Eleazar Wheelock, letter, to John Brainerd, 1765 January 14

Author Wheelock, Eleazar[pers0036.ocp]

14 January 1765[1765-01-14]

ms number765114.3

[note (type: abstract): Wheelock writes to Brainerd about setting up a meeting with the Connecticut Board of Commissioners, and the proposed fundraising trip to England, which is complicated by a renewal of the Mason Land Case.][note (type: handwriting): Handwriting is informal, which somewhat hinders legibility. There are several deletions, additions and abbreviations.][note (type: paper): Large sheet folded in half to make four pages is in fair condition, with moderate staining, creasing and wear.][note (type: ink): Brown-black.][note (type: noteworthy): As is indicated on two verso, this document is a copy. On one recto, there is a note in a different, likely 19th-century, hand that reads “(not [illegible] in life of J. B. n.a.)." There is also a mark in red pencil.][note (type: layout): The first page of the letter is on one recto, but the second page is on two verso, which is in landscape orientation. The trailer is on one verso, the address page is two recto.]

EventsMason Land Case

Persistent Identifier
My very Dear Brother.
I have been writing and Endeavouring to have a meeting of the [Com̅iſsrs | Commissioners]Com̅iſsrsCommissioners[org0034.ocp] above a month, but the Snow is So Deep on the Roads that there is no [poſsibility | possibility]poſsibilitypossibility of it at [preſent | present]preſentpresent, wherefore I have [preferrd | preferred]preferrdpreferred A Memorial to your Board of [Com̅iſsrs | Commissioners]Com̅iſsrsCommissioners[org0069.ocp] in my own Name [deſiring | desiring]deſiringdesiring they would Send you with another Indian [illegible]a begging for this School[org0098.ocp] [& | and]&and the Support of [Miſsionaries | missionaries]Miſsionariesmissionaries next Spring. and I make no Doubt but our Board[org0034.ocp] will approve of what I have done and [chirrfully | cheerfully]chirrfullycheerfully comply. but Supposing the [worſt | worst]worſtworst that they will not [Joyn | join]Joynjoin the [Conſequence | consequence]Conſequenceconsequence will be that your Board[org0069.ocp] will have the lead and Conduct, [& | and]&and Sole Patronage of the affair of Sending [Miſsionaries | missionaries]Miſsionariesmissionaries [& | and]&and [School Maſters | schoolmasters]School Maſtersschoolmasters. but there will be no difficulty the [Commiſsioners | commissioners]Commiſsionerscommissioners here[org0034.ocp] are generally in high Spirits to promote and further the [Deſign | design]Deſigndesign
I think I mentioned to you my [tho'ts | thoughts]tho'tsthoughts of taking one Chamberlain[pers0009.ocp] a valuable youth in his [Laſt | last]Laſtlast Year at Yale College[org0107.ocp] into this School[org0098.ocp], with a view to fit him for a [Miſsionary | missionary]Miſsionarymissionary. he is now come to me with that view, [& | and]&and I believe the [Com̅iſsrs | commissioners]Com̅iſsrscommissioners[org0069.ocp] will think [beſt | best]beſtbest to Send him with [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. ^[above] Titus^Titus Smith[pers0503.ocp] next Spring his Age, [Scholarſhip | scholarship]Scholarſhipscholarship, Prudence, and Piety, I think will invite them to it beyongd any other I now know of [y.t | that]y.tthat may be had. —
I[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): ']'ve heard nothing of My Son[pers0578.ocp] Since he left [N. | New]N.New Haven[place0162.ocp] [Preſid.t | President]Preſid.tPresident Clap[pers0010.ocp] writes me, [yt | that]ytthat. he had concluded to receive him on his return which I am glad of and rather hope all things [Conſidered | considered]Conſideredconsidered that they will not [perſwade | persuade]perſwadepersuade him to tarry at [Naſsau | Nassau]NaſsauNassau Hall.[place0152.ocp] I want to hear what he ha[illegible][guess (h-dawnd): d]d met with at Philadelphia[place0186.ocp]
I was very glad to receive yours from New York[place0308.ocp], and of the Intelligences therein given. I thank you [ſir | sir]ſirsir. The
The Blow which [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Whitefield[pers0038.ocp] gave this School[org0098.ocp] in Sending [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp] back from New York[place0308.ocp] was [beyong | beyond]beyongbeyond any it has received from the [firſt | first]firſtfirst I find our Government[org0027.ocp] are So [inſcenſed | incensed]inſcenſedincensed thereby ^[above] #^# that I fear I [ſhall | shall]ſhallshall find no further Countenance in my Suit for an Incorporation which they [Seemd | seemed]Seemdseemed [juſt | just]juſtjust upon the Point to grant me. and which we [ſhall | shall]ſhallshall find to be of very great Importance If you Should go on the Errand proposed — and which is the very thing which he [inſiſted | insisted]inſiſtedinsisted upon in order to ^[above] his^his [useg | using]usegusing Influence in favour of the School[org0098.ocp] at Home. It will not be [beſt | best]beſtbest that any Mention Should be made of [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp]'s going with you. It is doubtful whether our [Commiſsrs | commissioners]Commiſsrscommissioners[org0034.ocp] will think it prudent to Send him Since there are Such [Jealoſies | jealousies]Jealoſiesjealousies in the Government[org0027.ocp]. and Since [Maſon | Mason]MaſonMason[pers0357.ocp] is gone home to [Sollicit | solicit]Sollicitsolicit the old [Maſon | Mason]MaſonMason Affair as it is [calld | called]calldcalled wherein [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Occom[pers0030.ocp]'s and his [illegible]Tribe[org0063.ocp] are [Plantiff | plaintiff]Plantiffplaintiff [againſt | against]againſtagainst the: Government[org0027.ocp]. —* You See in What Hurry I write, ^[above] in [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): [haſt | haste]haſthaste][haſt | haste]haſthaste^in [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): [haſt | haste]haſthaste][haſt | haste]haſthaste The Lord direct us all to act for the Glory of his great Name and [Fartherance | furtherance]Fartherancefurtherance of the Redeemers [Cauſe | cause]Cauſecause. accept [Arm-fulls | armfuls]Arm-fullsarmfuls of Love from
Your Brother [&c | etc.]&cetc. [&c | etc.]&cetc. [&c | etc.]&cetc. Eleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] Copy. [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [Jn.o | John]Jn.oJohn Brainerd[pers0004.ocp].
[left] # [gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): ie ^[above] by^by]ie ^[above] by^by what was in [Conſequence | consequence]Conſequenceconsequence of it.
# [gap: tear][guess (h-dawnd): ie ^[above] by^by]ie ^[above] by^by what was in [Conſequence | consequence]Conſequenceconsequence of it.
[left] *I [wiſh | wish]wiſhwish you could be here at [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Smith[pers0503.ocp]s ordination next Spring I will [Endeav.r | endeavour]Endeav.rendeavour to let [y.o | you]y.oyou know when it will be—
*I [wiſh | wish]wiſhwish you could be here at [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. Smith[pers0503.ocp]s ordination next Spring I will [Endeav.r | endeavour]Endeav.rendeavour to let [y.o | you]y.oyou know when it will be—
To [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. John Brainerd[pers0004.ocp] [Jany | January]JanyJanuary. 14. 1765.[1765-01-14]
To The [Rev.d | Rev.]Rev.dRev. [M.r | Mr.]M.rMr. John Brainerd[pers0004.ocp] [Miſsionary | Missionary]MiſsionaryMissionary  In  New [Jerſie | Jersey]JerſieJersey[place0163.ocp]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0009.ocp Chamberlain mentioned Chamberlain, Theophilus
pers0503.ocp M. r Mr. Titus Smith mentioned Smith, Titus
pers0578.ocp My Son mentioned Wheelock, Rodulphus
pers0010.ocp Preſid. t President Clap mentioned Clap, Thomas
pers0038.ocp M. r Mr. Whitefield mentioned Whitefield, George
pers0030.ocp M. r Mr. Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0357.ocp Maſon Mason mentioned Mason
pers0036.ocp Eleazar Wheelock writer Wheelock, Eleazar
pers0004.ocp Jn. o John Brainerd recipient Brainerd, John
pers0503.ocp M. r Mr. Smith mentioned Smith, Titus
pers0004.ocp John Brainerd recipient Brainerd, John

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon
place0162.ocp N. New Haven New Haven
place0152.ocp Naſsau Nassau Hall. Nassau Hall
place0186.ocp Philadelphia Philadelphia
place0308.ocp New York New York City
place0163.ocp New Jerſie Jersey New Jersey

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0034.ocp Com̅iſsrsCommissioners Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0069.ocp your Board of Com̅iſsrsCommissioners The New York/New Jersey Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0098.ocp this School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0034.ocp our Board Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0069.ocp your Board The New York/New Jersey Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0034.ocp the Commiſsionerscommissioners here Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0107.ocp Yale College Yale University
org0098.ocp this School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0069.ocp Com̅iſsrscommissioners The New York/New Jersey Board of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0027.ocp our Government Colony of Connecticut
org0098.ocp the School Moor’s Indian Charity School
org0034.ocp our Commiſsrscommissioners Connecticut Board of Correspondents of the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge
org0027.ocp the Government Colony of Connecticut
org0063.ocp Tribe Mohegan Tribe
org0027.ocp Government Colony of Connecticut

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1765-01-14 JanyJanuary. 14. 1765.

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization poſsibility possibility
modernization preſent present
variation preferrd preferred
modernization deſiring desiring
modernization Miſsionaries missionaries
variation chirrfully cheerfully
modernization worſt worst
variation Joyn join
modernization Conſequence consequence
modernization School Maſters schoolmasters
modernization Commiſsioners commissioners
modernization Deſign design
modernization Laſt last
modernization Miſsionary missionary
modernization beſt best
modernization M.r Mr.
modernization Scholarſhip scholarship
modernization y.t that
modernization yt that
modernization Conſidered considered
variation perſwade persuade
modernization Naſsau Nassau
modernization ſir sir
variation beyong beyond
modernization firſt first
variation inſcenſed incensed
modernization ſhall shall
variation Seemd seemed
modernization juſt just
modernization inſiſted insisted
variation Jealoſies jealousies
modernization Maſon Mason
variation Sollicit solicit
variation calld called
variation Plantiff plaintiff
modernization againſt against
variation haſt haste
variation Fartherance furtherance
modernization Cauſe cause
variation Arm-fulls armfuls
modernization &c etc.
modernization Rev.d Rev.
modernization wiſh wish
modernization Miſsionary Missionary
variation Jerſie Jersey

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
Jany January
Com̅iſsrs Commissioners
& and
tho'ts thoughts
Com̅iſsrs commissioners
N. New
Preſid.t President
useg using
Commiſsrs commissioners
Jn.o John
Endeav.r endeavour
y.o you

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 30)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 37)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 7)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 130)