Allyn Mather, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1768 January 18

Author Mather, Allyn[pers0361.ocp]

18 January 1768[1768-01-18]

ms number768118.1

[note (type: abstract): Mather writes to Wheelock that he is doing well in his studies and is ready to take a tour among the Indians if Wheelock wishes.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is small, yet very clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Small square sheet is in good condition, with moderate staining and creasing, and large tears near the site of the seal.][note (type: ink): Black][note (type: noteworthy): The trailer is in a different hand and spells the last name as “Marther”.]
Persistent Identifier
[Reverad | Reverend]ReveradReverend [& | and]&and Honoured Sir/
Since my [laſt | last]laſtlast to the Doctor, through a kind [& | and]&and Indulgent providence, I have [enjoied | enjoyed]enjoiedenjoyed a good state of health, better than I have for this long time, I am [intirely | entirely]intirelyentirely free from [thoſe | those]thoſethose [diſcou­ragements | discouragements]diſcou­ragementsdiscouragements which I have laboured under in that [reſpect | respect]reſpectrespect. I am able to follow my studies the little time that is [alloted | allotted]allotedallotted me with a great deal of [eaſe | ease]eaſeease [& | and]&and delight, and find it no [heard | hard]heardhard thing to keep way with my [Claſs | class]Claſsclass. If the Doctor thinks [beſt | best]beſtbest in the Spring, I [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould take a tour among ^[above] the^the Indians in [ordor | order]ordororder to [git | get]gitget [there | their]theretheir [languge | language]langugelanguage, [& | and]&and [acqaintance | acquaintance]acqaintanceacquaintance with [there | their]theretheir [cuſtoms | customs]cuſtomscustoms, it would be a­ [peaſure | pleasure]peaſurepleasure to me embrace the same. which [know­ledg | knowledge]know­ledgknowledge or [acqaintance | acquaintance]acqaintanceacquaintance [parhaps | perhaps]parhapsperhaps the Doctor may Judge will be more for my advantage [& | and]&and the [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign than what I am able to [git | get]gitget while a [Freſhman | freshman]Freſhmanfreshman at College. I [C^[above] l^loſe | close]C^[above] l^loſeclose by [aſking | asking]aſkingasking of the Doctor continuation of the Doctors p^[above] r^rayers for me at the Throne of grace, that I might be fi^[above] l^lled with the love of God, and love to the Souls of Men––
and so be made [Servaſable | serviceable]Servaſableserviceable in my Day [& | and]&and Generation in ^[above] a^a way which will [moſt | most]moſtmost redound to Gods glory. And with humble Duty I [subſcribe | subscribe]subſcribesubscribe [my self | myself]my selfmyself.
Your Dutiful Pupil [& | and]&and [moſt | most]moſtmost obedient humble [Servent | servant]Serventservant Allyn Mather[pers0361.ocp]
[bottom] From Allyn Marther[pers0361.ocp] [Jany | January]JanyJanuary 18th 1768[1768-01-18]
From Allyn Marther[pers0361.ocp] [Jany | January]JanyJanuary 18th 1768[1768-01-18]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0361.ocp Allyn Mather writer Mather, Allyn
pers0361.ocp Allyn Marther writer Mather, Allyn

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0049.ocp Conneticut Connecticut Hall Connecticut-Hall

This document does not contain any tagged organizations.

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1768-01-18 Ja.nJanuary 18. 1768
1768-01-18 JanyJanuary 18th 1768

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
variation Conneticut Connecticut
variation Reverad Reverend
modernization laſt last
variation enjoied enjoyed
variation intirely entirely
modernization thoſe those
modernization diſcou­ragements discouragements
modernization reſpect respect
variation alloted allotted
modernization eaſe ease
variation heard hard
modernization Claſs class
modernization beſt best
modernization ſhould should
variation ordor order
variation git get
variation there their
variation languge language
variation acqaintance acquaintance
modernization cuſtoms customs
variation peaſure pleasure
variation know­ledg knowledge
variation parhaps perhaps
modernization Deſign design
modernization Freſhman freshman
modernization C^[above] l^loſe close
modernization aſking asking
variation Servaſable serviceable
modernization moſt most
modernization subſcribe subscribe
variation my self myself
variation Servent servant

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Ja.n January
& and
Jany January

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 7)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 3)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 6)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 81)