas
pers0037.ocp Whitticer Whitaker mentioned Whitaker, Nathaniel
pers0030.ocp occum Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0374.ocp Gain Miller writer Miller, Gain
pers0499.ocp Re vd Rev. m r Mr. Smith mentioned Smith
pers0600.ocp Col John Willims mentioned Willims, John
pers0036.ocp Eliezard Eleazar Whelock Wheelock recipient Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0264.ocp Cap Capt. Houſe House mentioned House, Nathaniel

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0241.ocp White Creek White Creek
place0488.ocp County albany Albany County
place0166.ocp Newyork New York New York
place0207.ocp Sharon Sharon
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon
place0004.ocp andevour Andover Andover

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0098.ocp IndenIndian ſCoolschool Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0098.ocp yethe scoolschool Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0084.ocp PbyPresbytery of In PhleladelphiaPhiladelphia Presbytery of Philadelphia

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1768-09-21 SeptbrSeptember 21. 1768
1768-09-21 Sep.rSeptember 21st 1768

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Revrd Rev.
modernization Wiſhing wishing
modernization yt that
variation hart heart
modernization Deſign design
modernization ye the
variation Inden Indian
modernization ſCool school
variation it,s its
modernization outmoſt outmost
variation Lemits limits
variation oppurtunity opportunity
modernization ſeeing seeing
modernization Revd Rev.
modernization mr Mr.
variation Newyork New York
variation scool school
modernization becauſe because
variation mony money
modernization miſsurs Messrs.
variation Whitticer Whitaker
variation occum Occom
modernization ſubverted subverted
modernization uſe use
variation gon gone
variation oblidg oblige
modernization Rev,d Rev.
modernization Excuſe excuse
modernization heaſt haste
variation Weating waiting
modernization aſking asking
variation famely family
modernization Bleſs bless
variation attemps attempts
modernization Intreſt interest
modernization Chriſt Christ
modernization Deſare desire
variation Pleas please
modernization M.r Mr.
variation Docter Doctor
variation Eliezard Eleazar
variation Whelock Wheelock
variation Cap Capt.
modernization Houſe House
variation andevour Andover

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Informd informed
Pby Presbytery
wt with
Septbr September
Sep.r September

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 41)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 18)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 2)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 114)