Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to Samuel Huntington, 13 May 1765

Author Wheelock, Eleazar[pers0036.ocp]

13 May 1765[1765-05-13]

ms number765313.3

[note (type: abstract): Wheelock relates the meeting of the board at which Occom and Jewett resolved their differences.][note (type: handwriting): Informal handwriting is crowded and occasionally difficult to decipher.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages is in good condition, with light-to-moderate staining, creasing and wear. A tear at the bottom of the paper indicates that it was separated from a larger sheet.][note (type: ink): Black-brown.][note (type: noteworthy): This document appears to be a draft.]

EventsMason Land Case, Jewett Controversy

Persistent Identifier
Dear Sir,
The [incloſed | enclosed]incloſedenclosed is a Copy of short mi‐nutes of the doings of our Board ^[above] of [Correſpondents | Correspondents]CorreſpondentsCorrespondents ^of [Correſpondents | Correspondents]CorreſpondentsCorrespondents [org0034.ocp] in the [caſe | case]caſecase of [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp]. In which the Board[org0034.ocp] was [unanimouſly | unanimously]unanimouſlyunanimously agreed.
When [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp] laid in the Charge he de‐ ‐clined [purſuing | pursuing]purſuingpursuing it, [leſt | lest]leſtlest it [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould appear like a [perſonal | personal]perſonalpersonal [controverſie | controversy]controverſiecontroversy , he also [ſaid | said]ſaidsaid that there were Evidences in the Case who were not here. Where upon [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] ^[above] removed [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp]s objection [againſt | against]againſtagainst [purſuing | pursuing]purſuingpursuing [y.e | the]y.ethe charges [againſt | against]againſtagainst him both^removed [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp]s objection [againſt | against]againſtagainst [purſuing | pursuing]purſuingpursuing [y.e | the]y.ethe charges [againſt | against]againſtagainst him both [inſiſted | insisted]inſiſtedinsisted that it should be delayed [till | 'til]till'til all the Evidences could be had and [Shewed | showed]Shewedshowed a great [Deſire | desire]Deſiredesire that Everything any^[above] Body^Body had to [alledge | allege]alledgeallege [againſt | against]againſtagainst him [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould be [brougt | brought]brougtbrought to the Light — [ſo | so]ſoso as to leave nothing more to be [ſaid | said]ſaidsaid afterwards — it was ^[above] then^then proposed that [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] should own all that [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp] Supposed any could [ſay | say]ſaysay [againſt | against]againſtagainst him. and or if there Should be any material contradiction which Should [illegible] [Requre | require]Requre require proof we might ^[above] then^then Adjourn. ^[above] Whereupon^Whereupon we proceeded to a hearing and were more than a Day upon it. they agreed in their Accounts of th[illegible]ng without any ^[above] material^material contradiction Which they did not [ſettle | settle]ſettlesettle and [adjuſt | adjust]adjuſtadjust between them. the [Conſequence | consequence]Conſequenceconsequence of which you [ſee | see]ſeesee in the [inclosed | enclosed]inclosedenclosed. After [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp] ^[below] had^had
had agreed to [illegible] to Repair the Injury he had done [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp]'s Character at [Boſton | Boston]BoſtonBoston[place0013.ocp] they Shook hands, renewed their [Friendſhip | friendship]Friendſhipfriendship, [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] told him that as [faſt | fast]faſtfast as he could [conſiſtantly | consistently]conſiſtantlyconsistently [illegible] he Should have proof of the Sincerity of his [ Friend‐‐ſhip | friend‐ship] Friend‐‐ſhipfriend‐ship towards him, but told him that the Indians were at [preſent | present]preſentpresent [againſt | against]againſtagainst him ^[above] ([M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Jewett)[pers0023.ocp]^([M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Jewett)[pers0023.ocp] that if he ^[above] [himſelf | himself]himſelfhimself ^[himſelf | himself]himſelfhimself [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould appear open and full in it at once it would prejudice the Indians [ſo | so]ſoso [againſt | against]againſtagainst ^[above] him^him as to [diſable | disable]diſabledisable him to [ſerve | serve]ſerveserve them in their [moſt | most]moſtmost important concerns and defeat the great [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign of his bringing them back to [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp]s [Miniſtry | ministry]Miniſtryministry , which ^[above] he was sincerely [deſirous | desirous]deſirousdesirous to do^he was sincerely [deſirous | desirous]deſirousdesirous to do the proposal was agreeable and thought to be judicious
It was then moved that the writing between them relative to the Case [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould be all burnt and [ſo | so]ſoso the [Hatchett | Hatchet]HatchettHatchet forever buried — [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp] was [firſt | first]firſtfirst in gathering the Papers [& | and]&and [calld | called]calldcalled [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] to it. They both took hold of them and [Joyntly | jointly]Joyntlyjointly [caſt | cast]caſtcast them into the fire — which they were Exhorted ^[above] Cautioned^Cautioned not to burn the House down. And ^[above] as I [underſtand | understand]underſtandunderstand it, it was only^as I [underſtand | understand]underſtandunderstand it, it was only I hear on [Acco.t | Account]Acco.tAccount of the Settlement which we all hoped would be [laſting | lasting]laſtinglasting that no Record to perpetuate the [illegible] ^[above] memory of the [controverſie | controversy]controverſiecontroversy ^memory of the [controverſie | controversy]controverſiecontroversy has been hitherto made. and I apprehend that after [ M.r | Mr.] M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] had made his Defence [& | and]&and [Submiſsion | submission]Submiſsionsubmission he [ſtand | stand]ſtandstand in as good a light before this Board[org0034.ocp], as ever he did in the world. what [M. r | Mr.]M. rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] has done or how defective [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Jewett[pers0023.ocp] was in giving the [acco.t | account]acco.taccount of him I cant tell, but that the case ^[above] as it was laid before us^as it was laid before us was impartially heard ^[above] and determined^and determined I have no doubt. and am [perſuaded | persuaded]perſuadedpersuaded it will be [ſo | so]ſoso thought of by all impartial Judges. before we could not propose ^[above] no^no any manner of advantage to [ourſelves | ourselves]ourſelvesourselves ^[above] or [y.e | the]y.ethe cause^or [y.e | the]y.ethe cause by favouring him ^[below] in^in
in Any Iniquity When ^[above] as^as [illegible: [guess (h-dawnd): we[illegible] all]we[illegible] all] knew [y.t | that]y.tthat all the [illegible] affairs ^[above] which we judged^which we judged had been [tranſacted | transacted]tranſactedtransacted upon the [illegible] [illegible: [guess (h-dawnd): [Baſe | base]Baſebase][Baſe | base]Baſebase]. I have done every thing in my power ^[above] as I had [opporunity | opportunity]opporunityopportunity ^as I had [opporunity | opportunity]opporunityopportunity to keep [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] back from [medling | meddling]medlingmeddling in [Maſons | Masons]MaſonsMasons Case, and we were all heartily Sorry that he ^[above] wrote [& | and]&and ^wrote [& | and]&and Signed the Indians [ſtory | story]ſtorystory with the Tribe[org0063.ocp] ^[above] which I [ſuppose | suppose]ſupposesuppose is [y.e | the]y.ethe whole he has done in the [caſe | case]caſecase ^which I [ſuppose | suppose]ſupposesuppose is [y.e | the]y.ethe whole he has done in the [caſe | case]caſecase but it cant now be helped but how far ^[above] [& | and]&and if he had not been a [min.r | minister]min.rminister I [ſuppose | suppose]ſupposesuppose none [wo.d | would]wo.dwould [ha' | have]ha'have [diſputed | disputed]diſputeddisputed his right to do it [ſo | so]ſoso long^[& | and]&and if he had not been a [min.r | minister]min.rminister I [ſuppose | suppose]ſupposesuppose none [wo.d | would]wo.dwould [ha' | have]ha'have [diſputed | disputed]diſputeddisputed his right to do it [ſo | so]ſoso long high [Reſentments | resentments]Reſentmentsresentments on this case or any appearance to bear him down by Majoration will serve the [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign or what [y.e | the]y.ethe Effects of it will be at Home belongs to men of Penetration to Judge. as he Supposed he had right and [juſtice | justice]juſticejustice on his Side is — and how far high [Reſentments | resentments]Reſentmentsresentments in the [caſe | case]caſecase, or [any thing | anything]any thinganything that looks like Endeavors to bear him down by Majoration will [ſerve | serve]ſerveserve our [Cauſe | cause]Cauſecause at Home, or what will be their ^[above] [ſentiments | sentiments]ſentimentssentiments ^[ſentiments | sentiments]ſentimentssentiments of [any thing | anything]any thinganything of that Nature, if any [ſhould | should]ſhouldshould be Ill Natured enough to make Such a [Repreſentation | representation]Repreſentationrepresentation of us there, belongs to Gentlemen of Penetration to judge —
If you think [beſt | best]beſtbest let his [Hon.r | Honour]Hon.rHonour the [Gov.r | Governor]Gov.rGovernor[pers0691.ocp] [ſee | see]ſeesee this Freedom of
Yours [Moſt | most]Moſtmost Heartily [Eleaz.r | Eleazar]Eleaz.rEleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp]
PS. [pleaſe | please]pleaſeplease to [ſhew | show]ſhewshow this [Litter | letter]Litterletter and the [incloſed | enclosed]incloſedenclosed to [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Davenport[pers0154.ocp]
[Sam.l | Samuel]Sam.lSamuel Huntington, [Esq.r | Esq.]Esq.rEsq.[pers0022.ocp] now at the [Aſsembly | Assembly]AſsemblyAssembly in Hartford[org0027.ocp]
[Lettr | Letter]LettrLetter to [S. | Samuel]S.Samuel Huntington [Esqr | Esq.]EsqrEsq.[pers0022.ocp] May 13. 1765 Member of [Aſsembly | Assembly]AſsemblyAssembly at Hartford[place0097.ocp]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0030.ocp M. r Mr. Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0023.ocp M. r Mr. Jewett mentioned Jewett, David
pers0023.ocp ( M. r Mr. Jewett) mentioned Jewett, David
pers0030.ocp M. r Mr. Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0030.ocp M. r Mr. Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0691.ocp Hon. r Honour the Gov. r Governor mentioned Fitch, Thomas
pers0036.ocp Eleaz. r Eleazar Wheelock writer Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0154.ocp M. r Mr. Davenport mentioned Davenport
pers0022.ocp Sam. l Samuel Huntington, Esq. r Esq. recipient Huntington, Samuel
pers0022.ocp S. Samuel Huntington Esq r Esq. recipient Huntington, Samuel

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon
place0013.ocp Boſton Boston Boston
place0097.ocp Hartford Hartford

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0034.ocp Board of CorreſpondentsCorrespondents Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0034.ocp Board Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0063.ocp Tribe Mohegan Tribe
org0027.ocp AſsemblyAssembly in Hartford Colony of Connecticut

This document does not contain any tagged dates.

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization incloſed enclosed
modernization Correſpondents Correspondents
modernization caſe case
modernization M.r Mr.
modernization unanimouſly unanimously
modernization purſuing pursuing
modernization leſt lest
modernization ſhould should
modernization perſonal personal
modernization controverſie controversy
modernization ſaid said
modernization againſt against
modernization y.e the
modernization inſiſted insisted
variation till 'til
variation Shewed showed
modernization Deſire desire
variation alledge allege
modernization ſo so
modernization ſay say
modernization ſettle settle
modernization adjuſt adjust
modernization Conſequence consequence
modernization ſee see
variation inclosed enclosed
modernization Boſton Boston
modernization Friendſhip friendship
modernization faſt fast
modernization conſiſtantly consistently
modernization Friend‐‐ſhip friend‐ship
modernization preſent present
modernization himſelf himself
modernization diſable disable
modernization ſerve serve
modernization moſt most
modernization Deſign design
modernization Miniſtry ministry
modernization deſirous desirous
variation Hatchett Hatchet
modernization firſt first
variation calld called
variation Joyntly jointly
modernization caſt cast
modernization underſtand understand
modernization laſting lasting
modernization M.r Mr.
modernization Submiſsion submission
modernization ſtand stand
modernization M. r Mr.
modernization perſuaded persuaded
modernization ourſelves ourselves
modernization y.t that
modernization tranſacted transacted
modernization Baſe base
variation opporunity opportunity
variation medling meddling
modernization Maſons Masons
modernization ſtory story
modernization ſuppose suppose
modernization diſputed disputed
modernization Reſentments resentments
modernization juſtice justice
variation any thing anything
modernization Cauſe cause
modernization ſentiments sentiments
modernization Repreſentation representation
modernization beſt best
modernization Moſt most
modernization pleaſe please
modernization ſhew show
variation Litter letter
modernization Esq.r Esq.
modernization Aſsembly Assembly
modernization Esqr Esq.

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
brougt brought
Requre require
& and
Acco.t Account
acco.t account
min.r minister
wo.d would
ha' have
Hon.r Honour
Gov.r Governor
Eleaz.r Eleazar
Sam.l Samuel
Lettr Letter
S. Samuel

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 41)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 30)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 27)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 116)