Hezekiah Calvin, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1767 November

Author Calvin, Hezekiah[pers0008.ocp]

November 1767[1767-11]

ms number767640

[note (type: abstract): Calvin writes to Wheelock, asking him for permission to visit Mohegan for Thanksgiving.][note (type: handwriting): Heavily slanted, yet clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Small sheet that is yellowed but in good condition. The left edge (one recto) appears to have been trimmed.][note (type: ink): Light brown.]
Persistent Identifier
Reverend Sir
With humble [Submiſsion | submission]Submiſsionsubmission I would ask this one favour of the Doctor (ie) [wether | whether]wetherwhether I[illegible][guess (ivys): it]it might go to Mohegan[place0143.ocp] to keep Thanksgiving, if it is any ways [consistant | consistent]consistantconsistent with thine affairs, [& | and]&and if it is, I should be glad Sir of thy [approbabtion | approbation]approbabtionapprobation, But I should rather go farther. [becauſe | because]becauſebecause I have received a Letter, in which I was [deſired | desired]deſireddesired to go me down [their | there]theirthere [& | and]&and pay a short [viſit | visit]viſitvisit to them, but I leave all to the Doctor for to Direct in this affair.
Sir  I am thine  unworthy Servant Hezekiah Calvin[pers0008.ocp]
From H. Calvin[pers0008.ocp] [Nov.r | November]Nov.rNovember 1767[1767-11]
To the [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Eleazer | Eleazar]EleazerEleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] D.D. in Lebanon[place0122.ocp]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0008.ocp Hezekiah Calvin writer Calvin, Hezekiah
pers0008.ocp H. Calvin writer Calvin, Hezekiah
pers0036.ocp Eleazer Eleazar Wheelock recipient Wheelock, Eleazar

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon
place0143.ocp Mohegan Mohegan

This document does not contain any tagged organizations.

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1767-11 Nov:November AD 1767
1767-11 Nov.rNovember 1767

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Submiſsion submission
variation wether whether
variation consistant consistent
variation approbabtion approbation
modernization becauſe because
modernization deſired desired
modernization viſit visit
modernization Revd Rev.
modernization Mr Mr.
variation Eleazer Eleazar

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Nov: November
& and
Nov.r November

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 9)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 6)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 0)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 83)