Samuel Buell, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1765 September 30

Author Buell, Samuel[pers0006.ocp]

30 September 1765[1765-09-30]

ms number765530.3

[note (type: abstract): Buell writes that he has detained Occom at his house as he was on his way to seek a dismission from his service on behalf of the Long Island Presbytery, which Buell opposes. He mentions their recommendation for the proposed fundraising journey to Europe.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is formal and clear.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages is in fair condition, with moderate-to-heavy creasing and staining.][note (type: ink): Brown-black.][note (type: noteworthy): The Dartmouth archive lists the author of this letter incorrectly as "Solomon" Buell.][note (type: signature): The signature is abbreviated.]

EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain

Persistent Identifier
[Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. and dear Brother,
our [Frinend | friend]Frinendfriend and Brother [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp] is now at my [Houſe | house]Houſehouse, and came here with a View to proceed on his Way to the [Preſbyteries | Presbytery's]PreſbyteriesPresbytery's [Comitee | committee]Comiteecommittee[org0085.ocp] [apponted | appointed]appontedappointed to [diſmiſs | dismiss]diſmiſsdismiss and recommend Him;— but I am fully [perſuaded | persuaded]perſuadedpersuaded (for some [Reaſons | reasons]Reaſonsreasons) that he had [beſt | best]beſtbest proceed no farther at [preſent | present]preſentpresent.— Indeed I take the Liberty to think that it will ^[above] not^not be [beſt | best]beſtbest for Him to have a [Diſmiſsion | dismission]Diſmiſsiondismission at all. If He should, or should only have a [Recomendation | recommendation]Recomendationrecommendation, by all means I should think this [beſt | best]beſtbest done, at our stated [Seſsion | session]Seſsionsession, the [laſt | last]laſtlast [Wedneſday | Wednesday]WedneſdayWednesday in [Oct.r | October]Oct.rOctober.— I have a [thouſand | thousand]thouſandthousand Things I want to [converſe | converse]converſeconverse with You upon, and long for a [Perſonal | personal]Perſonalpersonal Interview; but the Lord only know when this will be, or whether ever. — the Lord is yet with us here, and things are comfortable. —
ever Yours in the Lord of Love, [Sal, | Samuel]Sal,Samuel Buell[pers0006.ocp]
[left] From [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Buell[pers0006.ocp] [Sept.r | September]Sept.rSeptember 30. 1765[1765-09-30]
From [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Buell[pers0006.ocp] [Sept.r | September]Sept.rSeptember 30. 1765[1765-09-30].
[note (type: editorial): Blank page.]
To The [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. [Eleazer | Eleazar]EleazerEleazar [Whelock | Wheelock]WhelockWheelock[pers0036.ocp]  V: D: M at  [Lebenon | Lebanon]LebenonLebanon[place0122.ocp] — Favour of [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp] L: P: C
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0030.ocp M. r Mr. Occum Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0006.ocp Sal, Samuel Buell writer Buell, Samuel
pers0006.ocp M. r Mr. Buell writer Buell, Samuel
pers0036.ocp M. r Mr. Eleazer Eleazar Whelock Wheelock recipient Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0030.ocp M r Mr. Occum Occom mentioned Occom, Samson

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0062.ocp Eaſt East - Hamp. t Hampton East Hampton
place0122.ocp Lebenon Lebanon Lebanon

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0085.ocp PreſbyteriesPresbytery's Comiteecommittee Presbytery of Suffolk County

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1765-09-30 SeprSeptember yethe 30 th 1765
1765-09-30 Sept.rSeptember 30. 1765

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization Eaſt East
modernization ye the
modernization Rev.d Rev.
variation Frinend friend
modernization M.r Mr.
variation Occum Occom
modernization Houſe house
modernization Preſbyteries Presbytery's
variation Comitee committee
variation apponted appointed
modernization diſmiſs dismiss
modernization perſuaded persuaded
modernization Reaſons reasons
modernization beſt best
modernization preſent present
modernization Diſmiſsion dismission
variation Recomendation recommendation
modernization Seſsion session
modernization laſt last
modernization Wedneſday Wednesday
modernization thouſand thousand
modernization converſe converse
modernization Perſonal personal
variation Eleazer Eleazar
variation Whelock Wheelock
variation Lebenon Lebanon
modernization Revd Rev.
modernization Mr Mr.

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Hamp.t Hampton
Sepr September
Oct.r October
Sal, Samuel
Sept.r September

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 21)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 8)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 2)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 104)