Robert Clelland, letter, to Eleazar Wheelock, 1763 December8

Author Clelland, Robert[pers0011.ocp]

8 December 1763[1763-12-08]

ms number763658

[note (type: abstract): Clelland opines that the Connecticut government will look bad by not supporting the school. He writes that Ashpo is still in debt, and that Occom is looking to lease a farm in Mohegan.][note (type: handwriting): Formal handwriting is tidy and mostly clear and legible. Letter case is occasionally difficult to discern.][note (type: paper): Single large sheet is in good-to-fair condition, with light-to-moderate creasing, staining and wear.][note (type: ink): Brown-black.][note (type: noteworthy): On one recto, there are notes regarding debts owed for various expenditures.]
Persistent Identifier
[Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [& | and]&and Dear Sir
I long to see ^[above] you^you, my heart is often with you, I hope your faith [& | and]&and Courage [conteanues | continues]conteanuescontinues, I pray it may to the last. The providence of the almighty is past our Search, who can by their most narrow Scrutiny find him and his ways out; when you [obtain'd | obtained]obtain'dobtained the Brief I thought God had spared your valuable life to see in a great measure the fruit of your [undefatigable | indefatigable]undefatigableindefatigable labour, But contrary to the expectations of many, this affair has on — many [accotts | accounts]accottsaccounts done you much hurt,:. This [Goverment | government]Govermentgovernment in which [yr | your]yryour School[org0098.ocp] Subsists, and is open to the view and inquiry of every one that will [visitt | visit]visittvisit you, has cast a bad example to — [Neighbouring | neighboring]Neighbouringneighboring [Go^[above] vo^vorments | governments]Go^[above] vo^vormentsgovernments, Tell it not in Gath [&c | etc.]&cetc. That [Conneticute | Connecticut]ConneticuteConnecticut[place0048.ocp] who has been [Bleſsed | blessed]Bleſsedblessed with [wiſe | wise]wiſewise [Judicuious | judicious]Judicuiousjudicious Rulers [& | and]&and is so at this day, should in general make [amock | a mock]amocka mock [& | and]&and [redicule | ridicule]rediculeridicule at parting with [alittle | a little]alittlea little of their worldly Substance to spread the [Gospell | Gospel]GospellGospel among the Heathen. and counteract their prayers, The [excuſe | excuse]excuſeexcuse made in their defence will mitigate [agst | against]agstagainst them, ^[above] )as^)as not relevant I am Glad to hear [yr | your]yryour faith staggers not, God ^[above] )+^)+ be with you
Sarah Wyacks[pers0615.ocp] wants me to keep her child Mally[pers0351.ocp] some time; [till | 'til]till'til she be old enough for you to take, I have — little [houſe | house]houſehouse-room and but 3 beds, and has a Son [& | and]&and white [girle | girl]girlegirl that [uſes | uses]uſesuses / with my wife and I / all of them, I with [diffeculty | difficulty]diffecultydifficulty win: :tered a [Daughr | daughter]Daughrdaughter 2 years [agoe | ago]agoeago, but can't I believe [doe | do]doedo it now
There is near [50ſ | 50s]50ſ50s I [pd | paid]pdpaid and past my word for to forward [Aſpow | Ashpo]AſpowAshpo[pers0002.ocp] on his [miſsion | mission]miſsionmission at [yr | your]yryour request, mr prince[pers0437.ocp] calls on me for money, as he paid the Labourers in goods at my desire and [writen | written]writenwritten order, if you could send it, you would [oblidge | oblige]oblidgeoblige me, [Aſpow | Ashpo]AſpowAshpo[pers0002.ocp] is not come home from hunting, [& | and]&and should he bring any — skins, he owes more than he will soon pay, I wish he were out of Debt — [mr | Mr.]mrMr. [Occum | Occom]OccumOccom[pers0030.ocp] was here last week upon [leaſing | leasing]leaſingleasing a farm in Mohegan[place0143.ocp], he told me they did nothing and that he was [affraid | afraid]affraidafraid they would have a Difference with [yr | their]yrtheir ^[left] their^their [overſeers | overseers]overſeersoverseers, I [adviſed | advised]adviſedadvised him to peace, ߞ my wife joins me in my best wishes to Madam [illegible] [& | and]&and [illegible] [& | and]&and Self and [pleaſant | pleasant]pleaſantpleasant Children, may the [Bleſsing | blessing]Bleſsingblessing of him ^[above] that^that dwelt in the Bush while it [burnt | burned]burntburned [& | and]&and was not consumed rest on you [& | and]&and [yr | your]yryour offspring I am
[Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [& | and]&and [Dr | Dear]DrDear Sir yours without reserve Robert Clelland[pers0011.ocp]
[Dr | Debitors]DrDebitors for [Samll | Samuel]SamllSamuel [Aſpow | Ashpo]AſpowAshpo[pers0002.ocp] to persons following for work done [illegible] To [Samll | Samuel]SamllSamuel Uncas[pers0551.ocp] 9/ To Joseph Shand[pers0963.ocp] [illegible] 18/-£1..7..— To John Uncas[pers0962.ocp] 3/ [& | and]&and [moſes | Moses]moſesMoses [Moſes | Moses]MoſesMoses Mazeen[pers0367.ocp] 7 — —..10..— To Robert [Aſpow | Ashpo]AſpowAshpo[pers0767.ocp] 3/6 ————— — — — ..3 6 To [illegible][guess (h-dawnd): 17 1/2]17 1/2 pound Pork to victual them @ 6- — — — 8.. 9 To freeing his cow from pound when gone ————— — — 8 __________ 2: 9..11 ^[left] Robert Clelland[pers0011.ocp]^Robert Clelland[pers0011.ocp] ^[left] [Dec.r | December]Dec.rDecember [ | 8th]8.th8th 1763[1763-12-08].^[Dec.r | December]Dec.rDecember [ | 8th]8.th8th 1763[1763-12-08].
Toߞ The [Revd | Rev.]RevdRev. [Mr | Mr.]MrMr. [Eleazer | Eleazar]EleazerEleazar Wheelock[pers0036.ocp] Lebanon[place0122.ocp]
Document Summary

People identified in this document:

id Text in document Role in header Authorized Name
pers0615.ocp Sarah Wyacks mentioned Wyacks, Sarah
pers0351.ocp Mally mentioned Malley
pers0002.ocp Aſpow Ashpo mentioned Ashpo, Samuel
pers0437.ocp mr prince mentioned Prince
pers0030.ocp mr Mr. Occum Occom mentioned Occom, Samson
pers0011.ocp Robert Clelland writer Clelland, Robert
pers0002.ocp Sam ll Samuel Aſpow Ashpo mentioned Ashpo, Samuel
pers0551.ocp Sam ll Samuel Uncas mentioned Uncas, Samuel
pers0963.ocp Joseph Shand mentioned Shand, Joseph
pers0962.ocp John Uncas mentioned Uncas, John
pers0367.ocp moſes Moses Moſes Moses Mazeen mentioned Mazeen, Moses
pers0767.ocp Robert Aſpow Ashpo mentioned Ashpo, Robert
pers0036.ocp M r Mr. Eleazer Eleazar Wheelock recipient Wheelock, Eleazar

Places identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
place0164.ocp N New London New London
place0048.ocp Conneticute Connecticut Connecticut
place0143.ocp Mohegan Mohegan
place0122.ocp Lebanon Lebanon

Organizations identified in this document:

id Text in document Authorized Name
org0098.ocp School Moor’s Indian Charity School

Dates identified in this document:

Standard Form Text
1763-12-08 8th8th DecemrDecember 1763
1763-12-08 Dec.rDecember 8.th8th 1763

Regularized text:

Type Original Regularized
modernization 8th 8th
modernization Revd Rev.
variation conteanues continues
variation undefatigable indefatigable
variation accotts accounts
variation Goverment government
variation visitt visit
variation Neighbouring neighboring
modernization Go^[above] vo^vorments governments
modernization &c etc.
modernization Bleſsed blessed
modernization wiſe wise
variation Judicuious judicious
variation amock a mock
variation redicule ridicule
variation alittle a little
variation Gospell Gospel
modernization excuſe excuse
variation till 'til
modernization houſe house
variation girle girl
modernization uſes uses
variation diffeculty difficulty
variation agoe ago
variation doe do
modernization 50ſ 50s
modernization miſsion mission
variation writen written
variation oblidge oblige
modernization mr Mr.
variation Occum Occom
modernization leaſing leasing
variation affraid afraid
modernization overſeers overseers
modernization adviſed advised
modernization pleaſant pleasant
modernization Bleſsing blessing
variation burnt burned
modernization moſes Moses
modernization Moſes Moses
modernization 8th
modernization Mr Mr.
variation Eleazer Eleazar

Expanded abbreviations:

Abbreviation Expansion
N New
Decemr December
& and
obtain'd obtained
yr your
agst against
Daughr daughter
pd paid
yr their
Dr Dear
Dr Debitors
Samll Samuel
Dec.r December

This document's header does not contain any mixed case attribute values.

Summary of errors found in this document:

Number of dates with invalid 'when' attributes: 0
Number of nested "hi" tags: (consider merging the @rend attributes, or using other tags) 0
Number of tags with invalid 'rend' attributes: 0 (out of 16)
Number of people/places/organizations with unknown keys: 0 (out of 20)
Number of "add" tags with unknown 'place' attributes: 0 (out of 8)
Mixed case attribute values in header (potential error): 0 (out of 123)