Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Samuel Savage, 1765 June 12

Author Wheelock, Eleazar[pers0036.ocp]

1765 June 12[1765-06-12]

ms number765362.1

[note (type: abstract): Wheelock writes to thank Savage for his gift of £20, and to tell him about his and Occom's travels to collect donations for the School.][note (type: handwriting): Formal handwriting is not Wheelock's. It is clear and legible. The signature and trailers are in Wheelock's hand.][note (type: paper): Small single sheet is in good condition, with light staining, creasing and wear.][note (type: ink): Brown-black.][note (type: noteworthy): The contents of this letter are similar to those of manuscript 765362.2.]

EventsFundraising Tour of Great Britain

Persistent Identifier
My Dear and [Hon.d | honoured]Hon.dhonoured Sir,
Your kind Donation of £50 £20. Sterling to my School[org0098.ocp] I have Received by [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. John Smith[pers0497.ocp], and I trust God will Remember, and Reward with his [Everlaſting | everlasting]Everlaſtingeverlasting Mercy, this your [kindneſs | kindness]kindneſskindness to the Souls of Men.
I Snatch this Minute [amidſt | amidst]amidſtamidst a Crowd of Care [& | and]&and [Buſineſs | business]Buſineſsbusiness to write you this Line.
I have been riding with the [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Whitaker[pers0037.ocp], and my Indian Son Occom[pers0030.ocp] to Solicit Charities for the Support of two [Miſsionaries | missionaries]Miſsionariesmissionaries, and nine [School-Maſters | schoolmasters]School-Maſtersschoolmasters of my School[org0098.ocp], lately appointed and Authorized by the Board of [Corriſpondants | Correspondents]CorriſpondantsCorrespondents[org0034.ocp] here; and [alſo | also]alſoalso ^[above] of^of [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Kirtland[pers0315.ocp], of whom you have heard among the Senecas[org0088.ocp]. —
The [Harts | hearts]Hartshearts of People are open in many Places — and the [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign in general wears a very Encouraging and [agreable | agreeable]agreableagreeable [Aſpect | aspect]Aſpectaspect.
You may. D.[illegible]V. expect [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] with you, Accompanied by [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Whitaker[pers0037.ocp], or [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Charles [Jeffry | Jeffery]JeffryJeffery Smith[pers0500.ocp], or [ſome | some]ſomesome other [Miniſter | minister]Miniſterminister, appointed by said Board, between this and Winter, or as [ſoon | soon]ſoonsoon as we can[illegible] make them ready, in Order to make this [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign and the Importance of it known to the People of God who have Ability to
Promote and help forward the [ſame | same]ſamesame every Step we have yet taken in the Affair God has [Proſperd | prospered]Proſperdprospered — And I hope you will have an Opportunity by [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Smith[pers0497.ocp] to be more fully Acquainted with the whole Affair. I [hant | haven't]hanthaven't Time to add Excepting that with much Duty and [Eſteem | esteem]Eſteemesteem
 Sir.  Your [moſt | most]moſtmost Obliged and  very humble Servant. Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]
^[left] To [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. [Sam.l | Samuel]Sam.lSamuel Savage[pers0465.ocp]^To [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. [Sam.l | Samuel]Sam.lSamuel Savage[pers0465.ocp] June 12. 1765[1765-06-12]. —
[M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. [Sam.l | Samuel]Sam.lSamuel Savage[pers0465.ocp]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0497.ocp M. r Mr. John Smith mentioned Smith, John
pers0037.ocp M. r Mr. Whitaker mentioned Whitaker, Nathaniel
pers0030.ocp Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0315.ocp Kirtland mentioned Kirkland, Samuel
pers0030.ocp M. r Mr. Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0500.ocp M. r Mr. Charles Jeffry Jeffery Smith mentioned Smith, Charles Jeffery
pers0497.ocp M. r Mr. Smith mentioned Smith, John
pers0036.ocp Eleazar Wheelock writer Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0465.ocp M. r Mr. Sam. l Samuel Savage recipient Savage, Samuel
pers0465.ocp M. r Mr. Sam. l Samuel Savage recipient Savage, Samuel

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0013.ocp Boston Boston

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0098.ocp my School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0034.ocp Board of CorriſpondantsCorrespondents Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0088.ocp Senecas Seneca Nation

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1765-06-12 June 12 1765.
1765-06-12 June 12. 1765

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization M.r Mr.
modernization Everlaſting everlasting
modernization kindneſs kindness
modernization amidſt amidst
modernization Buſineſs business
modernization Rev.d Rev.
modernization Miſsionaries missionaries
modernization School-Maſters schoolmasters
variation Corriſpondants Correspondents
modernization alſo also
variation Harts hearts
modernization Deſign design
variation agreable agreeable
modernization Aſpect aspect
variation Jeffry Jeffery
modernization ſome some
modernization Miniſter minister
modernization ſoon soon
modernization ſame same
variation Proſperd prospered
variation hant haven't
modernization Eſteem esteem
modernization moſt most

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Hon.d honoured
& and
Sam.l Samuel

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 21)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 16)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 2)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 117)