Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1767 September 3

Author Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America[org0095.ocp]

3 September 1767[1767-09-03]

ms number767503.3

[note (type: abstract): The commissioners of the Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America refuse to send Wheelock a copy of the letter he requested because they do not credit his account of Occom’s education. They also admonish Wheelock for luring away one of the Company's interpreters.][note (type: handwriting): Formal handwriting is bold, clear and legible.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages is in fair condition, with moderate staining, creasing and wear that results in a minor loss of text.][note (type: ink): Black.][note (type: signature): The signature is abbreviated.][note (type: noteworthy): The letter is signed by Andrew Oliver on behalf of the Company.]

EventsOccom’s Ordination, Occom leaves his studies

Persistent Identifier
[Rev:d | Rev.]Rev:dRev. Sir
[M:r | Mr.]M:rMr. Oliver[pers0031.ocp] communicated to the Board[org0095.ocp] of [Commiſs:rs | Commissioners]Commiſs:rsCommissioners your letter of the 10 [Aug:t | August]Aug:tAugust[1767-08-10] desiring a Copy of [Our's | ours]Our'sours to [M:r | Mr.]M:rMr. Mauduit[pers0365.ocp], [Gov:r | Governor]Gov:rGovernor of the Company in England[org0095.ocp] of [2:d | 2nd]2:d2nd [Oct:r | October]Oct:rOctober 1765[1765-10-02]. We have no Objection to your having a Copy, but as the Letter was wrote to our [Conſti= =tuents | consti‐tuents]Conſti= =tuentsconsti‐tuents and is now in their hands, we think there is an impropriety in our delivering out a Copy of it. [M:r | Mr.]M:rMr. Oliver[pers0031.ocp] informs us that he read it to you, and both he and [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. Pemberton[pers0415.ocp] (with whom you [convers'd | conversed]convers'dconversed on the Subject) inform Us, that your exceptions to it all relate to mere circumstances; For we apprehend it to be quite [immeterial | immaterial]immeterialimmaterial whether [M:r | Mr.]M:rMr. [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp] was put under your Care at first, by some well disposed persons, or by his Mother[pers0395.ocp] only. Whether he was ordained on Long [Iſland | Island]IſlandIsland[place0129.ocp], or on this side the Sound in Connecticut[place0048.ocp]: Or Whether the [weakneſs | weakness]weakneſsweakness of his Eyes came upon him while actually under your education, or after he came out from it? The main thing, and the only thing of any importance in the Letter is — Whether "he was a Mohawk Indian lately converted from Heathenism, and in a short space of time fitted for the Ministry by [M:r | Mr.]M:rMr. Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]"? We did undertake to inform our Constituents that he was not a Mohawk, but "that he was born at Mohegan[place0143.ocp] an Indian Settlement lying be= =tween New London[place0164.ocp] [& | and]&and [Norwick | Norwich]NorwickNorwich[place0174.ocp], two of the principal Towns in the Colony of Connecticut[org0027.ocp]"; and in this We think we
are not mistaken. We are also [per[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): swa]swaded | persuaded]per[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): swa]swadedpersuaded that his early youth was spent there ([tho' | though]tho'though we said nothing of this in the Letter) and if so, We think it highly improbable that he should have lived in a state of heathenism, while Lecturers and Schoolmasters were then supported among them. And as you say this Mother[pers0395.ocp] brought him to you for Education, this renders it highly probable that she knew something of [Chriſtianity | Christianity]ChriſtianityChristianity herself, and was so far "well dis= =posed" as in some poor manner to have [inform'd | informed]inform'dinformed her son of the Saviours name at least; and that he must therefore be mistaken in giving out, as you say he did, that he had never so much as heard it till he was 17 years of Age. But we shall add no more on this head— We cannot however help taking notice to you of a Fact which has but this day come to our knowledge — [w:ch | which]w:chwhich is this — that after we have been at the [expence | expense]expenceexpense of fitting James Dean[pers0163.ocp] for an Interpreter to the Western Indians, and have now actually employed him as Such in our Service, You should attempt to take him away from us, by promising to take him into your School[org0098.ocp], and to give him a liberal Education. We thought We had before given him an ample allowance; but we cannot now retain him in our Service without greatly augment= ­ing it: So that instead of drawing together with Us in our Schemes for propagating the Gospel, you seem to be rendering it more difficult, at least more expensive
to Us. .. [gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): we wou]we would have been glad to have gone hand in hand with you in this great and important Cause, had you ever shown the least inclination to have [allow'd | allowed]allow'dallowed Us a share in the conduct of it: We shall however rejoice in your [Succeſs | success]Succeſssuccess, without envying you the honour or the Satisfaction of advancing the interests of Christianity more effectually, than they ever have been advanced under our Management.
I write this in the name and by order of the Board of [Commiſsioners | Commissioners]CommiſsionersCommissioners[org0095.ocp] and am
[Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. Sir  Your most [humle | humble]humlehumble [Serv:t | Servant]Serv:tServant [Andw | Andrew]AndwAndrew Oliver[pers0031.ocp]
[Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Whe[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): elock]elock[pers0036.ocp]
[And.w | Andrew]And.wAndrew Oliver[pers0031.ocp], [Esq.r | Esq.]Esq.rEsq. in the Name of [ye | the]yethe Board[org0095.ocp].  [ | September]Sep.trSeptember 3. 1767[1767-09-03] To The [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [M:r | Mr.]M:rMr. [Eleazer | Eleazar]EleazerEleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] at Lebanon[place0122.ocp]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0031.ocp M: r Mr. Oliver mentioned Oliver, Andrew
pers0365.ocp M: r Mr. Mauduit mentioned Mauduit, Jasper
pers0415.ocp M r Mr. Pemberton mentioned Pemberton, Ebenezer Jr.
pers0030.ocp M: r Mr. Occum Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0395.ocp his Mother mentioned Occom, Sarah
pers0036.ocp M: r Mr. Wheelock recipient Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0395.ocp Mother mentioned Occom, Sarah
pers0163.ocp James Dean mentioned Dean, James
pers0031.ocp And w Andrew Oliver mentioned Oliver, Andrew
pers0036.ocp M. r Mr. Whe elock recipient Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0031.ocp And. w Andrew Oliver mentioned Oliver, Andrew
pers0036.ocp M: r Mr. Eleazer Eleazar Wheelock recipient Wheelock, Eleazar

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0013.ocp Boſton Boston Boston
place0129.ocp Long Iſland Island Long Island
place0048.ocp Connecticut Connecticut
place0143.ocp Mohegan Mohegan
place0164.ocp New London New London
place0174.ocp Norwick Norwich Norwich
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0095.ocp Board The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0095.ocp Company in England The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0027.ocp Colony of Connecticut Colony of Connecticut
org0098.ocp your School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0095.ocp the Board of CommiſsionersCommissioners The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America
org0095.ocp yethe Board The Company for Propagation of the Gospel in New England and the parts adjacent in America

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1767-09-03 3:d3rd Sept:rSeptember 1767
1767-08-10 10 Aug:tAugust
1765-10-02 2:d2nd Oct:rOctober 1765
1767-09-03 Sep.trSeptember 3. 1767

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Boſton Boston
modernization 3:d 3rd
modernization Rev:d Rev.
modernization M:r Mr.
variation Our's ours
modernization 2:d 2nd
modernization Conſti= =tuents consti‐tuents
modernization Mr Mr.
variation immeterial immaterial
variation Occum Occom
modernization Iſland Island
modernization weakneſs weakness
variation Norwick Norwich
variation per[gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): swa]swaded persuaded
variation tho' though
modernization Chriſtianity Christianity
variation expence expense
modernization Succeſs success
modernization Commiſsioners Commissioners
modernization Rev.d Rev.
modernization M.r Mr.
modernization Esq.r Esq.
modernization ye the
variation Eleazer Eleazar

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Sept:r September
Commiſs:rs Commissioners
Aug:t August
Gov:r Governor
Oct:r October
convers'd conversed
& and
inform'd informed
w:ch which
allow'd allowed
humle humble
Serv:t Servant
Andw Andrew
And.w Andrew September

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 32)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 26)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 0)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 121)